Army lists

Obi-Wan Kenobi (200)
- Force Push (10)
- Force Barrier (10)
- Vigilance (5)
- Protector (5)
Clone Commander (68)
- Lead By Example (8)
Phase I Clone Troopers (98)
- DC-15 Phase I Trooper (26)
- Clone Medic (20)
Phase I Clone Troopers (98)
- DC-15 Phase I Trooper (26)
- Clone Medic (20)
Phase I Clone Troopers (72)
- Clone Commander (20)
Phase I Clone Troopers (52)
R2-D2 (55)
AT-RT (74)
- AT-RT Laser Cannon (10)
- Emergency Transponder (4)
ARC Troopers Strike Team (69)
- Echo (42)

•Hello There!
•Blast Off!
••Knowledge and Defense
••Air Support
•••General Kenobi
•••Attack of the Clones
••••Standing Orders

Battle Deck
- Intercept the Transmissions
- Key Positions
- Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators
- Hostage Exchange
- Advanced Positions
- Battle Lines
- The Long March
- Roll Out
- Hostile Environment
- Fortified Positions
- Supply Drop
- War Weary,1nsrv00,2gyhqoc00,1gy0od00,1gy0000,1jh0,1mbfesf,1kylh00000,hj,jm,in,nx,hi,ny,Ob,Oc,Of,Og,Da,Db,Dd,Dk,Cb,Cf,Cg,Ch


Béliandir liste
Jyn Erso (98)
- Hunter (6)
- Recon Intel (2)
- A-180 Configuration (0)
Luke Skywalker (172)
- Saber Throw (5)
- Force Reflexes (5)
- Environmental Gear (2)
Rebel Troopers (60)
- Z-6 Trooper (20)
Rebel Troopers (67)
- Z-6 Trooper (20)
- Rebel Trooper (7)
Rebel Troopers (67)
- Z-6 Trooper (20)
- Rebel Trooper (7)
Mandalorian Resistance (121)
- Beskad Duelist (28)
- Hunter (6)
- Long-Range Comlink (5)
- Recon Intel (2)
- Jetpack Rockets (8)
AT-RT (65)
- AT-RT Laser Cannon (10)
T-47 Airspeeder (150)
- Wedge Antilles (5)
- Ax-108 Ground Buzzer (10)
- Long-Range Comlink (5)

••Trust Goes Both Ways
•••Complete the Mission
•Son of Skywalker
•••Return of the Jedi
••My Ally is the Force
••••Standing Orders


Veers Boba
General Veers (80)
- Improvised Orders (5)
Boba Fett (136)
- Offensive Push (4)
- Tenacity (4)
- Emergency Stims (8)
Shoretroopers (98)
- T-21B Trooper (32)
- Shoretrooper (10)
- Offensive Push (4)
Shoretroopers (98)
- T-21B Trooper (32)
- Shoretrooper (10)
- Offensive Push (4)
DF-90 Mortar Trooper (38)
DF-90 Mortar Trooper (38)
74-Z Speeder Bikes (75)
- Long-Range Comlink (5)
74-Z Speeder Bikes (75)
- Long-Range Comlink (5)
Imperial Death Troopers (110)
- DLT-19D Trooper (34)
- Offensive Push (4)
- E-11D Configuration (0)
Scout Troopers Strike Team (48)
- DLT-19x Sniper (28)

•Maximum Firepower
•Whipcord Launcher
••ZX Flame Projector
••Evasive Maneuvers
•••Coordinated Fire
•••Z-6 Jetpack Rocket
••••Standing Orders

Battle Deck
- Breakthrough
- Intercept the Transmissions
- Key Positions
- Recover the Supplies
- Battle Lines
- Disarray
- The Long March
- Major Offensive
- Clear Conditions
- Hostile Environment
- Limited Visibility
- Rapid Reinforcements


- Leia (vigilance + prepared supplies)
- Rebel officer (vigilance + prepared supplies)
- Chewbacca (Tenacity + portable scanner)
- 4 x rebel troopers (MPL-57 + rebel trooper + prepared supplies)
- 1 rebel trooper (fragmentation grenades + rebel trooper + prepared supplies)
- 2 x wookie warriors (battle shield wookie + tenacity + offensive push + prepared supplies)
Total 10 unités 794 points


8 Activations

Capo du Syndicat Pyke 45 + 5 = 50
--Vigilance (5)
Maul 170 + 22 = 192
--Lancer de Sabre (5), Poussé par la Force (10), Vigilance (5), Conscience de la Situation (2)
Hommes de Main du Soleil Noir 48 + 32 = 80
--Homme de Main avec Détonateur Magnétique (14), Vigo du Soleil Noir (18)
2x Fantassins du Syndicat Pyke 40 + 33 = 73 x 2 = 146
--Soldat avec Disrupteur P13-M (24), Fantassin du Syndicat Pyke (9)
2x Super Commandos Mandaloriens 75 + 39 = 114 x 2 = 228
--Super Commando Mandalorien (24), À Bout Portant (5), Super Commando avec Bouclier de Combat (10)
Camion Speeder A-A5 75 + 28 = 103
--Quadrilaser AG-2G (28)

Sorcellerie•, Stratagème•, Agression••, Son Éminence••, Enfin !•••, Discrétion•••, Tenir la Position••••

Lignes de Bataille, Positions Avancées, Offensive Majeure, Véhicules Éclaireurs
Plasticage, Percée, Interception des Transmissions, Positions-Clés
Conditions Favorables, Positions Fortifiées, Épuisés par la Guerre, Champ de Mines



788/800 (11 activations)
- Kalani (100): Aggressive Tactics (15), Comms Relay (5) = 120
- Bossk (105): Offensive Push (4) = 109
- 3× Battle Droids (38): E-5s Trooper (18) = 168
- 3× Battle Droids (38) = 114
Special Forces:
- 2× IG-100 MagnaGuard (72): RPS-6 MagnaGuard (28), Situational Awareness (2) = 204
- Dwarf Spider Droid (55): Attack Protocols (3), Nose-Mounted Ion Blaster (10), Linked Targeting Array (5) = 73

Commands: • Merciless Munitions, • Mechanized Incursion, •• Reptilian Rampage, ••• Do Not Underestimate Our Means, ••• Lying In Wait, •• Orbital Strike, •••• Standing Orders

Objectives :
Key Positions / Intercept the transmissions / Payload / Recover the supplies

Deployment :
The Long March / Major Offensive / Hemmed In / Roll Out

Conditions :
Clear Conditions / Supply Drop / Fortified Positions / Hostile Environment


Anakin Skywalker (179)
- Saber Throw (5)
- Force Push (10)
- Up Close and Personal (5)
- Overwatch (4)
Padme Amidala (100)
- Vigilance (5)
- Seize the Initiative (5)
Phase I Clone Troopers (75)
- Z-6 Phase I Trooper (23)
Phase I Clone Troopers (75)
- Z-6 Phase I Trooper (23)
Phase I Clone Troopers (75)
- Z-6 Phase I Trooper (23)
Pyke Syndicate Capo (50)
- Vigilance (5)
Pyke Syndicate Foot Soldiers (64)
- P13-M Disruptor Soldier (24)
Pyke Syndicate Foot Soldiers (64)
- P13-M Disruptor Soldier (24)
BARC Speeder (55)
BARC Speeder (55)

•This is Where the Fun Begins
•Our Fate is in Your Hands
••You Underestimate My Power
••Aggressive Negotiations
•••Hero of the Clone Wars
••••Standing Orders

Battle Deck
- Hostage Exchange
- Recover the Supplies
- Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators
- Key Positions
- Major Offensive
- Hemmed In
- Advanced Positions
- Battle Lines
- Fortified Positions
- Clear Conditions
- Supply Drop
- Minefield


9 Activations

Capo du Syndicat Pyke 45 + 5 = 50
--Ordres Improvisés (5)
Maul 170 + 34 = 204
--Strangulation de la Force (5), Poussé par la Force (10), Vigilance (5), Ténacité (4), Le Sabre Noir (10)
3x Fantassins du Syndicat Pyke 40 x 3 = 120

2x Hommes de Main du Soleil Noir 48 + 41 = 89 x 2 = 178
--Homme de Main avec Détonateur Magnétique (14), Vigo du Soleil Noir (18), Lunette de Visée (4), Grenades à Fragmentation (5)
2x Camion Speeder A-A5 75 + 44 = 119 x 2 = 238
--Médecin d'un Monde Reculé (12), Tacticien Peu Orthodoxe (16), Conversion Laser Lourd (16)

Sorcellerie•, Duel des Destins•, Son Éminence••, La Menace Fantôme••, Discrétion•••, Enfin !•••, Tenir la Position••••

Véhicules Éclaireurs, Acculés, Positions Avancées, Danger Proche
Récupération de Ravitaillements, Plasticage, Sabotage des Vaporisateurs Hydroponiques, Positions-Clés
Largage de Ravitaillement, Positions Fortifiées, Visibilité Limitée, Conditions Favorables


FWC - MisterZa
797/800 (10 activations)
- Agent Kallus (90): Underworld Connections (5), J-19 Bo-rifle Staff (15) = 110
- Boba Fett (120): Situational Awareness (2), Hunter (6), Emergency Transponder (4), Prepared Supplies (5) = 137
- Bossk (105): Hunter (6), Targeting Scopes (4) = 115
- 2× Shoretroopers (52): T-21B Trooper (32) = 168
- 2× DF-90 Mortar Trooper (38) = 76
Special Forces:
- Royal Guards (69): Electrostaff Guard (21), Protector (5) = 95
- 2× Strike Team (20): DLT-19x Sniper (28) = 96

Commands: • Ambush, • Whipcord Launcher, •• ISB Investigation, •• Reptilian Rampage, ••• Ruthless Tactics, ••• Coordinated Fire, •••• Standing Orders
Contingencies: • Face Me!, ••• Z-6 Jetpack Rocket,,1awlidgsfro0,1axdg0dc,2hgfu0000,2ft0,1bcelpt000,2bbem0000,bl,bz,oj,gg,ok,cc,no,bp,Oc,Om,Ob,Od,Da,Dd,Dk,De,Ca,Cf,Cg,Cb



Super Tactical Droid - Kalani (110)
- Vigilance (5)
- Improvised Orders (5)
B1 Battle Droids (50)
- PK-Series Worker Droid (12)
B1 Battle Droids (50)
- PK-Series Worker Droid (12)
B1 Battle Droids (50)
- PK-Series Worker Droid (12)
B1 Battle Droids (56)
- E-5s B1 Trooper (18)
B1 Battle Droids (56)
- E-5s B1 Trooper (18)
IG-100 MagnaGuard (102)
- RPS-6 MagnaGuard (28)
- Situational Awareness (2)
IG-100 MagnaGuard (102)
- RPS-6 MagnaGuard (28)
- Situational Awareness (2)
IG-100 MagnaGuard (102)
- RPS-6 MagnaGuard (28)
- Situational Awareness (2)
Cad Bane (114)
- Duck and Cover (2)
- Situational Awareness (2)
- Comms Relay (5)

•I'm Your Worst Nightmare
•They Too Will Suffer
••I'm in Control
••Preservation Protocols
•••Roger, Roger!
•••I Make the Rules Now
••••Standing Orders

Battle Deck
- Recover the Supplies
- Intercept the Transmissions
- Payload
- Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators
- Advanced Positions
- Major Offensive
- Hemmed In
- Battle Lines
- Limited Visibility
- Fortified Positions
- Supply Drop
- Rapid Reinforcements


Sabine et han x34
796/800 (9 activations)
- Han Solo (100): Vigilance (5), Up Close and Personal (5) = 110
- Sabine Wren (125): Up Close and Personal (5), Prepared Supplies (5), The Darksaber (15) = 150
- Rebel Troopers = 40
- Rebel Troopers (40): Medical Droid (18) = 58
- Rebel Troopers (40): R5 Astromech Droid (8) = 48
- 2× Tauntaun Riders (95) = 190
- 2× Landspeeder (60): Outer Rim Speeder Jockey (10), Rifle Gunner (1), Mark II Medium Blaster (26), Onboard Comms Channel (3) = 200

Commands: • Sorry About the Mess, • Explosions!, •• Reckless Diversion, •• Turning the Tide, ••• Change of Plans, ••• Assault, •••• Standing Orders


782/800 (9 activations)
- Pyke Syndicate Capo (45): Improvised Orders (5) = 50
- Maul (170): Force Push (10), Force Choke (5), Vigilance (5), Tenacity (4) = 194
- 2× Black Sun Enforcers (48): Scatter Gun Enforcer (28), Black Sun Vigo (18), Targeting Scopes (4), Concussion Grenades (3) = 202
- 3× Pyke Syndicate Foot Soldiers (40) = 120
- A-A5 Speeder Truck (75): Backworld Medic (12), Unorthodox Tactician (16) = 103
- A-A5 Speeder Truck (75): Raiding Party Leader (10), Backworld Medic (12), Unorthodox Tactician (16) = 113

Commands: • Duel of the Fates, • Witch Magick, •• His Eminence, •• The Phantom Menace, ••• Seize What Power We Can, ••• Discretion, •••• Standing Orders
