Army lists

Team: Anvil Dragoon
Player: Yohann "AltF4" Teston - Captain
Factions used: Adepta Sororitas
Command Points: 7CP
Army Points: 2000pts
Default Sacred Rite: The Passion
Pre Game Stratagems: Saint in the Making, Open the Reliquaries

== Adepta Sororitas "Argent Shroud" Patrol Detachment == -0CP - 1182pts

HQ1: Morvenn Vahl, WARLORD (Righteous Rage) [13 PL, 265pts]
HQ2: Celestine and Geminae Superia [10 PL, 200pts]

TR1: 5 Sisters of Battle, Sister Superior w/ Chainsword & Boltgun [3 PL, 55pts]

EL1: 2 Death Cult Assassins [1 PL, 26pts]
EL2: 2 Death Cult Assassins [1 PL, 26pts]

FA1: 5 Dominions, 4 Artificer Crafted Storm Bolters, Sister Superior w/ Chainsword & Boltgun [4 PL, 80pts]
FA2: 5 Dominions, 4 Artificer Crafted Storm Bolters, Sister Superior w/ Chainsword & Boltgun [4 PL, 80pts]

HS1: 5 Retributors, 4 Multi-Melta, 1 Armorium Cherub, Sister Superior w/ Chainsword & Boltgun [6 PL, 145pts]
HS2: 5 Retributors, 4 Multi-Melta, 1 Armorium Cherub, Sister Superior w/ Chainsword & Boltgun [6 PL, 145pts]

AT1: Sororitas Rhino, Storm Bolter [4 PL, 80pts]
AT2: Sororitas Rhino, Storm Bolter [4 PL, 80pts]

== Adepta Sororitas "Bloody Rose" Vanguard Detachment == -3CP - 818pts

NoSlot1 : Repentia Superior [2 PL, 40pts]

HQ3: Canoness, Blessed Blade, Bolt Pistol, Word of the Emperor, FREE RELIC: Mantle of Ophelia, WARLORD TRAIT: Blazing Ire (-1CP) [5 PL, 100pts]

TR2: 5 Sisters of Battle, Sister Superior w/ Chainsword & Boltgun [3 PL, 55pts]

EL3: 5 Celestian Sacresants, Anointed Halberds [3 PL, 70pts]
EL4: 5 Celestian Sacresants, Anointed Halberds [3 PL, 70pts]
EL5: 5 Celestian Sacresants, Anointed Halberds [3 PL, 70pts]
EL6: Dogmata, RELIC: The Sigil Ecclesiasticus (-1CP), HYMNS: War Hymn, Litanu of Enduring Faith, Verse of Holy Piety [4 PL, 65pts]
EL7: 6 Repentia [6 PL, 84pts]
EL8: 6 Repentia [6 PL, 84pts]

FA2: 5 Zephyrims, Zephyrim Pennant [4 PL, 90pts]
FA3: 5 Zephyrims, Zephyrim Pennant [4 PL, 90pts]


Joueur : Aod
Faction : Adeptus Custodes
Total army points : 2000
Total Command points : 12
Pre battle stratagem: Open the Vault (1PC) - ten thousandheroes (1PC) - Captain Commander (1PC)
Remaining command point : 9

DETACHMENT : Bataillon
shield host shadowkeeper
HQ1 : [Warlord] Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike(175), Salvo launcher, Misericordia(3), AURIC AQUILAS, Indomitable Constitution, SUPERIOR CREATION [178]
Open the Vault (0PC) - Captain Commander (1PC)
HQ2 : Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike(175), Salvo launcher, Misericordia(3), EAGLE’S EYE, RADIANT MANTLE [178]
Open the Vault (1PC) - ten thousandheroes (1PC)
Troup1 : 3 Custodian Guard Squad(3*45), 3 Storm Shield(15), 3 Sentinel Blade(6) [156]
Troup2 : 4 Custodian Guard Squad(4*45), 4 Guardian spear[180]
Troup3 : 3 Custodian Guard Squad(3*45), 2 Storm Shield(15), 2 Sentinel Blade(6),1 Guardian spear [149]
Troup4 : 3 Custodian Guard Squad(3*45), 2 Storm Shield(15), 2 Sentinel Blade(6),1 Guardian spear [149]
FA1 : 6 Venatari Custodians(6x55), 6 x kinetic destroyer + tarsus buckler (0) [330]
FA2 : 4 Vertus Praetors(255 + 1*85), 4 Lanceur à Salves [340]
FA3 : 4 Vertus Praetors(255 + 1*85), 4 Lanceur à Salves [340]
Total detachment : 2000


Faction: Necron Total Army Points 2000
Total Command Points 12
Remaining Command Points :8

Pratol Necrons ( 0 PC) “Relentlessly expansionist- Eternal Conqueror”
HQ1 : Chronomancer (80) [80]
HQ2 : Illuminor Szeras(160) [160]Warlord, warlord trait 1 Enduring Will
Troup1 : 20 Nécrons Warriors (130 + 10*13) [260]
Elite1 : Transcendent C’tan : Fractured Personality : Cosmic Tyrant ,Rules: Fractured Personality, Power of the C’Tan ( randomly generated) (270) [270]
FA1 : 9 Canoptek Scarab Swarms (45 + 6*15) [135]
FA2 : 9 Canoptek Scarab Swarms (45 + 6*15) [135]
Total detachment : 1040

Patrol Necrons (- 2 PC) “Relentlessly expansionist- Eternal Conqueror”
HQ3 : Chronomancer (80),, Relic Le Voile des Ténèbres [80]
HQ4 : Chronomancer (80), [80]
Troup2 : 20 Nécrons Warriors (130 + 10*13) [260]
Elite2 : Transcendent C’tan : Fractured Personality : Cosmic Tyrant ,Rules: Fractured Personality, Power of the C’Tan ( randomly generated) (270) [270]
Total detachment : 690

Appui Auxiliaire (- 2PC)
Elite3 : Transcendent C’tan : Fractured Personality : Cosmic Tyrant ,Rules: Fractured Personality, Power of the C’tan ( Sky of Falling Star, Cosmic Fire) (270) [270]
Total detachment : 270


PLAYER : Bowser13
Faction army : Death Guard
Total command point : 12
Pre battle statagem : Elu de la peste (1PC)
Remaining command point : 11

DETACHMENT : Bataillon (OPC)
HQ1 : Essaimeur Répugnant(95), Passeurs, Crâne Pestiféré de Glothila, Miasmes de Pestilence, Présent Pestilentiel, Le Bourdonnement (0PC)[95]
HQ2 : Typhus(165), Vitalité Putrescente, Malédiction du Lépreux [165]
Troup1 : 10 Véroleux(50), Passeurs [50]
Troup2 : 20 Véroleux(50 + 10*5), Passeurs [100]
Troup3 : 20 Véroleux(50 + 10*5), Passeurs [100]
Elite1 : Corrupteur Nidoreux(75), Passeurs, Cuves Puantes (-1PC)[75]
Elite2 : Intendant(70), Passeurs [70]
Elite3 : Metabrutus(115), Multi-fuseur(5), Lance-flammes lourd(10), Passeurs [130]
Elite4 : 4 Terminators du Linceul(150 + 1*50), Passeurs, Deathshroud Champion(0) [200]
Elite5 : 4 Terminators du Linceul(150 + 1*50), Passeurs, Deathshroud Champion(0) [200]
Elite6 : 5 Terminators Rouillarques(200), Fléau de Corruption(5), Passeurs, Blightlord Champion(0) [205]
FA1 : Drone fétide(130), 2 Souffle-peste, Passeurs [130]
FA2 : Drone fétide(130), 2 Souffle-peste, Passeurs [130]
HS1 : Chenillé Crachepeste(165), 2 Canon Entropie(10), Passeurs [175]
HS2 : Chenillé Crachepeste(165), 2 Canon Entropie(10), Passeurs [175]
Total detachment : 2000



Joueur : Ekyeez
Faction : Adeptus Astartes - Raven Guard successor with WHIRLWIND OF RAGE and BORN HEROES
Total points: 1995 pts
Pre battle stratagems : Master of the trifold path -1 pc/ Token of Brotherhood -1pc / chapter heros -1pc
Remaining command point : 9
Battalion detachement
HQ 2 : Captain (85) - "Warlord" - jump pack (25) - storm shield (10) - CHAPTER MASTER (40) - Thunder hammer (20) - [180] - RAVEN GUARD WARLORD TRAITS : MASTER OF AMBUSH and SWIFT AND DEADLY (AURA) -1PC - RELIC : THE RAVEN SKULL OF KORVAAD

TR1 : INCURSOR SQUAD x 5 (105) - Haywire Mine (10) [115]
TR2 : INCURSOR SQUAD x 5(105) - Haywire Mine (10) [115]
TR3 : INTERCESSOR SQUAD x 5 (100) - Bolt rifle [100]

EL2 : AGGRESSOR SQUAD x 6 (240) - Flamestorm gauntlet [240]
EL3 : CENTURION ASSAULT SQUAD x 3 (165) - Flamer - Siege drills [165]

FA3 : LAND SPEEDERS (60) - Multi-melta (10) [70]

S1 : ELIMINATOR SQUAD (75) - Bolt sniper rifle x2 - Instigator bolt carbine (sergent)
S2 : ELIMINATOR SQUAD (75) - Bolt sniper rifle x2 - Instigator bolt carbine (sergent)
S3 : WHIRLWIND (135) - Whirlwind castellan launcher - Hunter-killer missile (5) [130]


+ Player : Sebastien“Ezekart” Porati
+ Factions : Space Marines <White Scars>
+ Command Points: 12-3=9
+ Army points: 2000pts
+ Pre game stratagems: Extra relic x1-Extra warlord trait x2
== DETACHMENT : Vanguard <White Scars> ==
DETACHMENT : Bataillon (White Scars)
HQ1 : [Warlord] Chapelain Primaris(85), Exhortation à la Rage, Cantique de la Haine [Aura], 1- Upgrade Maître de la Sainteté(25), Major- Orateur Avisé, White Scars(0) [110]
HQ2 : Chapelain Primaris à moto(115), Mantra de la Force, Relique supplémentaire, Trait supplémentaire, (Chapelain) Bénédiction de Fureur, Glaive de l'Imperium [115]
Troup1 : 5 Escouade d'assaut Intercessor(95), Sergent Intercessor d'Assaut(0) [95]
Troup2 : 5 Escouade Intercessor(100), 4 Fusil bolter automatique, Intercessor Sergeant(0), Fusil bolter automatique [100]
Troup3 : 5 Escouade d'assaut Intercessor(95), Sergent Intercessor d'Assaut(0) [95]
Elite1 : 4 Escouade Aggressor(120 + 1*40), 4 Gantelet Boltstorm automatique, 2 Lance-grenades Fragstorm(10), Aggresor Sergeant(0), 2 Gantelet Boltstorm automatique, 2 Lance-grenades Fragstorm(10) [180]
Elite2 : 5 Vétérans Bladeguard(105 + 2*35), Bladeguard Veteran Sergent(0) [175]
Elite3 : Dreadnought Redemptor(175), 2 Bolter Storm, Canon Gatling Onslaught(5) [180]
Elite4 : Dreadnought Redemptor(175), 2 Bolter Storm, Canon Gatling Onslaught(5) [180]
Elite5 : Apothicaire Primaris(80), Trait supplémentaire, Rites de Guerre [Aura], White Scars(0), Cimier du Coureur des Plaines [80]
FA1 : 3 Escouade Outrider(150), Sergent Outrider(0) [150]
FA2 : 3 Escouade Outrider(150), Sergent Outrider(0) [150]
FA3 : 3 Escouade Inceptor(120), Sergent Inceptor(0) [120]
HS1 : 3 Escouade Eradicator(135), Sergent Eradicator(0) [135]
HS2 : 3 Escouade Eradicator(135), Sergent Eradicator(0) [135]
Total detachment : 2000



Joueur : K-rasu
Faction : Space Marine - Iron Hands
Total army points : 1997
Total Command Points : 12
Pre battle stratagem : Trait supplémentaire SDG(-1PC), Relic Contemptor Dreadnought X2(-2PC), Trait Dreadnought (Marche des anciens)(-1PC)
Remainning command point : 8

DETACHMENT : Bataillon Iron Hands
HQ1 : Primaris Chaplain on bike(115), Catéchisme du Feu, Récitation de la Concentration, Trait supplémentaire(-1PC), 1- Upgrade Maître de la Sainteté(25), Orateur Avisé, Iron Hands(0), (Primaris) Aegis Ferrum, Protocoles de ciblage [140]
HQ2 : Primaris Techmarine(80), 1- Upgrade Maître de la Forge(20), [100]
Troup1 : 5 Infiltrator Squad(120), Gantelet Helix(10), Infiltrator Sergeant(0) [130]
Troup2 : 5 Infiltrator Squad(120), Gantelet Helix(10), Infiltrator Sergeant(0) [130]
Troup3 : 5 Intercessor Squad(100), 4 Fusil bolter automatique, Intercessor Sergeant(0), Epée tronçonneuse Astartes, Fusil bolter automatique [100]
Elite1 : Dreadnought Redemptor(175), Canon Gatling Onslaught(5), Macro Incinérateur à Plasma, Nacelle lance-roquettes Icarus(5), [185]
Elite2 : Dreadnought Redemptor(175), Canon Gatling Onslaught(5), Nacelle lance-roquettes Icarus(5), [185]
Elite3 : 5 Vanguards Vétérans (95), 4 Griffe Lightning(12), 4 Bouclier Storm(20), 5x Upgrade Réacteur Dorsal(15), Veteran Sergeant(0), Lame relique(10) [152]
Elite4 : Relic Contemptor Dreadnought(140)(-1PC), Lance-missiles Cyclone(25), 2 Twin volkite culverin(10), [175]
Elite5 : Relic Contemptor Dreadnought(140)(-1PC), Lance-missiles Cyclone(25), 2 Twin volkite culverin(10), Trait Dreadnought (Marche des anciens)(-1PC), Logique Implacable [175]
FA1 : 5 Inceptor Squad(200), Sergent Inceptor(0) [200]
HS1 : 3 Eradicator Squad(135), 2 Fusil fuseur lourd(10), Sergent Eradicator(0), Fusil fuseur lourd(5) [150]
Flyer1 : Escorteur Stormtalon(165), 2 Bolter lourd(10), [175]
Total detachment : 1997



Player : Khal06
Army : adeptus mechanics
Army points : 1996
Command points remaning : 12 - 3(détachement éclaireur) -2(Extra relics) -1(Extra trait warlord) = 6 PC
Number of units : 19

DETACHMENT : Bataillon Lucius 0pc
HQ1 : [Warlord] Maréchal Skitarii(45), Eternité du Parangon, Retraite Programmée [45]
HQ2 : Technoprêtre Manipulus(70), Relique supplémentaire (-1 PC), L’Eclat Solaire, Artisan(25) [95]
HQ3 : Technoprêtre Manipulus(70), Relique supplémentaire (-1 PC), Trait supplémentaire (-1 PC), Parure du Technomartyr, Bénédiction Luminescente, Logi(35) [105]
Troup1 : 20 Patrouilleurs Skitarii(40 + 15*8), Datacâble Amélioré(5), Omnispex(5), Vanguard Alpha(0) [170]
Troup2 : 20 Rangers Skitarii(40 + 15*8), Datacâble Amélioré(5), Omnispex(5), Ranger Alpha(0) [170]
Troup3 : 20 Rangers Skitarii(40 + 15*8), Datacâble Amélioré(5), Omnispex(5), Ranger Alpha(0) [170]
Elite1 : 5 Infiltrateurs Sicariens(85), 4 Eclateur à fléchettes, 4 Matraque taser, Infiltrator Princeps(0), Eclateur à fléchettes, Matraque taser [85]
FA1 : 3 Hussards Serberys(48), Serberys Raider Alpha(0) [48]
FA2 : 3 Hussards Serberys(48), Serberys Raider Alpha(0) [48]
HS1 : Onagre des Dunes(115), Autocanon Icarus jumelé, Gatling lance-roquettes, Lance-missiles Daedalus, Fumigènes [115]
Total detachment : 1051

DETACHMENT : Éclaireurs Mars (-3PC)
HQ4 : Maréchal Skitarii(45) [45]
Troup4 : 5 Rangers Skitarii(40), Ranger Alpha(0) [40]
Elite2 : 5 Infiltrateurs Sicariens(85), 4 Eclateur à fléchettes, 4 Matraque taser, Infiltrator Princeps(0), Eclateur à fléchettes, Matraque taser [85]
Elite3 : 5 Infiltrateurs Sicariens(85), 4 Eclateur à fléchettes, 4 Matraque taser, Infiltrator Princeps(0), Eclateur à fléchettes, Matraque taser [85]
FA3 : 2 Ferro-échassiers Ballistarii(65 + 1*65), 2 Canon laser cognis jumelé(20) [150]
FA4 : 2 Ferro-échassiers Ballistarii(65 + 1*65), 2 Canon laser cognis jumelé(20) [150]
FA5 : 2 Ferro-échassiers Ballistarii(65 + 1*65), 2 Canon laser cognis jumelé(20) [150]
HS2 : Onagre des Dunes(115), Laser à Neutrons, Mitrailleuse Cognis(5), Fumigènes [120]
HS3 : Onagre des Dunes(115), Laser à Neutrons, Mitrailleuse Cognis(5), Fumigènes [120]
Total detachment : 945



+Team : Anvil Dragoon Silver
+ PLAYER: Romain "Kielron" Salesse-Lavergne
+ ARMY FACTION : Astra Militarum
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINT : 9 (12 + 2 (Creed Tactical Genius) – 4 (2 Patrols) – 1 (Tank Ace) )
+ TOTAL ARMY POINTS : 2000 pts 104 PL
+ ARMY FACTION USED : Astra Militarum

== Batallion Cadia == [650] - [0 PC]

HQ1 : Knight Commander Pask(200), Executioner Plasma Cannon, 2 Plasma Cannon (Vehicule)(40), Lascannon (Vehicule)(20) [260] 14 PL
HQ2 : [Warlord] Lord Castellan Creed(60), Tactical Genius (+2CP) (No Warlord Trait) [60] 3 PL
Troup1 : 10 Infantry Squad(55), Cadian, Sergeant(0), Chainsword [55] 3 PL
Troup2 : 10 Infantry Squad(55), Cadian, Sergeant(0), Chainsword [55] 3 PL
Troup3 : 10 Infantry Squad(55), Cadian, Sergeant(0), Chainsword [55] 3 PL
Troup4 : 10 Infantry Squad(55), Cadian, Sergeant(0), Chainsword [55] 3 PL
Troup5 : 10 Infantry Squad(55), Cadian, Sergeant(0), Chainsword [55] 3 PL
Troup6 : 10 Infantry Squad(55), Cadian, Sergeant(0), Chainsword [55] 3 PL

== Patrol Custom (Asylus) == [690] - [2 PC]
1) Spotters Details
2) Gunnery Expert

HQ3 : Tank Commander(175), Demolisher Cannon (5), Lascannon (Vehicule)(20), 2 Multi-melta (Véhicule)(50) [250] 12 PL
HQ4 : Tank Commander(175), Demolisher Cannon (5), Lascannon (Vehicule)(20), 2 Multi-melta (Véhicule)(50) [250] 12 PL
Troup7 : 5 Militarum Tempestus Scions(45), Tempestor, Chainsword (0) [45] 3 PL
HS1 : Manticore(145) [145] 8 PL

== Patrol Vostroya == [660] - [2 PC]

HQ5 : Tank Commander(175), Heavy Bolter (Vehicule)(15), Punisher Gatling Cannon(20), 2 Multi-melta (Véhicule)(50), Vostroyan, Kurov's Aquila [260] 12 PL
Troup8 : 10 Infantry Squad(55), Vostroyan, Sergeant(0), Chainsword [55] 3 PL
Troup9 : 10 Infantry Squad(55), Vostroyan, Sergeant(0), Chainsword [55] 3 PL
HS2 : Manticore(145), Vostroyan, Full Payload (Sacrifice Warlord Trait) [145] 8 PL
HS3 : Manticore(145), Tank Ace (-1PC), Vostroyan, Full Payload [145] 8 PL


PLAYER : Lexar
Commandement 9 pc
Points totaux 2000
DETACHMENT : Bataillon Snakebite

HQ1 : Bizarboy(70), Relique supplémentaire (-1 PC), Oss'ments Karbonizés, Psy Sentier d'la guerre Psy Poing de Gork[70]
HQ2 : [Warlord] Boss de Guerre en Méga-armure(115), Relique supplémentaire (-1 PC), L'Armure Kifrakass', Trait Raizon du Pluss Fort [115]
HQ3 : Gros Mek en Méga-armure(85), Champ de force kustom(30), Grot Graisseur(5), Eul' Fling' Kidépot' [120]
Troup1 : 20 Boyz(90 + 10*9), Boss Nob(0), Pince énergetik'(10) [190]
Troup2 : 20 Boyz(90 + 10*9), Boss Nob(0), Pince énergetik'(10) [190]
Troup3 : 20 Boyz Alpagueurs(110 + 10*11), Nob Alpagueur(0) [220]
Troup4 : 20 Boyz Alpagueurs(110 + 10*11), Nob Alpagueur(0) [220]
Elite1 : 15 Kommandos(50 + 10*10), Boss Nob(0), Pince énergetik'(5) [155]
Elite2 : 15 Kommandos(50 + 10*10), Boss Nob(0), Pince énergetik'(5) [155]
Elite3 : 15 Kommandos(50 + 10*10), Boss Nob(0), Pince énergetik'(5) [155]
Elite4 : Médiko(70) [70]
Elite5 : Médiko(70), Grot Infirmier(5) [75]
Elite6 : Nob avec bannière Waaagh!(70) [70]
FA1 : 5 Chokboyz(55), Boss Nob(0), Pince énergetik'(10) [65]
FA2 : 5 Chokboyz(55), Boss Nob(0), Pince énergetik'(10) [65]
FA3 : Nob sur Squig Krazeur(65), Trait Supplémentaire (-1 PC), Méchant kom' un Squiggoth [65]
Total detachment : 2000



+ PLAYER: Antoine “Lulu” Cassier
+ ARMY FACTION : Adeptus mechanicus – Stygies VIII
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINT : 9 (12 – 1(Additionnal Relic) – 2 (Additionnal WT) )
+ TOTAL ARMY POINTS : 2000 pts
+ ARMY FACTION USED : Adeptus mechanicus
== Stygies VIII Battalion Detachment == Adeptus Mechanicus – [2000 pts] 0PC
HQ1 : Tech-priest Manipulus(70) - holy order artisan (25 +1PP) - Warlord (Veiled Hunter) [95] 5PP
HQ2 : Skitarii Marshal (45), Programmed retreat (-1 PC), Exemplar’s Eternity [45] 3PP
HQ3 : Tech-priest Manipulus(70) [70] 4PP

Troup1 : 20 Skitarii Rangers (8*20), skitarii Alpha - battle-Sphere Uplink (-1PC), omnispex (5), enhanced data-tether (5) [170] 8PP
Troup2 : 20 Skitarii Vanguard (8*20), omnispex (5), enhanced data-tether (5) [170] 8PP
Troup3 : 5 Skitarii Rangers (8*5) [40] 2PP

Elite1 : 10 Corpuscarii Electro-Priests(10*15) [150] 6PP
Elite2 : 9 Corpuscarii Electro-Priests(9*15) [135] 6PP
Elite3 : 5 sicarian infiltrators (5*17) [85] 4PP
Elite 4 : 10 sicarian ruststalkers (10*10), sicarian ruststaker princeps - temporica (-1PC), 10 transonic blades [170]8PP

FA1 : 2 Ironstrider Ballistarii( 2*25), 2 Twin cognis lascanon (2*10) [150] 8PP
FA2 : 2 Ironstrider Ballistarii( 2*25), 2 Twin cognis lascanon (2*10) [150] 8PP
FA3 : 5 Serberys sulphurhounds (5*20), 1 phosphor blast carbine (1*10), phosphor blast pistol (1*5), arc maul (1*5) [120] 6PP

FL1 : Archaeopter Fusilave(130) [130] 7PP
FL2 : Archaeopter Fusilave(130) [130] 7PP

Transport1 : Glisseur Skorpius(95) [95] 5PP
Transport2 : Glisseur Skorpius(95) [95] 5PP


+ JOUEUR : Manol Druss
+ POINTS DE COMMANDEMENT : 12 -1 -1 -1 -3 = 6
+ COUT TOTAL : 2000
+ FACTIONS : Grey Knights

== DETACHEMENT Patrouille - Rapiers : Grey Knights (0 PC) ==

QG 1 : Archiviste de Confrérie(105), Hallebarde de Force Némésis, Trait supplémentaire (-1 PC), Rapières, Vortex Funeste, Frappe Symphonique, Flamme purificatrice, Quintessence Psychique [105 pts]
QG 2 : [Seigneur de guerre] Grand Maître en Cuirasse Nemesis(150), Serviteur du Trône(20), Espadon Nemesis(15), Expurgateur Gatling(20), Psycanon Lourd(20), Téléporteur de Cuirassier(10), Trait supplémentaire (-1 PC), Téléporteur, Rapières, Sceau d'Exigence, Amplification empyréenne, Sanctuaire, Frappe Symphonique, Marteau du Juste, Premier dans la Mêlée [235 pts]

Troupes 1 : 5 Escouade d'Incursion(110), 4 Hallebarde de Force Némésis, Rapières, Justicar(0) [110 pts]

Attaque rapide 1 : 5 Escouade Interceptor(120), 4 Hallebarde de Force Némésis, Rapières, Interceptor Justicar(0), Hallebarde de Force Némésis [120 pts]
Attaque rapide 2 : 10 Escouade Interceptor(120 + 5*24), 9 Hallebarde de Force Némésis, Rapières, Interceptor Justicar(0), Hallebarde de Force Némésis [240 pts]

== DETACHEMENT Fer de lance - Swordbearers : Grey Knights (-3 PC) ==

QG 3 : Grand Maître en Cuirasse Nemesis(150), Signe d'Incursion(30), Espadon Nemesis(15), Expurgateur Gatling(20), Psycanon Lourd(20), Téléporteur de Cuirassier(10), Porteurs d'épées, Portail d'infinité, Amplification empyréenne, Aimant Empyréen [245 pts]
QG 4 : Techmarine de Confrérie(80), Prédiction de Disposition(30), Trait supplémentaire (-1 PC), Modelage du Warp, Aimant Empyréen, Enclume du Dogme [110 pts]

Elite 1 : 4 Servitors(30) [30 pts]
Elite 2 : 4 Servitors(30) [30 pts]

Attaque rapide 3 : 10 Escouade Interceptor(120 + 5*24), Porteurs d'épées, Aimant Empyréen, Interceptor Justicar(0), Marteau Tueur de Démons Nemesis(10) [250 pts]

Soutien 1 : Cuirassier Nemesis(120), Espadon Nemesis(15), Expurgateur Gatling(20), Psycanon Lourd(20), Porteurs d'épées, Aimant Empyréen [175 pts]
Soutien 2 : Cuirassier Nemesis(120), Espadon Nemesis(15), Expurgateur Gatling(20), Psycanon Lourd(20), Porteurs d'épées, Aimant Empyréen [175 pts]
Soutien 3 : Cuirassier Nemesis(120), Espadon Nemesis(15), Expurgateur Gatling(20), Psycanon Lourd(20), Porteurs d'épées, Aimant Empyréen [175 pts]


Joueur: Oegardun
Faction: Imperium Adeptus Astartes-Successeurs Ultramarines(Masters Artisans; Whirlwind of Rage)
Total army points: 2000
Total Command points: 12
Pre battle stratagem: Chapter parangon(1pc)-2xHero of the chapter(2pc)
Remaining command point:6

Bataillon(0PC) [2000]
HQ1: Primaris captain (90),Warlord"rites of war",relic:"Seal of Oath",stratagem: chapter parangon" adept of the codex"(-1PC),chapter master (40),relic shield (10),Master-crafted power sword (5),Heavy bolt pistol (0) [145]
HQ2: Primaris archiviste (95),Chef librarian (25),Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter"Psychic Mastery"(-1pc),(Psychic Fortress, Nullzone, Might of Heroes)[120]
HQ3: Primaris techmarine (80),Master of the forge (20), Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter "Storm of Fire"(-1PC) [100]
TR1: 5 Incursors (5x21),disruptive mine (10) [115]
TR2: 5 Incursors (5x21) [105]
TR3: 5 Infiltrators (5x24), helix gauntlet (10) [130]
EL1:Invictor Tactical Warsuit (160) Twin ironhail autocannon (0) [160]
EL2: Redemptor Dreadnought (175), 2x Storm Bolters (0), Macro Plasma Incinerator (0), Onslaught Gatling Cannon (5) [180]
EL3: Redemptor Dreadnought (175), 2x Storm Bolters (0), Icarus Rocket Pod (5), Macro Plasma Incinerator (0), Onslaught Gatling Cannon (5) [185]
EL4: Relic Contemptor Dreadnought (140),2xtwin volkite culverin (2x5),Martial legacy (-1pc) [150]
EL5: Relic Contemptor Dreadnought (140),2xtwin volkite culverin (2x5),Martial legacy (-1pc) [150]
EL6: Relic Contemptor Dreadnought (140),2xtwin volkite culverin (2x5),Martial legacy (-1pc) [150]
FA1: 3 Supressors [100]
FA2: 3 Supressors [100]
DT1: Land speeder storm [55]
DT2: Land speeder storm [55]


Player : Florian La Lumia (Orbeck)
Faction : Death Guard (Army of Renown : Terminus Est assault force)
Total army points : 1998
Total Command points : 12
Pre battle stratagems : 2*Gift of Decay (2*1 CP), 1*Plague Chosen (1*1 CP)
Remaining command points : 9

Battalion: Harbingers (0 CP) [1998]

HQ1: Typhus (165) [Warlord], mastercrafted manreaper, blight grenades. Warlord traits (0 CP): Shamblerot, Harbinger of death. Psychic powers: rotwind, gift of infection, smite. [165]
HQ2: Malignant plaguecaster (95), bolt pistol, corrupted staff, krak and blight grenades. Psychic powers: miasma of pestilence, putrescent vitality, smite. [95]

EL1: Tallyman (70), plasma pistol, krak and blight grenades. Relic: The Tollkeeper (0 CP) [70]
EL2: Plague Surgeon (75), balesword, bolt pistol, krak and blight grenades. Relic: Fugaris helm (- 1 CP). Warlord trait: Arch-contaminator (- 1 CP) [75]
EL3: Foul blightspawn (75), plaguesprayer (w/ deadly pathogen: Viscous Death (10)), death heads grenade, blight and krak grenades. Relic: Revolting stench-vats (-1 CP) [85]
EL4: 10 Blightlord Terminators (10*40), 10* bubotic axe, 8* stormbolter, 2*blight launcher (2*5) [410]
EL5: 10 Blightlord Terminators (10*40), 9*bubotic axe, 7*stormbolter, 2*blight launcher (2*5), 1*flail of corruption (1*5) [415]
EL6: 4 Deathshroud Terminators (4*50), 4*manreaper, 4*plaguespurt gauntlet, 1* additional plaguespurt gauntlet (1*5) [205]

TR1: 5 Plague Marines (5*21), 5* plague knife, 4*bolter, 1*blight launcher(10), krak and blight grenades [115]
TR2: 20 Poxwalkers (20*5) [100]
TR3: 20 Poxwalkers (20*5) [100]
TR4: 18 Poxwalkers (18*5) [90]
TR5: 10 Poxwalkers (10*5) [50]

FA1: 1 Chaos Spawn (1*23), 1*horrible mutations [23]


Team: Anvil Dragoon Vibranium
PLAYER : Poulidor
Faction used : Space Wolves
Command points: 6
Army Point: 2000

DETACHMENT : Battalion / whirlwind of rage - born heroes
HQ1 : Chaplain(80), Power fist(10), Upgrade Master of sanctity (25), [115] the Wulfen stone (-1CP), Aura of Majesty , Wise orator (-1CP)
Litany of hate , Exorthation of rage, Canticle of hate
HQ2 : [warlord] Primaris chaplain on bike(115) [115], Bénédiction of fury , The impérium's sword(-1CP)
Litany of hate, Mantra of strength
Troop1 : 5 Incursor squad (105), haywire mine(10), Incursor Sergeant (0) [115]
Troup2 : 5 Incursor squad (105), haywire mine(10), Incursor Sergeant (0) [115]
Troup3 : 5 Infiltrator squad (120), Infiltrator Sergeant(0) [120]
Elite4 : 3 Bladeguard Vétéran squad (105) neo-volkite pistol (5), Bladeguard Vétéran sergeant(0) [110]
Elite5 : 3 Bladeguard Vétéran squad(105) , Bladeguard Vétéran sergeant(0) [105]
Elite6 : 5 Wolf guard (95), 2 Power fist (2x8), 2 Lightning Claw (2x3), 4 Storm Shield (4x4), Wolf guard Pack Leader(0), Power fist (8), Storm Shield(4),
5 Jump Pack (2x5) [155]
Elite7 : 5 Wolf guard (95), 2 Power fist (2x8), 2 Lightning Claw (2x3), 4 Storm Shield (4x4), Wolf guard Pack Leader(0), Power fist (8), Storm Shield(4),
5 Jump Pack (2x5) [155]
Elite8 : Judiciar(85) [85]
Elite9 : Judiciar(85) [85]
FA3 : Cyberwolves(15) [15]
FA4 : Cyberwolves(15) [15]
FA5 : Cyberwolves(15) [15]
HS1 : 6 Long Fang(90 + 1*18), 5 Multi-melta (5x20), Armorium Cherub (5), Wolf guard Pack Leader(18), Power fist (10), Storm Shield (5),Long Fang pack leader(0), Power fist (10) [256]
Transport1 : Drop pod(70) [70]

Total detachment : 1641

DETACHMENT : Vanguard (-2CP) / whirlwind of rage - born heroes
HQ3 : Librarian in phobos armour (100) [100], Artificer Armour (-1CP),
Instincts awoken, Murderous hurricane
Elite1 : 4 Servitors(30) [30]
Elite2 : 4 Servitors(30) [30]
Elite3 : 2 Company veterans(2x20), Lightning claw(3), Storm shield(4), Company Veterans sergeant (0), Lightning claw(3),Storm shield(4) [54]
FA1 : Land Speeders(60), Multi-melta(10) [70]
FA2 : Land Speeders(60), Multi-melta(10) [70]

Total detachment : 354



PLAYER : QuenthelBaenre
CP: 12 - 3CP Outrider = 9 CP

DETACHMENT : Patrol "Expert Crafter & Hunter of ancients relics"
HQ1 : Farseer Skyrunner(135), Fortune, Doom, Focus Will [135]
HQ2 : [Warlord] Warlock Skyrunner(65), Protect/Jinx, Crushing orb, Seer pf the shifting vector [65]
Troup1 : 5 Rangers(65) [65]
Elite1 : 5 Shadow Spectres(130), Shadow Spectres Exarch(0) [130]
Elite2 : 5 Shadow Spectres(130), Shadow Spectres Exarch(0) [130]
FA1 : 9 Shining Spears(105 + 6*35), Shining Spear Exarch(0), Star Lance(5), withdraw [320]
FA2 : 9 Shining Spears(105 + 6*35), Shining Spear Exarch(0), Star Lance(5), withdraw [320]
Total detachment : 1165

DETACHMENT : Outrider "Expert Crafter & Hunter of ancients relics"
HQ3 : Warlock Skyrunner(65), REL-The Phoenix gem, Quicken/Restrain, Fateful divergence [65]
FA3 : 5 Warp Spiders(90), Warp Spider Exarch(0), Toile Traîtresse [90]
FA4 : 2 Hornet(80 + 1*80), 4 Bright Lance(40) [200]
FA5 : 2 Hornet(80 + 1*80), 4 Bright Lance [200]
HS1 : 2 Support Weapons(2*45), 2 D-Cannon(50) [140]
HS2 : 2 Support Weapons(2*45), 2 D-Cannon(50) [140]
Total detachment : 835



CP restants : 6
Strata début de game : 1 relique supplémentaire + 2 rôle pivot

HQ1 : Shadowseer(115), 1ère Relique supplémentaire (-1CP), Rôle Pivot (-1 PC), Voile d'Illusion, La Pierre d'Ombre, Danse de la Toile, Sentiers Crépusculaires [115]
HQ2 : [Warlord] Troupe Master(65), Pistolet à fusion(5), Rôle Pivot (-1 PC), Morsure des Ténèbres, Le Croc du Crépuscule, Marcheur Céleste [70]

Troup1 : 5 Troupe(70), 5 Pistolet à fusion(25) [95]
Troup2 : 10 Troupe(70 + 5*14), 5 Caresse d'harlequin(30), 5 Etreinte d'harlequin(25) [195]
Troup3 : 5 Troupe(70), 5 Pistolet à fusion(25) [95]
Troup4 : 5 Troupe(70), 5 Pistolet à fusion(25) [95]
Troup5 : 5 Troupe(70), 5 Pistolet à fusion(25) [95]

Transport1 : Starweaver(1*80) [80]
Transport2 : Starweaver(1*80) [80]
Transport3 : Starweaver(1*80) [80]
Transport4 : Starweaver(1*80) [80]
Total detachment : 1080

DETACHMENT : Fer de lance Craftworld
Masterful Shots / Expert Crafters

HQ3 : Autarch Skyrunner(105), Lance laser(5) [110]

FA1 : 5 Warp Spiders(90), Warp Spider Exarch(0), Toile Traîtresse [90]
FA2 : 5 Warp Spiders(90), Warp Spider Exarch(0), Toile Traîtresse [90]

HS1 : 3 Dark Reapers(96), Dark Reaper Exarch(0), Lanceur Tempest(10), Tir à Longue Portée [106]
HS2 : 3 Dark Reapers(96), Dark Reaper Exarch(0), Lanceur Tempest(10), Tir à Longue Portée [106]
HS3 : 3 Dark Reapers(96), Dark Reaper Exarch(0), Lanceur Tempest(10), Tir à Longue Portée [106]
HS4 : 3 Support Weapons(3*45), 3 Tisseur de ténèbres(15) [150]
HS5 : War Walkers(60), 2 Lance ardente(20) [80]
HS6 : War Walkers(60), 2 Lance ardente(20) [80]
Total detachment : 918



Team: Anvil Dragoon Vibranium
Discord ID: RabbitMaster#5769
Player: Adrien « RabbitMaster » Jeanniard
Factions used: Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperial Knights
Command Points: 5
Army Points: 2000
Pre Game Stratagems: 3x Knight of the Iron Cog, Exalted Court, Heirloom of the House

+++ Patrol Detachment == Adeptus Mechanicus (Metallica) == -2CP 900pts +++

HQ1: Tech-Priest Enginseer [3PL, 55pts]
HQ2: Tech-Priest Enginseer [3PL, 55pts]

TR1: 5x Skitarii Vanguards [2PL, 40pts]
TR2: 5x Skitarii Vanguards [2PL, 40pts]

FA1: 5x Serberys Raiders [4PL, 80pts]
FA2: 5x Serberys Raiders [4PL, 80pts]

HS1: Skorpius Disintegrator, Belleros Energy Cannon [8PL, 145pts]
HS2: Skorpius Disintegrator, Belleros Energy Cannon [8PL, 145pts]

FL1: Archaeopter Fusilave, Command Uplink [7PL, 130pts]
FL2: Archaeopter Fusilave, Command Uplink [7PL, 130pts]

+++ Super-Heavy Detachment == Imperial Knights (House Raven) == -5CP 1100pts +++

LoW1: Armiger Warglaive, Meltagun, Knight of the Iron Cog (-1CP) [7PL, 140pts]
LoW2: Questoris Knight Magaera, Hekaton Siege Claw and Twin Rad-cleanser, Warlord (Lord of the Trials), Relic (Armour of Sainted Ion), Knight of the Iron Cog (-1CP) [24PL, 480pts]
LoW3: Questoris Knight Magaera, Hekaton Siege Claw and Twin Rad-cleanser, Exalted Court (Landstrider, -1CP), Heirloom of the House (Spirit of Kolossi, -1CP), Knight of the Iron Cog (-1CP) [24PL, 480pts]


PLAYER : Salysia
FACTION : Adepta Sororitas
Total army point : 1998
Total command point : 12
Pre battle stratagem : Saint in the making -1 CP; Open the reliquaries -1 CP
Remaining command point : 7

Patrol (Adepta Sororitas, Order of the Argent Shroud)
HQ1 : [Warlord] Morvenn Vahl(265), Righteous rage [265]
Troup1 : 5 Battle Sister Squad(55), Sister Superior(0), Chainsword [55]
Troup2 : 5 Battle Sister Squad(55), Sister Superior(0), Chainsword [55]
Elite1 : 2 Death Cult Assassins(26) [26]
Elite2 : 2 Death Cult Assassins(26) [26]
FA1 : 5 Dominion Squad(60), 4 Artificer-crafted Storm Bolter(20), Dominion Superior(0) [80]
FA2 : 5 Dominion Squad(60), 4 Artificer-crafted Storm Bolter(20), Dominion Superior(0) [80]
HS1 : 5 Retributor squad(60), Armorium Cherub(5), 2 Ministorum Heavy flamer(20), 2 Multi-melta(40), Retributor Superior(0) Chainsword [125]
HS2 : 5 Retributor squad(60), Armorium Cherub(5), 2 Ministorum Heavy flamer(20), 2 Multi-melta(40), Retributor Superior(0) Chainsword [125]
Transport1 : Sororitas Rhino(80) [80]
Transport2 : Sororitas Rhino(80) [80]
Total detachment : 997

Vanguard -3 CP (Adepta Sororitas, Order of the Bloody Rose)
HQ1 : 3 Celestine & Geminae Superia(200), Celestine(0), 2x Geminae Superia(0) [200]
HQ2 : Canoness(50), Blessed blade(10), Bolt pistol, Mantle of Ophelia, Blazing Ire, Blessing - Word of the Emperor(40) (Stratagem : Saint in the making -1 CP) [100]
Elite1 : 5 Celestian Sacresants(70), 4 Anointed halberd, Celestian Superior(0), Spear of the faithtful(5) [75]
Elite2 : 5 Celestian Sacresants(70), 4 Anointed halberd, Celestian Superior(0), Spear of the faithtful(5) [75]
Elite3 : 5 Celestian Sacresants(70), 4 Anointed halberd, Celestian Superior(0), Spear of the faithtful(5) [75]
Elite4 : Dogmata(65), Hymn - Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude, Hymn - Litany of Enduring Faith, Additional relic, The Sigil Ecclesiasticus (Stratagem : Open the reliquaries -1 CP) [65]
Elite5 : 8 Sisters Repentia(56 + 4*14) [112]
FA1 : 5 Zephyrim Squad(17x5), Zephyrim Superior(0), Zephyrim Pennant(5) [90]
FA2 : 5 Zephyrim Squad(17x5), Zephyrim Superior(0), Zephyrim Pennant(5) [90]
FA3 : 7 Zephyrim Squad (17x7) Zephyrim Superior(0) [119]
Total detachment : 1001



PLAYER : Skullyfeed

DETACHMENT : Patrouille 2
HQ1 : [Warlord] Drazhar(145), Haine Eternelle [145]
HQ2 : Succube(60), Métadrénaline, Relique supplémentaire, Trait supplémentaire, Culte Céraste de la Discorde, Le Fouet Triptyque, (Supplément) Compétitrice Incisive, Voleuse de Vedette(15) [75]
Troup1 : 10 Cérastes(50 + 5*10), Métadrénaline, Epées fouets(5), Filet barbelé et empaleur(10), Culte Céraste de la Discorde, Hekatrix(0), 10x Maitresse de Sang Hekatrix(2) [135]
FA1 : 10 Hellions(85 + 5*17), Métadrénaline, Culte Céraste de la Discorde, Helliarch(0) [170]
Total detachment : 525

DETACHMENT : Patrouille 1
HQ3 : Archonte(65), Lame dessicante(5), Trait supplémentaire, Kabale du Coeur Noir, La Lame Djin, Stratége Implexe, Génie Fracturé(15) [85]
Troup2 : 5 Guerriers Kabalites(40), Disloqueur(10), Kabale du Coeur Noir, Sybarite(0) [50]
Troup3 : 10 Guerriers Kabalites(40 + 5*8), 2 Disloqueur(20), Lance de Ténèbres(15), Kabale du Coeur Noir, 10x Immaculés Kabalites(2), Sybarite(0) [135]
Elite1 : 5 Incubes(80), Klaivex(0), Demiklaives [80]
Elite2 : 5 Incubes(80), Klaivex(0), Demiklaives [80]
HS1 : Ravageur(140), Kabale du Coeur Noir [140]
HS2 : Ravageur(140), Kabale du Coeur Noir [140]
Transport1 : Saccageur(95), Trophées Macabres(5), Kabale du Coeur Noir [100]
Transport2 : Saccageur(95), Râteliers à Eclateurs(10), Trophées Macabres(5), Kabale du Coeur Noir [110]
Transport3 : Saccageur(95), Kabale du Coeur Noir [95]
Transport4 : Saccageur(95), Kabale du Coeur Noir [95]
Total detachment : 1110

DETACHMENT : Patrouille 3
HQ4 : Succube(60), Métadrénaline, Relique supplémentaire, Culte Céraste du Chagrin Rouge, Voleuse de Vedette(15), Le Fil de la danseuse [75]
Troup4 : 10 Cérastes(50 + 5*10), Métadrénaline, Epées fouets(5), Filet barbelé et empaleur(10), Culte Céraste du Chagrin Rouge, Hekatrix(0), Lance-grenades phantasme(5), 10x Maitresse de Sang Hekatrix(2) [140]
Elite3 : 5 Mandragores(75), Nightfiend(0) [75]
Elite4 : 5 Mandragores(75), Nightfiend(0) [75]
Total detachment : 365



Player: Sven
Factions used: Death Guard
Command Points: 4 CP
Army Points: 1921pts
Reinforcement points : 74pts
Pre Game Stratagems: Plague Chosen, 2x Gifts of Decay, 2x Grandfatherly Influence, 3x Martial Legacy

== Death Guard – « The Inexorable » Battalion Detachment == - 0CP 1926pts

HQ1: Death Guard Daemon Prince [8 PL, 155pts]: Plague Spewer, Malefic Sword, RELIC: Suppurating plate, Rotten constitution, Putrescent Vitality
HQ2 : Malignant Plaguecaster [5 PL, 95pts]: Miasma of Pestilence, Gift of Plague, Ferric Blight (-1CP)

Troop 1: 20 Poxwalkers [5 PL, 100pts]
Troop 2: 20 Poxwalkers [5 PL, 100pts]
Troop 3: 10 Cultists [2 PL, 50pts]: Autogun

Elite 1: Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought [8 PL, 150pts, -1CP]: 2x Twin volkite culverin
Elite 2: Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought [8 PL, 150pts, -1CP]: 2x Twin volkite culverin
Elite 3: Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought [8 PL, 150pts, -1CP]: 2x Twin volkite culverin
Elite 4: 3 Deathshroud Terminators [7 PL, 155pts]: Champion with 2x Plaguespurt gauntlet
Elite 5: 3 Deathshroud Terminators [7 PL, 155pts]: Champion with 2x Plaguespurt gauntlet
Elite 6a: Foul Blightspawn [5 PL, 85pts]: RELIC: Revolting Stench-vats (-1CP), Viscous Death
Elite 6b: Tallyman [4 PL, 70pts]: RELIC: Tollkeeper (-1CP)

FA 1: 3 Chaos Spawn [3 PL, 69pts]: Grandfatherly Influence (-1CP)
FA 2: 3 Chaos Spawn [3 PL, 69pts]: Grandfatherly Influence (-1CP)
FA 3: Chaos Spawn [1 PL, 23pts]

HS1: Plagueburst Crawler [9 PL, 175pts]: 2x Entropy cannon, Heavy slugger
HS2: Plagueburst Crawler [9 PL, 175pts]: 2x Entropy cannon, Heavy slugger


++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (T'au Empire)
Sept Choice: Farsight Enclaves

+ Stratagems +
Emergency Dispensation (1 Relic) [-1CP]
Veteran Cadre (4+ models) [-2CP]

+ HQ +

Commander Farsight [7 PL, 130pts]: Warlord
Commander Shadowsun [8 PL, 135pts]: 2x High-energy fusion blaster

+ Troops +

5 Breacher Team [2 PL, 45pts]: Shas'ui
5 Breacher Team [2 PL, 45pts]: Shas'ui
10 Kroot Carnivores [3 PL, 60pts]

+ Elites +

9 XV8 Crisis Battlesuits [26 PL, 490pts]: Reactive countermeasures, Veteran Cadre
5x : Advanced targeting system, 2x Airbursting fragmentation projector
1x : Advanced targeting system, 2x Airbursting fragmentation projector, XV8-02 Crisis Iridium battlesuit
2x : 3x Airbursting fragmentation projector, XV8-02 Crisis Iridium battlesuit
1x : Shas'vre, Advanced targeting system, 2x Airbursting fragmentation projector
4x MV1 Gun Drone: 8x Pulse carbine

+ Heavy Support +

3 XV88 Broadside Battlesuits [18 PL, 305pts]: Magna rail rifle, 3 Heavy rail rifle, 6x Smart missile system, Drone controller, 2 Velocity tracker, 5x MV7 Marker Drone: 5x Markerlight
3 XV88 Broadside Battlesuits [18 PL, 395pts]: 6x High-yield missile pod, 6x Smart missile system, 3 Advanced targeting system, 5x MV7 Marker Drone: 5x Markerlight
3 XV88 Broadside Battlesuits [18 PL, 395pts]: 6x High-yield missile pod, 6x Smart missile system, 3 Advanced targeting system, 5x MV7 Marker Drone: 5x Markerlight

++ Total: [102 PL, 2,000pts] ++


Team : Anvil Dragoon
Player : Loïc « Vostroyan_Lady » Lauffrond
Factions used : Dukhari
Command Points : 8
Army Points : 1999
Pre Game Stratagems : 2x Prizes from the Dark City(1pc), 2x Tolerated Ambition(1pc)

++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Aeldari – Drukhari) [41 PL, 10CP, 709pts] ++

. Kabal Black Heart

+ HQ +
QG1 : [80pts] : Ancient Evil, Overlord, Splinter Pistol, [Relic sup]The Animus Vitae, Venom Blade
. [Trait sup] Splintered Genius

+ Troops +
TROOP1 : Trueborn [8 PL, 135pts]
. 6x Kabalite Trueborn : 6x Splinter Rifle
. Kabalite Trueborn w/ Heavy Weapon : Dark Lance
. 2x Kabalite Trueborn w/ Special Weapon : Blaster
. Trueborn Sybarite : Splinter Rifle

+ Elites +
ELITE1 : [8 PL, 144pts]
. 8x Incubi : 8x Klaive
. Klaivex : Demiklaives

+ Heavy Support +
HS1 : Ravager [8 PL, 140pts] : 3x Dark Lance

+ Dedicated Transport +
DT1 : Raider [6 PL, 110pts] : Chain-snares, Dark Lance, Kabal, Phantasm Grenade Launcher, Shock Prow
DT2 : Raider [6 PL, 100pts] : Dark Lance, Kabal, Phantasm Grenade Launcher

++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Aeldari – Drukhari) [39 PL, 720pts] ++

Obsession : The Dark Creed : Distillers of Fear

+ HQ +
HQ2 : Drazhar [8 PL, 145pts]

+ Troops +
TROOP2 : Wracks [6 PL, 110pts]
. Acothyst : Liquifier Gun, Wrack Blade
. 2x Wrack w/ Special Weapon : Liquifier Gun
. 7x Wracks : 7x Wrack Blade
TROOP3 : Wracks [3 PL, 40pts]
. Acothyst : Wrack Blade
. 4x Wracks : 4x Wrack Blade
TROOP4 : Wracks [3 PL, 40pts]
. Acothyst : Wrack Blade
. 4x Wracks : 4x Wrack Blade

+ Elites +
ELITE2 : Grotesques [12 PL, 225pts]
. 5x Grotesque w/ Liquifier Gun : Liquifier Gun
ELITE3 : Mandrakes [3 PL, 75pts]
. 4x Mandrake : 4x Baleblast, 4x Glimmersteel Blade
. Nightfiend

+ Heavy Support +
HS2 : Cronos [4 PL, 85pts]
. Cronos : Spirit Probe, Spirit Vortex

++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Aeldari – Drukhari) [32 PL, -2CP, 570pts] ++

Obsession : Cult of Strife : The Spectacle of Murder

+ HQ +
HQ3 : Succubus [3 PL, -1CP, 60pts] : *Random x 2* (Combat Drug), [Relic sup]Dark Lotus Toxin, [Trait sup]Precision Blows, Razorflails
HQ4 : Succubus [4 PL, 75pts] : 1 – Adrenalight (Combat Drug), [TRAIT]Competitive Edge, [Relic free]The Triptych Whip, [WARLORD]
. Agoniser & Archite Glaive
. Show Stealer (Strife) : Show Stealer

+ Troops +
TROOP5 : Wyches [6 PL, 90pts] : 2 – Grave Lotus (Combat Drug)
. Hekatrix : Hekatarii Blade, Splinter Pistol
. 8x Wych : 8x Hekatarii Blade, 8x Plasma Grenades, 8x Splinter Pistol
TROOP6 : Wyches [6 PL, 90pts] : *Random x 2* (Combat Drug)
. Hekatrix : Hekatarii Blade, Splinter Pistol
. 8x Wych : 8x Hekatarii Blade, 8x Plasma Grenades, 8x Splinter Pistol
TROOP7 : Wyches [6 PL, 80pts] : *Random x 2* (Combat Drug)
. Hekatrix : Hekatarii Blade, Splinter Pistol
. 7x Wych : 7x Hekatarii Blade, 7x Plasma Grenades, 7x Splinter Pistol

+ Fast Attack +

FA1 : Hellions [7 PL, 175pts] : *Random x 2* (Combat Drug)
. Helliarch
. . Stunclaw and Splinter Pistol
. 9x Hellion : 9x Hellglaive, 9x Splinter Pods

++ Total : [112 PL, 8CP, 1,999pts] ++


PLAYER : _xl_

++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Deathwatch) [116 PL, 1999pts, 6CP] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Chapter Selection: Deathwatch

Detachment Command Cost

+ Stratagems +

Relics of the Chapter [-2CP]: 2x Number of Extra Relics

+ HQ +

Lieutenants [4 PL, 75pts]
. Lieutenant in Reiver Armour: Vhorkan-Pattern Auspicator

Primaris Captain [5 PL, 105pts, -1CP]: 3. Nowhere to Hide (Aura), Dominus Aegis, Rites of War, Stratagem: A Vigil Unmatched, Warlord
. Heavy bolt pistol, Master-crafted power sword and Relic shield: Master-crafted power sword, Relic Shield

Primaris Techmarine [5 PL, 100pts, -1CP]: Chapter Command: Master of the Forge, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter, The Tome of Ectoclades
. 2. Paragon of their Chapter: Dark Angels: Brilliant Strategist

+ Troops +

Incursor Squad [5 PL, 105pts]
. 4x Incursor: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Occulus bolt carbine, 4x Paired combat blades
. Incursor Sergeant

Proteus Kill Team [18 PL, 254pts]:
. Deathwatch Veteran: Deathwatch Shotgun
. Deathwatch Veteran: Deathwatch Shotgun
. Deathwatch Veteran: Deathwatch Shotgun
. Deathwatch Veteran: Deathwatch Shotgun
. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield, Jump Packs
. Veteran Biker: Astartes Chainsword
. Veteran Biker: Astartes Chainsword
. Veteran Biker: Astartes Chainsword
. Veteran Biker: Astartes Chainsword
. Watch Sergeant: Combat shield, Deathwatch Shotgun

Proteus Kill Team [18 PL, 254pts]:
. Deathwatch Veteran: Deathwatch Shotgun
. Deathwatch Veteran: Deathwatch Shotgun
. Deathwatch Veteran: Deathwatch Shotgun
. Deathwatch Veteran: Deathwatch Shotgun
. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield, Jump Packs
. Veteran Biker: Astartes Chainsword
. Veteran Biker: Astartes Chainsword
. Veteran Biker: Astartes Chainsword
. Veteran Biker: Astartes Chainsword
. Watch Sergeant: Combat shield, Deathwatch Shotgun

Proteus Kill Team [18 PL, 251pts]:
. Deathwatch Veteran: Deathwatch Shotgun
. Deathwatch Veteran: Deathwatch Shotgun
. Deathwatch Veteran: Deathwatch Shotgun
. Deathwatch Veteran: Deathwatch Shotgun
. Vanguard Veteran: Chainsword, Storm shield, Jump Packs
. Veteran Biker: Astartes Chainsword
. Veteran Biker: Astartes Chainsword
. Veteran Biker: Astartes Chainsword
. Veteran Biker: Astartes Chainsword
. Watch Sergeant: Combat shield, Deathwatch Shotgun

+ Elites +

Redemptor Dreadnought [9 PL, 185pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Icarus Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon

Redemptor Dreadnought [9 PL, 185pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Icarus Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon

Redemptor Dreadnought [9 PL, 185pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Icarus Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon

Relic Contemptor Dreadnought [8 PL, 150pts, -1CP]: 2x Twin volkite culverin

Relic Contemptor Dreadnought [8 PL, 150pts, -1CP]: 2x Twin volkite culverin

++ Total: [116 PL, 6CP, 1999pts] ++