Army lists

shielde host 6.0 (2000 points)

Adeptus Custodes
Strike Force (2000 points)
Shield Host


Custodian Guard (180 points)
• 4x Custodian Guard
• 3x Guardian spear
1x Misericordia
1x Praesidium Shield
1x Vexilla

Custodian Guard (180 points)
• 4x Custodian Guard
• 3x Guardian spear
1x Misericordia
1x Praesidium Shield
1x Vexilla

Custodian Guard (180 points)
• 4x Custodian Guard
• 3x Guardian spear
1x Misericordia
1x Praesidium Shield
1x Vexilla

Custodian Guard (180 points)
• 4x Custodian Guard
• 4x Guardian spear

Custodian Guard (180 points)
• 4x Custodian Guard
• 4x Guardian spear

Custodian Guard (180 points)
• 4x Custodian Guard
• 4x Guardian spear


Custodian Guard with Adrasite and Pyrithite Spears (250 points)
• 5x Custodian Guard with Adrasite and Pyrithite Spears
• 5x Pyrithite spear

Prosecutors (40 points)
• 1x Prosecutor Sister Superior
• 1x Boltgun
1x Close combat weapon
• 3x Prosecutor
• 3x Boltgun
3x Close combat weapon

Prosecutors (40 points)
• 1x Prosecutor Sister Superior
• 1x Boltgun
1x Close combat weapon
• 3x Prosecutor
• 3x Boltgun
3x Close combat weapon

Venatari Custodians (165 points)
• 3x Venatari Custodian
• 3x Venatari lance

Venatari Custodians (165 points)
• 3x Venatari Custodian
• 3x Venatari lance

Venatari Custodians (165 points)
• 3x Venatari Custodian
• 3x Venatari lance


Inquisitor Draxus (95 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Dirgesinger
1x Power fist
1x Psychic Tempest

Exported with App Version: v1.18.0 (46), Data Version: v464


Anubis80 : [Tyranids] Alien War
Détachement Tyranides - Flotte d'Invasion
Début du 1er round, choisir l'une des Hyper-adaptations suivantes pour la bataille :
- Touches Soutenues 1 contre Infanterie et Nuées
- Touches Fatales contre Monstre et Véhicule
- Touche Critique = Précision
Héros épiques
[Seigneur de Guerre] Le Maître des Essaims
8 10 2+/4++ 10 7+ 3
Portée A C/T F PA D Capacités
Impulsion Synaptique 18 D6+3 N/A 5 -1 2 Psychique, Torrent
Sabres d'os Mêlée 8 2+ 9 -2 3 Jumelé
La Mort Subite
8 6 3+/4++ 7 7+ 1
Portée A C/T F PA D Capacités
Serres et griffes de Lictor Mêlée 6 2+ 7 -2 2 Précision
6 8 4+/4++ 9 7+ 3
Portée A C/T F PA D Capacités
Hurlement psychique 18 2D6 N/A 5 -1 2 Ignore Couvert, Psychique, Torrent
Griffes et fouets de Neurotyran Mêlée 6 3+ 5 0 1
Optimisations : [Flotte d'Invasion] Ruse Extraterrestre
Gargouilles (10)
12 3 6+ 1 8+ 2
Portée A C/T F PA D Capacités
Ecorcheur 18 1 4+ 5 0 1 Assaut
Venin aveuglant Mêlée 1 4+ 3 0 1
Equipement : Ecorcheur (10), Venin aveuglant (10)
Gargouilles (10)
12 3 6+ 1 8+ 2
Portée A C/T F PA D Capacités
Ecorcheur 18 1 4+ 5 0 1 Assaut
Venin aveuglant Mêlée 1 4+ 3 0 1
Equipement : Ecorcheur (10), Venin aveuglant (10)
Gargouilles (10)
12 3 6+ 1 8+ 2
Portée A C/T F PA D Capacités
Ecorcheur 18 1 4+ 5 0 1 Assaut
Venin aveuglant Mêlée 1 4+ 3 0 1
Equipement : Ecorcheur (10), Venin aveuglant (10)
Zoanthropes (3)
5 5 5+/4++ 3 7+ 1
Portée A C/T F PA D Capacités
Décharge Warp - Feu sorcier 24 D3 3+ 7 -2 D3 Déflagration, Psychique
Décharge Warp - Feu sorcier focalisé 24 1 3+ 12 -3 D6+1 Touches Fatales, Psychique
Griffes et dents de xéno Mêlée 2 5+ 3 0 1
Emissaire Norne
10 11 2+/4++ 16 7+ 5
Portée A C/T F PA D Capacités
Vrille Psychique - Neuroparasite 18 2 2+ 8 -2 D3 Précision, Psychique
Vrille Psychique - Neurodécharge 18 2D6 2+ 6 -2 1 Déflagration, Psychique
Vrille Psychique - Neurorayon 18 2 2+ 12 -3 D6 Fusion 2, Psychique
Griffes tranchantes monstrueuses Mêlée 6 2+ 9 -2 3
Serres perforantes monstrueuses Mêlée 4 2+ 7 -2 2 Attaques Bonus
Emissaire Norne
10 11 2+/4++ 16 7+ 5
Portée A C/T F PA D Capacités
Vrille Psychique - Neuroparasite 18 2 2+ 8 -2 D3 Précision, Psychique
Vrille Psychique - Neurodécharge 18 2D6 2+ 6 -2 1 Déflagration, Psychique
Vrille Psychique - Neurorayon 18 2 2+ 12 -3 D6 Fusion 2, Psychique
Griffes tranchantes monstrueuses Mêlée 6 2+ 9 -2 3
Serres perforantes monstrueuses Mêlée 4 2+ 7 -2 2 Attaques Bonus
8 10 3+ 14 8+ 4
Portée A C/T F PA D Capacités
Canon bioplasmique 36 D6+3 3+ 9 -3 3 Déflagration, Lourd
Membres puissants Mêlée 3 3+ 7 0 2
8 10 3+ 14 8+ 4
Portée A C/T F PA D Capacités
Canon bioplasmique 36 D6+3 3+ 9 -3 3 Déflagration, Lourd
Membres puissants Mêlée 3 3+ 7 0 2
8 11 3+/4++ 14 7+ 4
Portée A C/T F PA D Capacités
Surcharge Psychique 18 D6+3 3+ 10 -2 3 Déflagration, Psychique
Griffes tranchantes lourdes - Frappe Mêlée 3 3+ 9 -2 D6+1
Griffes tranchantes lourdes - Balayage Mêlée 6 3+ 7 -1 2
8 11 3+/4++ 14 7+ 4
Portée A C/T F PA D Capacités
Surcharge Psychique 18 D6+3 3+ 10 -2 3 Déflagration, Psychique
Griffes tranchantes lourdes - Frappe Mêlée 3 3+ 9 -2 D6+1
Griffes tranchantes lourdes - Balayage Mêlée 6 3+ 7 -1 2
1970 points - 42 figurines - 13 unités - 0 PC


Nom du joueur : Ay0r
Nom de l'équipe :
Factions utilisées : Agents of the Imperium, Adeptus Custodes
Points d'armée : 2000
Améliorations d'armée :
Règle de détachement : Adeptus Custodes - Ost-Rempart

== DETACHEMENT Adeptus Custodes - Ost-Rempart :
Au début de chaque round, vous pouvez choisir d'avoir l'un des bonus suivants durant tout ce round pour les unités Adeptus Custodes avec Ka'tah Martial :
- Touches Critiques sur 5+ en mêlée
- Bonus de 1 à la PA en mêlée.Agents of the Imperium, Adeptus Custodes [2000pts] ==

Héros épiques 1 : Assassin Callidus [100pts] Neuro-lacérateur (0), Épée de phase et lames empoisonnées (0)

Personnages 1 : Champion des Lames [110pts] [Seigneur de guerre] Epées du trésor (0)
Personnages 2 : Champion des Lames [110pts] Epées du trésor (0)

Ligne 1 : 5 Gardes Custodiens [225pts] 4 Lance de gardien (0), Misericordia (0), Bouclier Praesidium (0), Vexilla (0)

Infanterie 1 : 3 Venatari Custodians [165pts] 3 Venatari lance (0)
Infanterie 2 : 3 Venatari Custodians [165pts] 3 Venatari lance (0)
Infanterie 3 : 3 Venatari Custodians [165pts] 3 Venatari lance (0)
Infanterie 4 : 4 Prosecutors [40pts] 4 Bolter (0), 4 Arme de corps à corps (0)
Infanterie 5 : 4 Prosecutors [40pts] 4 Bolter (0), 4 Arme de corps à corps (0)
Infanterie 6 : 4 Répurgatrices [50pts] 4 Lance-flammes de répurgatrice (0), Arme de corps à corps (0)
Infanterie 7 : 4 Veilleurs Custodiens [200pts] 4 Lance de gardien (0), Vexilla (0)
Infanterie 8 : 4 Veilleurs Custodiens [200pts] 4 Lance de gardien (0), Vexilla (0)

Véhicules 1 : Caladius Grav-tank [215pts] Twin Lastrum bolt cannon (0), Twin Arachnus Heavy Blaze Cannon (0), Coque blindée (0)
Véhicules 2 : Caladius Grav-tank [215pts] Twin Lastrum bolt cannon (0), Twin Arachnus Heavy Blaze Cannon (0), Coque blindée (0)



Strike Force (2000 points)
Skysplinter Assault


Archon (95 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Blast pistol
1x Huskblade
• Enhancement: Nightmare Shroud

Drazhar (75 points)
• 1x The Executioner’s demiklaives

Lelith Hesperax (85 points)
• 1x Lelith’s blades


Wyches (90 points)
• 1x Hekatrix
• 1x Blast pistol
1x Hekatarii blade
1x Phantasm grenade launcher
• 9x Wych
• 9x Hekatarii blade
9x Splinter pistol


Raider (80 points)
• 1x Bladevanes
1x Dark lance

Venom (70 points)
• 1x Bladevanes
2x Splinter cannon

Venom (70 points)
• 1x Bladevanes
2x Splinter cannon

Venom (70 points)
• 1x Bladevanes
2x Splinter cannon


Cronos (50 points)
• 1x Spirit syphon
1x Spirit vortex
1x Spirit-leech tentacles

Cronos (50 points)
• 1x Spirit syphon
1x Spirit vortex
1x Spirit-leech tentacles

Incubi (150 points)
• 9x Incubi
• 9x Klaive
• 1x Klaivex
• 1x Demiklaives

Incubi (75 points)
• 4x Incubi
• 4x Klaive
• 1x Klaivex
• 1x Demiklaives

Mandrakes (65 points)
• 1x Nightfiend
• 1x Baleblast
1x Glimmersteel blade
• 4x Mandrake
• 4x Baleblast
4x Glimmersteel blade

Mandrakes (65 points)
• 1x Nightfiend
• 1x Baleblast
1x Glimmersteel blade
• 4x Mandrake
• 4x Baleblast
4x Glimmersteel blade

Reavers (60 points)
• 1x Arena Champion
• 1x Agoniser
1x Bladevanes
1x Grav-talon
1x Heat lance
1x Splinter pistol
• 2x Reaver
• 2x Bladevanes
2x Splinter pistol
2x Splinter rifle

Reavers (60 points)
• 1x Arena Champion
• 1x Agoniser
1x Bladevanes
1x Grav-talon
1x Heat lance
1x Splinter pistol
• 2x Reaver
• 2x Bladevanes
2x Splinter pistol
2x Splinter rifle

Scourges (120 points)
• 1x Solarite
• 1x Blast pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Solarite weapon
• 4x Scourge
• 4x Close combat weapon
4x Dark lance

Scourges (120 points)
• 1x Solarite
• 1x Blast pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Solarite weapon
• 4x Scourge
• 4x Close combat weapon
4x Drukhari haywire blaster

Scourges (120 points)
• 1x Solarite
• 1x Blast pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Solarite weapon
• 4x Scourge
• 4x Close combat weapon
4x Drukhari haywire blaster

Voidraven Bomber (215 points)
• 1x Bladed wings
2x Dark scythe
1x Voidraven missiles

Voidraven Bomber (215 points)
• 1x Bladed wings
2x Dark scythe
1x Voidraven missiles

Exported with App Version: v1.18.0 (46), Data Version: v464


flamers 🔥 (2000 points)

Space Marines
Strike Force (2000 points)
Firestorm Assault Force


Adrax Agatone (85 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Drakkis
1x Malleus Noctum

Captain in Gravis Armour (105 points)
• 1x Boltstorm gauntlet
1x Power fist
1x Relic fist
• Enhancement: War-tempered Artifice

Lieutenant in Phobos Armour (55 points)
• 1x Bolt Pistol
1x Master-crafted bolt carbine
1x Paired combat blades

Vulkan He’stan (100 points)
• 1x Bolt Pistol
1x Gauntlet of the Forge
1x Spear of Vulkan


Impulsor (80 points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Ironhail heavy stubber
1x Shield dome
2x Storm bolter

Impulsor (80 points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Ironhail heavy stubber
1x Shield dome
2x Storm bolter


Aggressor Squad (240 points)
• 1x Aggressor Sergeant
• 1x Flamestorm gauntlets
1x Twin power fists
• 5x Aggressor
• 5x Flamestorm gauntlets
5x Twin power fists

Bladeguard Veteran Squad (180 points)
• 1x Bladeguard Veteran Sergeant
• 1x Master-crafted power weapon
1x Plasma pistol
• 5x Bladeguard Veteran
• 5x Heavy bolt pistol
5x Master-crafted power weapon

Eradicator Squad (95 points)
• 1x Eradicator Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Melta rifle
• 2x Eradicator
• 2x Bolt pistol
2x Close combat weapon
2x Melta rifle

Eradicator Squad (95 points)
• 1x Eradicator Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Melta rifle
• 2x Eradicator
• 2x Bolt pistol
2x Close combat weapon
2x Melta rifle

Inceptor Squad (260 points)
• 1x Inceptor Sergeant
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plasma exterminators
• 5x Inceptor
• 5x Close combat weapon
5x Plasma exterminators

Inceptor Squad (260 points)
• 1x Inceptor Sergeant
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plasma exterminators
• 5x Inceptor
• 5x Close combat weapon
5x Plasma exterminators

Infernus Squad (80 points)
• 1x Infernus Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Pyreblaster
• 4x Infernus Marine
• 4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
4x Pyreblaster

Land Raider Redeemer (285 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
2x Flamestorm cannon
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Multi-melta
1x Storm bolter
1x Twin assault cannon

Exported with App Version: v1.18.0 (46), Data Version: v464


(2000 Points)
Genestealer Cults
Xenocreed Congregation

- Abominant (75 Points) • 1x Power sledgehammer

- Acolyte Iconward (85 Points) • 1x Autopistol • 1x Cult claws • Enhancements: Deeds that Speak to the Masses

- Primus (105 Points) • Warlord • 1x Cult bonesword • 1x Scoped needle pistol • 1x Toxin injector claw • Enhancements: Incendiary Inspiration

- Primus (115 Points) • 1x Cult bonesword • 1x Scoped needle pistol • 1x Toxin injector claw • Enhancements: Denunciator of Tyrants

- Saboteur (65 Points) • 1x Autopistol • 1x Close combat weapon • 1x Demolition charges • 1x Remote explosives

- Acolyte Hybrids with Autopistols (70 Points) • 1x Acolyte Leader ◦ 1x Autopistol ◦ 1x Cult claws and knife • 4x Acolyte Hybrid ◦ 1x Cult Icon ◦ 1x Cult claws and knife ◦ 3x Heavy mining tool

- Acolyte Hybrids with Autopistols (140 Points) • 1x Acolyte Leader ◦ 1x Autopistol ◦ 1x Cult claws and knife • 9x Acolyte Hybrid ◦ 2x Autopistol ◦ 1x Cult Icon ◦ 3x Cult claws and knife ◦ 6x Heavy mining tool

- Acolyte Hybrids with Hand Flamers (150 Points) • 1x Acolyte Leader ◦ 1x Cult claws and knife ◦ 1x Hand flamer • 9x Acolyte Hybrid ◦ 9x Cult claws and knife ◦ 4x Demolition charges ◦ 5x Hand flamer

- Neophyte Hybrids (70 Points) • 1x Neophyte Leader ◦ 1x Autopistol ◦ 1x Close combat weapon ◦ 1x Hybrid firearm • 9x Neophyte Hybrid ◦ 9x Autopistol ◦ 9x Close combat weapon ◦ 1x Cult Icon ◦ 1x Grenade launcher ◦ 5x Hybrid firearm ◦ 1x Mining laser ◦ 1x Seismic cannon ◦ 1x Webber
- Neophyte Hybrids (70 Points) • 1x Neophyte Leader ◦ 1x Autopistol ◦ 1x Close combat weapon ◦ 1x Hybrid firearm • 9x Neophyte Hybrid ◦ 9x Autopistol ◦ 9x Close combat weapon ◦ 1x Cult Icon ◦ 1x Flamer ◦ 1x Grenade launcher ◦ 5x Hybrid firearm ◦ 1x Mining laser ◦ 1x Seismic cannon Neophyte Hybrids (70 Points) • 1x

- Neophyte Leader ◦ 1x Autopistol ◦ 1x Close combat weapon ◦ 1x Hybrid firearm • 9x Neophyte Hybrid ◦ 9x Autopistol ◦ 9x Close combat weapon ◦ 1x Cult Icon ◦ 1x Flamer ◦ 1x Grenade launcher ◦ 5x Hybrid firearm ◦ 1x Mining laser ◦ 1x Seismic cannon

- Goliath Truck (85 Points) • 1x Armoured hull • 1x Demolition charge cache • 1x Heavy stubber • 1x Twin autocannon


- Aberrants (300 Points) • 1x Aberrant Hypermorph ◦ 1x Aberrant weapons • 9x Aberrant ◦ 9x Aberrant weapons

- Achilles Ridgerunners (75 Points) • 1x Armoured hull • 1x Heavy mortar • 1x Spotter • 1x Twin heavy stubber

- Achilles Ridgerunners (75 Points) • 1x Armoured hull • 1x Heavy mortar • 1x Spotter • 1x Twin heavy stubber

- Purestrain Genestealers (150 Points) • 10x Purestrain Genestealer ◦ 10x Cult claws and talons

- Purestrain Genestealers (150 Points) • 10x Purestrain Genestealer ◦ 10x Cult claws and talons

- Purestrain Genestealers (150 Points) • 10x Purestrain Genestealer ◦ 10x Cult claws and talons

Exported with App Version: v1.20.0 (44), Data Version: v464


BA Sons of Sanguinius (2000 points)

Space Marines
Blood Angels
Strike Force (2000 points)
Sons of Sanguinius


Judiciar (70 points)
• 1x Absolvor bolt pistol
1x Executioner relic blade

Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack (100 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Astartes chainsword
1x Bolt Pistol

Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack (115 points)
• 1x Astartes chainsword
1x Bolt Pistol
• Enhancement: Visage of Death

Techmarine (55 points)
• 1x Forge bolter
1x Grav-pistol
1x Omnissian power axe
1x Servo-arm


Assault Intercessor Squad (75 points)
• 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist
• 4x Assault Intercessor
• 4x Astartes chainsword
4x Heavy bolt pistol

Intercessor Squad (80 points)
• 1x Intercessor Sergeant
• 1x Astartes grenade launcher
1x Bolt pistol
1x Bolt rifle
1x Power fist
• 4x Intercessor
• 4x Bolt pistol
4x Bolt rifle
4x Close combat weapon


Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (80 points)
• 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist
• 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs
• 4x Astartes chainsword
3x Heavy bolt pistol
1x Plasma pistol

Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (80 points)
• 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist
• 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs
• 4x Astartes chainsword
3x Heavy bolt pistol
1x Plasma pistol

Baal Predator (125 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Baal flamestorm cannon
2x Heavy flamer
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Storm bolter

Baal Predator (125 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Baal flamestorm cannon
2x Heavy flamer
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Storm bolter

Death Company Dreadnought (145 points)
• 2x Heavy flamer
1x Magna-grapple
1x Twin Furioso fists

Death Company Marines with Jump Packs (140 points)
• 5x Death Company Marine with Jump Pack
• 5x Inferno pistol
5x Power fist

Gladiator Lancer (160 points)
• 1x Armoured hull
2x Fragstorm grenade launcher
1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Ironhail heavy stubber
1x Lancer laser destroyer

Scout Squad (65 points)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
• 1x Astartes chainsword
1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
• 4x Scout
• 1x Astartes shotgun
4x Bolt pistol
1x Boltgun
4x Close combat weapon
1x Missile launcher
1x Scout sniper rifle

Scout Squad (65 points)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
• 1x Astartes chainsword
1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
• 4x Scout
• 1x Astartes shotgun
4x Bolt pistol
1x Boltgun
4x Close combat weapon
1x Missile launcher
1x Scout sniper rifle

Vanguard Veteran Squad with Jump Packs (210 points)
• 1x Vanguard Veteran Sergeant with Jump Pack
• 1x Storm Shield
1x Vanguard Veteran weapon
• 9x Vanguard Veteran with Jump Pack
• 9x Storm Shield
9x Vanguard Veteran weapon

Vanguard Veteran Squad with Jump Packs (210 points)
• 1x Vanguard Veteran Sergeant with Jump Pack
• 1x Storm Shield
1x Vanguard Veteran weapon
• 9x Vanguard Veteran with Jump Pack
• 9x Storm Shield
9x Vanguard Veteran weapon


Callidus Assassin (100 points)
• 1x Neural shredder
1x Phase sword and poison blades

Exported with App Version: v1.18.0 (46), Data Version: v464


Birdy Nam Nam (2000 points)

Strike Force (2000 points)
War Horde


Beastboss (100 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Beast Snagga klaw
1x Beastchoppa
1x Shoota
• Enhancement: Headwoppa’s Killchoppa

Painboy (80 points)
• 1x Power klaw
1x ’Urty syringe

Warboss (65 points)
• 1x Attack squig
1x Kombi-weapon
1x Power klaw
1x Twin sluggas

Warboss (65 points)
• 1x Attack squig
1x Kombi-weapon
1x Power klaw
1x Twin sluggas

Weirdboy (65 points)
• 1x Weirdboy staff
1x ’Eadbanger

Zodgrod Wortsnagga (80 points)
• 1x Da Grabzappa
1x Squigstoppa


Beast Snagga Boyz (105 points)
• 9x Beast Snagga Boy
• 9x Choppa
9x Slugga
• 1x Beast Snagga Nob
• 1x Power snappa
1x Slugga

Boyz (170 points)
• 19x Boy
• 17x Choppa
2x Close combat weapon
2x Rokkit launcha
17x Slugga
• 1x Boss Nob
• 1x Power klaw
1x Slugga

Boyz (85 points)
• 9x Boy
• 9x Choppa
9x Slugga
• 1x Boss Nob
• 1x Big choppa
1x Slugga


Trukk (65 points)
• 1x Big shoota
1x Spiked wheels
1x Wreckin’ ball

Trukk (65 points)
• 1x Big shoota
1x Spiked wheels
1x Wreckin’ ball

Trukk (65 points)
• 1x Big shoota
1x Spiked wheels
1x Wreckin’ ball

Trukk (65 points)
• 1x Big shoota
1x Spiked wheels
1x Wreckin’ ball

Trukk (65 points)
• 1x Big shoota
1x Spiked wheels
1x Wreckin’ ball


Battlewagon (160 points)
• 4x Big shoota
1x Deff rolla
1x Grabbin’ klaw
1x Kannon
1x Lobba
1x Wreckin’ ball
1x ’Ard Case

Flash Gitz (160 points)
• 1x Ammo Runt
• 1x Kaptin
• 1x Choppa
1x Snazzgun
• 9x Flash Git
• 9x Choppa
9x Snazzgun

Gretchin (40 points)
• 10x Gretchin
• 10x Close combat weapon
10x Grot blasta
• 1x Runtherd
• 1x Runtherd tools
1x Slugga

Gretchin (40 points)
• 10x Gretchin
• 10x Close combat weapon
10x Grot blasta
• 1x Runtherd
• 1x Runtherd tools
1x Slugga

Gretchin (40 points)
• 10x Gretchin
• 10x Close combat weapon
10x Grot blasta
• 1x Runtherd
• 1x Runtherd tools
1x Slugga

Nobz (210 points)
• 2x Ammo Runt
• 1x Boss Nob
• 1x Power klaw
1x Slugga
• 9x Nob
• 9x Power klaw
9x Slugga

Nobz (210 points)
• 2x Ammo Runt
• 1x Boss Nob
• 1x Power klaw
1x Slugga
• 9x Nob
• 9x Power klaw
9x Slugga

Exported with App Version: v1.18.0 (46), Data Version: v464


Jose Namur en Force (2000 points)

Strike Force (2000 points)
Battle Host


Autarch (75 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Dragon fusion gun
1x Howling Banshee Mask
1x Star glaive

Fuegan (130 points)
• 1x Searsong
1x The Fire Axe

The Yncarne (350 points)
• 1x Swirling soul energy
1x Vilith-zhar, the Sword of Souls


Storm Guardians (100 points)
• 10x Storm Guardian
• 2x Aeldari flamer
2x Aeldari power sword
8x Guardian combat weapon
2x Guardian fusion gun
6x Shuriken pistol
• 1x Serpent’s Scale Platform
• 1x Guardian combat weapon
1x Serpent shield


Falcon (140 points)
• 1x Bright lance
1x Pulse laser
1x Shuriken cannon
1x Wraithbone hull

Falcon (140 points)
• 1x Bright lance
1x Pulse laser
1x Shuriken cannon
1x Wraithbone hull

Fire Dragons (90 points)
• 1x Fire Dragon Exarch
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Firepike
• 4x Fire Dragon
• 4x Close combat weapon
4x Dragon fusion gun

Fire Dragons (90 points)
• 1x Fire Dragon Exarch
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Firepike
• 4x Fire Dragon
• 4x Close combat weapon
4x Dragon fusion gun

Howling Banshees (70 points)
• 1x Howling Banshee Exarch
• 1x Executioner
1x Shuriken pistol
• 4x Howling Banshee
• 4x Banshee blade
4x Shuriken pistol

Striking Scorpions (65 points)
• 1x Striking Scorpion Exarch
• 1x Mandiblasters
1x Scorpion chainsword
1x Scorpion’s claw
• 4x Striking Scorpion
• 4x Mandiblasters
4x Scorpion chainsword
4x Shuriken pistol

Swooping Hawks (85 points)
• 1x Swooping Hawk Exarch
• 1x Aeldari power sword
1x Close combat weapon
1x Hawk’s talon
• 4x Swooping Hawk
• 4x Close combat weapon
4x Lasblaster

Swooping Hawks (85 points)
• 1x Swooping Hawk Exarch
• 1x Aeldari power sword
1x Close combat weapon
1x Hawk’s talon
• 4x Swooping Hawk
• 4x Close combat weapon
4x Lasblaster

War Walkers (110 points)
• 2x Bright lance
1x War Walker feet

War Walkers (110 points)
• 2x Bright lance
1x War Walker feet

War Walkers (110 points)
• 2x Bright lance
1x War Walker feet

Warp Spiders (125 points)
• 1x Warp Spider Exarch
• 1x Close combat weapon
2x Death spinner
1x Powerblades
• 4x Warp Spider
• 4x Close combat weapon
4x Death spinner

Warp Spiders (125 points)
• 1x Warp Spider Exarch
• 1x Close combat weapon
2x Death spinner
1x Powerblades
• 4x Warp Spider
• 4x Close combat weapon
4x Death spinner

Exported with App Version: v1.18.0 (46), Data Version: v464


Nom du joueur : Kraa
Nom de l'équipe : Team Beau Jeu
Factions utilisées : Tyranids
Points d'armée : 2000
Améliorations d'armée : Neurotyran : Ruse Extraterrestre
Règle de détachement : Flotte d'invasion

== Détachement principal : Tyranids [2000pts] ==

Héros épiques 1 : La Mort Subite [80pts]

Personnages 1 : Neurotyran [135pts]
--- Optimisations : Ruse Extraterrestre

Ligne 1 : 10 Gargouilles [85pts]
Ligne 2 : 10 Gargouilles [85pts]
Ligne 3 : 10 Gargouilles [85pts]
Ligne 4 : 10 Gargouilles [85pts]
Ligne 5 : 10 Gargouilles [85pts]

Infanterie 1 : Biovores [50pts]
Infanterie 2 : Neurolictor [90pts]
Infanterie 3 : Neurolictor [90pts]
Infanterie 4 : Pyrovores [35pts]
Infanterie 5 : Pyrovores [35pts]
Infanterie 6 : 3 Zoanthropes [100pts]

Monstres 1 : Emissaire Norne [275pts]
Monstres 2 : Emissaire Norne [275pts]
Monstres 3 : Emissaire Norne [275pts]
Monstres 4 : Exocrine [135pts]


+ FACTION KEYWORD: Imperium - Adepta Sororitas
+ DETACHMENT: Bringers of Flame
+ WARLORD: Char3: Morvenn Vahl
+ ENHANCEMENT: Righteous Rage (on Char1: Canoness)
+ SECONDARY: - Bring It Down: (8x2) - Assassination: 5 Characters

Char1: 1x Canoness (60 pts): Brazier of Holy Fire, Hallowed Chainsword, Inferno pistol
Enhancement: Righteous Rage (+10 pts)
Char2: 1x Canoness with Jump Pack (75 pts): Blessed Halberd
Char3: 1x Morvenn Vahl (160 pts): Warlord, Fidelis, Lance of Illumination, Paragon missile launcher
Char4: 3x Saint Celestine (160 pts)
• 2x Geminae Superia: 2 with Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon
• 1x Saint Celestine: The Ardent Blade
Char5: 1x Triumph of Saint Katherine (190 pts): Bolt Pistols, Relic Weapons

10x Dominion Squad (115 pts)
• 9x Dominion
4 with Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Close combat weapon
1 with Simulacrum Imperialis, Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Close combat weapon
4 with Bolt Pistol, Close combat weapon, Meltagun
• 1x Dominion Superior: Bolt Pistol, Close combat weapon, Boltgun
10x Dominion Squad (115 pts)
• 9x Dominion
4 with Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Close combat weapon
1 with Simulacrum Imperialis, Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Close combat weapon
4 with Bolt Pistol, Close combat weapon, Ministorum Flamer
• 1x Dominion Superior: Bolt Pistol, Close combat weapon, Boltgun
10x Seraphim Squad (170 pts)
• 1x Seraphim Superior: Close combat weapon, 2x Bolt Pistol
• 5x Seraphim: 5 with 2x Bolt Pistol, Close combat weapon
• 4x Seraphim with Special Weapons: 4 with Close combat weapon, 2x Ministorum hand flamer
1x Castigator (150 pts): Armoured tracks, 3x Heavy Bolters, Castigator battle cannon, Hunter-Killer Missile, Storm bolter
1x Castigator (150 pts): Armoured tracks, 3x Heavy Bolters, Castigator battle cannon, Hunter-Killer Missile, Storm bolter
1x Mortifiers (70 pts): Anchorite Sarcophagus, Twin Penitent Buzz-Blades, 2x Heavy Bolter
2x Mortifiers (140 pts)
1 with Anchorite Sarcophagus, Twin Penitent Buzz-Blades, 2x Heavy Bolter
1 with Twin Penitent Buzz-Blades, 2x Heavy Bolter
3x Paragon Warsuits (210 pts)
• 1x Paragon Superior: Bolt Pistol, Paragon Grenade Launchers, Paragon War Blade, Multi-melta
• 2x Paragon Warsuit: 2 with Bolt Pistol, Paragon Grenade Launchers, Paragon War Blade, Multi-melta
1x Immolator (115 pts): Armoured tracks, Heavy Bolter, Hunter-Killer Missile, Twin Multi-melta
1x Immolator (115 pts): Armoured tracks, Heavy Bolter, Hunter-Killer Missile, Twin Multi-melta


NEF XVI (1995 points)

Space Marines
Blood Angels
Strike Force (2000 points)
Sons of Sanguinius


Captain (80 points)
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist

Captain (80 points)
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist

Chaplain (60 points)
• 1x Absolvor bolt pistol
1x Crozius arcanum

Chaplain (60 points)
• 1x Absolvor bolt pistol
1x Crozius arcanum

Lemartes (120 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Bolt Pistol
1x The Blood Crozius


Assault Intercessor Squad (75 points)
• 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist
• 4x Assault Intercessor
• 4x Astartes chainsword
4x Heavy bolt pistol

Assault Intercessor Squad (75 points)
• 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist
• 4x Assault Intercessor
• 4x Astartes chainsword
4x Heavy bolt pistol


Impulsor (80 points)
• 1x Armoured hull
2x Fragstorm grenade launcher
1x Ironhail heavy stubber
1x Shield dome

Impulsor (80 points)
• 1x Armoured hull
2x Fragstorm grenade launcher
1x Ironhail heavy stubber
1x Shield dome


Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (80 points)
• 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist
• 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs
• 4x Astartes chainsword
3x Heavy bolt pistol
1x Plasma pistol

Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (80 points)
• 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist
• 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs
• 4x Astartes chainsword
3x Heavy bolt pistol
1x Plasma pistol

Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (80 points)
• 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist
• 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs
• 4x Astartes chainsword
3x Heavy bolt pistol
1x Plasma pistol

Death Company Marines (125 points)
• 5x Death Company Marine
• 5x Inferno pistol
5x Power fist

Death Company Marines (125 points)
• 5x Death Company Marine
• 5x Inferno pistol
5x Power fist

Death Company Marines with Jump Packs (280 points)
• 10x Death Company Marine with Jump Pack
• 10x Inferno pistol
10x Power fist

Infiltrator Squad (100 points)
• 1x Infiltrator Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Marksman bolt carbine
• 4x Infiltrator
• 4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
1x Helix Gauntlet
1x Infiltrator Comms Array
4x Marksman bolt carbine

Land Raider Redeemer (285 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
2x Flamestorm cannon
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Multi-melta
1x Storm bolter
1x Twin assault cannon

Scout Squad (65 points)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
• 1x Astartes chainsword
1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
• 4x Scout
• 4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
3x Combat knife
1x Missile launcher

Scout Squad (65 points)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
• 1x Astartes chainsword
1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
• 4x Scout
• 4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
3x Combat knife
1x Missile launcher

Exported with App Version: v1.18.0 (46), Data Version: v464


Nef Ch16 v3 (2000 points)

Strike Force (2000 points)
Vanguard Onslaught


Broodlord (90 points)
• 1x Broodlord claws and talons
• Enhancement: Stalker

Broodlord (80 points)
• 1x Broodlord claws and talons

Broodlord (80 points)
• 1x Broodlord claws and talons

Deathleaper (80 points)
• 1x Lictor claws and talons

Neurotyrant (125 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Neurotyrant claws and lashes
1x Psychic scream
• Enhancement: Hunting Grounds

The Swarmlord (240 points)
• 1x Bone sabres
1x Synaptic pulse


Gargoyles (85 points)
• 10x Gargoyle
• 10x Blinding venom
10x Fleshborer

Gargoyles (85 points)
• 10x Gargoyle
• 10x Blinding venom
10x Fleshborer


Biovores (50 points)
• 1x Chitin-barbed limbs
1x Spore Mine launcher

Exocrine (135 points)
• 1x Bio-plasmic cannon
1x Powerful limbs

Genestealers (150 points)
• 10x Genestealer
• 10x Genestealers claws and talons

Genestealers (150 points)
• 10x Genestealer
• 10x Genestealers claws and talons

Genestealers (150 points)
• 10x Genestealer
• 10x Genestealers claws and talons

Mawloc (145 points)
• 1x Distensible jaw
1x Mawloc scything talons

Neurolictor (90 points)
• 1x Piercing claws and talons

Neurolictor (90 points)
• 1x Piercing claws and talons

Von Ryan’s Leapers (75 points)
• 3x Von Ryan’s Leaper
• 3x Leaper’s talons

Zoanthropes (100 points)
• 1x Neurothrope
• 1x Chitinous claws and teeth
1x Warp Blast
• 2x Zoanthrope
• 2x Chitinous claws and teeth
2x Warp Blast

Exported with App Version: v1.18.0 (46), Data Version: v464


Nom du joueur : Mano
Nom de l'équipe :
Factions utilisées : Space Marines
Points d'armée : 1985
Améliorations d'armée : Archiviste en Armure Terminator : Fils de Sanguinius - Visage de Mort (15)
Règle de détachement :

== Détachement principal : Space Marines [1985pts] ==

Personnages 1 : Archiviste en Armure Terminator [90pts] Bolter Storm (0)
--- Optimisations : Fils de Sanguinius - Visage de Mort (15)
Personnages 2 : Lieutenant avec arme combinée [70pts]

Ligne 1 : 5 Escouade d'assaut Intercessor [75pts]
--- Sergent Intercessor d'Assaut,Pistolet à plasma (0), Gantelet énergétique (0)
Ligne 2 : 5 Escouade d'assaut Intercessor [75pts]
--- Sergent Intercessor d'Assaut,Pistolet à plasma (0), Gantelet énergétique (0)
Ligne 3 : 5 Escouade d'assaut Intercessor [75pts]
--- Sergent Intercessor d'Assaut,Pistolet à plasma (0), Gantelet énergétique (0)

Infanterie 1 : 5 Marines de la Compagnie de la Mort à réacteurs dorsaux [140pts] 5 Pistolet Inferno (0), 5 Gantelet énergétique (0)
Infanterie 2 : 5 Marines de la Compagnie de la Mort à réacteurs dorsaux [140pts] 5 Pistolet Inferno (0), 5 Gantelet énergétique (0)
Infanterie 3 : 5 Marines de la Compagnie de la Mort à réacteurs dorsaux [140pts] 5 Pistolet Inferno (0), 5 Gantelet énergétique (0)
Infanterie 4 : 5 Escouade Infiltrator [100pts] Gantelet Helix (0)
--- Infiltrator Sergeant
Infanterie 5 : 10 Escouade Terminator [350pts] Canon d'assaut (0)
--- Sergent Terminator

Véhicules 1 : Gladiator Lancer [160pts] Mitrailleuse Ironhail (0), Nacelle lance-roquettes Icarus (0)
Véhicules 2 : Dreadnought Redemptor [210pts] Canon Gatling Onslaught (0), Macro Incinérateur à Plasma (0), Nacelle lance-roquettes Icarus (0)
Véhicules 3 : Storm Speeder Thunderstrike [160pts]
Véhicules 4 : Dreadnought Redemptor [210pts] Canon Gatling Onslaught (0), Macro Incinérateur à Plasma (0), Nacelle lance-roquettes Icarus (0)


Nef 16 (2000 Points)

Death Guard
Plague Company
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Biologus Putrifier (60 Points)
• 1x Hyper blight grenades
• 1x Injector pistol
• 1x Plague knives

Foul Blightspawn (60 Points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
• 1x Plague sprayer

Mortarion (325 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Rotwind
• 1x Silence
• 1x The Lantern


Plague Marines (180 Points)
• 1x Plague Champion
◦ 1x Heavy plague weapon
◦ 1x Plasma gun
• 9x Plague Marine
◦ 1x Blight launcher
◦ 4x Heavy plague weapon
◦ 2x Meltagun
◦ 9x Plague knives
◦ 2x Plague spewer


Death Guard Rhino (75 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
• 1x Havoc launcher
• 1x Plague combi-bolter
• 1x Plague combi-bolter


Death Guard Cultists (50 Points)
• 1x Death Guard Cultist Champion
◦ 1x Brutal assault weapon
◦ 1x Cultist firearm
• 9x Death Guard Cultist
◦ 9x Brutal assault weapon
◦ 9x Cultist firearm

Death Guard Cultists (50 Points)
• 1x Death Guard Cultist Champion
◦ 1x Brutal assault weapon
◦ 1x Cultist firearm
• 9x Death Guard Cultist
◦ 9x Brutal assault weapon
◦ 9x Cultist firearm

Death Guard Predator Destructor (130 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
• 1x Havoc launcher
• 2x Lascannon
• 1x Plague combi-bolter
• 1x Predator autocannon

Death Guard Predator Destructor (130 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
• 1x Havoc launcher
• 2x Lascannon
• 1x Plague combi-bolter
• 1x Predator autocannon

Death Guard Predator Destructor (130 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
• 1x Havoc launcher
• 2x Lascannon
• 1x Plague combi-bolter
• 1x Predator autocannon

Foetid Bloat-Drone (90 Points)
• 1x Plague probe
• 2x Plaguespitter

Foetid Bloat-Drone (90 Points)
• 1x Plague probe
• 2x Plaguespitter

Foetid Bloat-Drone (90 Points)
• 1x Plague probe
• 2x Plaguespitter

Plagueburst Crawler (180 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
• 1x Heavy slugger
• 1x Plagueburst mortar
• 2x Plaguespitter

Plagueburst Crawler (180 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
• 1x Heavy slugger
• 1x Plagueburst mortar
• 2x Plaguespitter

Plagueburst Crawler (180 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
• 1x Heavy slugger
• 1x Plagueburst mortar
• 2x Plaguespitter


Veterans test (2000 points)

Chaos Space Marines
Strike Force (2000 points)
Veterans of the Long War


Chaos Lord (105 points)
• 1x Daemon hammer
1x Plasma pistol
• Enhancement: Warmaster’s Gift

Cypher (90 points)
• 1x Cypher’s bolt pistol
1x Cypher’s plasma pistol

Huron Blackheart (80 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Exalted weapon
1x Tyrant’s Claw

Master of Executions (80 points)
• 1x Axe of dismemberment
1x Bolt pistol

Master of Executions (80 points)
• 1x Axe of dismemberment
1x Bolt pistol

Sorcerer in Terminator Armour (90 points)
• 1x Chaos Familiar
1x Combi-bolter
1x Force weapon
1x Infernal Gaze


Cultist Mob (50 points)
• 1x Cultist Champion
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Brutal assault weapon
• 9x Chaos Cultist
• 9x Autopistol
9x Brutal assault weapon

Legionaries (90 points)
• 1x Aspiring Champion
• 1x Chaos Icon
1x Close combat weapon
1x Heavy melee weapon
1x Plasma pistol
• 4x Legionary
• 2x Astartes chainsword
4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
1x Heavy melee weapon
1x Plasma gun

Legionaries (90 points)
• 1x Aspiring Champion
• 1x Chaos Icon
1x Close combat weapon
1x Heavy melee weapon
1x Plasma pistol
• 4x Legionary
• 2x Astartes chainsword
4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
1x Heavy melee weapon
1x Lascannon

Legionaries (90 points)
• 1x Aspiring Champion
• 1x Chaos Icon
1x Close combat weapon
1x Heavy melee weapon
1x Plasma pistol
• 4x Legionary
• 2x Astartes chainsword
4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
1x Heavy melee weapon
1x Reaper chaincannon

Legionaries (90 points)
• 1x Aspiring Champion
• 1x Chaos Icon
1x Close combat weapon
1x Heavy melee weapon
1x Plasma pistol
• 4x Legionary
• 2x Astartes chainsword
4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
1x Heavy melee weapon
1x Reaper chaincannon

Legionaries (90 points)
• 1x Aspiring Champion
• 1x Chaos Icon
1x Close combat weapon
1x Heavy melee weapon
1x Plasma pistol
• 4x Legionary
• 2x Astartes chainsword
4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
1x Heavy melee weapon
1x Plasma gun


Chaos Rhino (75 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
2x Combi-bolter
1x Havoc launcher

Chaos Rhino (75 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
2x Combi-bolter
1x Havoc launcher

Chaos Rhino (75 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
2x Combi-bolter
1x Havoc launcher


Chaos Bikers (70 points)
• 1x Biker Champion
• 1x Chaos Icon
1x Close combat weapon
1x Combi-bolter
1x Power fist
• 2x Chaos Biker
• 2x Astartes chainsword
2x Close combat weapon
2x Combi-bolter
2x Meltagun

Chaos Bikers (70 points)
• 1x Biker Champion
• 1x Chaos Icon
1x Close combat weapon
1x Combi-bolter
1x Power fist
• 2x Chaos Biker
• 2x Astartes chainsword
2x Close combat weapon
2x Combi-bolter
2x Plasma gun

Chaos Vindicator (185 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Combi-bolter
1x Demolisher cannon
1x Havoc launcher

Chosen (125 points)
• 1x Chosen Champion
• 1x Accursed weapon
1x Bolt pistol
1x Chaos Icon
1x Combi-weapon
• 4x Chosen
• 2x Accursed weapon
2x Bolt pistol
2x Boltgun
1x Combi-weapon
1x Paired accursed weapons
2x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist

Forgefiend (190 points)
• 1x Armoured limbs
3x Ectoplasma cannon


Plaguebearers (110 points)
• 1x Plagueridden
• 1x Plaguesword
• 9x Plaguebearer
• 9x Plaguesword

Exported with App Version: v1.18.0 (46), Data Version: v464