Army lists

+ FACTION KEYWORD: Xenos - Tyranids
+ DETACHMENT: Invasion Fleet
+ WARLORD: Char1: Hive Tyrant
+ ENHANCEMENT: Perfectly Adapted (on Char1: Hive Tyrant)
+ SECONDARY: - Bring It Down: (6x2) + (1x4) - Assassination: 3 Characters - Cull The Horde: 2x5

Char1: 1x Hive Tyrant (250 pts): Warlord, Monstrous Bonesword and Lash Whip, Monstrous Scything Talons
Enhancement: Perfectly Adapted (+15 pts)
Char2: 1x Neurotyrant (105 pts): Neurotyrant claws and lashes, Psychic scream
Char3: 1x Old One Eye (140 pts): Old One Eye’s claws and talons

20x Hormagaunts (130 pts): 20 with Hormagaunt talons
20x Hormagaunts (130 pts): 20 with Hormagaunt talons

1x Biovores (50 pts): Chitin-barbed Limbs, Spore Mine Launcher
1x Lictor (55 pts): Lictor Claws and Talons
1x Neurolictor (90 pts): Piercing Claws and Talons
6x Raveners (150 pts): 6 with Ravener claws and talons, Thoracic bio-weapon
3x Raveners (75 pts): 3 with Ravener claws and talons, Thoracic bio-weapon
3x Zoanthropes (100 pts)
• 1x Neurothrope: Warp Blast, Xenos Claws and Teeth
• 2x Zoanthrope: 2 with Warp Blast, Xenos Claws and Teeth
2x Carnifexes (250 pts): 2 with Xenos Claws and Teeth, Bio-plasma, Spine Banks, Deathspitters with Slimer Maggots, Deathspitters with Slimer Maggots
1x Exocrine (135 pts): Bio-plasmic Cannon, Powerful Limbs
1x Maleceptor (170 pts): Massive Scything Talons, Psychic Overload
1x Trygon (170 pts): Bio-electric Pulse, Trygon Scything Talons


+ FACTION KEYWORD: Xenos - T'au Empire
+ PLAYER: Calimérou
+ WARLORD: Char1: Cadre Fireblade
+ ENHANCEMENT: Exemplar of the Kauyon (on Char1: Cadre Fireblade)
& Precision of the Patient Hunter (on Char2: Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit)
+ SECONDARY: - Bring It Down: (12x2) - Assassination: 2 Characters

Char1: 1x Cadre Fireblade (70 pts): Warlord, Close combat weapon, Fireblade pulse rifle, 2x Twin pulse carbine
Enhancement: Exemplar of the Kauyon (+20 pts)
Char2: 1x Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit (110 pts): Battlesuit fists, 2x Twin pulse carbine, High-output burst cannon, Cyclic ion blaster, 2x Missile pod
Enhancement: Precision of the Patient Hunter (+15 pts)

10x Breacher Team (100 pts)
• 1x Breacher Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Guardian Drone, Close combat weapon, Pulse blaster, Pulse pistol, Support turret, Twin pulse carbine
• 9x Breacher Fire Warriors: 9 with Close combat weapon, Pulse blaster, Pulse pistol

10x Pathfinder Team (90 pts)
• 9x Pathfinders
5 with Close combat weapon, Pulse carbine, Pulse pistol
1 with Close combat weapon, Pulse carbine, Pulse pistol, Semi-automatic grenade launcher
3 with Close combat weapon, Ion rifle, Pulse pistol
• 1x Pathfinder Shas'ui: Recon drone, Drone burst cannon, Close combat weapon, Pulse carbine, Pulse pistol, Drone burst cannon
3x Stealth Battlesuits (60 pts): Battlesuit support system
• 1x Stealth Shas'vre: Homing beacon, Marker Drone, Shield Drone, Battlesuit fists, Fusion blaster
• 2x Stealth Shas'ui: 2 with Battlesuit fists, Burst cannon
3x Stealth Battlesuits (60 pts): Battlesuit support system
• 1x Stealth Shas'vre: Homing beacon, Marker Drone, Shield Drone, Battlesuit fists, Fusion blaster
• 2x Stealth Shas'ui: 2 with Battlesuit fists, Burst cannon
3x Stealth Battlesuits (60 pts): Battlesuit support system
• 1x Stealth Shas'vre: Homing beacon, Marker Drone, Shield Drone, Battlesuit fists, Fusion blaster
• 2x Stealth Shas'ui: 2 with Battlesuit fists, Burst cannon
3x Crisis Fireknife Battlesuits (130 pts)
• 2x Crisis Fireknife Shas’ui: 2 with Battlesuit fists, Missile pod, Plasma rifle
• 1x Crisis Fireknife Shas’vre: Battlesuit fists, Missile pod, Plasma rifle
1x Ghostkeel Battlesuit (160 pts): Battlesuit support system, Ghostkeel fists, Cyclic ion raker, Twin fusion blaster
1x Hammerhead Gunship (145 pts): Armoured hull, Railgun, 2x Seeker missile, 2x Accelerator burst cannon
1x Piranha (55 pts): Armoured hull, 2x Twin pulse carbine, Piranha fusion blaster, 2x Seeker missile
1x Piranha (55 pts): Armoured hull, 2x Twin pulse carbine, Piranha fusion blaster, 2x Seeker missile
1x Riptide Battlesuit (180 pts): Riptide fists, Ion accelerator, 2x Missile pod, Twin plasma rifle
1x Riptide Battlesuit (180 pts): Riptide fists, Ion accelerator, 2x Missile pod, Twin plasma rifle
1x Riptide Battlesuit (180 pts): Riptide fists, Heavy burst cannon, Twin plasma rifle
1x Sky Ray Gunship (140 pts): Armoured hull, Seeker missile rack, 2x Accelerator burst cannon
1x Sky Ray Gunship (140 pts): Armoured hull, Seeker missile rack, 2x Accelerator burst cannon
1x Devilfish (85 pts): Accelerator burst cannon, Armoured hull, 2x Seeker missile, 2x Twin pulse carbine


Test (2000 points)

T’au Empire
Strike Force (2000 points)


Commander Farsight (105 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Dawn Blade
1x High-intensity plasma rifle

Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit (115 points)
• 1x Battlesuit fists
3x Plasma rifle
2x Shield Drone
1x Shield Generator
• Enhancement: Exemplar of the Kauyon

Darkstrider (60 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Shade


Breacher Team (100 points)
• 1x Support turret
• 1x Breacher Fire Warrior Shas’ui
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Guardian Drone
1x Gun Drone
1x Pulse blaster
1x Pulse pistol
• 9x Breacher Fire Warrior
• 9x Close combat weapon
9x Pulse blaster
9x Pulse pistol


Devilfish (85 points)
• 1x Accelerator burst cannon
1x Armoured hull
2x Seeker missile
2x Smart missile system


Crisis Fireknife Battlesuits (130 points)
• 1x Crisis Fireknife Shas’vre
• 1x Battlesuit fists
1x Gun Drone
1x Marker Drone
1x Missile pod
1x Missile pod
• 2x Crisis Fireknife Shas’ui
• 2x Battlesuit fists
2x Gun Drone
2x Missile pod
2x Missile pod
2x Shield Drone

Crisis Fireknife Battlesuits (130 points)
• 1x Crisis Fireknife Shas’vre
• 1x Battlesuit fists
1x Gun Drone
1x Marker Drone
1x Plasma rifle
1x Plasma rifle
• 2x Crisis Fireknife Shas’ui
• 2x Battlesuit fists
2x Gun Drone
2x Plasma rifle
2x Plasma rifle
2x Shield Drone

Crisis Sunforge Battlesuits (150 points)
• 1x Crisis Sunforge Shas’vre
• 1x Battlesuit fists
2x Fusion blaster
1x Gun Drone
1x Marker Drone
• 2x Crisis Sunforge Shas’ui
• 2x Battlesuit fists
4x Fusion blaster
2x Gun Drone
2x Shield Drone

Ghostkeel Battlesuit (160 points)
• 1x Battlesuit Support System
1x Cyclic ion raker
1x Ghostkeel fists
1x Twin fusion blaster

Pathfinder Team (90 points)
• 1x Pathfinder Shas’ui
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Gun Drone
1x Marker Drone
1x Pulse carbine
1x Pulse pistol
1x Recon Drone
• 9x Pathfinder
• 9x Close combat weapon
6x Pulse carbine
9x Pulse pistol
3x Rail rifle
1x Semi-automatic grenade launcher

Piranhas (55 points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Piranha fusion blaster
2x Seeker missile
2x Twin pulse carbine

Riptide Battlesuit (180 points)
• 1x Ion accelerator
2x Missile Drone
1x Riptide fists
1x Twin plasma rifle

Riptide Battlesuit (180 points)
• 1x Ion accelerator
2x Missile Drone
1x Riptide fists
1x Twin plasma rifle

Sky Ray Gunship (140 points)
• 2x Accelerator burst cannon
1x Armoured hull
1x Seeker missile rack

Sky Ray Gunship (140 points)
• 2x Accelerator burst cannon
1x Armoured hull
1x Seeker missile rack

Stealth Battlesuits (60 points)
• 1x Stealth Shas’vre
• 1x Battlesuit Support System
1x Battlesuit fists
1x Fusion blaster
1x Homing Beacon
1x Marker Drone
1x Shield Drone
• 2x Stealth Shas’ui
• 2x Battlesuit fists
2x Burst cannon

Stealth Battlesuits (60 points)
• 1x Stealth Shas’vre
• 1x Battlesuit Support System
1x Battlesuit fists
1x Fusion blaster
1x Homing Beacon
1x Marker Drone
1x Shield Drone
• 2x Stealth Shas’ui
• 2x Battlesuit fists
2x Burst cannon

Stealth Battlesuits (60 points)
• 1x Stealth Shas’vre
• 1x Battlesuit Support System
1x Battlesuit fists
1x Fusion blaster
1x Homing Beacon
1x Marker Drone
1x Shield Drone
• 2x Stealth Shas’ui
• 2x Battlesuit fists
2x Burst cannon


+ FACTION KEYWORD: Chaos - World Eaters
+ DETACHMENT: Berzerker Warband
+ WARLORD: Char2: Angron
+ ENHANCEMENT: Berzerker Glaive (on Char1: World Eaters Master of Executions)
+ SECONDARY: - Bring It Down: (5x2) + (1x4) - Assassination: 3 Characters

Char1: 1x World Eaters Master of Executions (125 pts): Axe of dismemberment, Bolt pistol
Enhancement: Berzerker Glaive (+25 pts)
Char2: 1x Angron (415 pts): Warlord, Samni’arius and Spinegrinder
Char3: 1x Khârn the Betrayer (100 pts): Gorechild, Khârn's plasma pistol

10x Jakhals (65 pts)
• 1x Jakhal Pack Leader: Autopistol, Jakhal chainblades
• 1x Dishonoured: Skullsmasher
• 8x Jakhals: 8 with Autopistol, Jakhal chainblades
10x Khorne Berserkers (180 pts)
• 9x Khorne Berserker
6 with Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol
2 with Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol
1 with Berserker chainblade, Plasma pistol
• 1x Khorne Berserker Champion: Icon of Khorne, Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol
10x Khorne Berserkers (180 pts)
• 9x Khorne Berserker
6 with Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol
2 with Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol
1 with Berserker chainblade, Plasma pistol
• 1x Khorne Berserker Champion: Icon of Khorne, Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol

3x Eightbound (140 pts)
• 2x Eightbound: 2 with Eightbound eviscerators
• 1x Eightbound Champion: Lacerators
3x Exalted Eightbound (155 pts)
• 2x Exalted Eightbound: 2 with Eightbound chainfist, Eightbound eviscerator
• 1x Exalted Eightbound Champion: Eviscerator and chainfist
2x World Eaters Chaos Spawn (65 pts): 2 with Hideous Mutations
1x World Eaters Forgefiend (145 pts): 2x Ectoplasma cannon, Ectoplasma cannon, Forgefiend claws
1x World Eaters Forgefiend (145 pts): 2x Ectoplasma cannon, Ectoplasma cannon, Forgefiend claws
1x World Eaters Predator Destructor (130 pts): Armoured tracks, Havoc launcher, Predator autocannon, Combi-bolter, 2x Heavy bolter
1x World Eaters Rhino (75 pts): Armoured tracks, Combi-bolter, Havoc launcher
1x World Eaters Rhino (75 pts): Armoured tracks, Combi-bolter, Havoc launcher


Tsons (2000 points)

Thousand Sons
Strike Force (2000 points)
Cult of Magic


Ahriman on Disc of Tzeentch (140 points)
• 1x Black Staff of Ahriman
1x Inferno bolt pistol
1x Psychic Stalk

Exalted Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch (125 points)
• 1x Arcane Fire
1x Force weapon
1x Prosperine khopesh
1x Warpflame pistol
• Enhancement: Umbralefic Crystal

Infernal Master (115 points)
• 1x Force weapon
1x Inferno bolt pistol
1x Screamer Invocation
• Enhancement: Arcane Vortex

Infernal Master (90 points)
• 1x Force weapon
1x Inferno bolt pistol
1x Screamer Invocation

Magnus the Red (440 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Blade of Magnus
1x Gaze of Magnus
1x Tzeentch’s Firestorm

Thousand Sons Daemon Prince with Wings (215 points)
• 1x Hellforged weapons
1x Infernal cannon
• Enhancement: Lord of Forbidden Lore


Rubric Marines (210 points)
• 1x Aspiring Sorcerer
• 1x Force weapon
1x Warpflame pistol
1x Warpsmite
• 9x Rubric Marine
• 9x Close combat weapon
1x Icon of Flame
1x Soulreaper cannon
8x Warpflamer

Rubric Marines (105 points)
• 1x Aspiring Sorcerer
• 1x Force weapon
1x Warpflame pistol
1x Warpsmite
• 4x Rubric Marine
• 4x Close combat weapon
1x Icon of Flame
1x Soulreaper cannon
3x Warpflamer

Rubric Marines (105 points)
• 1x Aspiring Sorcerer
• 1x Force weapon
1x Warpflame pistol
1x Warpsmite
• 4x Rubric Marine
• 4x Close combat weapon
1x Icon of Flame
1x Soulreaper cannon
3x Warpflamer


Mutalith Vortex Beast (150 points)
• 1x Betentacled maw
1x Mutalith claws
1x Warp vortex

Mutalith Vortex Beast (150 points)
• 1x Betentacled maw
1x Mutalith claws
1x Warp vortex

Thousand Sons Cultists (55 points)
• 1x Thousand Sons Cultist Champion
• 1x Brutal assault weapon
1x Cultist firearm
• 9x Thousand Sons Cultist
• 9x Brutal assault weapon
6x Cultist firearm
1x Flamer
1x Grenade launcher
1x Heavy stubber

Thousand Sons Cultists (55 points)
• 1x Thousand Sons Cultist Champion
• 1x Brutal assault weapon
1x Cultist firearm
• 9x Thousand Sons Cultist
• 9x Brutal assault weapon
6x Cultist firearm
1x Flamer
1x Grenade launcher
1x Heavy stubber

Tzaangor Enlightened (45 points)
• 1x Aviarch
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Fatecaster greatbow
• 2x Enlightened
• 2x Close combat weapon
2x Fatecaster greatbow

Exported with App Version: v1.18.0 (46), Data Version: v434


Ouiii (2000 Points)

T’au Empire
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Cadre Fireblade (70 Points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
• 1x Fireblade pulse rifle
• Enhancements: Exemplar of the Kauyon

Cadre Fireblade (50 Points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
• 1x Fireblade pulse rifle

Commander Shadowsun (100 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Advanced Guardian Drone
• 1x Battlesuit fists
• 1x Command-link Drone (Aura)
• 1x Flechette launcher
• 2x High-energy fusion blaster
• 1x Light missile pod
• 1x Pulse pistol

Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit (95 Points)
• 1x Battlesuit Support System
• 1x Battlesuit fists
• 1x Gun Drone
• 1x Shield Drone
• 3x T’au flamer

Commander in Enforcer Battlesuit (80 Points)
• 1x Battlesuit Support System
• 1x Battlesuit fists
• 1x Gun Drone
• 1x Shield Drone
• 3x T’au flamer


Breacher Team (100 Points)
• 1x Support turret
• 1x Breacher Fire Warrior Shas’ui
◦ 1x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Guardian Drone
◦ 1x Pulse blaster
◦ 1x Pulse pistol
◦ 1x Shield Drone
• 9x Breacher Fire Warrior
◦ 9x Close combat weapon
◦ 9x Pulse blaster
◦ 9x Pulse pistol

Breacher Team (100 Points)
• 1x Support turret
• 1x Breacher Fire Warrior Shas’ui
◦ 1x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Guardian Drone
◦ 1x Pulse blaster
◦ 1x Pulse pistol
◦ 1x Shield Drone
• 9x Breacher Fire Warrior
◦ 9x Close combat weapon
◦ 9x Pulse blaster
◦ 9x Pulse pistol


Devilfish (85 Points)
• 1x Accelerator burst cannon
• 1x Armoured hull
• 2x Seeker missile
• 2x Smart missile system

Devilfish (85 Points)
• 1x Accelerator burst cannon
• 1x Armoured hull
• 2x Seeker missile
• 2x Smart missile system


Crisis Starscythe Battlesuits (110 Points)
• 1x Crisis Starscythe Shas’vre
◦ 1x Battlesuit fists
◦ 1x Gun Drone
◦ 1x Shield Drone
◦ 1x T’au flamer
◦ 1x T’au flamer
• 2x Crisis Starscythe Shas’ui
◦ 2x Battlesuit fists
◦ 2x Gun Drone
◦ 2x Shield Drone
◦ 4x T’au flamer

Crisis Starscythe Battlesuits (110 Points)
• 1x Crisis Starscythe Shas’vre
◦ 1x Battlesuit fists
◦ 1x Gun Drone
◦ 1x Shield Drone
◦ 1x T’au flamer
◦ 1x T’au flamer
• 2x Crisis Starscythe Shas’ui
◦ 2x Battlesuit fists
◦ 2x Gun Drone
◦ 2x Shield Drone
◦ 4x T’au flamer

Ghostkeel Battlesuit (160 Points)
• 1x Battlesuit Support System
• 1x Cyclic ion raker
• 1x Ghostkeel fists
• 1x Twin fusion blaster

Hammerhead Gunship (145 Points)
• 1x Armoured hull
• 1x Ion cannon
• 2x Twin pulse carbine

Pathfinder Team (90 Points)
• 1x Pathfinder Shas’ui
◦ 1x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Pulse carbine
◦ 1x Pulse pistol
• 9x Pathfinder
◦ 9x Close combat weapon
◦ 3x Ion rifle
◦ 6x Pulse carbine
◦ 9x Pulse pistol
◦ 1x Semi-automatic grenade launcher

Riptide Battlesuit (180 Points)
• 1x Ion accelerator
• 2x Missile Drone
• 1x Riptide fists
• 1x Twin fusion blaster

Riptide Battlesuit (180 Points)
• 1x Ion accelerator
• 2x Missile Drone
• 1x Riptide fists
• 1x Twin fusion blaster

Sky Ray Gunship (140 Points)
• 2x Accelerator burst cannon
• 1x Armoured hull
• 1x Seeker missile rack

Stealth Battlesuits (60 Points)
• 1x Stealth Shas’vre
◦ 1x Battlesuit fists
◦ 1x Burst cannon
◦ 1x Homing Beacon
• 2x Stealth Shas’ui
◦ 2x Battlesuit fists
◦ 2x Burst cannon

Stealth Battlesuits (60 Points)
• 1x Stealth Shas’vre
◦ 1x Battlesuit fists
◦ 1x Burst cannon
◦ 1x Homing Beacon
• 2x Stealth Shas’ui
◦ 2x Battlesuit fists
◦ 2x Burst cannon

Exported with App Version: v1.19.0 (43), Data Version: v438


+ JOUEUR : For-the-emperor
+ MOT CLÉ DE FACTION: Chevaliers Impériaux
+ DETACHEMENT UTILISÉ: Lance Noble, Agents de l'impérium
+ TOTAL DE POINTS D'ARMÉE : 1995 points
+ UNITÉES ALLIÉES : Agents de l'Impérium
+ SEIGNEUR DE GUERRE: Personnage 1: Chevalier Errant
+ AMÉLIORATION: Gardien Mystérieux (sur Personnage 1: knight Errant ); Revered Knight (Aura) ( sur personnage 2: knight errant)
+ SECONDAIRES: - ABBATEZ LE : 2x5 + 6x3= 28 - Assassinat:4x3 =12

personnage 1:
Knight Errant (430 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Meltagun
1x Reaper chainsword
1x Thermal cannon
1x Stromspear pod
• Enhancement: Mysterious Guardian

personnage 2:
Knight Errant (420 points)
• 1x Meltagun
1x Reaper chainsword
1x Thermal cannon
1x Stromspear pod
• Enhancement: Revered Knight (Aura)

Personnage 3:
Knight Errant (405 points)
• 1x Meltagun
1x Reaper chainsword
1x Thermal cannon
1x Stromspear pod


ligne 1:
Armiger Helverin (140 points)
• 2x Armiger autocannon
1x Armoured feet
1x Questoris heavy stubber

ligne 2:
Armiger Warglaive (150 points)
• 1x Meltagun
1x Reaper chain-cleaver
1x Thermal spear

ligne 3:
Armiger Warglaive (150 points)
• 1x Meltagun
1x Reaper chain-cleaver
1x Thermal spear

ligne 4 :
Armiger Warglaive (150 points)
• 1x Meltagun
1x Reaper chain-cleaver
1x Thermal spear

ligne 5 :
Armiger Warglaive (150 points)
• 1x Meltagun
1x Reaper chain-cleaver
1x Thermal spear

Exported with App Version: v1.17.0 (45), Data Version: v430


Iron Within Iron Without (2000 Points)

Chaos Space Marines
Renegade Raiders
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Chaos Lord (90 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Daemon hammer
• 1x Plasma pistol

Chaos Lord (90 Points)
• 1x Daemon hammer
• 1x Plasma pistol


Cultist Mob (50 Points)
• 1x Cultist Champion
◦ 1x Autopistol
◦ 1x Brutal assault weapon
• 9x Chaos Cultist
◦ 9x Autopistol
◦ 9x Brutal assault weapon

Legionaries (90 Points)
• 1x Aspiring Champion
◦ 1x Chaos Icon
◦ 1x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Heavy melee weapon
◦ 1x Plasma pistol
• 4x Legionary
◦ 2x Astartes chainsword
◦ 4x Bolt pistol
◦ 4x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Heavy melee weapon
◦ 1x Reaper chaincannon

Legionaries (90 Points)
• 1x Aspiring Champion
◦ 1x Chaos Icon
◦ 1x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Heavy melee weapon
◦ 1x Plasma pistol
• 4x Legionary
◦ 2x Astartes chainsword
◦ 4x Bolt pistol
◦ 4x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Heavy melee weapon
◦ 1x Reaper chaincannon

Legionaries (90 Points)
• 1x Aspiring Champion
◦ 1x Chaos Icon
◦ 1x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Heavy melee weapon
◦ 1x Plasma pistol
• 4x Legionary
◦ 2x Astartes chainsword
◦ 4x Bolt pistol
◦ 4x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Heavy melee weapon
◦ 1x Reaper chaincannon

Legionaries (90 Points)
• 1x Aspiring Champion
◦ 1x Chaos Icon
◦ 1x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Heavy melee weapon
◦ 1x Plasma pistol
• 4x Legionary
◦ 2x Astartes chainsword
◦ 4x Bolt pistol
◦ 4x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Heavy melee weapon
◦ 1x Reaper chaincannon


Chaos Rhino (75 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
• 1x Combi-bolter
• 1x Combi-weapon
• 1x Havoc launcher

Chaos Rhino (75 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
• 1x Combi-bolter
• 1x Combi-weapon
• 1x Havoc launcher


Accursed Cultists (90 Points)
• 5x Mutant
◦ 5x Blasphemous appendages
• 3x Torment
◦ 3x Hideous mutations

Accursed Cultists (90 Points)
• 5x Mutant
◦ 5x Blasphemous appendages
• 3x Torment
◦ 3x Hideous mutations

Chaos Terminator Squad (370 Points)
• 1x Terminator Champion
◦ 1x Chainfist
◦ 1x Combi-bolter
• 9x Chaos Terminator
◦ 2x Accursed weapon
◦ 1x Chainfist
◦ 7x Combi-bolter
◦ 6x Power fist
◦ 2x Reaper autocannon

Chaos Vindicator (185 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
• 1x Combi-weapon
• 1x Demolisher cannon

Chaos Vindicator (185 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
• 1x Combi-weapon
• 1x Demolisher cannon
• 1x Havoc launcher

Chosen (125 Points)
• 1x Chosen Champion
◦ 1x Boltgun
◦ 1x Chaos Icon
◦ 1x Plasma pistol
◦ 1x Power fist
• 4x Chosen
◦ 3x Accursed weapon
◦ 3x Bolt pistol
◦ 3x Boltgun
◦ 1x Paired accursed weapons
◦ 1x Plasma pistol

Chosen (125 Points)
• 1x Chosen Champion
◦ 1x Boltgun
◦ 1x Chaos Icon
◦ 1x Plasma pistol
◦ 1x Power fist
• 4x Chosen
◦ 3x Accursed weapon
◦ 3x Bolt pistol
◦ 3x Boltgun
◦ 1x Paired accursed weapons
◦ 1x Plasma pistol

Raptors (90 Points)
• 1x Raptor Champion
◦ 1x Plasma pistol
◦ 1x Power fist
• 4x Raptor
◦ 4x Astartes chainsword
◦ 3x Bolt pistol
◦ 1x Plasma pistol

Exported with App Version: v1.19.0 (43), Data Version: v438


+ FACTION KEYWORD: Chaos - Thousand Sons
+ DETACHMENT: Cult of Magic (Kindred Sorcery)
+ WARLORD: Char9: Magnus the Red
+ ENHANCEMENT: Umbralefic Crystal (on Char1: Exalted Sorcerer)
& Arcane Vortex (on Char5: Infernal Master)
& Lord of Forbidden Lore (on Char7: Thousand Sons Sorcerer)
+ SECONDARY: - Bring It Down: (3x2) + (1x4) - Assassination: 9 Characters

Char1: 1x Exalted Sorcerer (120 pts, 2 Cabal Points): Astral Blast, Force weapon, Prosperine khopesh, Warpflame pistol
Enhancement: Umbralefic Crystal (+20 pts)
Char2: 1x Exalted Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch (105 pts, 2 Cabal Points): Arcane Fire, Force weapon, Prosperine khopesh, Warpflame pistol
Char3: 1x Exalted Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch (105 pts, 2 Cabal Points): Arcane Fire, Force weapon, Prosperine khopesh, Warpflame pistol
Char4: 1x Exalted Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch (105 pts, 2 Cabal Points): Arcane Fire, Force weapon, Prosperine khopesh, Warpflame pistol
Char5: 1x Infernal Master (115 pts, 2 Cabal Points): Force weapon, Inferno bolt pistol, Screamer Invocation
Enhancement: Arcane Vortex (+25 pts, +0 Cabal Points)
Char6: 1x Thousand Sons Daemon Prince with wings (180 pts, 2 Cabal Points): Hellforged weapons, Infernal cannon
Char7: 1x Thousand Sons Sorcerer (130 pts, 1 Cabal Points): Fires of the Abyss, Force weapon, Warpflame pistol
Enhancement: Lord of Forbidden Lore (+35 pts, +0 Cabal Points)
Char8: 1x Ahriman on Disc of Tzeentch (140 pts, 3 Cabal Points): Black Staff of Ahriman, Inferno bolt pistol, Psychic Stalk
Char9: 1x Magnus the Red (440 pts, 4 Cabal Points): Warlord, Blade of Magnus, Gaze of Magnus, Tzeentch's Firestorm

5x Rubric Marines (105 pts, 1 Cabal Points)
• 4x Rubric Marine
1 with Icon of Flame, Close combat weapon, Soulreaper cannon
3 with Close combat weapon, Warpflamer
• 1x Aspiring Sorcerer: Force weapon, Warpsmite, Warpflame pistol
5x Rubric Marines (105 pts, 1 Cabal Points)
• 4x Rubric Marine
1 with Icon of Flame, Close combat weapon, Soulreaper cannon
3 with Close combat weapon, Warpflamer
• 1x Aspiring Sorcerer: Force weapon, Warpsmite, Warpflame pistol
5x Rubric Marines (105 pts, 1 Cabal Points)
• 4x Rubric Marine
1 with Icon of Flame, Close combat weapon, Soulreaper cannon
3 with Close combat weapon, Warpflamer
• 1x Aspiring Sorcerer: Force weapon, Warpsmite, Warpflame pistol

1x Mutalith Vortex Beast (150 pts, 0 Cabal Points): Betentacled maw, Mutalith claws, Warp vortex
1x Thousand Sons Rhino (75 pts): Armoured tracks, Havoc launcher, Inferno combi-bolter, Inferno combi-bolter


Skysplinter Assault
Warlord Archon
Enhancements: Nightmare Shroud, Sadistic Fulcrum
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Archon (95 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Blast pistol
• 1x Huskblade
• Enhancements: Nightmare Shroud

Archon (90 Points)
• 1x Blast pistol
• 1x Huskblade
• Enhancements: Sadistic Fulcrum

Beastmaster (105 Points)
• 1x Beastmaster
◦ 1x Agoniser
◦ 1x Splinter pods
• 1x Clawed Fiend
◦ 1x Clawed Fiend fists
• 2x Khymerae
◦ 2x Khymerae talons
• 3x Razorwing Flock
◦ 3x Razorwing feathers

Drazhar (75 Points)
• 1x The Executioner’s demiklaives

Lelith Hesperax (85 Points)
• 1x Lelith’s blades


Kabalite Warriors (110 Points)
• 1x Sybarite
◦ 1x Blast pistol
◦ 1x Phantasm grenade launcher
◦ 1x Sybarite weapon
• 9x Kabalite Warrior
◦ 1x Blaster
◦ 9x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Dark lance
◦ 1x Shredder
◦ 1x Splinter cannon
◦ 5x Splinter rifle

Wyches (90 Points)
• 1x Hekatrix
◦ 1x Blast pistol
◦ 1x Hekatarii blade
◦ 1x Phantasm grenade launcher
• 9x Wych
◦ 9x Hekatarii blade
◦ 9x Splinter pistol


Raider (80 Points)
• 1x Bladevanes
• 1x Dark lance

Raider (80 Points)
• 1x Bladevanes
• 1x Dark lance

Venom (70 Points)
• 1x Bladevanes
• 1x Splinter cannon
• 1x Splinter cannon

Venom (70 Points)
• 1x Bladevanes
• 1x Splinter cannon
• 1x Splinter cannon


Cronos (50 Points)
• 1x Spirit syphon
• 1x Spirit vortex
• 1x Spirit-leech tentacles

Grotesques (160 Points)
• 6x Grotesque
◦ 6x Liquifier gun
◦ 6x Monstrous weapons

Incubi (75 Points)
• 4x Incubi
◦ 4x Klaive
• 1x Klaivex
◦ 1x Demiklaives

Incubi (75 Points)
• 4x Incubi
◦ 4x Klaive
• 1x Klaivex
◦ 1x Demiklaives
Mandrakes (65 Points)
• 1x Nightfiend
◦ 1x Baleblast
◦ 1x Glimmersteel blade
• 4x Mandrake
◦ 4x Baleblast
◦ 4x Glimmersteel blade

Mandrakes (65 Points)
• 1x Nightfiend
◦ 1x Baleblast
◦ 1x Glimmersteel blade
• 4x Mandrake
◦ 4x Baleblast
◦ 4x Glimmersteel blade

Scourges (120 Points)
• 1x Solarite
◦ 1x Blast pistol
◦ 1x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Solarite weapon
• 4x Scourge
◦ 4x Close combat weapon
◦ 4x Drukhari haywire blaster

Scourges (120 Points)
• 1x Solarite
◦ 1x Blast pistol
◦ 1x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Solarite weapon
• 4x Scourge
◦ 4x Close combat weapon
◦ 4x Drukhari haywire blaster

Talos (160 Points)
• 2x Talos
◦ 2x Talos gauntlet
◦ 2x Twin Drukhari haywire blaster
◦ 2x Twin liquifier gun

Talos (160 Points)
• 2x Talos
◦ 2x Talos gauntlet
◦ 2x Twin Drukhari haywire blaster
◦ 2x Twin liquifier gun


Nom du joueur : le_lieutenant
Nom de l'équipe :
Factions utilisées : Space Marines
Points d'armée : 2000
Améliorations d'armée : Lieutenant : Force Opérationnelle Gladius - Discipline de Tir (30), Judicateur : Force Opérationnelle Gladius - L'honneur véhément (15), Seigneur de Guerre:Capitaine : Force Opérationnelle Gladius - Armure d'Artificier (10)
Règle de détachement : Adeptus Astartes - Force Opérationnelle Gladius

== DETACHEMENT Adeptus Astartes - Force Opérationnelle Gladius :
A votre phase de Cdt, vous pouvez choisir une Doctrine jusqu'à votre prochaine phase de Cdt. Chaque doctrine peut être choisie une unique fois.
- Doctrine Devastator : Peut tirer après avoir Avancé
- Doctrine Tactique : Peut tirer et charger après désengagement
- Doctrine Assaut : Peut charger après avoir AvancéSpace Marines [2000pts] ==

Personnages 1 : Lieutenant [95pts] Pistolet Neo-volkite (0), Arme de corps à corps (0), Arme énergétique de maître (0), Bouclier Storm (Invu) (0)
--- Optimisations : Force Opérationnelle Gladius - Discipline de Tir (30)
Personnages 2 : Lieutenant avec arme combinée [70pts] Arme combinée (0), Paire de Lames de Combat (0)
Personnages 3 : Apothicaire [50pts] Pistolet bolter Absolvor (0), Pistolet Reductor (0), Arme de corps à corps (0)
Personnages 4 : Judicateur [85pts] Pistolet bolter Absolvor (0), Lame Relique d'Exécuteur (0)
--- Optimisations : Force Opérationnelle Gladius - L'honneur véhément (15)
Personnages 5 ( Seigneur de guerre) : Capitaine [90pts] Pistolet bolter Lourd (0), Arme de corps à corps (0), Arme énergétique de maître (0), Bouclier Relique (0)
--- Optimisations : Force Opérationnelle Gladius - Armure d'Artificier (10)

Ligne 1 : 5 Escouade d'assaut Intercessor [75pts] 4 Pistolet bolter Lourd (0), 4 Epée tronçonneuse Astartes (0)
--- Sergent Intercessor d'Assaut,Pistolet à plasma (0), Epée tronçonneuse Astartes (0)
Ligne 2 : 5 Escouade Intercessor [80pts] 4 Fusil bolter (0), 4 Pistolet bolter (0), 4 Arme de corps à corps (0)
--- Intercessor Sergeant,Fusil bolter (0), Pistolet bolter (0), Arme de corps à corps (0)

Transports assignés 1 : Impulsor [80pts] 2 Bolter Storm (0), Mitrailleuse Ironhail (0), Coque blindée (0), Dispositif de Communications Orbitales (Aura) (0)

Infanterie 1 : 6 Vétérans Bladeguard [180pts] 5 Pistolet bolter Lourd (0), 5 Arme énergétique de maître (0)
--- Sergent Vétéran Bladeguard (0),Pistolet Neo-volkite (0), Arme énergétique de maître (0)
Infanterie 2 : 3 Escouade Eradicator [95pts] Fusil fuseur (0), 2 Pistolet bolter (0), Multi-fuseur (0), 2 Arme de corps à corps (0)
--- Sergent Eradicator,Fusil fuseur (0), Pistolet bolter (0), Arme de corps à corps (0)
Infanterie 3 : 10 Escouade Hellblaster [230pts] 10 Incinérateur à plasma (0), 10 Pistolet à plasma (0), 10 Arme de corps à corps (0)
Infanterie 4 : 3 Escouade Inceptor [130pts] 3 Bolter d'assaut (0), 3 Arme de corps à corps (0)
Infanterie 5 : 5 Escouade Infiltrator [100pts] 4 Carabine bolter d'élite (0), 4 Pistolet bolter (0), 4 Arme de corps à corps (0), Dispositif de Communications Infiltrator (0), Gantelet Helix (0)
--- Infiltrator Sergeant,Carabine bolter d'élite (0), Pistolet bolter (0), Arme de corps à corps (0)
Infanterie 6 : 5 Escouade Incursors [80pts]
5 Carabine bolter Occulus(0),5 Pistolet bolter (0), 5 Paires de lame de combats (0),
Mine disruptrice (0)

Montés 1 : Quad Invader [70pts] Canon Gatling Onslaught (0), Fusil bolter jumelé (0), Pistolet bolter (0), Arme de corps à corps (0)

Véhicules 1 : Dreadnought Ballistus [140pts] Bolter Storm jumelé (0), Canon laser Ballistus (0), Lance-missiles Ballistus (0), Pieds blindés (0)
Véhicules 2 : Dreadnought Redemptor [210pts] Bolter Storm jumelé (0), Canon Gatling Onslaught (0), Macro Incinérateur à Plasma (0), Nacelle lance-roquettes Icarus (0), Poing de Redemptor (0)
Véhicules 3 : Exo-harnais tactique Invictor [140pts] Bolter lourd (0), Lance-grenades Fragstorm (0), Mitrailleuse Ironhail jumelée (0), Autocanon Ironhail jumelé (0), Gantelet Invictor (0)


Tournoi WGS (1995 points)

Imperial Knights
Strike Force (2000 points)
Noble Lance


Canis Rex (435 points) Warlord
• 1x Chainbreaker las-impulsor
1x Chainbreaker multi-laser
1x Freedom’s Hand

Knight Errant (430 points)
• 1x Questoris heavy stubber
1x Reaper chainsword
1x Stormspear rocket pod
1x Thermal cannon
• Enhancement: Mysterious Guardian


Armiger Helverin (140 points)
• 2x Armiger autocannon
1x Armoured feet
1x Questoris heavy stubber

Armiger Helverin (140 points)
• 2x Armiger autocannon
1x Armoured feet
1x Questoris heavy stubber

Armiger Warglaive (150 points)
• 1x Meltagun
1x Reaper chain-cleaver
1x Thermal spear

Armiger Warglaive (150 points)
• 1x Meltagun
1x Reaper chain-cleaver
1x Thermal spear

Armiger Warglaive (150 points)
• 1x Meltagun
1x Reaper chain-cleaver
1x Thermal spear

Armiger Warglaive (150 points)
• 1x Meltagun
1x Reaper chain-cleaver
1x Thermal spear

Armiger Warglaive (150 points)
• 1x Meltagun
1x Reaper chain-cleaver
1x Thermal spear


Callidus Assassin (100 points)
• 1x Neural shredder
1x Phase sword and poison blades

Exported with App Version: v1.19.0 (47), Data Version: v438


+Player: Maxime “Liabdeh” PENNERAT
+Team: Petits Ramoneurs Savoyards
+English : YES
+ FACTION KEYWORD: Chaos - Chaos Space Marines
+ DETACHMENT: Renegade Raiders
+ ALLIED UNITS: Legiones Daemonica
+ WARLORD: Char5: Fabius Bile
+ ENHANCEMENT: Dread Reaver (on Char2: Chaos Lord)
- Bring It Down: 8 (4x2)
- Assassination: 24 (6 Characters)
- Cull The Horde: 2x5


Char1: 1x Chaos Lord (90 pts)
1 with Daemon hammer, Plasma pistol

Char2: 1x Chaos Lord (105 pts)
1 with Daemon hammer, Plasma pistol
Enhancement: Dread Reaver (+15 pts)

Char3: 1x Chaos Lord (90 pts)
1 with Daemon hammer, Plasma pistol

Char4: 1x Master of Executions (80 pts)
1 with Axe of dismemberment, Bolt pistol

Char5: 2x Fabius Bile (85 pts)
• 1x Fabius Bile
1 with Rod of Torment, The Chirurgeon, Xyclos needler
• 1x Surgeon Acolyte
1 with Surgeon Acolyte's tools
• Warlord

Char6: 1x Rotigus (230 pts)
1 with Gnarlrod, Streams of brackish filth


5x Legionaries (90 pts)
• 1x Aspiring Champion
1 with Close combat weapon, Heavy melee weapon, Plasma pistol
• Chaos icon
• 4x Legionary
2 with Astartes chainsword, Bolt pistol, Close combat weapon
1 with Bolt pistol, Close combat weapon, Heavy melee weapon
1 with Bolt pistol, Close combat weapon, Lascannon

5x Legionaries (90 pts)
• 1x Aspiring Champion
1 with Close combat weapon, Heavy melee weapon, Plasma pistol
• Chaos icon
• 4x Legionary
2 with Astartes chainsword, Bolt pistol, Close combat weapon
1 with Bolt pistol, Close combat weapon, Heavy melee weapon
1 with Bolt pistol, Close combat weapon, Lascannon

5x Rubric Marines (105 pts)
• 1x Aspiring Sorcerer
1 with Force weapon, Warpsmite, Warpflame pistol
• 4x Rubric Marine
1 with Close combat weapon, Soulreaper cannon
2 with Close combat weapon, Warpflamer
1 with Close combat weapon, Warpflamer
• Icon of Flame


5x Chosen (125 pts)
• 5x Chosen
1 with Accursed weapon, Bolt pistol, Boltgun
2 with Accursed weapon, Bolt pistol, Combi-weapon
1 with Paired accursed weapons, Plasma pistol
1 with Boltgun, Plasma pistol, Power fist
• Chaos icon

10x Chosen (250 pts)
• 10x Chosen
2 with Accursed weapon, Bolt pistol, Boltgun
4 with Accursed weapon, Bolt pistol, Combi-weapon
2 with Paired accursed weapons, Plasma pistol
1 with Boltgun, Plasma pistol, Power fist
1 with Boltgun, Plasma pistol, Power fist
• Chaos icon

10x Chosen (250 pts)
• 10x Chosen
2 with Accursed weapon, Bolt pistol, Boltgun
4 with Accursed weapon, Bolt pistol, Combi-weapon
2 with Paired accursed weapons, Plasma pistol
1 with Boltgun, Plasma pistol, Power fist
1 with Boltgun, Plasma pistol, Power fist
• Chaos icon

3x Chaos Bikers (70 pts)
• 1x Biker Champion
1 with Close combat weapon, Combi-bolter, Power fist
• Chaos icon
• 2x Biker
2 with Close combat weapon, Combi-bolter, Meltagun, Astartes chainsword

1x Chaos Rhino (75 pts)
1 with Armoured tracks, Combi-bolter, Havoc launcher, Combi-weapon

1x Chaos Rhino (75 pts)
1 with Armoured tracks, Combi-bolter, Havoc launcher, Combi-weapon

1x Chaos Rhino (75 pts)
1 with Armoured tracks, Combi-bolter, Havoc launcher, Combi-weapon

1x Chaos Rhino (75 pts)
1 with Armoured tracks, Combi-bolter, Havoc launcher, Combi-weapon


3x Nurglings (40 pts)
• 3x Nurgling Swarm
3 with Diseased claws and teeth



Vanguard Onslaught
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Broodlord (80 Points)
• 1x Broodlord claws and talons

Deathleaper (80 Points)
• 1x Lictor claws and talons

Neurotyrant (125 Points)
• 1x Neurotyrant claws and lashes
• 1x Psychic scream
• Enhancements: Hunting Grounds

Parasite of Mortrex (80 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Barbed ovipositor
• 1x Clawed limbs

Winged Tyranid Prime (65 Points)
• 1x Prime talons

Winged Tyranid Prime (65 Points)
• 1x Prime talons


Gargoyles (85 Points)
• 10x Gargoyle
◦ 10x Blinding venom
◦ 10x Fleshborer


Biovores (50 Points)
• 1x Chitin-barbed limbs
• 1x Spore Mine launcher

Exocrine (135 Points)
• 1x Bio-plasmic cannon
• 1x Powerful limbs

Exocrine (135 Points)
• 1x Bio-plasmic cannon
• 1x Powerful limbs

Genestealers (150 Points)
• 10x Genestealer
◦ 10x Genestealers claws and talons

Genestealers (75 Points)
• 5x Genestealer
◦ 5x Genestealers claws and talons

Genestealers (75 Points)
• 5x Genestealer
◦ 5x Genestealers claws and talons

Lictor (55 Points)
• 1x Lictor claws and talons

Lictor (55 Points)
• 1x Lictor claws and talons

Lictor (55 Points)
• 1x Lictor claws and talons

Neurolictor (90 Points)
• 1x Piercing claws and talons

Neurolictor (90 Points)
• 1x Piercing claws and talons

Raveners (75 Points)
• 3x Ravener
◦ 3x Armoured Thorax
◦ 3x Ravener claws and talons

Tyranid Warriors with Melee Bio-weapons (150 Points)
• 1x Tyranid Prime
◦ 1x Tyranid Warrior claws and talons
• 5x Tyranid Warrior
◦ 5x Tyranid Warrior claws and talons

Tyranid Warriors with Melee Bio-weapons (150 Points)
• 1x Tyranid Prime
◦ 1x Tyranid Warrior claws and talons
• 5x Tyranid Warrior
◦ 5x Tyranid Warrior claws and talons

Von Ryan’s Leapers (75 Points)
• 3x Von Ryan’s Leaper
◦ 3x Leaper’s talons

Exported with App Version: v1.19.0 (43), Data Version: v438


+ FACTION KEYWORD: Chaos - Death Guard
+ DETACHMENT: Plague Company (Spread the Sickness)
+ ALLIED UNITS: Legiones Daemonica & Chaos Knights
+ WARLORD: Char3: Foul Blightspawn
+ ENHANCEMENT: Living Plague (on Char3: Foul Blightspawn)
+ SECONDARY: - Bring It Down: (10x2) - Assassination: 4 Characters

Char1: 1x Biologus Putrifier (60 pts): Hyper blight grenades, Injector pistol, Plague knives
Char2: 1x Biologus Putrifier (60 pts): Hyper blight grenades, Injector pistol, Plague knives
Char3: 1x Foul Blightspawn (80 pts): Warlord, Close combat weapon, Plague sprayer
Enhancement: Living Plague (+20 pts)
Char4: 1x Foul Blightspawn (60 pts): Close combat weapon, Plague sprayer

10x Plague Marines (180 pts)
• 9x Plague Marine
1 with Blight launcher, Plague knives
4 with Heavy plague weapon, Plague knives
2 with Plague knives, Plague spewer
2 with Plague knives, Meltagun
• 1x Plague Champion: Plasma gun, Heavy plague weapon
10x Plague Marines (180 pts)
• 9x Plague Marine
1 with Blight launcher, Plague knives
4 with Heavy plague weapon, Plague knives
2 with Plague knives, Plague spewer
2 with Plague knives, Meltagun
• 1x Plague Champion: Plasma gun, Heavy plague weapon

10x Death Guard Cultists (50 pts)
• 9x Cultist
6 with Brutal assault weapon, Cultist firearm
1 with Brutal assault weapon, Flamer
1 with Brutal assault weapon, Grenade launcher
1 with Brutal assault weapon, Heavy stubber
• 1x Cultist Champion: Brutal assault weapon, Cultist firearm
1x Death Guard Predator Destructor (130 pts): Armoured tracks, Havoc launcher, Predator autocannon, Plague combi-bolter, 2x Lascannon
1x Death Guard Predator Destructor (130 pts): Armoured tracks, Havoc launcher, Predator autocannon, Plague combi-bolter, 2x Lascannon
1x Foetid Bloat-drone (90 pts): Plague probe, 2x Plaguespitter
1x Foetid Bloat-drone (90 pts): Plague probe, 2x Plaguespitter
1x Plagueburst Crawler (180 pts): Armoured tracks, Plagueburst mortar, Heavy slugger, 2x Plaguespitter
1x Plagueburst Crawler (180 pts): Armoured tracks, Plagueburst mortar, Heavy slugger, 2x Plaguespitter
1x Death Guard Rhino (75 pts): Armoured tracks, Havoc launcher, Plague combi-bolter, Combi-weapon
1x Death Guard Rhino (75 pts): Armoured tracks, Havoc launcher, Plague combi-bolter, Combi-weapon

3x Nurglings (40 pts): 3 with Diseased claws and teeth
1x War Dog Brigand (170 pts): Armoured feet, Avenger chaincannon, Daemonbreath spear, Diabolus heavy stubber
1x War Dog Brigand (170 pts): Armoured feet, Avenger chaincannon, Daemonbreath spear, Diabolus heavy stubber


Adeptus Mechanicus : Métal Hurlant

### Détachement : Adeptus Mechanicus - Conclave de Psaume de Données
--- Héros épiques ---
Belisarius Cawl : 150 pts

--- Personnages ---
Technoprêtre Dominus : 90 pts
- Rayon d'éradication, [Conclave de Psaume de Données] Manteau du Gnosticarque

Technoprêtre Manipulus : 90 pts
- Canon Transsonique, [Conclave de Psaume de Données] Temporcopia

Technoprêtre Manipulus : 65 pts

--- Ligne ---
Rangers Skitarii (10) : 85 pts
- Arquebuse Transuranique, Electrofusil, Tromblon à Plasma, Omnispex
- Ranger Alpha : Pistolet du Mechanicus, Arme de mêlée d'Alpha

--- Transports assignés ---
Glisseur Skorpius : 85 pts

--- Infanterie ---
Brècheurs Kataphron (6) : 320 pts
- 6 Pince hydraulique

Brècheurs Kataphron (6) : 320 pts
- 6 Pince hydraulique

Destructeurs Kataphron (6) : 210 pts
- 6 Couleuvrine à plasma, 6 Lance-flammes Cognis

Corrôdeurs Sicariens (10) : 150 pts
- 9 Épées transsoniques
- Princeps Corrôdeur Sicarien : Épées transsoniques et griffe-discord

Infiltrateurs Sicariens (5) : 70 pts

Electroprêtres Corpuscarii (5) : 70 pts

Electroprêtres Fulgurite (5) : 75 pts

--- Véhicules ---
Ferro-échassiers Ballistarii : 70 pts
- Canon laser cognis jumelé

--- Alliés ---
Armigère Hastaire : 150 pts
- Fuseur

Total : 2000 points - 60 figurines - 15 unités


Nom du joueur : Rowne
Nom de l'équipe :
Factions utilisées : Necrons
Points d'armée : 2000
Améliorations d'armée : Destroyer Hexmark : Superviseur dimensionel, Seigneur Lokhust : Tyran émergent
Règle de détachement : Nécrons - Légion d’Hypercrypte

== DETACHEMENT Nécrons - Légion d’Hypercrypte :
A la fin du tour de votre ennemi, vous pouvez renvoyer en réserves stratégiques un nombre d'unités non engagées selon le format de votre armée :
- 2 si format Incursion
- 3 si format Force de Frappe
- 4 si format Offensive
Necrons [2000pts] ==

Héros épiques 1 : Imotekh le Seigneur des Tempêtes [100pts]

Personnages 1 : Destroyer Hexmark [95pts]
--- Optimisations : Superviseur dimensionel
Personnages 2 : Seigneur Lokhust [105pts] Lame de Seigneur, Orbe de résurrection
--- Optimisations : Tyran émergent
Personnages 3 : Seigneur Skorpekh [80pts]
Personnages 4 : Tétrarque avec linceul de translocalisation [85pts]

Ligne 1 : 5 Immortels [75pts] 5 Carabine Tesla

Infanterie 1 : 5 Dépeceurs [60pts]
Infanterie 2 : 5 Dépeceurs [60pts]
Infanterie 3 : 3 Destroyers Ophydiens [90pts]
Infanterie 4 : 6 Destroyers Skorpekhs [180pts] 2 Plasmacyte
Infanterie 5 : 10 Factionnaires [170pts] 10 Epée d'hyperphase, 10 Bouclier à dispersion
Infanterie 6 : 5 Traqueurs [60pts]
Infanterie 7 : 5 Traqueurs [60pts]

Nuées 1 : 3 Nuées de Scarabées Canoptek [40pts]

Montés 1 : Destroyers Lokhusts [30pts]
Montés 2 : Destroyers Lokhusts [30pts]
Montés 3 : Destroyers Lokhusts [30pts]
Montés 4 : 3 Destroyers Lourds Lokhusts [150pts] 3 Exterminateur d'hostiles

Véhicules 1 : Monolithe [375pts] 4 Rayon de mort
Véhicules 2 : Rôdeur du Triarcat [125pts] Bordée de Canons Gauss lourd


+ FACTION KEYWORD: Imperium - Grey Knights
+ DETACHMENT: Teleport Strike Force
+ WARLORD: Char3: Kaldor Draigo
+ ENHANCEMENT: Sigil of Exigence (on Char1: Brotherhood Librarian)
+ SECONDARY: - Bring It Down: (3x2) - Assassination: 3 Characters


Char1: 1x Brotherhood Librarian (150 pts)
1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Purge Soul, Combi-Weapon
Enhancement: Sigil of Exigence (+30 pts)

Char2: 1x Brotherhood Librarian (120 pts)
1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Purge Soul, Combi-Weapon

Char3: 1x Kaldor Draigo (125 pts)
1 with Scourging, Storm Bolter, The Titansword
• Warlord


5x Brotherhood Terminator Squad (210 pts)
• 1x Justicar
1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter
• 1x Terminator
1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter
• 1x Terminator with Ancient's Banner
1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter
• Ancient's Banner
• 1x Terminator with Heavy Weapon
1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Incinerator
• 1x Terminator with Narthecium
1 with Nemesis Force Weapon
• Narthecium

10x Brotherhood Terminator Squad (420 pts)
• 1x Justicar
1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter
• 6x Terminator
6 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter
• 1x Terminator with Ancient's Banner
1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Incinerator
• Ancient's Banner
• 1x Terminator with Heavy Weapon
1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Incinerator
• 1x Terminator with Narthecium
1 with Nemesis Force Weapon
• Narthecium

5x Strike Squad (120 pts)
• 3x Grey Knight
3 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter
• 1x Grey Knight with Heavy Weapon
1 with Close combat weapon, Incinerator
• 1x Justicar
1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter

5x Strike Squad (120 pts)
• 3x Grey Knight
3 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter
• 1x Grey Knight with Heavy Weapon
1 with Close combat weapon, Incinerator
• 1x Justicar
1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter

5x Strike Squad (120 pts)
• 3x Grey Knight
3 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter
• 1x Grey Knight with Heavy Weapon
1 with Close combat weapon, Incinerator
• 1x Justicar
1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter


1x Nemesis Dreadknight (205 pts)
1 with Nemesis Daemon Greathammer, Heavy Incinerator, Heavy Psycannon

1x Nemesis Dreadknight (205 pts)
1 with Nemesis Daemon Greathammer, Heavy Incinerator, Heavy Psycannon

1x Nemesis Dreadknight (205 pts)
1 with Nemesis Daemon Greathammer, Heavy Incinerator, Heavy Psycannon


+ PLAYER NAME: Skaerssen
+ TEAM NAME: Les Petits Ramoneurs Savoyards
+ FACTION KEYWORD: Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Dark Angels
+ DETACHMENT: Gladius Task Force
+ WARLORD: Char3: Azrael
+ ENHANCEMENT: Fire Discipline (on Char1: Apothecary Biologis)
& The Honour Vehement (on Char2: Judiciar)
+ SECONDARY: - Bring It Down: (1x2) + (1x4) - Assassination: 3 Characters


Char1: 1x Apothecary Biologis (85 pts)
1 with Absolver Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon
Enhancement: Fire Discipline (+30 pts)

Char2: 1x Judiciar (85 pts)
1 with Absolver Bolt Pistol, Executioner Relic Blade
Enhancement: The Honour Vehement (+15 pts)

Char3: 1x Azrael (105 pts)
1 with Lion's Wrath, The Sword of Secrets
• Warlord


5x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (80 pts)
• 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack
1 with Plasma Pistol, Power Fist
• 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Pack
3 with Astartes Chainsword, Heavy Bolt Pistol
1 with Astartes Chainsword, Plasma Pistol

5x Deathwing Knights (235 pts)
• 4x Deathwing Knight
• 1x Knight Master
1 with Great Weapon of the Unforgiven, Power Weapon
• Watcher in the Dark

5x Deathwing Knights (235 pts)
• 4x Deathwing Knight
• 1x Knight Master
1 with Great Weapon of the Unforgiven, Mace of absolution
• Watcher in the Dark

5x Deathwing Knights (235 pts)
• 4x Deathwing Knight
• 1x Knight Master
1 with Great Weapon of the Unforgiven, Mace of absolution
• Watcher in the Dark

6x Eradicator Squad (190 pts)
• 3x Eradicator
3 with Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Melta Rifle
• 1x Eradicator Sergeant
1 with Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Melta Rifle
• 2x Eradicator with Multi-melta
2 with Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Multi-melta

5x Infiltrator Squad (100 pts)
• 1x Infiltrator Sergeant
1 with Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Marksman Bolt Carbine
• 4x Infiltrators
4 with Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Marksman Bolt Carbine
• Helix Gauntlet, Infiltrator Comms Array

6x Inner Circle Companions (180 pts)
• 6x Inner Circle Companion
6 with Calibanite Greatsword, Heavy Bolt Pistol

5x Scout Squad (65 pts)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
1 with Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Astartes Chainsword
• 2x Scout
1 with Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Missile Launcher
1 with Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Scout Sniper Rifle
• 2x Scouts
2 with Astartes Shotgun, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon

5x Scout Squad (65 pts)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
1 with Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Astartes Chainsword
• 2x Scout
1 with Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Missile Launcher
1 with Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Scout Sniper Rifle
• 2x Scouts
2 with Astartes Shotgun, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon

1x Gladiator Reaper (160 pts)
1 with Armoured Hull, Icarus Rocket Pod, Ironhail Heavy Stubber, 2x Tempest Bolter, Twin Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon

1x Repulsor (180 pts)
1 with Armoured Hull, Hunter-slayer Missile, Repulsor Defensive Array, Twin Lascannon, Las-talon


+ FACTION KEYWORD: Xenos - Necrons
+ DETACHMENT: Hypercrypt Legion (Hyperphasing)
+ WARLORD: Char5: The Silent King
+ ENHANCEMENT: Arisen Tyrant (on Char2: Lokhust Lord)
& Hyperspatial Transfer Node (on Char4: Skorpekh Lord)
+ SECONDARY: - Bring It Down: (1x2) + (2x6) - Assassination: 5 Characters

Char1: 1x Hexmark Destroyer (70 pts): Close combat weapon, Enmitic disintegrator pistols
Char2: 1x Lokhust Lord (105 pts): Resurrection orb, Lord's blade
Enhancement: Arisen Tyrant (+25 pts)
Char3: 1x Overlord with Translocation Shroud (85 pts): Resurrection orb, Overlord's blade
Char4: 1x Skorpekh Lord (95 pts): Enmitic annihilator, Flensing claw, Hyperphase harvester
Enhancement: Hyperspatial Transfer Node (+15 pts)
Char5: 3x The Silent King (420 pts): Warlord
• 1x Szarekh: Sceptre of Eternal Glory, Staff of Stars, Weapons of the Final Triarch
• 2x Triarchal Menhir: 2 with Annihilator beam, Armoured bulk

5x Immortals (75 pts): 5 with Close combat weapon, Tesla carbine

5x Deathmarks (60 pts): 5 with Close combat weapon, Synaptic disintegrator
5x Deathmarks (60 pts): 5 with Close combat weapon, Synaptic disintegrator
5x Flayed Ones (60 pts): 5 with Flayer claws
10x Lychguard (170 pts): 10 with Hyperphase sword and dispersion shield
3x Skorpekh Destroyers (90 pts): Plasmacyte, 3 with Skorpekh hyperphase weapons
1x Lokhust Destroyers (30 pts): Close combat weapon, Gauss cannon
1x Lokhust Destroyers (30 pts): Close combat weapon, Gauss cannon
3x Lokhust Heavy Destroyers (150 pts): 3 with Close combat weapon, Enmitic exterminator
1x Monolith (375 pts): Particle whip, Portal of exile, 4x Death ray
1x Triarch Stalker (125 pts): Stalker's forelimbs, Heavy gauss cannon array