Army lists

clone02 : Leagues of Votann

+ PLAYER : Clone02
+ FACTION KEYWORD: Xenos - Leagues of Votann
+ DETACHMENT: Oathband
+ WARLORD: Char2: Einhyr Champion
+ ENHANCEMENT: Grim Demeanour (on Char1: Einhyr Champion)
& Appraising Glare (on Char2: Einhyr Champion)
Char1: Einhyr Champion (80pts): • 1x Autoch-pattern combi-bolter, • 1x Weavefield crest, • 1x Grim Demeanour, • 1x Darkstar axe
Char2: Einhyr Champion (80pts): • 1x Autoch-pattern combi-bolter, • 1x Weavefield crest, • 1x Appraising Glare, • 1x Darkstar axe, • 1x Warlord


10x Hearthkyn Warriors (110pts): • 9x Hearthkyn Warrior, • 7 with Autoch-pattern bolt pistol, Close combat weapon, Ion blaster, • 1 with Autoch-pattern bolt pistol, Kin melee weapon, • 1 with Close combat weapon, Autoch-pattern bolt pistol, HYLas auto rifle, • 1x Theyn, • 1 with Close combat weapon, Weavefield crest, Kin melee weapon, Ion pistol
10x Hearthkyn Warriors (110pts): • 9x Hearthkyn Warrior, • 7 with Autoch-pattern bolt pistol, Close combat weapon, Ion blaster, • 1 with Autoch-pattern bolt pistol, Kin melee weapon, • 1 with Close combat weapon, Autoch-pattern bolt pistol, HYLas auto rifle, • 1x Theyn, • 1 with Close combat weapon, Weavefield crest, Kin melee weapon, Ion pistol

5x Cthonian Beserks (100pts): • 5x Beserk, • 4 with Concussion maul, • 1 with Mole grenade launcher, Concussion maul
5x Cthonian Beserks (100pts): • 5x Beserk, • 4 with Concussion maul, • 1 with Mole grenade launcher, Concussion maul
5x Cthonian Beserks (100pts): • 5x Beserk, • 4 with Concussion maul, • 1 with Mole grenade launcher, Concussion maul
10x Einhyr Hearthguard (320pts): • 9x Einhyr Hearthguard, • 9 with Exo-armour grenade launcher, Volkanite disintegrator, Concussion gauntlet, • 1x Hesyr, • 1 with Exo-armour grenade launcher, Volkanite disintegrator, Concussion hammer, Teleport crest

5x Einhyr Hearthguard (160pts): • 4x Einhyr Hearthguard, • 4 with Exo-armour grenade launcher, Volkanite disintegrator, Concussion gauntlet, • 1x Hesyr, • 1 with Exo-armour grenade launcher, Volkanite disintegrator, Concussion hammer, Teleport crest
5x Einhyr Hearthguard (160pts): • 4x Einhyr Hearthguard, • 4 with Exo-armour grenade launcher, Volkanite disintegrator, Concussion gauntlet, • 1x Hesyr, • 1 with Exo-armour grenade launcher, Volkanite disintegrator, Concussion hammer, Teleport crest
3x Hernkyn Pioneers (90pts): • 3x Hernkyn Pioneer, • 1 with HYLas rotary cannon, Bolt revolver, Bolt shotgun, Magna-coil autocannon, Plasma knife, • 1 with Pan-spectral scanner, Bolt revolver, Bolt shotgun, Magna-coil autocannon, Plasma knife, • 1 with Rollbar searchlight, Bolt revolver, Bolt shotgun, Magna-coil autocannon, Plasma knife

Sagitaur (115pts): • 1x Armoured wheels, • 1x HYLas beam cannon, • 1x Twin bolt cannon
Sagitaur (115pts): • 1x Armoured wheels, • 1x HYLas beam cannon, • 1x Twin bolt cannon
Sagitaur (115pts): • 1x Armoured wheels, • 1x HYLas beam cannon, • 1x Twin bolt cannon
Sagitaur (115pts): • 1x Armoured wheels, • 1x HYLas beam cannon, • 1x Twin bolt cannon
Sagitaur (115pts): • 1x Armoured wheels, • 1x HYLas beam cannon, • 1x Twin bolt cannon

Falcko : Chaos - Chaos Knights

Nom du joueur : Falcko
Nom de l'équipe :
Factions utilisées : Chaos Knights
Points d'armée : 2000
Améliorations d'armée :
Règle de détachement : Chaos Knights - Lance Traitoris

== DETACHEMENT Chaos Knights - Lance Traitoris :
(Aura) Phase de Cdt adverse, unités à 12ps en dessous de leur Force initiale doivent faire un test d'Ebranlement.Chaos Knights [2000pts] ==

Ligne 1 : Dogue Rabatteur [150pts] [Seigneur de guerre] Multi-lanceur Havoc
Ligne 2 : Dogue Brigand [170pts] Multi-lanceur Havoc
Ligne 3 : Dogue Brigand [170pts] Multi-lanceur Havoc
Ligne 4 : Dogue Brigand [170pts] Multi-lanceur Havoc
Ligne 5 : Dogue Brigand [170pts] Multi-lanceur Havoc
Ligne 6 : Dogue Brigand [170pts] Multi-lanceur Havoc
Ligne 7 : Dogue Karnivore [140pts] Multi-lanceur Havoc
Ligne 8 : Dogue Karnivore [140pts] Multi-lanceur Havoc
Ligne 9 : Dogue Karnivore [140pts] Multi-lanceur Havoc
Ligne 10 : Dogue Karnivore [140pts] Multi-lanceur Havoc
Ligne 11 : Dogue Karnivore [140pts] Multi-lanceur Havoc
Ligne 12 : Dogue Rabatteur [150pts] Multi-lanceur Havoc
Ligne 13 : Dogue Rabatteur [150pts] Multi-lanceur Havoc

Atlas : Necrons

Canoptek Court
Strike Force (2000 Points)


C’tan Shard of the Nightbringer «  nick trop fort » (255 Points)

C’tan Shard of the Void Dragon « Papa Roumba » (270 Points)

Technomancer (75 Points)
• Enhancements: Hyperphasic Fulcrum

Technomancer (80 Points)
• Enhancements: Dimensional Sanctum

Technomancer (60 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Staff of light

Transcendent C’tan « el Davido » (275 Points)


Canoptek Acanthrites (85 Points)
• 3x Canoptek Acanthrites
• 3x Cutting beam
3x Voidblade

Canoptek Doomstalker (135 Points)

Canoptek Wraiths (220 Points)
• 6x Canoptek Wraith
• 6x Particle caster
6x Vicious claws

Canoptek Wraiths (220 Points)
• 6x Canoptek Wraith
• 6x Particle caster
6x Vicious claws

Canoptek Wraiths (220 Points)
• 6x Canoptek Wraith
• 6x Particle caster
6x Vicious claws

Lokhust Destroyers (30 Points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Gauss cannon

Tomb Blades (75 Points)
• 3x Tomb Blade
• 3x Close combat weapon
3x Shadowloom
3x Twin tesla carbine (modifié)

Jean-Loup : Imperium - Adepta Sororitas

+ FACTION KEYWORD: Imperium - Adepta Sororitas
+ DETACHMENT: Hallowed Martyrs Detachment
+ WARLORD: Char3: Morvenn Vahl


Char1: Palatine (50pts)
• 1x Palatine Blade
• 1x Plasma pistol

Char2: Preacher (40pts)
• 1x Zealot's vindictor

Char3: Morvenn Vahl (145pts)
• 1x Fidelis
• 1x Lance of Illumination
• 1x Paragon missile launcher
• 1x Warlord

Char4: Triumph of Saint Katherine (125pts)
• 1x Bolt Pistols
• 1x Relic Weapons

10x Battle Sisters Squad (100pts)
• 9x Battle Sister
• 6 with Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Close combat weapon
• 1 with Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Simulacrum Imperialis, Close combat weapon
• 1 with Bolt Pistol, Close combat weapon, Multi-melta
• 1 with Bolt Pistol, Close combat weapon, Meltagun
• 1x Sister Superior
• 1 with Bolt Pistol, Close combat weapon, Combi-weapon, Power weapon


3x Arco-Flagellants (45pts)
• 3x Arco-Flagellant
• 3 with Arco-flails

10x Arco-Flagellants (150pts)
• 10x Arco-Flagellant
• 10 with Arco-flails

10x Arco-Flagellants (150pts)
• 10x Arco-Flagellant
• 10 with Arco-flails

10x Celestian Sacresants (130pts)
• 1x Sacresant Superior
• 1 with Spear of the Faithful, Inferno pistol
• 9x Celestian Sacresant (Anointed Halberd)
• 9 with Anointed Halberd, Bolt Pistol

2x Crusaders (25pts)
• 2x Crusader
• 2 with Power Weapon

2x Crusaders (25pts)
• 2x Crusader
• 2 with Power Weapon

5x Repentia Squad (55pts)
• 1x Repentia Superior
• 1 with Neural Whips, Bolt Pistol
• 4x Sister Repentia
• 4 with Penitent Eviscerator

10x Repentia Squad (110pts)
• 1x Repentia Superior
• 1 with Neural Whips, Bolt Pistol
• 9x Sister Repentia
• 9 with Penitent Eviscerator

10x Repentia Squad (110pts)
• 1x Repentia Superior
• 1 with Neural Whips, Bolt Pistol
• 9x Sister Repentia
• 9 with Penitent Eviscerator

5x Seraphim Squad (70pts)
• 4x Seraphim
• 2 with 2xBolt Pistol, Close combat weapon
• 2 with Close combat weapon, 2xMinistorum hand flamer
• 1x Seraphim Superior
• 1 with Close combat weapon, 2xBolt Pistol

5x Seraphim Squad (70pts)
• 4x Seraphim
• 2 with 2xBolt Pistol, Close combat weapon
• 2 with Close combat weapon, 2xMinistorum hand flamer
• 1x Seraphim Superior
• 1 with Close combat weapon, 2xBolt Pistol

Castigator (140pts)
• 1x Armoured tracks
• 3x Heavy Bolters
• 1x Castigator autocannons
• 1x Hunter-Killer Missile
• 1x Storm bolter
3x Paragon Warsuits (170pts)
• 1x Paragon Superior
• 1 with Bolt Pistol, Paragon Grenade Launchers, Paragon War Mace, Multi-melta
• 2x Paragon Warsuit
• 2 with Bolt Pistol, Paragon Grenade Launchers, Paragon War Mace, Multi-melta

Penitent Engines (60pts)
• 1x Penitent Engine
• 1 with Penitent Flamers, Twin Penitent Buzz-Blades

Sororitas Rhino (75pts)
• 1x Armoured tracks
• 1x Hunter-Killer Missile
• 1x Storm bolter

Sororitas Rhino (75pts)
• 1x Armoured tracks
• 1x Hunter-Killer Missile
• 1x Storm bolter

Sororitas Rhino (75pts)
• 1x Armoured tracks
• 1x Hunter-Killer Missile
• 1x Storm bolter

Dynames : Imperium - Grey Knights

+ PLAYER: Dynames
+ Team: Alsa-Legion
+ FACTION KEYWORD: Imperium - Grey Knights
+ DETACHMENT: Teleport Strike Force
+ ALLIED UNITS: Agents of the Imperium
+ WARLORD: Char5: Kaldor Draigo
+ ENHANCEMENT: Sigil of Exigence (on Char1: Brotherhood Champion)
& First to the Fray (on Char2: Brotherhood Librarian)


Char1: Brotherhood Champion (110pts): • 1x Sigil of Exigence, • 1x Nemesis Force Weapon, • 1x Storm Bolter

Char2: Brotherhood Librarian (145pts): • 1x First to the Fray, • 1x Nemesis Force Weapon, • 1x Purge Soul, • 1x Combi-Weapon

Char3: Brotherhood Librarian (110pts): • 1x Nemesis Force Weapon, • 1x Purge Soul, • 1x Combi-Weapon

Char4: Brotherhood Librarian (110pts): • 1x Nemesis Force Weapon, • 1x Purge Soul, • 1x Combi-Weapon

Char5: Kaldor Draigo (125pts): • 1x Scourging, • 1x Storm Bolter, • 1x The Titansword, • 1x Warlord

5x Brotherhood Terminator Squad (210pts): • 1x Justicar, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter, • 4x Terminator, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Ancient's Banner, Storm Bolter, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Incinerator, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Narthecium

5x Brotherhood Terminator Squad (210pts): • 1x Justicar, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter, • 4x Terminator, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Ancient's Banner, Storm Bolter, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Incinerator, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Narthecium

5x Brotherhood Terminator Squad (210pts): • 1x Justicar, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter, • 4x Terminator, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Ancient's Banner, Storm Bolter, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Incinerator, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Narthecium

5x Brotherhood Terminator Squad (210pts): • 1x Justicar, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter, • 4x Terminator, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Ancient's Banner, Storm Bolter, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Incinerator, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Narthecium

10x Strike Squad (250pts): • 9x Grey Knight, • 9 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter, • 1x Justicar, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter


5x Purgation Squad (135pts): • 4x Purgator, • 4 with Incinerator, Close combat weapon, • 1x Justicar, • 1 with Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter


Char6: Callidus Assassin (90pts): • 1x Neural shredder, • 1x Phase sword and poison blades

Char7: Eversor Assassin (75pts): • 1x Executioner pistol, • 1x Power sword and neuro gauntlet

Babasile : Chaos - Death Guard

+ FACTION KEYWORD: Chaos - Death Guard
+ DETACHMENT: Plague Company
+ WARLORD: Char6: Mortarion
+ ENHANCEMENT: Living Plague (on Char2: Biologus Putrifier)


Char1: Biologus Putrifier (50pts): • 1x Hyper blight grenades, • 1x Injector pistol, • 1x Plague knives

Char2: Biologus Putrifier (70pts): • 1x Living Plague, • 1x Hyper blight grenades, • 1x Injector pistol, • 1x Plague knives

Char3: Biologus Putrifier (50pts): • 1x Hyper blight grenades, • 1x Injector pistol, • 1x Plague knives

Char4: Foul Blightspawn (50pts): • 1x Close combat weapon, • 1x Plague sprayer

Char5: Foul Blightspawn (50pts): • 1x Close combat weapon, • 1x Plague sprayer

Char6: Mortarion (325pts): • 1x Rotwind, • 1x Silence, • 1x The Lantern, • 1x Warlord

Char7: Typhus (80pts): • 1x Master-crafted manreaper


10x Plague Marines (180pts): • 1x Plague Champion, • 1 with Heavy plague weapon, Plasma gun, • 9x Plague Marine, • 1 with Plague knives, Blight launcher, • 4 with Plague knives, Heavy plague weapon, • 2 with Plague knives, Plague spewer, • 2 with Plague knives, Meltagun

5x Plague Marines (90pts): • 1x Plague Champion, • 1 with Heavy plague weapon, Plasma gun, • 4x Plague Marine, • 2 with Plague knives, Heavy plague weapon, • 1 with Plague knives, Plague spewer, • 1 with Plague knives, Meltagun

5x Plague Marines (90pts): • 1x Plague Champion, • 1 with Heavy plague weapon, Plasma gun, • 4x Plague Marine, • 2 with Plague knives, Heavy plague weapon, • 1 with Plague knives, Plague spewer, • 1 with Plague knives, Meltagun

10x Plague Marines (180pts): • 1x Plague Champion, • 1 with Heavy plague weapon, Plasma gun, • 9x Plague
with Plague knives, Blight launcher, • 4 with Plague knives, Heavy plague weapon, • 2 with Plague knives, Plague spewer, • 2 with Plague knives, Meltagun


10x Death Guard Cultists (50pts): • 9x Cultist, • 9 with Brutal assault weapon, Cultist firearm, • 1x Cultist Champion, • 1 with Cultist firearm, Brutal assault weapon

6x Deathshroud Terminators (240pts): • 5x Deathshroud Terminator, • 5 with Plaguespurt gauntlet, Manreaper, • 1x Deathshroud Terminator Champion, • 1 with Manreaper, 2xPlaguespurt gauntlet

Foetid Bloat-drone (90pts): • 1x Plague probe, • 1x Fleshmower

Foetid Bloat-drone (90pts): • 1x Plague probe, • 1x Fleshmower

Foetid Bloat-drone (90pts): • 1x Plague probe, • 1x Fleshmower

Death Guard Rhino (75pts): • 1x Armoured tracks, • 1x Havoc launcher, • 1x Plague combi-bolter, • 1x Plague combi-bolter

Death Guard Rhino (75pts): • 1x Armoured tracks, • 1x Havoc launcher, • 1x Plague combi-bolter, • 1x Plague combi-bolter

Death Guard Rhino (75pts): • 1x Armoured tracks, • 1x Havoc launcher, • 1x Plague combi-bolter, • 1x Plague combi-bolter

JuDesHauts : Leagues of Votann


Nom du joueur : JuDesHauts
Nom de l'équipe : Fuseurs Lorrains
Factions utilisées : Leagues of Votann
Points d'armée : 1990
Améliorations d'armée : Kâhl : Attitude Austère (20), Maître-Fer Brôkhyr : Regard Critique (20)
Règle de détachement : Leagues of Votann - Cognation

== DETACHEMENT Leagues of Votann - Cognation : [1990pts] ==

Personnages 1 : Kâhl [90pts] [Seigneur de guerre] Désintégrateur Volkanite (0), Gantelet à effet-masse (0), Cimier rempart (0)
--- Optimisations : Attitude Austère (20)
Personnages 2 : 5 Maître-Fer Brôkhyr [85pts] Tromblon à gravitons (0), Marteau à gravitons (0)
--- Optimisations : Regard Critique (20)
--- Assistant Cognat de Fer,Découpeuse à faisceau laser (0), Arme de corps à corps (0)
--- E-COG,Bras manipulateurs (0)
--- E-COG,Chalumeau à plasma (0)
--- E-COG,Pistolet bolter modèle Autoch (0), Arme de corps à corps (0)
Personnages 3 : Champion Einhyr [60pts] Combi-bolter modèle Autoch (0), Hache de sombrétoile (0), Cimier téléporteur (0)

Ligne 1 : 10 Guerriers Âtrekogs [110pts] 9 Pistolet bolter modèle Autoch (0), 7 Eclateur à ions (0), Fusil HYLaser automatique (0), Lance-missiles L7 (0), 9 Arme de corps à corps (0), Médipack (0), Panoplie de transmission (0), Scanner panspectral (0)
--- Theyn,Pistolet à plasma EtaCarn (0), Arme de mêlée de Cognat (0), Cimier à onde de champ (0)
Ligne 2 : 10 Guerriers Âtrekogs [110pts] 9 Pistolet bolter modèle Autoch (0), 7 Eclateur à ions (0), Fusil HYLaser automatique (0), Lance-missiles L7 (0), 9 Arme de corps à corps (0), Médipack (0), Panoplie de transmission (0), Scanner panspectral (0)
--- Theyn,Pistolet à plasma EtaCarn (0), Arme de mêlée de Cognat (0), Cimier à onde de champ (0)

Transports assignés 1 : Sagitaur [115pts] Canon à faisceau HYLaser (0), Canon bolter jumelé (0), Roues blindées (0)
Transports assignés 2 : Sagitaur [115pts] Canon à faisceau HYLaser (0), Canon bolter jumelé (0), Roues blindées (0)
Transports assignés 3 : Sagitaur [115pts] Canon à faisceau HYLaser (0), Canon bolter jumelé (0), Roues blindées (0)
Transports assignés 4 : Sagitaur [115pts] Canon à faisceau HYLaser (0), Canon bolter jumelé (0), Roues blindées (0)
Transports assignés 5 : Sagitaur [115pts] Canon à faisceau HYLaser (0), Canon bolter jumelé (0), Roues blindées (0)

Infanterie 1 : 10 Âtregardes Einhyrs [320pts] 9 Lance-grenade d’exo-scaphandre (0), 9 Gantelet à percussion (0), 9 Gantelet-lame à plasma (0)
--- Hesyr,Fusil à plasma EtaCarn (0), Lance-grenade d’exo-scaphandre (0), Gantelet à percussion (0), Cimier téléporteur (0)
Infanterie 2 : 5 Beserks Cthoniens [100pts] Lance-grenades taupe (0), 5 Masse à percussion (0)
Infanterie 3 : 5 Beserks Cthoniens [100pts] Lance-grenades taupe (0), 5 Masse à percussion (0)
Infanterie 4 : 6 Tonnekogs Brôkhyr [170pts] 6 Canon éclateur à gravitons (0), 6 Arme de corps à corps (0)

Montés 1 : 3 Pionniers Hernkogs [90pts] Canon rotatif HYLaser (0), Couteau à plasma (0), Panoplie de transmission (0), Scanner panspectral (0)
Montés 2 : 3 Pionniers Hernkogs [90pts] Canon rotatif HYLaser (0), Couteau à plasma (0), Panoplie de transmission (0), Scanner panspectral (0)
Montés 3 : 3 Pionniers Hernkogs [90pts] Canon rotatif HYLaser (0), Couteau à plasma (0), Panoplie de transmission (0), Scanner panspectral (0)

lugo : Aeldari


Team: Fuseurs lorrains
Name List :
Player: Lugo
Factions Keyword: Aeldari
Detachment Used: Battle Host (Unparalleled Foresight)
Total Army Points: 2000
Allied units: /
Warlord: Char1 :Autarch Wayleaper
Enhancements: Phœnix Gem (On Char 1 Autarch Wayleaper)/ Fate's messenger (On Char 3 troupe master)
Assassination: 20
Bring It Down: 13
Start of Battle rule : Fate Dice


Char1: Autarch Wayleaper (140pts): • 1x The Phoenix Gem, • 1x Howling Banshee Mask, • 1x Star Glaive, • 1x Dragon Fusion Gun, • 1x Warlord

Char2: Farseer (80pts): • 1x Eldritch Storm, • 1x Shuriken Pistol, • 1x Witchblade

Char3: Troupe Master (70pts): • 1x Fate's Messenger, • 1x Troupe Master's Blade, • 1x Fusion Pistol

Char4: Avatar of Khaine (335pts): • 1x The Wailing Doom

Char5: Fuegan (115pts): • 1x Searsong, • 1x The Fire Axe


5x Rangers (55pts): • 5x Ranger, • 5 with Ranger long rifle, Shuriken Pistol, Close Combat Weapon

5x Shadow Spectres (95pts): • 5x Shadow Spectre, • 5 with Prism Rifle, Close combat weapon

5x Swooping Hawks (75pts): • 4x Swooping Hawk, • 4 with Lasblaster, Close combat weapon, • 1x Swooping Hawk Exarch, • 1 with Aeldari Power Sword, Close combat weapon, Hawk's Talon

5x Swooping Hawks (75pts): • 4x Swooping Hawk, • 4 with Lasblaster, Close combat weapon, • 1x Swooping Hawk Exarch, • 1 with Aeldari Power Sword, Close combat weapon, Hawk's Talon

5x Swooping Hawks (75pts): • 4x Swooping Hawk, • 4 with Lasblaster, Close combat weapon, • 1x Swooping Hawk Exarch, • 1 with Aeldari Power Sword, Close combat weapon, Hawk's Talon

5x Troupe (75pts): • 1x Lead Player, • 1 with Aeldari power sword, Shuriken Pistol, • 4x Player, • 2 with Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Special Weapon, • 2 with Shuriken Pistol, Harlequin's Special Weapon

5x Warp Spiders (115pts): • 4x Warp Spider, • 4 with Deathspinner, Close combat weapon, • 1x Warp Spider Exarch, • 1 with 2xDeathspinner, Powerblades, Close combat weapon

2x Skyweavers (95pts): • 2x Skyweaver, • 2 with Close Combat Weapon, Skyweaver Haywire Cannon, Zephyrglaive

Falcon (140pts): • 1x Bright Lance, • 1x Shuriken Cannon, • 1x Pulse Laser, • 1x Wraithbone hull

Night Spinner (210pts): • 1x Doomweaver, • 1x Shuriken Cannon, • 1x Wraithbone hull

Support Weapons (125pts): • 1x Close Combat Weapon, • 1x Shuriken Catapult, • 1x D-cannon

Support Weapons (125pts): • 1x Close Combat Weapon, • 1x Shuriken Catapult, • 1x D-cannon

Aegon : Imperium - Adeptus Custodes


Player Name : Aegon
Team Name : Fuseurs Lorrains
Factions used : Adeptus Custodes, Agents of the Imperium
Army points : 1995
Army Enhancements : Blade Champion : Shield Ost - Ceaseless Hunter (30)
Detachment Rule : Adeptus Custodes - Ost-Bouclier

== Adeptus Custodes - Shield Ost DETACHMENT : Adeptus Custodes, Agents of the Imperium [1995pts] ==

HQ 1 : Trajann Valoris [160pts] [Warlord] Watcher's Axe (0)
HQ 2 : Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus [75pts] Dirgesinger (0), Psychic tempest (0), Power fist (0)

EL 1 : Blade Champion [120pts] Vaultswords (0)
EL 2 : Blade Champion [120pts] Vaultswords (0)
EL 3 : Blade Champion [150pts] Vaultswords (0)
--- Optimisations : Shield Ost - Ceaseless Hunter (30)

TR 1 : 4 Custodian Guard [180pts] 3 Guardian spear (0), Misericordia (0), Praesidium Shield (0), Vexilla (0)
TR 2 : 5 Custodian Guard [225pts] 5 Guardian spear (0)

HS 1 : 5 Custodians Wardens [250pts] 5 Guardian spear (0), Vexilla (0)
HS 2 : 5 Custodians Wardens [250pts] 5 Guardian spear (0), Vexilla (0)
HS 3 : 5 Custodians Wardens [250pts] 5 Guardian spear (0), Vexilla (0)

FL 1 : Caladius Grav-tank [215pts] Twin Lastrum bolt cannon (0), Twin Arachnus Heavy Blaze Cannon (0), Armoured hull (0)

Nicoloss88 : Chaos - Chaos Space Marines


Nom du joueur : Nicoloss88
Nom de l'équipe : Fuseurs Lorrains
Factions utilisées : Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons
Points d'armée : 1995
Améliorations d'armée : No
Règle de détachement : Chaos Space Marines - Esclaves des Ténèbres

== DETACHEMENT Chaos Space Marines - Esclaves des Ténèbres : [1725pts] ==


Héros épiques 1 : Lucius l'éternel [95pts] Sirène de mort (0), Épée de bretteur et Fouet de Tourment (0)
--- Marque du Chaos : Slaanesh (0)

Personnages 1 : Maître des Exécutions [80pts] [WARLORD] Pistolet bolter (0), Hache de démembrement (0)
--- Marque du Chaos : Khorne (0)

Personnages 2 : Seigneur du Chaos [95pts] Pistolet à plasma (0), Marteau-démon (0)
--- Marque du Chaos : Chaos Universel (0)

Personnages 3 : Seigneur du Chaos [95pts] Pistolet à plasma (0), Marteau-démon (0)
--- Marque du Chaos : Chaos Universel (0)


Ligne 1 : 10 Bande de Cultistes [55pts] 8 Pistolet-mitrailleur (0), Lance-flammes (0), 8 Arme d'assaut brutale (0), Arme de corps à corps (0)
--- Marque du Chaos : Nurgle (0)
--- Champion Cultiste,Pistolet-mitrailleur (0), Arme d'assaut brutale (0)

Ligne 2 : 10 Légionnaires [180pts] 9 Pistolet bolter (0), Canon laser (0), Fuseur (0), 9 Arme de corps à corps (0), Arme lourde de mêlée (0), 6 Epée tronçonneuse Astartes (0), Icône du Chaos (0)
--- Marque du Chaos : Slaanesh (0)
--- Aspirant Champion,Bolter (0), Arme de corps à corps (0), Arme lourde de mêlée (0)


Transports assignés 1 : Rhino du Chaos [75pts] Combi-Bolter (0), Arme combinée (0), Lanceur Havoc (0), Chenilles blindées (0)
--- Marque du Chaos : Chaos Universel (0)

Transports assignés 2 : Rhino du Chaos [75pts] Combi-Bolter (0), Arme combinée (0), Lanceur Havoc (0), Chenilles blindées (0)
--- Marque du Chaos : Khorne (0)

Transports assignés 3 : Rhino du Chaos [75pts] Combi-Bolter (0), Arme combinée (0), Lanceur Havoc (0), Chenilles blindées (0)
--- Marque du Chaos : Slaanesh (0)


Infanterie 1 : 5 Élus [130pts] 2 Bolter (0), 3 Pistolet bolter (0), 2 Arme combinée (0), 2 Pistolet à plasma (0), 3 Arme maudite (0), Gantelet énergétique (0), Paire d'armes maudites (0), Icône du Chaos (0)
--- Marque du Chaos : Chaos Universel (0)

Infanterie 2 : 5 Élus [130pts] 2 Bolter (0), 3 Pistolet bolter (0), 2 Arme combinée (0), 2 Pistolet à plasma (0), 3 Arme maudite (0), Gantelet énergétique (0), Paire d'armes maudites (0), Icône du Chaos (0)
--- Marque du Chaos : Chaos Universel (0)

Infanterie 3 : 5 Élus [130pts] 2 Bolter (0), 3 Pistolet bolter (0), 2 Arme combinée (0), 2 Pistolet à plasma (0), 3 Arme maudite (0), Gantelet énergétique (0), Paire d'armes maudites (0), Icône du Chaos (0)
--- Marque du Chaos : Khorne (0)

Infanterie 4 : 5 Serres du Warp [110pts] 4 Griffes Warp (0)
--- Marque du Chaos : Slaanesh (0)
--- Champion Serres du Warp,Griffes Warp (0)

Véhicules 1 : Ferrocentaurus [200pts] 3 Canon ectoplasma (0), Pattes blindées (0)
--- Marque du Chaos : Nurgle (0)

Véhicules 2 : Ferrocentaurus [200pts] 3 Canon ectoplasma (0), Pattes blindées (0)
--- Marque du Chaos : Nurgle (0)

== ALLIED UNITS Chaos Daemons : [270pts] ==

Héros épiques 2 : Rotigus [230pts] Gerbes d'humeur saumâtre (0), Broussin (0)

Ligne 3 : 3 Nurglings [40pts] 3 Griffes et dents infectées (0)

Bob_le_vorace : Tyranids


+ TEAM : Les Fuseurs Lorrains
+ PLAYER : Bob_le_Vorace
+ DETACHMENT USED : Tyranides - Essaim Inépuisable - Assaut Insurmontable
+ WARLORD : Neurotyran
- Abattez-le - 1x 2 + 1x 4 + 4x 3
- Assassinat - 3 Characters


Char1: Neurotyran (105 points)
-Seigneur de guerre

Char2: Tervigon (190 points)

Char3: Tyran des Ruches Ailé (210 points)


20x Gargouilles (160 points)

20x Hormagaunts (130 points)

20x Termagants (120 points)
-2 Constricteur, 18 Poings épineux de Termagant

20x Termagants (120 points)
-2 Constricteur, 18 Poings épineux de Termagant

20x Termagants (120 points)
-2 Constricteur, 18 Poings épineux de Termagant

20x Termagants (120 points)
-2 Constricteur, 18 Poings épineux de Termagant


Biovores (75 points)

Lictor (60 points)

Neurolictor (80 points)

Pyrovores (35 points)

3x Venomthropes (70 points)

Exocrine (135 points)

Exocrine (135 points)

Exocrine (135 points)

Minh : Imperium - Grey Knights


Player Name : Minh
Team Name : Fuseurs lorrains
Factions used : Grey Knights
Army points : 2000
Army Enhancements :
Detachment Rule : Grey Knights - Force d'Armée Téléportée
Warlord: Grand master
Assasination: 16
Bring it down: 6
== Grey Knights - Teleport Strike Force DETACHMENT :
Grey Knights [2000pts] ==

EL 1 : Grand Master [95pts] [Warlord] Psycannon (0), Nemesis force weapon (0)
EL 2 : Brotherhood Librarian [110pts] Soul Purge (0), Combi-weapon (0), Nemesis force weapon (0)
EL 3 : Brotherhood Librarian [110pts] Soul Purge (0), Combi-weapon (0), Nemesis force weapon (0)
EL 4 : Brotherhood Librarian [110pts] Soul Purge (0), Combi-weapon (0), Nemesis force weapon (0)

TR 1 : 5 Brotherhood Terminator Squad [210pts] 4 Storm bolter (0), Incinerator (0), 5 Nemesis force weapon (0), Ancient’s Banner (0), Narthecium (0)
TR 2 : 5 Brotherhood Terminator Squad [210pts] 4 Storm bolter (0), Incinerator (0), 5 Nemesis force weapon (0), Ancient’s Banner (0), Narthecium (0)
TR 3 : 5 Brotherhood Terminator Squad [210pts] 4 Storm bolter (0), Incinerator (0), 5 Nemesis force weapon (0), Ancient’s Banner (0), Narthecium (0)
TR 4 : 5 Strike Squad [125pts] 5 Storm bolter (0), 5 Nemesis force weapon (0)

HS 1 : 10 Paladin Squad [450pts]
5 Storm bolter (0), 5 Nemesis force weapon (0)
4 Psycannon (0), 4 Nemesis force weapon (0),
1 Psycannon (0) Nemesis force weapon (0), Ancient’s Banner (0)

FL 1 : Nemesis Dreadknight [185pts] Heavy incinerator (0), Heavy Psycannon (0), Dreadfists (0), Nemesis Daemon greathammer (0)
FL 2 : Nemesis Dreadknight [185pts] Heavy incinerator (0), Heavy Psycannon (0), Dreadfists (0), Nemesis Daemon greathammer (0)

Redcat : Chaos - Thousand Sons


Nom du joueur : Redcat
Nom de l'équipe : Instant d'un Aarchlor
Factions utilisées : Thousand Sons
Points d'armée : 1995
Seigneur de Guerre: Héros épiques 2 Magnus le Rouge
Améliorations d'armée : Maître Infernal : Culte de la Magie - Cristal d’Umbraléfices, Sorcier des Thousand Sons : Culte de la Magie - Seigneur du Savoir Interdit
Règle de détachement : Thousand Sons - Culte de la Magie
Secondaires: Bring It Down: 2x2+4=8; Assassinat: 5x4= 20
Nombre d'unités= 15

== DETACHEMENT Thousand Sons - Culte de la Magie :
A votre phase de Cdt, choisir un des bonus suivants actif jusqu'à votre prochaine phase de Cdt :
- Touches Fatales sur les armes Psychiques
- Touches Soutenus 1 sur les armes Psychiques
- Blessures Dévastatrices sur les armes PsychiquesThousand Sons, Thousand Sons [1995pts] == Trait d'armée : Thousand Sons

Héros épiques 1 : Ahriman sur Disque de Tzeentch [140pts]
Héros épiques 2 : Magnus le Rouge [440pts] [Seigneur de guerre]

Personnages 1 : Maître Infernal [90pts]
Personnages 2 : Maître Infernal [110pts]
--- Optimisations : Culte de la Magie - Cristal d’Umbraléfices
Personnages 3 : Sorcier des Thousand Sons [120pts] Lance-flammes Warp léger, Arme de Force
--- Optimisations : Culte de la Magie - Seigneur du Savoir Interdit

Ligne 1 : 10 Marines Rubricae [210pts] Canon Soulreaper, 8 Lance-flammes Warp, Icône de Flamme
--- Aspirant Sorcier,Lance-flammes Warp léger
Ligne 2 : 5 Marines Rubricae [105pts] Canon Soulreaper, Icône de Flamme
--- Aspirant Sorcier,Lance-flammes Warp léger
Ligne 3 : 5 Marines Rubricae [105pts] Canon Soulreaper, 3 Lance-flammes Warp, Icône de Flamme
--- Aspirant Sorcier,Lance-flammes Warp léger
Ligne 4 : 5 Marines Rubricae [105pts] Canon Soulreaper, Icône de Flamme
--- Aspirant Sorcier,Lance-flammes Warp léger

Montés 1 : 3 Tzaangors Éclairés [45pts] 3 Grand arc scelle-destin, 3 Arme de corps à corps
Montés 2 : 3 Tzaangors Éclairés [45pts] 3 Grand arc scelle-destin, 3 Arme de corps à corps
Montés 3 : 3 Tzaangors Éclairés [45pts] 3 Grand arc scelle-destin, 3 Arme de corps à corps

Monstres 1 : Mutalithe à Vortex [165pts]

Véhicules 1 : Ferrocentaurus des Thousand Sons [135pts] 3 Canon Ectoplasma
Véhicules 2 : Ferrocentaurus des Thousand Sons [135pts] 3 Canon Ectoplasma

EXECUTEUR : Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Ultramarines


Nom du joueur : Executeur
Nom de l'équipe : Aarchlor
Factions utilisées : Space Marines
Points d'armée : 2000
Améliorations d'armée : Lieutenant avec arme combinée : Fer de Lance Ironstorm - Maître de la Guerre Mécanisée (Aura), Techmarine : Fer de Lance Ironstorm - Toile Augure de Ciblage (Aura), Techmarine : Fer de Lance Ironstorm - Adepte de l'Omnimessie
Règle de détachement : Adeptus Astartes - Fer de Lance Ironstorm

== DETACHEMENT Adeptus Astartes - Fer de Lance Ironstorm :
Une fois par phase pour chaque unité Adeptus Astartes, vous pouvez relancer 1 jet de touche, 1 jet de blessure ou 1 jet de dégâts.Space Marines [2000pts] ==

Héros épiques 1 : (+2) Marneus Calgar [185pts] [Seigneur de guerre] Les Gantelets d'Ultramar
--- 2x Garde d'Honneur Victrix,2 Epée énergétique Victrix

Personnages 1 : Lieutenant avec arme combinée [90pts] Arme combinée, Paire de Lames de Combat
--- Optimisations : Fer de Lance Ironstorm - Maître de la Guerre Mécanisée (Aura)
Personnages 2 : Techmarine [95pts] Bolter de la Forge, Pistolet à gravitons, Hache énergétique de l'Omnimessie, Servobras
--- Optimisations : Fer de Lance Ironstorm - Toile Augure de Ciblage (Aura)
Personnages 3 : Techmarine [80pts] Bolter de la Forge, Pistolet à gravitons, Hache énergétique de l'Omnimessie, Servobras
--- Optimisations : Fer de Lance Ironstorm - Adepte de l'Omnimessie

Ligne 1 : 5 Escouade Intercessor [80pts] 4 Fusil bolter, 4 Pistolet bolter, 4 Arme de corps à corps
--- Intercessor Sergeant,Fusil bolter, Pistolet bolter, Marteau Thunder
Infanterie 1 : 5 Escouade Infiltrator [100pts] 4 Carabine bolter d'élite, 4 Pistolet bolter, 4 Arme de corps à corps, Dispositif de Communications Infiltrator, Gantelet Helix
--- Infiltrator Sergeant,Carabine bolter d'élite, Pistolet bolter, Arme de corps à corps
Infanterie 2 : 6 Escouade Eradicator [190pts] 3 Fusil fuseur, 5 Pistolet bolter, 2 Multi-fuseur, 5 Arme de corps à corps
--- Sergent Eradicator,Fusil fuseur, Pistolet bolter, Arme de corps à corps
Infanterie 3 : 3 Escouade Inceptor [130pts] 3 Exterminateur à plasma, 3 Arme de corps à corps

Véhicules 1 : Dreadnought Ballistus [140pts] Bolter Storm jumelé, Canon laser Ballistus, Lance-missiles Ballistus, Pieds blindés
Véhicules 2 : Dreadnought Redemptor [210pts] Canon Gatling Onslaught Lourd, Lance-flammes lourd, Lance-grenades Fragstorm jumelé, Poing de Redemptor
Véhicules 3 : Dreadnought Redemptor [210pts] Lance-grenades Fragstorm jumelé, Canon Gatling Onslaught, Macro Incinérateur à Plasma, Nacelle lance-roquettes Icarus, Poing de Redemptor
Véhicules 4 : Predator Annihilator [130pts] Canon laser Predator Jumelé, Bolter Storm, 2 Canon laser, Missile Traqueur, Chenilles blindées
Véhicules 5 : Repulsor Executionner [220pts] Bolter lourd jumelé, Bordée défensive Repulsor, Canon Gatling Onslaught Lourd, Macro Incinérateur à Plasma, Mitrailleuse Ironhail Icarus jumelée, Coque blindée
Véhicules 6 : Exo-harnais tactique Invictor [140pts] Bolter lourd, Canon Incendium, Lance-grenades Fragstorm, Mitrailleuse Ironhail jumelée, Gantelet Invictor

Whoody67 : Necrons


+ Player Name : Whoody67
+ Team Name : Instant d'un Archlord
+ Factions KEYWORD : Nécron
+ Detachement Used: Court Canoptek
+ WARLORD : Technomancien
+ Enhancement:
+ SECONDARY: - Bring It Down: 4x3 - Assassination: 6 Personnages

== DETACHEMENT Nécrons - Cour Canoptek :
Matrice de Pouvoir =
- votre zone de déploiement
- le no-man's land si vous y contrôlez la moitié des objectifs en début de phase
- la zone de déploiement ennemie si vous y contrôlez la moitié des objectifs en début de phase

Relance des 1 pour toucher pour les unités Canoptek et Cryptek (ou relance complète pour toucher si ces unités sont entièrement dans une Matrice de Pouvoir).
Necrons [2000pts] ==

Héros épiques 1 : Écharde C'tan du Nyctophore [255pts] Regard de mort, Faux du Nyctophore

Personnages 1 : Technomancien [60pts] [Seigneur de guerre] Bâton de lumière
Personnages 2 : C'tan Transcendant [275pts] Assaut sismique, Vrilles crépitantes
Personnages 3 : Technomancien [60pts] Bâton de lumière
Personnages 4 : Technomancien [60pts] Bâton de lumière
Personnages 5 : Destroyer Hexmark [70pts] Pistolets désintégrateur d'hostiles, Arme de corps à corps

Nuées 1 : 3 Nuées de Scarabées Canoptek [40pts] 3 Mandibules
Nuées 2 : 3 Nuées de Scarabées Canoptek [40pts] 3 Mandibules
Nuées 3 : 3 Nuées de Scarabées Canoptek [40pts] 3 Mandibules

Bêtes 1 : 3 Canoptek Acanthrites [85pts] 3 Cutting beam, 3 Lame du néant
Bêtes 2 : 3 Canoptek Acanthrites [85pts] 3 Cutting beam, 3 Lame du néant
Bêtes 3 : 6 Spectres Canopteks [220pts] 6 Projecteur de particules, 6 Griffes acérées
Bêtes 4 : 6 Spectres Canopteks [220pts] 6 Projecteur de particules, 6 Griffes acérées
Bêtes 5 : 6 Spectres Canopteks [220pts] 6 Projecteur de particules, 6 Griffes acérées

Véhicules 1 : Maraudeur Canoptek [135pts] Éclateur du Jugement Dernier, Écorcheur Gauss jumelé, Jambes de Maraudeur
Véhicules 2 : Maraudeur Canoptek [135pts] Éclateur du Jugement Dernier, Écorcheur Gauss jumelé, Jambes de Maraudeur

Madlax : Chaos - Chaos Knights


Nom du joueur : Madlax
Nom de l'équipe : Instant d'1 Aarchlor
Factions utilisées : Chaos Knights
Points d'armée : 1995
Améliorations d'armée : Dogue Rabatteur : Aura de Terreur (25)
Règle de détachement : Chaos Knights - Lance Traitoris

== DETACHEMENT Chaos Knights - Lance Traitoris :
(Aura) Phase de Cdt adverse, unités à 12ps en dessous de leur Force initiale doivent faire un test d'Ebranlement.Chaos Knights [1835pts] ==

Personnages 1 : Dogue Rabatteur [175pts] [Seigneur de guerre] Canon rotatif Avenger (0), Multi-lanceur Havoc (0), Griffe massacreuse (0)
--- Optimisations : Aura de Terreur (25)

Ligne 1 : Dogue Brigand [170pts] Canon rotatif Avenger (0), Lance Souffle du Démon (0), Multi-lanceur Havoc (0), Pieds blindés (0)
Ligne 2 : Dogue Brigand [170pts] Canon rotatif Avenger (0), Lance Souffle du Démon (0), Multi-lanceur Havoc (0), Pieds blindés (0)
Ligne 3 : Dogue Brigand [170pts] Canon rotatif Avenger (0), Lance Souffle du Démon (0), Multi-lanceur Havoc (0), Pieds blindés (0)
Ligne 4 : Dogue Chasseur [150pts] Fuseur Souffle du Démon (0), Lance Souffle du Démon (0), Serre-tronçonneuse Reaper (0)
Ligne 5 : Dogue Chasseur [150pts] Fuseur Souffle du Démon (0), Lance Souffle du Démon (0), Serre-tronçonneuse Reaper (0)
Ligne 6 : Dogue Chasseur [150pts] Fuseur Souffle du Démon (0), Lance Souffle du Démon (0), Serre-tronçonneuse Reaper (0)
Ligne 7 : Dogue Karnivore [140pts] Multi-lanceur Havoc (0), Griffe massacreuse (0), Serre-tronçonneuse Reaper (0)
Ligne 8 : Dogue Karnivore [140pts] Multi-lanceur Havoc (0), Griffe massacreuse (0), Serre-tronçonneuse Reaper (0)
Ligne 9 : Dogue Karnivore [140pts] Multi-lanceur Havoc (0), Griffe massacreuse (0), Serre-tronçonneuse Reaper (0)
Ligne 10 : Dogue Karnivore [140pts] Multi-lanceur Havoc (0), Griffe massacreuse (0), Serre-tronçonneuse Reaper (0)
Ligne 11 : Dogue Karnivore [140pts] Multi-lanceur Havoc (0), Griffe massacreuse (0), Serre-tronçonneuse Reaper (0)

== Détachement principal : Chaos Daemons [160pts] ==

Ligne 12 : 3 Nurglings [40pts] 3 Griffes et dents infectées (0)
Ligne 13 : 3 Nurglings [40pts] 3 Griffes et dents infectées (0)
Ligne 14 : 3 Nurglings [40pts] 3 Griffes et dents infectées (0)
Ligne 15 : 3 Nurglings [40pts] 3 Griffes et dents infectées (0)

Kout : Aeldari - Drukhari


+ TEAM :
+ PLAYER : Kout23
+ DETACHMENT USED : Drukhari - Assaut Fêleciel
+ WARLORD : Archonte
+ ENHANCEMENT : Assaut Fêleciel - Linceul de Cauchemar (on Char3: Archonte)
- Abattez-le - 3x 3 + 4x 2
- Assassinat - 4 Characters


Char1: Drazhar (75 points)
-Demiklaives d'Executeur

Char2: Lelith Hesperax (85 points)
-Lames de Lelith

Char3: Archonte (95 points)
-Seigneur de guerre
-Pistolet disloqueur, Lame dessicante
Enhancement: Assaut Fêleciel - Linceul de Cauchemar

Char4: 7x Belluaire (105 points)
-Modules éclateurs, Neurocide
-1x Bête griffue, Poings de Bête Griffue
-2x Khymerae, 2 Griffes de Khymerae
-3x Vols de Stymphales, 3 Plumes de Stymphale


10x Cérastes (90 points)
-9 Pistolet éclateur, 9 Lame d'Hekatarii
-1x Hekatrix, Pistolet disloqueur, Lame d'Hekatarii, Lance-grenades phantasme

5x Gorgones (60 points)
-Fusil vitrificateur, Liquefactor, Ossefactor, Pistolet hypodermique, 5 Lames de Gorgone

5x Gorgones (60 points)
-Fusil vitrificateur, Liquefactor, Ossefactor, Pistolet hypodermique, 5 Lames de Gorgone

10x Guerriers Kabalites (110 points)
-5 Fusil éclateur, Canon éclateur, Disloqueur, Lacérateur, Lance de Ténèbres, 9 Arme de corps à corps
-1x Sybarite, Pistolet disloqueur, Arme de Sybarite, Lance-grenades phantasme

10x Guerriers Kabalites (110 points)
-5 Fusil éclateur, Canon éclateur, Disloqueur, Lacérateur, Lance de Ténèbres, 9 Arme de corps à corps
-1x Sybarite, Pistolet disloqueur, Arme de Sybarite, Lance-grenades phantasme


Saccageur (80 points)
-Lance de Ténèbres, Ailerons acérés

Saccageur (80 points)
-Lance de Ténèbres, Ailerons acérés

Venom (70 points)
-2 Canon éclateur, Ailerons acérés

Venom (70 points)
-2 Canon éclateur, Ailerons acérés

Venom (70 points)
-2 Canon éclateur, Ailerons acérés

5x Fléaux (110 points)
-4 Fusil Disrupteur Drukhari, 4 Arme de corps à corps
-1x Solarite, Carabine éclateuse, Arme de corps à corps, Arme de Solarite

5x Fléaux (110 points)
-4 Lance de Ténèbres, 4 Arme de corps à corps
-1x Solarite, Carabine éclateuse, Arme de corps à corps, Arme de Solarite

5x Fléaux (110 points)
-4 Lance de Ténèbres, 4 Arme de corps à corps
-1x Solarite, Carabine éclateuse, Arme de corps à corps, Arme de Solarite

5x Incubes (75 points)
-4 Klaive
-1x Klaivex, Klaive

5x Incubes (75 points)
-4 Klaive
-1x Klaivex, Klaive

5x Mandragores (65 points)
-4 Ombreflamme, 4 Lame d'acier-miroir

5x Mandragores (65 points)
-4 Ombreflamme, 4 Lame d'acier-miroir

5x Mandragores (65 points)
-4 Ombreflamme, 4 Lame d'acier-miroir

Cronos (50 points)
-Siphon mental, Vortex mental, Tentacules psychophages

Ravageur (115 points)
-3 Lance de Ténèbres, Ailerons acérés

HDFox : Aeldari - Craftworlds


+ TEAM : Instant d'1 aarchlor
+ WARLORD : Autarque Sautevoie
+ ENHANCEMENT : Gemme du Phénix (on Char1: Autarque Sautevoie), Les Pierres de Larmes (on Char3: Grand Prophète Coureur Celeste)
- Abattez-le - 4x 3 + 3x 2
- Assassinat - 3 Characters


Char1: Autarque Sautevoie (140 points)
-Seigneur de guerre
-Fusil à fusion de Dragon, Vouge stellaire, Masque de Banshee Huante
Enhancement: Gemme du Phénix

Char2: Eldrad Ulthran (110 points)
-Guerre Mentale, Pistolet shuriken, Bâton d'Ulthamar et Lame Sorcière

Char3: Grand Prophète Coureur Celeste (105 points)
-Catapultes shuriken jumelées, Pistolet shuriken, Tempête Surnaturelle, Lance chantante
Enhancement: Les Pierres de Larmes


10x Gardiens Défenseurs (110 points)
-10 Catapulte shuriken, 10 Arme de corps à corps
-1x Plate-forme d'Arme Lourde, Lance ardente


9x Gardiens du Vent (240 points)
-9 Canon shuriken

Prisme de Feu (180 points)
-Canon à prisme, Canon shuriken, Coque de Moelle Spectrale

5x Rangers (55 points)
-5 Long fusil de ranger, 5 Pistolet shuriken, 5 Arme de corps à corps

Prisme de Feu (180 points)
-Canon à prisme, Canon shuriken, Coque de Moelle Spectrale

Armes d'Appui (125 points)
-Catapulte shuriken, Tisseur de ténèbres, Arme de corps à corps

Armes d'Appui (125 points)
-Catapulte shuriken, Tisseur de ténèbres, Arme de corps à corps

Vyper (85 points)
-Catapultes shuriken jumelées, Lance ardente, Coque de Moelle Spectrale

Faucon (140 points)
-Laser à impulsions, Canon shuriken, Lance ardente, Coque de Moelle Spectrale

5x Dragons Flamboyants (85 points)
-4 Fusil à fusion de Dragon, 4 Arme de corps à corps
-1x Exarque Dragon Flamboyant, Pique de feu, Arme de corps à corps

5x Dragons Flamboyants (85 points)
-4 Fusil à fusion de Dragon, 4 Arme de corps à corps
-1x Exarque Dragon Flamboyant, Pique de feu, Arme de corps à corps

5x Shadow Spectres (95 points)
-5 Prism Rifle

Faucon (140 points)
-Laser à impulsions, Canon shuriken, Lance ardente, Coque de Moelle Spectrale : Necrons


+ TEAM : Chevaliers du Socle Rond
+ PLAYER : Ecuyer
+ DETACHMENT: Canoptek Court
+ WARLORD: Char1: Technomancer
+ ENHANCEMENT: Dimensional Sanctum (on Char1 : Technomancer)
& Metalodermal Tesla Wave (on Char2 : Technomancer)
+ SECONDARY : Bring it down 4x3=12 ; Assassinate = 24


Char1 : Technomancer (80 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Staff of light
• Enhancements: Dimensional Sanctum (20)

Char2 : Technomancer (70 Points)
• 1x Staff of light
• Enhancements: Metalodermal Tesla Wave (10)

Char3 :Technomancer (60 Points)
• 1x Staff of light

Char4 :C’tan Shard of the Nightbringer (255 Points)
• 1x Gaze of death 1x Scythe of the Nightbringer

Char5 :Transcendent C’tan1 (275 Points)
• 1x Crackling tendrils 1x Seismic assault

Char6 :Transcendent C’tan2 (275 Points)
• 1x Crackling tendrils 1x Seismic assault


Canoptek Scarab Swarms (40 Points)
• 3x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
3 with Feeder mandibles

Canoptek Doomstalker (135 Points)
• 1 x Canopteck Doomstalker with Doomsday blaster, twin gauss flayer and doomstalker limbs

Canoptek Wraiths (220 Points)
• 6x Canoptek Wraith
6 with Particle caster and Vicious claws

Canoptek Wraiths (220 Points)
• 6x Canoptek Wraith
6 with Particle caster and Vicious claws

Canoptek Wraiths (220 Points)
• 6x Canoptek Wraith
6 with Particle caster and Vicious claws

Tomb Blades (75 Points)
• 3x Tomb Blade
3x Close combat weapon and Shadowloom and Twin tesla carbine

Tomb Blades (75 Points)
• 3x Tomb Blade
3x Close combat weapon and Shadowloom and Twin tesla carbine

Ollanta : Tyranids


+ TEAM : Chevaliers du socle rond
+ PLAYER : Ollanta
+ DETACHEMENT USED : Invasion Fleet
+ WARLORD : Char1 : Maitre des Essaims
+ SECONDARY : - Bring It Down : 2+6x3+1x4 =24 - Assassination : 12

--- Personnages ---

CHAR1 : 1x Le Maître des Essaims : 270 pts
-Seigneur de guerre
1x Impulsion Synaptique
1x Sabres d'os

CHAR2 : 1x La Mort Subite : 80 pts
-1x Serres et griffes de Lictor

CHAR3 : 1x Neurotyran : 105 pts
-1x Hurlement psychique
1x Griffes et fouets de Neurotyran

--- Ligne ---

BATTLELINE1 : 10x Termagants : 60 pts
-10x Ecorcheur
10x Griffes et dents de xéno

BATTLELINE2 : 10x Termagants : 60 pts
-10x Ecorcheur
10x Griffes et dents de xéno


5x Barbgaunts : 60 pts
-5x Biocanon
5x Griffes et dents de xéno

1x Biovores : 75 pts
1x Lanceur de spores-mines,
1x Membres chitineux acérés

3x Guerriers Tyranides avec Bio-armes de tir (3) : 70 pts
-1x Primat tyranide
1x Griffes et serres de guerrier tyranide
-2x guerriers tyranides
1x avec Canon Venin et Griffes et serres de guerrier tyranide
1x avec Étrangleur et Griffes et serres de guerrier tyranide

1x Neurolictor : 80 pts
- 1x Serres et griffes perforantes

3x Zoanthropes : 110 pts
-1x Neurothrope
-1x Décharge Warp
1x Griffes et dents de xéno
-2x Zoanthropes
-2x Décharge Warp
2x Griffes et dents de xéno

1x Emissaire Norne : 275 pts
-1x Vrille Psychique
1xGriffes tranchantes monstrueuses
1x Serres perforantes monstrueuses

1x Exocrine : 135 pts
-1x Canon bioplasmique
1x Membres puissants

1x Exocrine : 135 pts
-1x Canon bioplasmique
1x Membres puissants

1x Maleceptor : 170 pts
-1x Surcharge Psychique
1x Griffes tranchantes lourdes

1x Trygon : 170 pts
-1x Décharge bioélectrique
1xGriffes tranchantes de Trygon

1x Tueur-Hurleur : 145 pts
-1x Hurlement bioplasmique
1x Griffes de Tueur-Hurleur

Azarhell : Chaos - Chaos Space Marines


+ TEAM : Chevaliers du socle rond
+ PLAYER : Azarhell
+ FACTION KEYWORD: Chaos Space Marines
+ DETACHEMENT USED : Slaves to Darkness
+ WARLORD : Char1 : Chaos Lord
+ SECONDARY : - Bring It Down : 3x 3 - Assassination : 3 Characters

Char1 : Chaos Lord (95 points)
• Warlord
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
1x Daemon hammer, 1x Plasma pistol

Char2 : Chaos Lord (95 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
1x Daemon hammer, 1x Plasma pistol

Char3 : Chaos Lord (95 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
1x Daemon hammer, 1x Plasma pistol


10x Cultist Mob (55 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
• 1x Cultist Champion
1x Autopistol, 1x Brutal assault weapon
• 9x Chaos Cultist
7 with Autopistol, Brutal assault weapon
1 with Close combat weapon, Flamer
1 with Close combat weapon, Heavy stubber

5x Legionaries (90 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Aspiring Champion
1x Chaos Icon, 1x Close combat weapon, 1x Heavy melee weapon, 1x Plasma pistol
• 4x Legionary
2 with Astartes chainsword, Bolt pistol, Close combat weapon
1 with Bolt pistol, Close combat weapon, Heavy melee weapon
1 with Bolt pistol, Close combat weapon, Meltagun

5x Legionaries (90 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Aspiring Champion
1x Chaos Icon, 1x Close combat weapon, 1x Heavy melee weapon, 1x Plasma pistol
• 4x Legionary
2 with Astartes chainsword, Bolt pistol, Close combat weapon
1 with Bolt pistol, Close combat weapon, Heavy melee weapon
1 with Bolt pistol, Close combat weapon, Meltagun

5x Legionaries (90 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Aspiring Champion
1x Chaos Icon, 1x Close combat weapon, 1x Heavy melee weapon, 1x Plasma pistol
• 4x Legionary
2 with Astartes chainsword, Bolt pistol, Close combat weapon
1 with Bolt pistol, Close combat weapon, Heavy melee weapon
1 with Bolt pistol, Close combat weapon, Meltagun


1x Chaos Rhino (75 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
1x Armoured tracks, 1x Combi-bolter, 1x Combi-weapon, 1x Havoc launcher

1x Chaos Rhino (75 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
1x Armoured tracks, 1x Combi-bolter, 1x Combi-weapon, 1x Havoc launcher

1x Chaos Rhino (75 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
1x Armoured tracks, 1x Combi-bolter, 1x Combi-weapon, 1x Havoc launcher


Chaos Bikers (85 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
• 1x Biker Champion
1x Chaos Icon, 1x Close combat weapon, 1x Combi-bolter, 1x Power fist
• 2x Chaos Biker
2 with Astartes chainsword, Close combat weapon, Combi-bolter, Flamer

5x Chosen (130 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Chosen Champion
1x Boltgun, 1x Chaos Icon, 1x Plasma pistol, 1x Power fist
• 4x Chosen
1 with Accursed weapon, Bolt pistol, Boltgun
2 with Accursed weapon, Bolt pistol, Combi-weapon
1 with Paired accursed weapons, Plasma pistol

5x Chosen (130 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Chosen Champion
1x Boltgun, 1x Chaos Icon, 1x Plasma pistol, 1x Power fist
• 4x Chosen
1 with Accursed weapon, Bolt pistol, Boltgun
2 with Accursed weapon, Bolt pistol, Combi-weapon
1 with Paired accursed weapons, Plasma pistol

5x Chosen (130 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Chosen Champion
1x Boltgun, 1x Chaos Icon, 1x Plasma pistol, 1x Power fist
• 4x Chosen
1 with Accursed weapon, Bolt pistol, Boltgun
2 with Accursed weapon, Bolt pistol, Combi-weapon
1 with Paired accursed weapons, Plasma pistol

1x Forgefiend (200 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
1x Armoured limb, 3x Ectoplasma cannon

1x Forgefiend (200 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
1x Armoured limb, 3x Ectoplasma cannon

2x Obliterators (180 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch
• 2x Obliterator
2 with Crushing fists, Fleshmetal guns

5x Warp Talons (110 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh
• 1x Warp Talon Champion
1x Warp claws
• 4x Warp Talon
4 with Warp claws

Kreveur : Imperium - Adeptus Custodes


+ TEAM : Chevaliers du Socle Rond
+ PLAYER : Kreveur
+ FACTION KEYWORD: Imperium - Adeptus Custodes
+ DETACHMENT: Shield Host
+ ALLIED UNITS: Agents of the Imperium
+ WARLORD: Char3: Trajann Valoris
+ ENHANCEMENT:Ceaseless Hunter (on Char1: Blade Champion), Veiled Blade (on Char2 : Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator Armour)

== DETACHEMENT Adeptus Custodes - Shield Host :
Adeptus Custodes models from your army have the Feel No Pain 4+ ability against mortal wounds and Critical Wounds caused by attacks with the [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] ability. [1905pts] ==


Char1: Blade Champion (150pts):
1x Vault sword
Enhancement: Ceaseless Hunter

Char2: Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator Armour (165pts):
1x Balistus grenade launcher, 1x Guardian Spear
Enhancement: Veiled Blade

Char3: Trajann Valoris (160pts):
• Warlord
1x Watcher's Axe


4x Custodian Guard (180pts):
• 4x Custodian Guard
1 with Guardian Spear
2 with Sentinel blade, Praesidium Shield
1 with Vexilla, Misericordia, Praesidium Shield


3x Allarus Custodians (195pts):
• 3x Allarus Custodian
3 with Guardian Spear, Balistus grenade launcher

2x Allarus Custodians (130pts):
• 2x Allarus Custodian
2 with Guardian Spear, Balistus grenade launcher

5x Custodian Wardens (250pts):
• 5x Custodian Warden
4 with Guardian Spear
1 with Vexilla, Guardian Spear

3x Venatari Custodians (200pts):
• 3x Venatari Custodian
3 with Venatari lance

3x Venatari Custodians (200pts):
• 3x Venatari Custodian
3 with Venatari lance

4x Witchseekers (50pts):
• 3x Witchseeker
3 with Witchseeker flamer, Close combat weapon
• 1x Witchseeker Sister Superior
1 with Witchseeker flamer, Close combat weapon

2x Vertus Praetors (150pts):
• 2x Vertus Praetor
2 with Interceptor lance, Salvo launcher

Anathema Psykana Rhino (75pts):
1x Armoured tracks, 1x Hunter-killer missile, 1x Storm Bolter


Char4: Callidus Assassin (90pts):
1x Neural shredder, 1x Phase sword and poison blade

Aselnious : Chaos - World Eaters


+ TEAM - Chevaliers du socle rond
+ PLAYER - Aselnious
+ FACTION KEY WORD- World Eaters
+ WARLORD : Char 1 Angron
+ ARMY TRAIT - World Eaters - Relentless Rage
+ SECONDARY : Bring it down 4x3+1x4=16 ; Assassinate 8
Each time a World Eaters unit from your army is selected to fight, if that unit made a Charge move this turn, until the end of the phase, add 1 to the Strength and Attacks characteristics of melee weapons equipped by models in that unit.


Char1: 1* Angron (415 pts)
• Warlord
• 1*Angron
1 with Samni’arius and Spinegrinder

Char2: 1* Lord Invocatus (140 pts)
• 1*Lord Invocatus
1 with bolt pistol , Coward’s Bane, Juggernaut’s bladed horn

Infantry 1: 10*Jakhals (70 pts)
• 1*Jakhal Pack Leader
1 with autopistol, Jakhal chainblades, icon of Khorne
• 1*Dishonoured
1 with Skullsmasher
• 8*Jakhals
7 with autopistol, Jakhal chainblades.
1 with autopistol, mauler chainblade

Infantry 2: 5* Khorne Berzerkers (100 pts)
• 1*Champion Berzerker
1 with plasma pistol, Berzerker chainblade
• 4* berzerkers
1 with Eviscerator, bolt pistol, Khorne icon
1 with plasma pistol, Berzerker chainblade
2 with bolt pistol, Berzerker chainblade

Infantry 3: 5* Khorne Berzerkers (100 pts)
• 1*Champion Berzerker
1 with plasma pistol, Berzerker chainblade
• 4* berzerkers
1 with Eviscerator, bolt pistol, Khorne icon
1 with plasma pistol, Berzerker chainblade
2 with bolt pistol, Berzerker chainblade

Infantry 4: 5* Khorne Berzerkers (100 pts)
• 1*Champion Berzerker
1 with plasma pistol, Berzerker chainblade
• 4* berzerkers
1 with Eviscerator, bolt pistol, Khorne icon
1 with plasma pistol, Berzerker chainblade
2 with bolt pistol, Berzerker chainblade

Infantry 5: 5* Khorne Berzerkers (100 pts)
• 1*Champion Berzerker
1 with plasma pistol, Berzerker chainblade
• 4* berzerkers
1 with Eviscerator, bolt pistol, Khorne icon
1 with plasma pistol, Berzerker chainblade
2 with bolt pistol, Berzerker chainblade

Infantry 6: 5* Khorne Berzerkers (100 pts)
• 1*Champion Berzerker
1 with plasma pistol, Berzerker chainblade
• 4* berzerkers
1 with Eviscerator, bolt pistol, Khorne icon
1 with plasma pistol, Berzerker chainblade
2 with bolt pistol, Berzerker chainblade

Vehicule 1: 1*World Eaters Rhino (75 points)
• 1*World Eaters Rhino
1 with combi bolter, additional Combi-bolter, Havoc launcher, armored tracks.

Vehicule 2: 1*World Eaters Rhino (75 points)
• 1*World Eaters Rhino
1 with combi bolter, additional Combi-bolter, Havoc launcher, armored tracks.

Infantry 7: 3*Eightbounds (145 points)
• 1x Eightbound Champion
1 Lacerator
• 2x Eightbounds
2 Eightbound eviscerators

Infantry 8: 3*Exalted Eightbound (160 points)
• 1x Exalted Eightbound Champion
1 with Eightbound chainfist and Eightbound eviscerator
• 2x Exalted Eightbound
2 with Eightbound chainfist and Eightbound eviscerator

Beast 1: 2* World Eaters chaos spawns (65pts)
• 2 chaos spawns
2 with Hideous mutations

Beast 2: 2* World Eaters chaos spawns (65pts)
• 2 chaos spawns
2 with Hideous mutation

Vehicule 3: 1* World Eaters Forgefiend (145 points)
• 1* World Eaters Forgefiend
1 with 2x Ectoplasma cannons, additional Ectoplasma cannon and 1 Forgefiend claws

Vehicule 4: 1* World Eaters Forgefiend (145 points)
• 1* World Eaters Forgefiend
1 with 2x Ectoplasma cannons, additional Ectoplasma cannon and 1 Forgefiend claws

Topdecker : Chaos - Chaos Knights


+ TEAM : Chevaliers du Socle Rond
+ PLAYER : Topdecker
+ FACTION KEYWORD: Chaos - Chaos Knights
+ DETACHMENT: Traitoris Lance
+ ALLIED UNITS: Legiones Daemonica
+ WARLORD: Char1: War Dog Stalker
+ ENHANCEMENT: Aura of Terror (on Char1: War Dog Stalker)
+ SECONDARY - Bring it down : 12 x 3 - Assassination : 1 Character

== DETACHEMENT Chaos Knights - Lance Traitoris :
(Aura) At opponent Cdt phase, all enemy units under 12” and under their initial strength must take a battleshock test [1850pts] ==

Char1: War Dog Stalker (150pts)
• 1x Warlord
1x Havoc multi-launcher, 1x Daemonbreath spear, 1x Slaughterclaw
Enhancement: Aura of terror

War Dog Brigand (170pts)
1x Armoured feet, 1x Avenger chaincannon, 1x Havoc multi-launcher, 1x Daemonbreath spear

War Dog Brigand (170pts)
1x Armoured feet, 1x Avenger chaincannon, 1x Havoc multi-launcher, 1x Daemonbreath spear

War Dog Brigand (170pts)
1x Armoured feet, 1x Avenger chaincannon, 1x Havoc multi-launcher, 1x Daemonbreath spear

War Dog Brigand (170pts)
1x Armoured feet, 1x Avenger chaincannon, 1x Havoc multi-launcher, 1x Daemonbreath spear

War Dog Huntsman (150pts):
1x Daemonbreath meltagun, 1x Daemonbreath spear, 1x Reaper chaintalon

War Dog Karnivore (140pts)
1x Havoc multi-launcher, 1x Reaper chaintalon, 1x Slaughterclaw

War Dog Karnivore (140pts)
1x Havoc multi-launcher, 1x Reaper chaintalon, 1x Slaughterclaw

War Dog Karnivore (140pts)
1x Havoc multi-launcher, 1x Reaper chaintalon, 1x Slaughterclaw

War Dog Karnivore (140pts)
1x Havoc multi-launcher, 1x Reaper chaintalon, 1x Slaughterclaw

War Dog Karnivore (140pts)
1x Havoc multi-launcher, 1x Reaper chaintalon, 1x Slaughterclaw

War Dog Karnivore (140pts)
1x Havoc multi-launcher, 1x Reaper chaintalon, 1x Slaughterclaw


Beasts of Nurgle (70pts)
• 1x Beast of Nurgle
1 with Putrid appendages

3x Nurglings (40pts)
• 3x Nurgling Swarm
3 with Diseased claws and teeth

3x Nurglings (40pts)
• 3x Nurgling Swarm
3 with Diseased claws and teeth

Dragon_57 : Chaos - Death Guard


Player Name: Denis OBLET « Dragon_57 »
Team : Les Licornes Truquées
Factions Used: Death Guard, Chaos Deamons
Army Points: 1995
Army Enhancements: None.
Warlord : EH 1 - Mortarion
Detachment Rule: Death Guard – Plague Company – Spread the Sickness
Assassination : 16 ; Bring it Down : 13

EH 1 : 1x Mortarion [325 pts][Warlord]
--- 1x Rotwind, 1x The Lantern, 1x Silence

EH 2 : 1x Typhus [80 pts]
--- 1x Master crafted manreaper

C1 : 1x Lord of Contagion [80 pts]
--- 1x Plagueblade

C2 : 1x Lord of Virulence [80 pts]
--- 1x Twin plague spewer, 1x Heavy plague fist

L1 : 3x Nurglings [40 pts]
--- 3x Diseased claws and teeth

L2 : 3x Nurglings [40 pts]
--- 3x Diseased claws and teeth

L3 : 3x Nurglings [40 pts]
--- 3x Diseased claws and teeth

I1 : 10x Death Guard Cultists [50 pts]
--- 1x Death Guard Cultist Champion, 1x Cultist firearm, 1x Brutal assaut weapon
--- 1x Death Guard Cultist, 1x Flamer, 1x Brutal assaut weapon
--- 1x Death Guard Cultist, 1x Heavy stubber, 1x Brutal assaut weapon
--- 1x Death Guard Cultist, 1x Grenade launcher, 1x Brutal assaut weapon
--- 6x Death Guard Cultists, 6x Cultist firearm, 6x Brutal assaut weapon

I2 : 6x Deathshroud Terminators [240 pts]
--- 1x Deathshroud Champion : 2x Plaguespurt gauntlet, 1x Manreaper
--- 5x Deathshroud : 1x Plaguespurt gauntlet, 1x Manreaper

I3 : 6x Deathshroud Terminators [240 pts]
--- 1x Deathshroud Champion : 2x Plaguespurt gauntlet, 1x Manreaper
--- 5x Deathshroud : 1x Plaguespurt gauntlet, 1x Manreaper

I4 : 6x Deathshroud Terminators [240 pts]
--- 1x Deathshroud Champion : 2x Plaguespurt gauntlet, 1x Manreaper
--- 5x Deathshroud : 1x Plaguespurt gauntlet, 1x Manreaper

V1 : 1x Plagueburst Crawler [180 pts]
--- 1x Plagueburst Mortar, 2x Entropy cannon, 1x Heavy slugger

V2 : 1x Plagueburst Crawler [180 pts]
--- 1x Plagueburst Mortar, 2x Entropy cannon 1x Heavy slugger

V3 : 1x Plagueburst Crawler [180 pts]
--- 1x Plagueburst Mortar, 2x Entropy cannon, 1x Heavy slugger

Soldiereyes : Necrons


Nom du joueur : Soldiereyes
Nom de l'équipe :
Factions utilisées : Necrons
Points d'armée : 2000
Améliorations d'armée : Chronomancien : Axe osteoclave, Seigneur Lokhust : Tyran émergent
Règle de détachement : légion hypercrypt
Seigneur de guerre : Imothek le seigneur des tempêtes

== Détachement principal : Necrons [2000pts] ==

Héros épiques 1 : Écharde C'tan du Dragon du Néant [270pts]
Héros épiques 2 : Écharde C'tan du Nyctophore [255pts]
Héros épiques 3 : [WARLORD] Imotekh le Seigneur des Tempêtes [100pts]

Personnages 1 : Chronomancien [70pts]
--- Optimisations : Axe osteoclave
Personnages 2 : Seigneur Lokhust [105pts] Orbe de résurrection
--- Optimisations : Tyran émergent
Personnages 3 : Technomancien [60pts]

Ligne 1 : 5 Immortels [70pts] 5 Carabine Tesla

Infanterie 1 : 10 Factionnaires [170pts] 10 Epée d'hyperphase, 10 Bouclier à dispersion

Bêtes 1 : 6 Spectres Canopteks [220pts] 6 particule caster

Montés 1 : 6 Destroyers Lokhusts [180pts]
Montés 2 : 3 Destroyers Lourds Lokhusts [150pts] 3 Exterminateur d'hostiles

Véhicules 1 : Monolithe [350pts] 4 Rayon de mort

Lurdok : Chaos - Chaos Knights


Player Name : Lurdok
Team Name : Licornes Truquées
Factions used : Chaos Knights
Army points : 1995
Army Enhancements :
Detachment Rule : Chaos Knights - Lance Traitoris

== Chaos Knights - Traitoris Lance DETACHMENT :

EL 1 : Chaos Cerastus Knight Lancer [435pts] [Warlord] Cerastus shock lance
EL 2 : War Dog Stalker [150pts] Avenger chaincannon, Havoc multi-launcher, Reaper chaintalon

TR 1 : War Dog Brigand [170pts] Avenger chaincannon, Demonbreath spear, Havoc multi-launcher, Armoured feet
TR 2 : War Dog Brigand [170pts] Avenger chaincannon, Demonbreath spear, Havoc multi-launcher, Armoured feet
TR 3 : War Dog Brigand [170pts] Avenger chaincannon, Demonbreath spear, Havoc multi-launcher, Armoured feet
TR 4 : War Dog Brigand [170pts] Avenger chaincannon, Demonbreath spear, Havoc multi-launcher, Armoured feet
TR 5 : War Dog Brigand [170pts] Avenger chaincannon, Demonbreath spear, Havoc multi-launcher, Armoured feet
TR 6 : War Dog Karnivore [140pts] Havoc multi-launcher, Slaughterclaw, Reaper chaintalon
TR 7 : War Dog Karnivore [140pts] Havoc multi-launcher, Slaughterclaw, Reaper chaintalon
TR 8 : War Dog Karnivore [140pts] Havoc multi-launcher, Slaughterclaw, Reaper chaintalon
TR 9 : War Dog Karnivore [140pts] Havoc multi-launcher, Slaughterclaw, Reaper chaintalon

Senechal_Thalion : Leagues of Votann


+ TEAM :
+ PLAYER : Senechal Thalion
+ FACTION KEYWORD : Leagues of Votann
+ DETACHMENT USED : Leagues of Votann - Oathband
+ ENHANCEMENT : Appraisal Glare (on Char1: Einhyr Champion), Grim Demeanour (on Char2: Kâhl)
- Bring it down - 3x 2
- Assassination - 2 Characters


Char1: Einhyr Champion (80 points)
-Autoch-pattern combi-bolter, Mass hammer, Weavefield crest
Enhancement: Appraisal Glare

Char2: [Warlord] Kâhl (90 points)
-Volkanite disintegrator, Mass gauntlet, Rampart crest
Enhancement: Grim Demeanour


10x Hearthkyn Warriors (110 points)
-7 Autoch-pattern bolter, 9 Autoch-pattern bolt pistol, HYLas auto rifle, 8 Close combat weapon, Kin melee weapon, Medipack, Comms array, Pan spectral scanner
-1x Theyn, EtaCarn plasma pistol, Kin melee weapon, Weavefield crest


Sagitaur (115 points)
-HYLas beam cannon, Twin Bolt cannon, Armoured wheels

Sagitaur (115 points)
-HYLas beam cannon, Twin Bolt cannon, Armoured wheels

Sagitaur (115 points)
-HYLas beam cannon, Twin Bolt cannon, Armoured wheels

10x Einhyr Hearthguard (320 points)
-9 EtaCarn Plasma gun, 9 Exo-armour grenade launcher, 9 Concussion gauntlet
-1x Hesyr, EtaCarn Plasma gun, Exo-armour grenade launcher, Concussion hammer, Teleport crest

10x Einhyr Hearthguard (320 points)
-9 Exo-armour grenade launcher, 9 Volkanite disintegrator, 9 Plasma blade gauntlet
-1x Hesyr, Exo-armour grenade launcher, Volkanite disintegrator, Concussion hammer, Teleport crest

5x Cthonian Beserks (100 points)
-Mole grenade-launcher, 5 Concussion maul

5x Cthonian Beserks (100 points)
-Mole grenade-launcher, 5 Concussion maul

6x Brôkhyr Thunderkyn (170 points)
-6 Graviton blast cannon, 6 Close combat weapon

3x Hernkyn Pioneers (90 points)
-3 Magna-coil autocannon, 3 Bolt shotgun, 3 Bolt revolver, HYLas rotary cannon, Plasma knife, Rollbar searchlight, Pan spectral scanner

6x Hernkyn Pioneers (180 points)
-6 Magna-coil autocannon, 6 Bolt shotgun, 6 Bolt revolver, 2 HYLas rotary cannon, Plasma knife, Comms array, Rollbar searchlight, Pan spectral scanner

3x Hernkyn Pioneers (90 points)
-3 Magna-coil autocannon, 3 Bolt shotgun, 3 Bolt revolver, HYLas rotary cannon, Plasma knife, Rollbar searchlight, Pan spectral scanner

manganate : Imperium - Grey Knights


Player Name : Manganate
Team Name : Licornes truquées
Factions used : Grey Knights
Army points : 2000
Warlord : Kaldor Draigo
Army Enhancements : Brotherhood Librarian : Inescapable Wrath (15), Brotherhood Librarian : First to the Fray (35)
Detachment Rule : Teleport Shunt
Bring it down - 2 vehicules, 13W each
Assassination - 3 Characters



Char1: Kaldor Draigo (125 points) WARLORD
-Storm bolter, Scourging, The Titansword

Char2: Brotherhood Librarian (125 points)
-Soul Purge
Enhancement: Inescapable Wrath

Char3: Brotherhood Librarian (145 points)
-Soul Purge
Enhancement: First to the Fray


5x Strike Squad (125 points)
-4 Storm bolter, 4 Nemesis force weapon, 1 Incinerator

10x Brotherhood Terminator Squad (420 points)
-7 Storm bolter, 2 Incinerator, 10 Nemesis force weapon, Ancient’s Banner, Narthecium

5x Brotherhood Terminator Squad (210 points)
-3 Storm bolter, Incinerator, 5 Nemesis force weapon, Ancient’s Banner, Narthecium

5x Brotherhood Terminator Squad (210 points)
-3 Storm bolter, Incinerator, 5 Nemesis force weapon, Ancient’s Banner, Narthecium


5x Interceptor Squad (135 points)
-5 Storm bolter, 5 Nemesis force weapon

5x Purgation Squad (135 points)
-1 Storm bolter, 4 Incinerator, 1 Nemesis force weapon

Nemesis Dreadknight (185 points)
-Heavy incinerator, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Daemon greathammer

Nemesis Dreadknight (185 points)
-Heavy incinerator, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis greatsword

Sowaa : Imperium - Adeptus Custodes


+ PLAYER: Sowaa
+ TEAM: Lircornes Truquées
+ FACTION KEYWORD: Imperium - Adeptus Custodes
+ DETACHMENT: Shield Host
+ ALLIED UNITS: Agents of the Imperium
+ WARLORD: Char3: Trajann Valoris
+ ENHANCEMENT: Char1: Blade Champion (Veiled Blade) / Char2: Shield-Captain (Inspirational Exemplar)


Char1: Blade Champion (145pts): • 1x Veiled Blade, • 1x Vault sword

Char2: Shield-Captain (150pts): • 1x Guardian Spear, • 1x Inspirational Exemplar

Char3: Trajann Valoris (160pts): • 1x Warlord, • 1x Watcher's Axe


5x Custodian Guard (225pts): • 4x Custodian Guard (Guardian Spear), • 4 with Guardian Spear, • 1x Custodian Guard (Vexilla, Praesidium Shield & Misericordia), • 1 with Vexilla, Misericordia

5x Custodian Guard (225pts): • 4x Custodian Guard (Guardian Spear), • 4 with Guardian Spear, • 1x Custodian Guard (Vexilla, Praesidium Shield & Misericordia), • 1 with Vexilla, Misericordia

4x Prosecutors (40pts): • 3x Prosecutor, • 3 with Boltgun, Close combat weapon, • 1x Prosecutor Sister Superior, • 1 with Boltgun, Close combat weapon


5x Allarus Custodians (325pts): • 4x Allarus Custodian (Guardian Spear), • 4 with Guardian Spear, Balistus grenade launcher, • 1x Allarus Custodian (Vexilla & Misericordia), • 1 with Misericordia, Balistus grenade launcher

5x Custodian Wardens (250pts): • 4x Custodian Warden (Guardian Spear), • 4 with Guardian Spear, • 1x Custodian Warden, • 1 with Vexilla, Guardian Spear

5x Custodian Wardens (250pts): • 4x Custodian Warden (Guardian Spear), • 4 with Guardian Spear, • 1x Custodian Warden, • 1 with Vexilla, Guardian Spear

5x Witchseekers (65pts): • 4x Witchseeker, • 4 with Witchseeker flamer, Close combat weapon, • 1x Witchseeker Sister Superior, • 1 with Close combat weapon, Witchseeker flamer


Char4: Callidus Assassin (90pts): • 1x Neural shredder, • 1x Phase sword and poison blades

Char5: Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus (75pts): • 1x Dirgesinger, • 1x Power fist, • 1x Psychic Tempest

Arkhan57 : Imperium - Adeptus Custodes


+ PLAYER Arkhan57
+ FACTION KEYWORD: Imperium - Adeptus Custodes
+ DETACHMENT: Shield Host
+ ALLIED UNITS: Agents of the Imperium
+ WARLORD: Char3: Trajann Valoris
+Assassinate: 16 Bring it down: 0


Char1: Blade Champion (120pts): • 1x Vault sword

Char2: Blade Champion (120pts): • 1x Vault sword

Char3: Trajann Valoris (160pts): • 1x Warlord, • 1x Watcher's Axe


4x Custodian Guard (180pts): • 4x Custodian Guard (Guardian Spear), • 4 with Guardian Spear

4x Custodian Guard (180pts): • 4x Custodian Guard (Guardian Spear), • 4 with Guardian Spear

4x Prosecutors (40pts): • 3x Prosecutor, • 3 with Boltgun, Close combat weapon, • 1x Prosecutor Sister Superior, • 1 with Boltgun, Close combat weapon

4x Prosecutors (40pts): • 3x Prosecutor, • 3 with Boltgun, Close combat weapon, • 1x Prosecutor Sister Superior, • 1 with Boltgun, Close combat weapon


2x Allarus Custodians (130pts): • 2x Allarus Custodian (Guardian Spear), • 2 with Guardian Spear, Balistus grenade launcher

2x Allarus Custodians (130pts): • 2x Allarus Custodian (Guardian Spear), • 2 with Guardian Spear, Balistus grenade launcher

5x Allarus Custodians (325pts): • 5x Allarus Custodian (Guardian Spear), • 5 with Guardian Spear, Balistus grenade launcher

5x Custodian Wardens (250pts): • 5x Custodian Warden (Guardian Spear), • 5 with Guardian Spear

5x Custodian Wardens (250pts): • 5x Custodian Warden (Guardian Spear), • 4 with Guardian Spear, 1 Custodian Warden with Vexilla and Guardian Spear


Char4: Eversor Assassin (75pts): • 1x Executioner pistol, • 1x Power sword and neuro gauntlet

Cahain : Orks


+ PLAYER Cahain
+ DETACHMENT: Waaagh! Tribe
+ WARLORD: Char4: Kaptin Badrukk
+ ENHANCEMENT: Headwoppa’s Killchoppa (on Char1: Beastboss on Squigosaur)
& Kunnin’ But Brutal (on Char2: Warboss)
+Assassinate: 20 Bring it down: 24


Char1: Beastboss on Squigosaur (185pts): • 1x Beastchoppa, • 1x Headwoppa’s Killchoppa, • 1x Slugga, • 1x Squigosaur’s jaws, • 1x Thump gun

Char2: Warboss (80pts): • 1x Attack squig, • 1x Power klaw, • 1x Kunnin’ But Brutal, • 1x Kombi-weapon, • 1x Twin slugga

Char3: Warboss (65pts): • 1x Attack squig, • 1x Power klaw, • 1x Kombi-weapon, • 1x Twin slugga

Char4: Kaptin Badrukk (80pts): • 1x Choppa, • 1x Da Rippa, • 1x Slugga, • 1x Warlord

Char5: Mozrog Skragbad (195pts): • 1x Big Chompa’s jaws, • 1x Gutrippa, • 1x Thump gun


10x Beast Snagga Boyz (105pts): • 9x Beast Snagga Boy, • 9 with Choppa, Slugga, • 1x Beast Snagga Nob, • 1 with Power snappa, Slugga

10x Beast Snagga Boyz (105pts): • 9x Beast Snagga Boy, • 9 with Choppa, Slugga, • 1x Beast Snagga Nob, • 1 with Power snappa, Slugga

10x Beast Snagga Boyz (105pts): • 9x Beast Snagga Boy, • 9 with Choppa, Slugga, • 1x Beast Snagga Nob, • 1 with Power snappa, Slugga


10x Flash Gitz (190pts): • 9x Flash Gitz, • 9 with Choppa, Snazzgun, • 1x Kaptin, • 1 with Choppa, Snazzgun

11x Gretchin (40pts): • 10x Gretchin, • 10 with Close combat weapon, Grot blasta, • 1x Runtherd, • 1 with Grot-smacka, Slugga

11x Gretchin (40pts): • 10x Gretchin, • 10 with Close combat weapon, Grot blasta, • 1x Runtherd, • 1 with Grot-smacka, Slugga

5x Nobz (110pts): • 1x Boss Nob, • 1 with Power klaw, Slugga, • 4x Nob, • 4 with Slugga, Power klaw

5x Nobz (110pts): • 1x Boss Nob, • 1 with Power klaw, Slugga, • 4x Nob, • 4 with Slugga, Power klaw

5x Stormboyz (65pts): • 1x Boss Nob, • 1 with Slugga, Power klaw, • 4x Stormboy, • 4 with Slugga, Choppa

5x Stormboyz (65pts): • 1x Boss Nob, • 1 with Slugga, Power klaw, • 4x Stormboy, • 4 with Slugga, Choppa

5x Stormboyz (65pts): • 1x Boss Nob, • 1 with Slugga, Power klaw, • 4x Stormboy, • 4 with Slugga, Choppa

Trukk (65pts): • 1x Big shoota, • 1x Spiked wheels, • 1x Wreckin' ball

Trukk (65pts): • 1x Big shoota, • 1x Spiked wheels, • 1x Wreckin' ball

Trukk (65pts): • 1x Big shoota, • 1x Spiked wheels, • 1x Wreckin' ball

Trukk (65pts): • 1x Big shoota, • 1x Spiked wheels, • 1x Wreckin' ball

Trukk (65pts): • 1x Big shoota, • 1x Spiked wheels, • 1x Wreckin' ball

Trukk (65pts): • 1x Big shoota, • 1x Spiked wheels, • 1x Wreckin' ball

Pab : Chaos - Thousand Sons


+ TEAM - Strastégie
+ PLAYER – Pab
+ FACTION KEYWORD: Chaos - Thousand Sons
+ DETACHMENT: Cult of Magic
+ WARLORD: Char6: Magnus the Red
+ ENHANCEMENT: Umbralefic Crystal (on Char1: Exalted Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch)
& Athenaen Scrolls (on Char2: Infernal Master)
& Lord of Forbidden Lore (on Char4: Thousand Sons Sorcerer)
+ Assassinate: 24 / Bring it down: 10


Char1: Exalted Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch (2Cabal Points, 135pts): • 1x Arcane Fire, • 1x Umbralefic Crystal, • 1x Force weapon, • 1x Warpflame pistol
Char2: Infernal Master (2Cabal Points, 110pts): • 1x Athenaen Scrolls, • 1x Force weapon, • 1x Inferno bolt pistol, • 1x Screamer Invocation
Char3: Infernal Master (2Cabal Points, 90pts): • 1x Force weapon, • 1x Inferno bolt pistol, • 1x Screamer Invocation

Char4: Thousand Sons Sorcerer (1Cabal Points, 120pts): • 1x Lord of Forbidden Lore, • 1x Fires of the Abyss, • 1x Force weapon, • 1x Warpflame pistol
Char5: Ahriman on Disc of Tzeentch (3Cabal Points, 140pts): • 1x Black Staff of Ahriman, • 1x Inferno bolt pistol, • 1x Psychic Stalk
Char6: Magnus the Red (4Cabal Points, 440pts): • 1x Blade of Magnus, • 1x Gaze of Magnus, • 1x Tzeentch's Firestorm, • 1x Warlord
5x Rubric Marines (1Cabal Points, 105pts): • 4x Rubric Marine, • 1 with Close combat weapon, Soulreaper cannon, • 3 with Warpflamer, Close combat weapon, • 1x Aspiring Sorcerer, • 1 with Force weapon, Warpsmite, Warpflame pistol
5x Rubric Marines (1Cabal Points, 105pts): • 4x Rubric Marine, • 1 with Close combat weapon, Soulreaper cannon, • 3 with Warpflamer, Close combat weapon, • 1x Aspiring Sorcerer, • 1 with Force weapon, Warpsmite, Warpflame pistol
5x Rubric Marines (1Cabal Points, 105pts): • 4x Rubric Marine, • 1 with Close combat weapon, Soulreaper cannon, • 3 with Warpflamer, Close combat weapon, • 1x Aspiring Sorcerer, • 1 with Force weapon, Warpsmite, Warpflame pistol
5x Rubric Marines (1Cabal Points, 105pts): • 4x Rubric Marine, • 1 with Close combat weapon, Soulreaper cannon, • 3 with Warpflamer, Close combat weapon, • 1x Aspiring Sorcerer, • 1 with Force weapon, Warpsmite, Warpflame pistol
5x Rubric Marines (1Cabal Points, 105pts): • 4x Rubric Marine, • 1 with Close combat weapon, Soulreaper cannon, • 3 with Warpflamer, Close combat weapon, • 1x Aspiring Sorcerer, • 1 with Force weapon, Warpsmite, Warpflame pistol
10x Tzaangors (65pts): • 10x Tzaangor blades, • 1x Brayhorn, • 1x Herd banner
3x Tzaangor Enlightened (45pts): • 3x Fatecaster greatbow Enlightened, • 3 with Fatecaster greatbow, Close combat weapon
3x Tzaangor Enlightened (45pts): • 3x Fatecaster greatbow Enlightened, • 3 with Fatecaster greatbow, Close combat weapon
3x Tzaangor Enlightened (45pts): • 3x Fatecaster greatbow Enlightened, • 3 with Fatecaster greatbow, Close combat weapon
Mutalith Vortex Beast (165pts): • 1x Betentacled maw, • 1x Mutalith claws, • 1x Warp vortex
Thousand Sons Rhino (75pts): • 1x Armoured tracks, • 1x Havoc launcher, • 1x Inferno combi-bolter, • 1x Inferno combi-weapon

lekeul : Necrons


+ TEAM : Strastégie
+ PLAYER : Lekeul
+ DETACHMENT USED : Nécrons - Légion Hypercrypte
+ WARLORD : Technomancien
+ ENHANCEMENT : Axe osteoclave (on Char4: Technomancien), Nodule de transfert hyperspatial (on Char5: Technomancien)
- Abattez-le - 6x3 : 18 pts
- Assassinat - 5 Characters : 20 pts


Char1: Écharde C'tan du Dragon du Néant (270 points)
-Tempête voltaïque, Lames caudales canopteks, Lance du Dragon du Néant

Char2: Écharde C'tan du Nyctophore (255 points)
-Regard de mort, Faux du Nyctophore

Char3: C'tan Transcendant (275 points)
-Assaut sismique, Vrilles crépitantes

Char4: Technomancien (80 points)
-Seigneur de guerre
-Bâton de lumière
Enhancement: Axe osteoclave

Char5: Technomancien (75 points)
-Bâton de lumière
Enhancement: Nodule de transfert hyperspatial


5x Dépeceurs (70 points)
-5 Griffes de Dépeceur

5x Dépeceurs (70 points)
-5 Griffes de Dépeceur

6x Spectres Canopteks (220 points)
-6 Projecteur de particules, 6 Griffes acérées

6x Spectres Canopteks (220 points)
-6 Projecteur de particules, 6 Griffes acérées

Destroyers Lokhusts (30 points)
-Canon Gauss, Arme de corps à corps

Destroyers Lokhusts (30 points)
-Canon Gauss, Arme de corps à corps

Maraudeur Canoptek (135 points)
-Éclateur du Jugement Dernier, Écorcheur Gauss jumelé, Jambes de Maraudeur

Maraudeur Canoptek (135 points)
-Éclateur du Jugement Dernier, Écorcheur Gauss jumelé, Jambes de Maraudeur

Maraudeur Canoptek (135 points)
-Éclateur du Jugement Dernier, Écorcheur Gauss jumelé, Jambes de Maraudeur

Ec.hO : Chaos - Chaos Knights


+ FACTION KEYWORD: Chaos - Chaos Knights
+ DETACHMENT: Traitoris Lance
+ WARLORD: Char1: War Dog Stalker
+ ENHANCEMENT: Aura of Terror (on Char1: War Dog Stalker)
+Assassinate: 4 / Bring it down: 39


Char1: War Dog Stalker (175pts): • 1x Havoc multi-launcher, • 1x Avenger chaincannon, • 1x Aura of Terror, • 1x Slaughterclaw, • 1x Warlord


War Dog Brigand (170pts): • 1x Armoured feet, • 1x Avenger chaincannon, • 1x Havoc multi-launcher, • 1x Daemonbreath spear

War Dog Brigand (170pts): • 1x Armoured feet, • 1x Avenger chaincannon, • 1x Havoc multi-launcher, • 1x Daemonbreath spear

War Dog Brigand (170pts): • 1x Armoured feet, • 1x Avenger chaincannon, • 1x Havoc multi-launcher, • 1x Daemonbreath spear

War Dog Brigand (170pts): • 1x Armoured feet, • 1x Avenger chaincannon, • 1x Havoc multi-launcher, • 1x Daemonbreath spear

War Dog Huntsman (150pts): • 1x Daemonbreath meltagun, • 1x Daemonbreath spear, • 1x Reaper chaintalon

War Dog Huntsman (150pts): • 1x Daemonbreath meltagun, • 1x Daemonbreath spear, • 1x Reaper chaintalon

War Dog Karnivore (140pts): • 1x Havoc multi-launcher, • 1x Reaper chaintalon, • 1x Slaughterclaw

War Dog Karnivore (140pts): • 1x Havoc multi-launcher, • 1x Reaper chaintalon, • 1x Slaughterclaw

War Dog Karnivore (140pts): • 1x Havoc multi-launcher, • 1x Reaper chaintalon, • 1x Slaughterclaw

War Dog Karnivore (140pts): • 1x Havoc multi-launcher, • 1x Reaper chaintalon, • 1x Slaughterclaw

War Dog Karnivore (140pts): • 1x Havoc multi-launcher, • 1x Reaper chaintalon, • 1x Slaughterclaw

War Dog Karnivore (140pts): • 1x Havoc multi-launcher, • 1x Reaper chaintalon, • 1x Slaughterclaw

Beater : Leagues of Votann


+ FACTION KEYWORD: Leagues of Votann
+ DETACHMENT: Oathband
+ WARLORD: Char 3 : Einhyr champion
+ ENHANCEMENT: Appraising Glare [20pts] (Char 2 : Einhyr champion)
+Assassinate: 16 / Bring it down: 6


Char 1 : Einhyr Champion [60pts] Autoch-pattern combi-bolter (0), Mass hammer (0), Weavefiel Crest (0)
Char 2 : Einhyr Champion [80pts] Autoch-pattern combi-bolter (0), Mass hammer (0), Weavefiel Crest (0)
--- Enhancement : Appraising Glare (20)
Char 3 : Kâhl [70pts] Volkanite disintegrator (0), Mass gauntlet (0), Rampart Crest (0)
Char 4 : Kâhl [70pts] Volkanite disintegrator (0), Mass gauntlet (0), Rampart Crest (0)


10 x Hearthkyn Warriors [110pts] 9 Autoch-pattern bolt pistol (0), 7 Ion blaster (0), HYLas auto rifle (0), L7 missile launcher (0), 9 Close combat weapon (0), Medipack (0), Comms Array(0), Pan Spectral Scanner (0)
--- Theyn; EtaCarn plasma pistol (0), Kin melee weapon (0), Weavefiel Crest (0)


Sagitaur [115pts] Twin bolt canon (0), Sagitaur missile launcher (0), L7 missile launcher (0), Armoured wheels (0)

10x Einhyr Hearthguard [320pts] 9 Exo-armour grenade launcher (0), 9 Volkanite disintegrator (0), 9 Concussion gauntlet (0)
--- Hesyr; Exo-armour grenade launcher (0), Volkanite disintegrator (0), Concussion hammer (0), Teleport Crest (0)

10x tregardes Einhyrs [320pts] 9 Exo-armour grenade launcher (0), 9 Volkanite disintegrator (0), 9 Concussion gauntlet (0)
--- Hesyr; Exo-armour grenade launcher (0), Volkanite disintegrator (0), Concussion hammer (0), Teleport Crest (0)

5x tregardes Einhyrs [160pts] 4 Exo-armour grenade launcher (0), 4 Volkanite disintegrator (0), 4 Concussion gauntlet (0)

--- Hesyr; Exo-armour grenade launcher (0), Volkanite disintegrator (0), Concussion hammer (0), Teleport Crest (0)

5x Cthonian Beserks [100pts] Mole grenade launcher (0), 4 Heavy plasma axe (0), Twin concussion gauntlet (0)

5x Cthonian Beserks [100pts] Mole grenade launcher (0), 4 Heavy plasma axe (0), Twin concussion gauntlet (0)

3x Hernkyn Pioneers [90pts] 3 Magna-coil autocannon (0), 3 Bolt shotgun (0), 3 bolt revolver (0), HYLas rotary cannon (0), Plasma knife (0), Rollbar Searchlight (0), Pan Spectral Scanner (0)

3x Hernkyn Pioneers [90pts] 3 Magna-coil autocannon (0), 3 Bolt shotgun (0), 3 bolt revolver (0), HYLas rotary cannon (0), Plasma knife (0), Rollbar Searchlight (0), Pan Spectral Scanner (0)

3x Hernkyn Pioneers [90pts] 3 Magna-coil autocannon (0), 3 Bolt shotgun (0), 3 bolt revolver (0), HYLas rotary cannon (0), Plasma knife (0), Rollbar Searchlight (0), Pan Spectral Scanner (0)

Hekaton Land Fortress [225pts] 2 Twin ion beamer (0), MATR autocannon (0), Cyclic ion cannon (0), Armoured wheels (0), Pan Spectral Scanner (0)