Army lists

DBZ-buu-buu : Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Dark Angels

Region; Grand Est
Player : Benjamin MENISSIER
Tabletoptournament profile : DBZ BUU BUU
Total army points – 2000
Total reinforcement points 0
Total Command points : 12
Detachment costs : Deathwing Vanguard (-3CP) refunded by the Warlord (+3CP) ; Deathwing Vanguard (-3CP).
Pre battle stratagem: Hero of the Chapter Rites of War -1CP on Talonmaster ; Hero of the Chapter Selfless Healer -1CP on Ravenwing Apothecary ; Relic Reliquary of the Repentant -1CP on Ravenwing Apothecary
Remaining command point : 6
++ DETACHMENT : Deathwing Vanguard ++
HQ1 : [Warlord] Ravenwing Talonmaster (175), Deathwing/Ravenwing, Arbiter’s Gaze (FREE RELIC), [Trait] Brillant Strategist [8 PL, 175pts]
HQ2 : Ravenwing Talonmaster (175), [Trait supp] Rites of War (Aura) (-1CP) [8 PL, 175pts]
Elite1 : Ravenwing Apothecary (100) : Chapter Command: Chief Apothecary(35), [RELIC supp] Reliquary of the Repentant (-1CP), [Trait supp] Selfless Healer (-1CP), Astartes grenade launcher [6 PL, 135pts]
Elite2 : 10 Deathwing Terminator Squad(165 + 5*33), 2 Cyclone Missile Launcher(50), 3 Lightning Claw (Pair), 4 Thunder Hammer (40), 2 Chainfist(10), 4 Storm Shield(0), Deathwing Sergeant(0), Thunder Hammer(10), Storm Shield, Watcher in the Dark(5) [18 PL, 445pts]
Elite3 : 10 Deathwing Terminator Squad(165 + 5*33), 2 Cyclone Missile Launcher(50), 3 Lightning Claw (Pair), 4 Thunder Hammer (40), 2 Chainfist(10), 4 Storm Shield(0), Deathwing Sergeant(0), Thunder Hammer(10), Storm Shield [18 PL, 440pts]
+ Total détachement: [58 PL, 1370pts] +
++ DETACHMENT : Deathwing Vanguard ++
HQ3 : Lazarus (110) [6 PL, 110pts]
Elite4 : 2 Deathwing Command Terminators (70), Thunder Hammer (10), Storm Shield (0), Deathwing Sergeant(0), Thunder Hammer (10), Storm Shield(0) [4 PL, 90pts]
Elite5 : 2 Deathwing Command Terminators (70), Griffes Lightning (Pair)(0), Deathwing Sergeant(0), Thunder Hammer (10), Storm Shield(0) [4 PL, 80pts]
Elite6 : 5 Bladeguard Veterans(105 + 2*35), Bladeguard Veteran Sergent(0) [10PL, 175 pts]
Elite7 : 5 Bladeguard Veterans(105 + 2*35), Bladeguard Veteran Sergent(0) [10PL, 175 pts]
+ Total détachement: [38 PL, 630 pts] +
++ ARMY TOTAL: [92 PL, -6CP, 2000 PTS] ++

Aegon : Imperium - Adepta Sororitas


Region; Grand Est
Player : Gary ANDRE
Tabletoptournament profile : Aegon
Faction: Adepta sororitas / Adeptus Custodes
Total army points – 1996
Total reinforcement points 0
Total Command points : 12
Detachment costs : Patrol Adepta Sororitas (-2CP) refunded by the Warlord (+2CP) ; Patrol Adeptus Custodes (-2CP).
Pre battle stratagem: Open the Vaults [-1CP] (Extra Relic), Ten thousand heroes [-1CP] (Extra Warlord Trait), Captain-commander [-1CP].
Sacred Rites (Adepta Sororitas) : The passion(eeeeeeeee)
Remaining command point : 7


++ DETACHMENT : Patrol Argent Shroud ++
HQ1 : 3 Celestine & Geminae Superia(200), Celestine(0), 2x Geminae Superia(0) [10 PL, 200pts]
HQ2 : [Warlord] Morvenn Vahl(265), [Trait] Righteous Rage [13 PL, 265pts]
Troup1 : 5 Battle Sister Squad (55), Sister Superior(0), Chainsword [3PL, 55 pts]
Troup2 : 5 Battle Sister Squad (55), Sister Superior(0), Chainsword [3PL, 55 pts]
Elite1 : 5 Celestian Sacresants(70), Celestian Superior(0), Anointed Halberd [3PL, 70 pts]
HS1 : 5 Retributor Squad(60), Armourium Cherub(5), 4 Multi-melta(80), Retributor Superior(0), Chainsword [6PL, 145 pts]
HS2 : 5 Retributor Squad(60), Armourium Cherub(5), 4 Multi-melta(80), Retributor Superior(0), Chainsword [6PL, 145 pts]
Transport : Sororitas Rhino, Hunter-killer missile(5) [4 PL, 85pts]
+Total detachment : [48 PL, 1,020pts] +

++ DETACHMENT : Patrol Shadowkeepers ++
HQ3 : Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike(175): [Relic supp] Auric Aquilas[-1CP], Captain-Commander, Salvo Launcher, Misericordia(3), [TRAIT supp] Superior Creation[-1CP], Ten Thousand Heroes, [CAPTAIN COMMANDER TRAIT] Unstoppable Destroyer[-1CP] [9 PL, 178pts]
Troup3 :4 Custodian Guard Squad(135 + 1*45), 4 Storm Shield(20), 4 Sentinel Blade(8) [11 PL, 208pts]
HS3 : Telemon Heavy Dreadnought(280), Arachnus storm cannon(15), Telemon Caestus, Twin plasma projector [14 PL, 295pts]
HS4 : Telemon Heavy Dreadnought(280), Arachnus storm cannon(15), Telemon Caestus, Twin plasma projector [14 PL, 295pts]
+Total detachment : [48 PL, 976pts] +
++ ARMY TOTAL: [96 PL, -5CP, 1,996pts] ++

Wheaver : T'au Empire


Region; Grand Est
Player : Benoit VIELLANT
Tabletoptournament profile : Wheaver
Faction: Tau empire ; Farsight Enclaves
Total army points – 2000
Total reinforcement points 0
Total Command points : 12
Detachment costs : Battalion (-3CP) refunded by the Warlord (+3CP) ;
Pre battle stratagem: Emergency Dispensation (1 Relic) [-1CP]
Veteran Cadre (4+ models) [-2CP]
Remaining command point : 9


+++ DETACHMENT : Bataillon Farsight Enclaves +++
HQ1 : [Warlord] Commander Farsight(130), [Trait] Heros of the Enclaves [7PL, 130pts]
HQ2 : Commander Shadowsun(135), MV37 Advanced Guardian Drone(0), MV62 Command-link Drone(0) [8PL, 135pts]
Troup1 : 5 Breacher Team(45), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [2PL, 45pts]
Troup2 : 5 Breacher Team(45), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [2PL, 45pts]
Troup3 : 10 Kroot carnivores(60) [3PL, 60pts]
Elite1 : 9 XV8 Crisis Battlesuits(75 + 6*25), 7 Advanced targeting system(35), 3 XV8-02 Crisis Iridium Battlesuit(30), 20 Airbursting fragmentation projector(160), [Stratagem] Veteran cadre 4+ models (-2 PC), [Relic] Reactive countermeasures, Crisis Shas'vre(0), 4x MV7 Marker Drone(40) [26PL, 490pts]
HS1 : 3 XV88 Broadside Battlesuits(70 + 2*70), 3 Advanced targeting system(15), 6 Smart missile system(30), 6 High-yield missile pod(90), 5x MV7 Marker Drone(50) [18PL, 395pts]
HS2 : 3 XV88 Broadside Battlesuits(70 + 2*70), 3 Advanced targeting system(15), 6 Smart missile system(30), 6 High-yield missile pod(90), 5x MV7 Marker Drone(50) [18PL, 395pts]
HS3 : 3 XV88 Broadside Battlesuits(70 + 2*70), Drone controller(5), 2 Traqueur de vélocité (autres unités)(10), 6 Smart missile system(30), [Relic] Magna rail rifle (-1CP), 5x MV7 Marker Drone(50) [18PL, 305pts]

++ ARMY TOTAL: [102 PL, -3CP, 2000pts] ++

kingju21 : Chaos - Death Guard

Region; Grand Est
Player : Julien Bouvier
Tabletoptournament profile :Kingju21
Faction: Death Guard
Total army points – 2000
Total reinforcement points 0
Total Command points : 12
Detachment costs :Bataillon death guard (-3CP); refunded by the Warlord (+3CP) .
Pre battle stratagem: Gifts of decay (-1PC) Tollkepper on Tallyman ; Champion of Disease (-1PC) Plague skull of glothila on champion Blightlord Terminator ; Comptemtor relic (-1PC) ; Comptemtor relic (-1PC)
Remaining command point : 8

++ DETACHMENT : Harbringers Bataillon ++
HQ1 :Malignant plaguecaster (95), Miasma of pestilence, Curse of the leper, Smite [4PL, 95pts]
HQ2 : Typhus (165), [PSY] Putrescent vivality, Gilt of plagues [9PL, 165pts]
Troup1 : 10 Poxwalkers (50) [2PL, 50pts]
Troup2 : 10 Poxwalkers (50) [2PL, 50pts]
Troup3 :20 Poxwalkers (100) [5PL, 100pts]
Elite1 : Foetid Virion
[Warlord] Foul Blightspawn (75), [Relic] Revolting stench-vats, [Trait] Arch-contaminator [4PL, 75pts]
Biologus Putrefier (65) [4PL, 65pts]
Tallyman (70), [Relic] (-1 PC) Tollkeppers [4PL, 70pts]
Elite2 : 3 Deathshroud Terminator (150), Deathshroud Champion(0), additional plagueburst gauntlet [7PL, 155pts]
Elite3 : 3 Deathshroud Terminator (150), Deathshroud Champion(0) [7PL, 150pts]
Elite4 : 8 Blightlord Terminators(200 + 3*40), Flail of contagion (5), 7 Bubonic axe, Blightlord Champion(0), Champion of Disease (-1PC): Plague skull of glothila [20PL, 325pts]
Elite5 : (-1PC) Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought(140), Hellforged Cyclone Missile launcher(25), 2 Twin volkite culverin (10), Bubonic Astartes, Death Guard, Nurgle [8PL, 175pts]
Elite6 : (-1PC) Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought(140), Hellforged Cyclone Missile launcher(25), 2 Twin volkite culverin(10), Bubonic Astartes, Death Guard, Nurgle [8PL, 175pts]
HS1 :Plaguebust crawler (165), 2 entropy canon(10) [9PL, 175pts]
HS2 :Plaguebust crawler (165), 2 entropy canon(10) [9PL, 175pts]
++ ARMY TOTAL: [ 102PL, -4CP, 2000 PTS] ++

Vivien55 : Aeldari - Drukhari

Region; Grand Est
Player : Vivien misler
Tabletoptournament profile : Vivien55
Faction: Drukhari
Total army points – 2000
Total reinforcement points 0
Total Command points : 10
Detachment costs : Patrol dark technomancer (0CP); Patrol kabal of obsidian rose (0CP); Patrol culte of strife (0cp)
Pre battle stratagem:Etra warlord trait Archon : Tolerated ambition (-1cp); Extra warlord trait Succubus : Tolerated ambition (-1cp)
Remaining command point : 10 cp
++ DETACHMENT : Dark technomancers Patrol ++
HQ1 : [Warlord] Drazhar(145), [Trait] Hatred Eternal [8PL, 145pts]
Troup1 : 5 Wracks(40), Acothyste(0) [3PL, 40pts]
Troup2 : 5 Wracks(40), Acothyste(0) [3PL, 40pts]
Troup3 : 5 Wracks(40), Acothyste(0) [3PL, 40pts]
Elie1 : 5 Mandrakes(75), Nightfiend(0) [3PL, 75pts]
FA1 : 5 Scourges(60), 4 Shredder(20), Solarite(0) [5PL, 80pts]
FA2 : 5 Scourges(60), 4 Shredder(20), Solarite(0) [5PL, 80pts]
HS1 : 3 Cronos(3*70), 3 Spirit vortex(30) [12PL, 240pts]
+Total detachment : [42 PL, 740pts] +
++ DETACHMENT : Kabal of obsidian rose Patrol ++
HQ2 : Archon(65), Venom blade, [Trait] Ancient evil, Splintered genius(15) [4PL, 80pts]
Troup4 : 10 Kabalite warrior(40 + 5*8), 2 Shredder(10), Dark lance(15), 10x Kabalite trueborn(20), Sybarite(0), Phantasm grenade launcher(5) [8PL, 130pts]
Elite2 : 5 Incubi(80), Klaivex(0), Demiklaives [4PL, 80pts]
Elite3 : 5 Incubi(80), Klaivex(0), Demiklaives [4PL, 80pts]
Transport1 : Raider(95), Dark lance(0), Phantasm grenade launcher(5), Grisly trophies(5) [6PL, 105pts]
Transport2 : Raider(95), Dark lance (0), Phantasm grenade launcher (5), Grisly trophies (5) [6PL, 105pts]
Transport3 : Raider(95), Dark lance (0), Phantasm grenade launcher (5), Grisly trophies (5) [6PL, 105pts]
Transport4 : Venom(65), Splinter canon(10) [4PL, 75pts]
+Total detachment : [42 PL, 760pts] +
++ DETACHMENT : Culte of strife Patrol ++
HQ3 : Succubus(60), Adrenalight, [Relic] The triptych whip, [Trait] precision blows, Show stealer(15) [4PL, 75pts]
Troup5 : 10 Wyches(50 + 5*10), Grave Lotus, shardnet and impaler(10), Hekatrix(0), Phantasm grenade launcher(5) [6PL, 115pts]
Elite4 : 5 Incubi(80), Klaivex(0), Demiklaives [4PL, 80pts]
FA3 : 3 Reavers(60), Hypex, Arena Champion(0) [3PL, 60pts]
FA4 : 10 Hellions(85 + 5*17), Randomly Drugs, Helliarch(0) [7PL, 170pts]
+Total detachment : [24 PL, 500pts] +
++ ARMY TOTAL: [ 109 PL, -2CP, 2000 PTS] ++

Vlax : Imperium - Grey Knights

Region; Grand Est
Player : Gabriel Monvoisin

Tabletoptournament profile :Vlax

Faction: Grey Knight
Total army points – 2000

Total reinforcement points 0
Total Command points : 12
Detachment costs : Swordbearers Brotherhood Spearhead (-3CP); ; Prescient Brethren Brotherhood Patrol(-2CP); refunded by the Warlord (+2CP).
Pre battle stratagem: Armory of Titan (-1CP) ; Shield of humanity (-1CP)

Remaining command point : 7

Starting Tide: Tide of shadows


++ DETACHMENT : Swordbearers Brotherhood Spearhead ++

HQ 1 : Brotherhood Techmarine(80), [Relic] Aethetheric conduit, [PSY] Smite, 3.Sanctuary, Empyric Lodestone, Shield of humanity (-1CP):[Trait] unyielding Anvil [4PL, 80pts]

QG 2 : Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight(150), [Gift of the prescient] Servant of the Throne(20), Nemesis Greatsword(15), Gatling Psilencer(20), Heavy Psycannon(20), Dreadknight teleporter(10), [PSY] Smite, 1.Gate of infinity, 2.Empyric Amplification, Empyric Lodestone [11 PL, 235pts]
FA1 : 10 Interceptor Squad(120 + 5*24), Interceptor Justicar(0), 10 Nemesis force sword(0), [PSY] Smite, 6.Ethereal Castigation, Empyric Lodestone [14PL, 240 pts]

HS1 : Nemesis Dreadknight(120), 2 Dreadfist(0), Gatling Psilencer(20), Heavy Psycannon(20), [PSY] Smite, 3.Hammerhand, Empyric Lodestone [8 PL, 160pts]

HS2 : Nemesis Dreadknight(120), 2 Dreadfist(0), Gatling Psilencer(20), Heavy Psycannon(20), [PSY] Smite, 3.Hammerhand, Empyric Lodestone [8 PL, 160pts]
HS3 : Nemesis Dreadknight(120), 2 Dreadfist(0), Gatling Psilencer(20), Heavy Psycannon(20), [PSY] Smite, 3.Hammerhand, Empyric Lodestone [8 PL, 160pts]

+Total detachment : [53 PL, 1035pts] +

++ DETACHMENT : Prescient Brethren Brotherhood Patrol ++
HQ 3 : [Warlord] Brotherhood Techmarine(80), [PSY] Smite, 3.Sanctuary, Fatal precognition, [Vision of the Augurium] A Noble death(20), [Trait] Divination [5PL, 100pts]
QG 4 : Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight(150), , Nemesis Greatsword(15), Gatling Psilencer(20), Heavy Psycannon(20), Dreadknight teleporter(10), [Relic] Sigil of Exigence, [PSY] Smite, 1.Gate of infinity, 4.Vortex of Doom, Fatal precognition [11 PL, 215pts]
Troup 1 : 5 Strike Squad, Justicar(0), 5 Nemesis force halberd(0), [PSY] Smite, 3. Hammerhand, Fatal precognition [6 PL, 110pts]
Elite1 : 4 Servitor(30), 4 Servo-Arm(0) [2 PL, 30pts]
Elite2 : 4 Servitor(30), 4 Servo-Arm(0) [2 PL, 30pts]
FA2 : 10 Interceptor Squad(120 + 5*24), Interceptor Justicar(0), 10 Nemesis force halberd(0), [PSY] Smite, 6.Ethereal Castigation, Fatal precognition [14PL, 240 pts]
FA3 : 10 Interceptor Squad(120 + 5*24), Interceptor Justicar(0), 10 Nemesis force halberd(0), [PSY] Smite, 6.Ethereal Castigation, Fatal precognition [14PL, 240 pts]
+Total detachment : [54 PL, 965pts] +
++ ARMY TOTAL: [107PL, -5CP, 2000 PTS] ++

Awramz : Orks


+ TEAM : Les Licornes du graoully
+ REGION : Grand Est
+ Tabletoptournament profile : Awramz
+ Detachment costs : Outrider (-3CP)
+ Pre battle stratagem: BIG BOSS (-1 CP),
+ Remaining command point : 8

=== Patrol DETACHMENT : Orks, Freebooter (0 CP)(980 pts) ===

HQ1 : Weirdboy(70), [PSY] Da Jump, [PSY] Fists of Gork [70 pts][4 PL]
HQ2 : [WARLORD]KAPTIN BADRUKK(95), Ammo runt(5), [Warlord Trait]KILLA REPUTATION [100 pts][5 PL]

Troup1 : 10 gretchins(50) [50 pts] [2 PL]

FA1 : 2 Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies (90 + 1x90) [180] [10PL]
FA2 : 3 DeffKoptas (50 + 2x50) [150][8 PL]

HS1 : 5 Flash Gitz(135), Kaptain(0) with Gitfinda squig(5) [140][7PL]
HS2 : 5 Flash Gitz(135), Kaptain(0) with Gitfinda squig(5) [140][7PL]

Flyer1 : Burna-bommer (135), Skorcha missile racks(15) [150][7PL]

=== Outrider DETACHMENT : Orks, Evil sunz (-3 CP)(995 pts) ===

HQ3 : Big Mek with Kustom Force Field(85) [85 pts][5 PL]
HQ4 : Beastboss on Squigosaur(145), [STRAT] BIG BOSS (-1 CP), [Relic] Beasthide Mantle, [Trait] Brutal but Kunnin' [145 pts][8 PL]

Elite1 : 5 nobz(90), 4 big choppas(12), boss nob, big choppa (3) [105 pts][6PL]
Elite2 : 5 nobz(90), 4 big choppas(12), boss nob, power klaw (8) [110 pts][6PL]

FA4 : Nob on Smasha Squig(65) [65 pts][4 PL]
FA5 : Nob on Smasha Squig(65) [65 pts][4 PL]
FA6 : Nob on Smasha Squig(65) [65 pts][4 PL]

HS3 : Kill Rig (190), [KUSTOM] Squig-hide Tyres(15), [PSY] SPIRIT OF GORK, [PSY] SQUIGGLY CURSE [205][11 PL]
HS4 : Battlewagon (120), Deff rolla(15), 'Ard case (15) [150]

Anorok : Imperium - Grey Knights


Team: Les licornes du Graoully
Region : Grand Est
Player : BIANCHI Nicolas
Tabletoptournament profile : Anorok
Faction: Grey Knights
Total army points : 2000
Total reinforcement points /
Total Command points : 12
Detachment cost : 0 (Sword bearer Patrol refunded with Warlord) -2 CP (Prescient Brethren Patrol cost)
Pre battle stratagem: -1 CP Shield of Humanity, -1 CP Armoury of Titan, -1 CP Exemplar of the Silvered Host
Remaining command points : 7

Default tide : Tide of Shadows

=== Patrol detachment (0 CP) (Grey Knight) (Sword Bearers) (1015) ===

HQ1 : Brotherhood Librarian (105), Nemesis Force Halberd, Storm Bolter(5), [PSY] Empiric Lodestone,[PSY] Purifying Flame, [PSY] Warp Shaping [110] [6 PP]
HQ2 : [Warlord] Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight (150), [Gifts of the Prescient] Servant of the Throne (20), Nemesis Greatsword(15), Gatling Psilencer (20), Heavy Psycannon (20), Dreadknight Teleporter (10), [RELIC] Sigil of Exigence, [PSY] Empiric Lodestone, [PSY] Gate of Infinity, [PSY] Empyric Amplification, [TRAIT] Unyielding Anvil, [STRAT] Shield of Humanity(-1 PC), [TRAIT] First to the Fray [235] [11 PP]

Troup1 : 5 Strike Squad (110), 4x Two Nemesis Falchion, Justicar(0), Two Nemesis Falchion, [PSY] Empiric Lodestone [110], [PSY] Hammerhand [6 PP]

FA1 : 5 Interceptor Squad (120), 4x Two Nemesis Falchion, Justicar(0), Two Nemesis Falchion [120], [PSY] Empiric Lodestone, [PSY] Ethereal Castigation [7 PP]

HS1 : Nemesis Dreadknight (120), Nemesis Greatsword (15), Gatling Psilencer (20), Heavy Psycannon (20), Dreadknight Teleporter (10), [PSY] Empiric Lodestone, [PSY]Hammerhand [185] [8 PP]
HS2 : Nemesis Dreadknight (120), Nemesis Greatsword (15), Gatling Psilencer (20), Heavy Psycannon (20) [175], [PSY] Empiric Lodestone, [PSY]Hammerhand [185] [8 PP]

Transport1 : Rhino [80] [4 PP]

=== Patrol detachment (-2 CP) (Grey Knight) (Prescient Brethen) (985) ===

HQ3 : Brotherhood Techmarine (80), [STRAT] Armoury of Titan(-1 PC), [RELIC] Aetheric Conduit , [PSY] Fatal Precognition, [PSY] Sanctuary, [STRAT] Exemplar of the Silvered Host (-1 CP) [TRAIT] Divination [80] [4 PP]
HQ4 : Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight (150), Nemesis Greatsword (15), Gatling Psilencer (20), Heavy Psycannon (20), [PSY] Doom Vortex, [PSY] Gate of Infinity, [PSY] Fatal Precognition [205] [10 PP]

Troup2 : 5 Strike Squad (110), Justicar(0), [PSY] Fatal Precognition, [PSY] Hammerhand [110] [6 PP]
Troup3 : 5 Strike Squad (110), 4 Nemesis Force Halberd, Justicar(0), Nemesis Force Halberd [110], [PSY] Fatal Precognition, [PSY] Hammerhand [6 PP]

FA2 : 10 Interceptor Squad (240), Interceptor Justicar(0), [PSY] Fatal Precognition, [PSY] Ethereal Castigation [240] [14 PP]
FA3 : 10 Interceptor Squad (240), 9 Nemesis Force Halberd, Interceptor Justicar(0), Nemesis Force Halberd [240], [PSY] Fatal Precognition, [PSY] Ethereal Castigation [14 PP]

Mera57 : Tyranids


Team : Les licornes Du Graoully
Region : Grand Est
Player : Tosi Lionel
Tabletoptournament profile : Mera57
Faction : Tyranid (Leviathan)
Total army points : 1997
Total reinforcement points : 3
Total Command points : 12
Detachment costs : 0 (Batalion cost refunded with warlord)
Pre battle stratagem : -1CP (octarius2) (Alpha Leader Beast), -1CP(Bounty of the hive ship), -1CP (Progeny Of the Hive)
Remaining command points : 9

=== Battalion Detachment (0 CP) (Leviathan) (1997) ===

HQ1 : The Swarmlord(1x240), [psychic power]Paroxysm, Onslaught, Smite, [240][14pp]
HQ2 : Tervigon (1x180), Massive Scything Talons (10), Stinger salvoes (0), (Bounty of the hive ship) [Relic Leviathan]Biomorphic Carapace , [psychic power]Catalyst , Smite, [Synaptic Link] (15), Weaponised Gestation [205][12pp]
HQ3 : [Forge World][Warlord] Malanthrope(1x150), (Alpha Leader Beast) [Warlord Trait octarius]Swarm Leader, [Relic Leviathan]Adaptive Neural Node, [150][8pp] Adaptative Physiology Monster instead of Warlord Trait + Alpha Leader Beast to obtain a warlord trait

Troup1 : 30 Termagants(50 + 20x5), [150][9pp]
Troup2 : 30 Termagants(50 + 20x5), [150][9pp]
Troup3 : 4 Tyranids Warriors(51+17), 3x (Rending Claws (6) + Deathspitters (18)), 1x (Scything Talons (0) + Boneswords and Bioknout (3)), [Synaptic Link] (15), Bioweapon Bond, [110][9pp]
Troup4 : 4 Tyranids Warriors(51+17), 3x (Rending Claws (6) + Deathspitters (18)), 1x (Scything Talons (0) + Boneswords and Bioknout (3)), [Synaptic Link] (15), Bioweapon Bond, [110][9pp]
Troup5 : 20 Termagants(50 + 10x5), 20 Devourers (40), [140][6pp]

Elite1 : 6 Hive Guards(105 + 3x35), 6 Impaler cannon(60), (Progeny Of the Hive) [Adaptive physiology Infantry]Enhanced Resistance [270][12pp]
Elite2 : 3 Tyrant Guard(114), 3 Rending Claws (6), 3 Adrenal glands (3), [123][7pp]
Elite3 : Lictor(1x37), [37][2pp]
Elite4 : Lictor(1x37), [37][2pp]

HS1 : [Forge World]Barbed Hierodule(1x275), [Adaptive physiology Monster]Dermic Symbiosis [275][14pp] Adaptative Physiology Monster instead of Warlord Trait

Silversurfer : Imperium - Astra Militarum


Team: Les licornes du Graoully
Region: Grand Est
Player: MEUNIER Sebastien
Tabletoptournament profile: Silversurfer
Faction: Astra Militarum
Total army points: 1999
Total reinforcement points: 1
Total Command points : 12
Detachment costs : 0 (Batalion cost refunded with Warlord) -2 (Patrol Cost)
Pre battle stratagem : -1 (Tank Ace), -1 (White Shield for 2 conscripts squads)
Remaining command points: 8

=== Batalion detachment (0 CP) (Astra Militarum) (Cadia) (1679) ===

HQ1 : Commissar Yarrick(105) [105][6 PL]
HQ2 : Tank Commander(175), Demolisher Cannon(5), Heavy Bolter(15), 2x Multi-melta (Vehicle)(50) [245][12 PL]
HQ3 : Tank Commander(175), Demolisher Cannon(5), Heavy Bolter(15), 2x Plasma Cannons (Vehicle)(40) [235][12 PL]

Troupe1 : 30 conscripts (100 + 10*5) [150][7 PL] [STRAT] Whiteshield
Troupe2 : 29 conscripts (100 + 9*5) [145][7 PL] [STRAT] Whiteshield
Troupe3 : 10 Infantry Squad(55), Sergent(0) with chainsword(0)[55] [3 PL]
Troupe4 : 10 Infantry Squad(55), Sergent(0) with chainsword(0)[55] [3 PL]
Troupe5 : 10 Infantry Squad(55), Sergent(0) with chainsword(0)[55] [3 PL]

Elite1 : 2 Crusaders(32) [32][2 PL]
Elite2 : Platoon Commander(25) with chainsword(0), [REL] Tactica Pax Cadia [25][2 PL]
Elite3 : [WARLORD] Platoon Commander(25) with boltgun(2) and chainsword(0) [2][27 PL] Tank Ace instead of Warlord trait

FA1 : Scout Sentinel(35) [35][3 PL]
FA2 : Scout Sentinel(35) [35][3 PL]

HS1 : Manticore(145), Hunter-Killer missile(5), [Tank Ace] Full Payload [150][8 PL] [STRAT] Tank Ace
HS2 : Manticore(145), Hunter-Killer missile(5), [Tank Ace] Full Payload [150][8 PL] Tank Ace instead of Warlord trait
HS3 : 2 Heavy Quad Launcher Battery(90 + 1*90) [180][10 PL]

=== Patrol detachment (-2 CP) (Astra Militarum) (Militarum Tempestus detachment) (9th Iotan) (320) ===

HQ4 : Tempestor Prime(40), with chainsword(0), Tempestus Command Rod(5) [45 pts]

Troup6 : 10 Militarum Tempestus Scions(45 + 5*9), 4x Plasma gun (other units)(40), Tempestor(0) with plasma pistol(0) and chainsword(0) [130][5 PL]
Troup7 : 5 Militarum Tempestus Scions(45), 2x Plasma gun (other units)(20), Tempestor(0) with plasma pistol(0) and chainsword(0) [65][3 PL]

Elite4 : 4 Militarum Tempestus Command Squad(40), 4x meltagun (other units)(40) [80][3 PL]

Red2071 : Chaos - Chaos Space Marines


Team : Les licornes Du Graoully
Region : Grand Est
Player : Rodolphe « Red » Jeras
Tabletoptournament profile : Red 2071
Faction : Chaos Space Marines (Iron Warriors)
Total army points : 2000 points
Total reinforcement points : 0
Total Command points : 12
Detachment costs : 0 (Patrol cost refunded with warlord) -3 CP (Spearhead cost)
Pre battle stratagem : /
Remaining command points : 9

=== Patrol detachment (0 CP) (Chaos Space Marines) (Iron Warriors) (1060) ===

HQ1 : [Warlord] Lord Discordant on Helstalker(195), Baleflamer (5), Iron Warriors, Mark of Slaanesh, [Warlord Trait] Iron Whitout [200], (relic) intoxicating elixir [10 PP]
HQ2 : Lord Discordant sur Helstalker(195), Baleflamer (5), Iron Warriors, Mark of Slaanesh [200] [10 PP]

Troup1 : 10 Chaos Cultists (50), Iron Warriors, Mark of Slaanesh, Cultist Champion(0) [50] [3 PP]
Troup2 : 10 Chaos Cultists (50), Iron Warriors, Mark of Slaanesh, Cultist Champion(0) [50] [3 PP]
Troup3 : 10 Chaos Cultists (50), Iron Warriors, Mark of Slaanesh, Cultist Champion (0) [50] [3 PP]

HS1 : 2 Obliterators(105 + 1*105), Iron Warriors, Mark of Slaanesh [210] [10 PP]

Flyer1 : Heldrake(150), Baleflamer, Iron Warriors, Mark of Slaanesh [150] [8 PP]
Flyer2 : Heldrake(150), Baleflamer, Iron Warriors, Mark of Slaanesh [150] [8 PP]

=== Spearhead detachment (-3 CP) (Chaos Space Marines) (Iron Warriors) (940) ===

HQ3 : Master of Possession(95), [Psychic Power] Infernal Power, Cursed Earth, Iron Warriors, Mark of Slaanesh [95] [5 PP]

Troup4 : 5 Chaos Space Marines (70), Autocannon (Infantry)(10), Aspiring Champion(0), Iron Warriors, Mark of Slaanesh [80] [4 PP]

HS2 : Defiler(135), twin heavy-flamer (25), Iron Warriors, Mark of Slaanesh [160] [9 PP]
HS3 : Forgefiend(85), 2 Hades Autocannon (50), Iron Warriors, Mark of Slaanesh [135] [7 PP]
HS4 : Maulerfiend(140), Iron Warriors, Mark of Slaanesh[140] [7 PP]
HS5 : Venomcrawler(110), Iron Warriors, Mark of Slaanesh [110] [7 PP]
HS6 : Venomcrawler(110), Iron Warriors, Mark of Slaanesh [110] [7 PP]
HS7 : Venomcrawler(110), Iron Warriors, Mark of Slaanesh [110] [7 PP]

Cedric : Chaos - Death Guard


Team : Les licornes Du Graoully
Region : Grand Est
Player : Remen Cédric
Tabletoptournament profile : Van Hellfich
Faction : Death Guard (Harbingers)
Total army points : 1995
Total reinforcement points : 5
Total Command points : 12
Detachment costs : 0 (Batalion cost refunded with warlord)
Pre battle stratagem : /
Remaining command points : 12

=== Battalion Detachment (+0 command points)(Death Guard)(Harbingers)(1995) ===

HQ1 : Malignant Plaguecaster(1x95), [psychic power]Miasma of Pestilence, Curse of the leper [95][5pp]
HQ2 : Malignant Plaguecaster(1x95), [psychic power]Miasma of Pestilence, Curse of the leper [95][5pp]
HQ3 : [Warlord]Typhus(1x165), [psychic power]Putrescent Vitality, Gift of Contagion, [warlord trait Codex]Shamblerot [165][9pp]

Troup1 : 20 Poxwalkers(50+10x5) [100][5pp]
Troup2 : 20 Poxwalkers(50+10x5) [100][5pp]
Troup3 : 20 Poxwalkers(50+10x5) [100][5pp]

Elite1 : Foul Blightspawn(1x75), [Deadly Pathogen]Viscous Death(10), [Relic Codex]Revolting Stench-Vats [85][4pp]
Elite2 : 3 Deathshroud Terminators(150), Deathshroud Champion(0) [150][7pp]
Elite3 : 3 Deathshroud Terminators(150), Deathshroud Champion(0) [150][7pp]
Elite4 : 3 Deathshroud Terminators(150), Deathshroud Champion(0) [150][7pp]

FastAtt1 : Mephitic Blight Hauler(140) [140][7pp]
FastAtt2 : Mephitic Blight Hauler(140) [140][7pp]

HS1 : Plagueburst Crawler(165), 2 Entropy Cannon(10) [175][9pp]
HS2 : Plagueburst Crawler(165), 2 Entropy Cannon(10) [175][9pp]
HS3 : Plagueburst Crawler(165), 2 Entropy Cannon(10) [175][9pp]

Dane54 : Chaos - Death Guard


+TEAM : Sector Gallicus
+LEAGUE :League 3A-grand est
+ JOUEUR : Jordane Carre
+PLAYER : Dane54
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED : The Inexorable, Death Guard

== Bataillon Inexorable (0 PC) ==

HQ 1 : Malignant Plaguecaster(95),PSY : Miasma of Pestilence,Putrescent Vitality[95 pts] [5PL]
HQ 2 : WARLORD : Lord of Virulence(120), (Pathogene) Virulent Fever(20),Warlord Trait : Ferric Blight [140 pts] [7PL]

Troop 1 : 19poxwalkers(50 + 9*5) [95 pts] [5PL]
Troop 2 : 19poxwalkers(50 + 9*5) [95 pts] [5PL]
Troop 3 : 19poxwalkers(50 + 9*5) [95 pts] [5PL]

Elite 1 :Foetid Virion
- Foul Blightspawn(75), (Pathogene)Viscous Death(10), GIFTS OF DECAY (-1 PC) : Revolting Stench-VAT [85 pts] [5PL]
- Tallyman(70),Free Relic :Toll Keeper [70 pts] [4PL]
Elite 2 : 3 Deathshroud Terminator (150), Deathshroud Champion(0) [150 pts] [7PL]
Elite 3 : 3 Deathshroud Terminator(150), Deathshroud Champion(0) [150 pts] [7PL]
Elite 4 : 8 Blightlord Terminator (200 + 3*40), Blight launcher(5), Blightlord Champion(0) [325 pts] [20PL]
Elite 5 : Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought(140), Hellforged Cyclone Missile launcher(25), 2 Twin volkite culverin(10) [175 pts] [8PL]
Elite 6 : Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought(140), Hellforged Cyclone Missile launcher(25), 2 Twin volkite culverin(10) [175 pts] [8PL]

Heavy support 1 : Plagueburst Crawler(165), 2 Canon Entropy(10),Rothail volley gun [175 pts] [9PL]
Heavy support 2 : Plagueburst Crawler(165), 2 Canon Entropy(10) Rothail volley gun [175 pts] [9PL]

EuphoriA : Tyranids


+ TEAM : SECTOR GALLICUS Capitaine : EuphoriA / Coach : Yarlen
+ LEAGUE : League 3 - Grand Est Poule A
+ PLAYER T3 : EuphoriA
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 12 -1 -1 = 10
+ ARMY FACTION USED : Tyranids, Leviathan
+ Pre battle stratagem: Alpha Leader Beast (Neurothrope) (-1 PC) ; Progeny of the Hive (-1 PC)

== BATTALION DETACHEMENT : Tyranids Leviathan (Cost detachement : 3 PC - 3 PC = 0PC )

HQ 1 : [Warlord] Neurothrope (95), Trait : Swarm Leader / Trait extra : Strategic Adaptation (-1 PC) / Relic : Adaptative Neural Lobe / Psy : Catalyst [95 pts] 5PL
HQ 2 : Swarmlord(240), Psy : onslaught, Paroxysm [240 pts] 14 PL
HQ 3 : Tyranid Prime(75), Synaptic Link : Unchecked Ferocity(15) [90 pts] 6 PL

Troup 1 : 16 Genestealers(65 + 11*13), 4 acid maw [208 pts] 16 PL
Troup 2 : 12 Genestealers(65 + 7*13), 3 acid maw [156 pts] 12 PL
Troup 3 : 16 Genestealers(65 + 11*13), 4 acid maw [208 pts] 16 PL
Troup 4 : 5 Tyranid Warriors(51 + 2*17), 5 Scything Talons (10), Synaptic Link : Bioweapon Bond (15) [110 pts] 9 PL
Troup 5 : 3 Tyranid Warriors(51), Synaptic Link : Bioweapon Bond (15) [66 pts] 5 PL
Troup 6 : 9 Tyranid Warriors(51 + 6*17), Progeny of the Hive (-1 PC), Adaptative physiology : Enhanced Resistance [153 pts] 12 PL

Elite 1 : 6 Hive Guards(105 + 3*35), 6 Impaler cannon(60) [270 pts] 12 PL
Elite 2 : 6 Hive Guards(105 + 3*35), 6 Impaler cannon (60) [270 pts] 12 PL
Elite 3 : Lictor(37) [37 pts] 2 PL
Elite 4 : Lictor(37) [37 pts] 2 PL

FA 1 : 3 Raveners(60) [60 pts] 3 PL

Nicorks : Orks


TEAM : Sector Gallicus
LEAGUE : League 3 - Grand Est
PLAYER : Nicorks
TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12-3-2-1-1 = 5
ARMY FACTION USED : Orks, Blood Axes, Goffs

HQ1 : [Warlord] Warboss on Warbike(115), Power Klaw, Blood Axe, Morgog’s Finkin’ Cap, I’ve got a plan ladz [115] [6PL]

Elite1 : 5 Kommandos(50), Blood Axe, Boss Nob(0) [50][4PL]
Elite2 : 5 Kommandos(50), Blood Axe, Boss Nob(0), Power Klaw(5) [55] [4PL]

FA1 : 3 Megatrakk Scrapjet (90 + 2*90), Blood Axe [270] [15PL]
FA2 : 3 Megatrakk Scrapjet (90 + 2*90), Blood Axe [270] [15PL]
FA3 : 3 Megatrakk Scrapjet(90 + 2*90), Blood Axe [270] [15PL]
FA4 : 3 *Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy(90 + 2*90), Blood Axe [270] [15PL]
FA5 : 5 Ork Stormboyz(55), Blood Axe, Boss Nob(0) [55] [3PL]
FA6 : 5 Ork Stormboyz (55), Blood Axe, Boss Nob(0) [55] [3PL]

HS1 : Mek Gunz(45), Kustom Mega-kanon [45] [3PL]

Flyer1 : Dakkajet(60), 6 Supa-shoota(60), Blood Axe [120] [8PL]
Flyer2 : Dakkajet(60), 6 Supa-shoota(60), Blood Axe [120] [8PL]

Total detachment : 1695

== Patrol Detachement Goff (-2PC)==
HQ2 : Beastboss on Squigosaur(145), [Extra Gubbinz] (-1 PC), Headwoppa Killchopa, [Big Boss] (-1PC) Brutal but Kunnin , Goff[145] [8PL]

Troup1 : 10 Boyz(90), Truckk boyz, Boss Nob(0) [90] [5PL]

Transport1 : Trukk(70), Goff [70] [4PL]

Total detachment : 305

Irradiant : Aeldari - Drukhari


Region: Grand EST
T3 profil: Sam Alpi
Faction: Drukhari
Total army point: 2000
Total reinforcement point: 0
Total command point: 12
Detachement cost: 3x patrol (0pc)
Pre battle stratagem: Prizes from the dark city (-1pc), Tolerate Ambition (-1pc)
Remaining command point: 10

DETACHMENT : Patrol Kabal of the Black Heart / Obsession Thirst For Power
HQ1 : [Warlord] Archon(65), Huskblade(5), Master Archont, [Rel]Djin blade, [Trait]Ancient Evil, Splinter genius(15) [85-5pl]
Troop1 : 10 Kabalite Warriors(40 + 5*8), 2 Blasters(20), Dark lance(15), 10x Kabalite trueborn(2), Sybarite(0) [135-8pl]
Troop2 : 5 Kabalite warriors(40), Sybarite(0) [40-3pl]
Elite1 : 5 Incubi(80), Klaivex(0), Demiklaives [80-4pl]
Elite2 : 5 Incubi(80), Klaivex(0), Demiklaives [80-4pl]
FA1 : 5 Scourges(60), 4 Shredders(20), Solarite(0) [80-5pl]
FA2 : 5 Scourges(60), 4 Shredders(20), Solarite(0) [80-5pl]
Transport1 : Raider(95), Dark Lance (0) [95-6pl]
Transport2 : Raider(95), Dark Lance (0) [95-6pl]
Transport3 : Raider(95), Dark Lance (0) [95-6pl]
Transport4 : Raider(95), Dark Lance (0) [95-6pl]
Transport5 : Raider(95), Dark Lance (0), Splinter Rack(10) [105-6pl]
Total detachment : 1065

DETACHMENT : Patrol Cult of Strife / Obsession The Spectacle Of Murder
HQ2 : Drazhar(145) [145-8pl]
Troop3 : 5 Wyches(50), [Drogue]Grave lotus, Hekatrix(0), Neurocide(5) [55-3pl]
Elite3 : 5 Mandrakes(75), Nightfiend(0) [75-3pl]
Elite4 : 5 Mandrakes(75), Nightfiend(0) [75-3pl]
FA3 : 9 Reavers(60 + 6*20), [Drogue]Painbringer, Arena Champion(0) [180-9pl]
Total detachment : 530

DETACHMENT : Patrol Cult of Strife / Obsession The Spectacle Of Murder
HQ3 : Succubus(60), [Drogue]Adrenalight, [Rel]Triptyque Wip, [Trait]Precision Blow, Show Stealer(15) [75-4pl]
Troop4 : 10 Wyches(50 + 5*10),
[Drogue]Adrenalight, Shardnet and impaler(10), Hekatrix(0), Power sword(5) [115-6pl]
Troop5 : 10 Wyches(50 + 5*10), [Drogue]Adrenalight, Shardnet and impaler(10), Hekatrix(0), Power sword(5), 10x Hekatrix Bloodbrides(20) [135-8pl]
Elite5 : 5 Incubes(80), Klaivex(0), Demiklaives [80-4pl]
Total detachment : 405

le-roi-des-mouettes : Imperium - Grey Knights


Region : Grand Est
Player : Pierrick Biélin
Tabletoptournament profile : Le-Roi-des-Mouettes
Faction: Grey Knight
Total army points – 1980
Total reinforcement points 0
Total Command points : 12
Detachment costs : Patrouille (-2CP) Patrouille (-2CP) refunded by the Warlord (+2CP)
Pre battle stratagem: Shield of humanity(-1PC)
Remaining command point : 9

Tide default : convergence tide


DETACHMENT: Patrol 1 ([Brotherhood] Brotherhood of the Prescient)

HQ1: [Warlord] Dreadknight Grandmaster Nemesis (150), Greatsword Nemesis (15), Gatling Psilencer (20), Heavy Psycanon (20), Teleporter (10), Relique : Sigil of Exigence , sort : Empyrean Amplification, Doom Vortex, FATAL PRECOGNITION, smite, trait : UNYIELDING ANVIL [215] pl [10]
HQ2: Brotherhood Techmarine (80), Visions : PRESAGED PARALYSIS (15), Sort : warp shaping, FATAL PRECOGNITION, smite , Additional Trait (-1 CP ) trait : Divination [95]pl[4]
Troop1: 5 strike Squad (110), Justicar (0)FATAL PRECOGNITION, smite HAMMERHAND 110] pl [6]
FA1: 10 Interceptor Squad (120 + 5 * 24), 9 Nemesis Force Halberd, Justicar Interceptor (0), Nemesis Force Halberd FATAL PRECOGNITION, smite, ETHEREAL CASTIGATION [240] pl [7]
FA2: 10 Interceptor Squad (120 + 5 * 24), 4 Nemesis Force Scepter, Justicar Interceptor (0) FATAL PRECOGNITION, smite ETHEREAL CASTIGATION [240] pl [7]
HS1: Dreadknight Nemesis (120), Greatsword Nemesis (15), Gatling Psilencer(20), Heavy Psycanon (20), Teleporter (10) FATAL PRECOGNITION, smite HAMMERHAND [185] pl[8]
Total detachment: 1170
DETACHMENT: Patrol 2 ([Brotherhood] Brotherhood of the swordbearer)
HQ3: Dreadknight Grandmaster Nemesis (150), vision : Servant of the Throne (20), Greatsword Nemesis (15), Gatling Expurgator (20), Heavy Psycanon (20), Cuirassier Teleporter (10) , Sort : Empyrean Amplification, Doom Vortex EMPYRIC LODESTONE, smite[235] pl [10]
HQ4: Kaldor Draigo (180), sort : Infinity Gate, Sanctuary, Doom Vortex, smite [180] pl [9]
Troop2: 5 strike Squad (110), Justicar EMPYRIC LODESTONE, smite HAMMERHAND [110] pl [6]
HS2: DreadknightNemesis (120), Greatsword Nemesis (15), Gatling Psilencer(20), Heavy Psycanon (20), Teleporter (10) EMPYRIC LODESTONE, smite HAMMERHAND [185] pl[8]
HS3: Dreadknight Nemesis (120), Greatsword Nemesis (15), Gatling Psilencer(20), Heavy Psycanon (20), Teleporter (10) EMPYRIC LODESTONE, smite HAMMERHAND[185] pl[8]
Total detachment: 810

ARMY TOTAL [1980] PP [100]

Goose : Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Dark Angels


+ LEAGUE : Nord Est 3
+ PLAYER : Loïc Conus / Goose
+ ARMY MAIN FACTION : Space Marines
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 +3 +2 -1 -1 -3 -2 = 10
+ STATA PRE BATTLE : 2x Additional Trait (-2 PC)

== VANGUARD DETACHMENT 1st COMPANY : Dark Angels (-3 PC) [1270 pts]==
HQ 1 : [Warlord] Azrael(170), Implacable, Deathwing warlord (+3 PC), Warlord trait : Suprême Tactician, Brillant Strategist [170 pts] 8PL
HQ 2 : Lazarus(110), Fire Discipline [110 pts] 6PL
Elite 1 : Ravenwing Apothecary(100), Additional Trait (-1 PC), Speed of the raven, Upgrade Chief Apothecary(35), Selfless Healer [135 pts] 5PL
Elite 2 : 2 Deathwing Command Squad(70), Chainfist(5), Implacable, Deathwing Sergeant(0) [75 pts] 4PL
Elite 3 : 5 Bladeguard Veteran(105 + 2*35), Inner Circle, Bladeguard Veteran Sergent(0) [175 pts] 5PL
Elite 4 : 5 Bladeguard Veteran(105 + 2*35), Inner Circle, Bladeguard Veteran Sergent(0) [175 pts] 5PL
Elite 5 : 10 Deathwing Terminator Squad(165 + 5*33), 2 storm bolter, 2 Cyclone missile launcher(50), 2 power fist(10), 3 Lightning claw (x2), 4 Thunder hammer(40), 4 Storm shield, Implacable, Objective Secured, Deathwing Sergeant(0), Lightning claw(x2) [430 pts] 9PL

== PATROL DETACHMENT : Dark Angels (-2 PC) [720 pts]==
HQ 3 : Interrogator-Chaplain(85), Astartes Chainsword, Implacable, Additional Trait (-1 PC), Relic : Teeth of Terra, Upgrade Master of Sanctity(25), Wise Orator, Upgrade Jump Pack(25). Litanies : 3/Exhortation of rage and 4/Mantra of strenght [135 pts] 5PL
Troop 1 : 10 Heavy Intercessor Squad(140 + 5*28), 2 Heavy bolter(20), Fire Discipline, Intercessor Sergeant(0) [300 pts] 7PL
Fast Attack 1 : Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance(120), Speed of the raven [120 pts] 6PL
Heavy Support 1 : 5 Escouade Hellblaster(165), Fire Discipline, Sergent Hellblaster (0) [165 pts] 8PL