Army lists

Laguinche : T'au Empire

+ PLAYER : Laguinche
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 -1 -1 -3 = 5
+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 13
+ Pre Game Stratagems: Emergency Dispensation (-2 CP), Promising Pupil (-2 CP)
+ To the Last Units : Crisis Battlesuits , Crisis Battlesuits , Broadside Battlesuits
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ Bring it Down: : 0
+ Assassination : 16
+ Abhor the Witch : 0
+ No Prisoners : 148
+ Warlord & Trait : Commander Shadowsun trait : Parangon du Kauyon

== Patrol DETACHMENT : T'au Empire (0 CP) [34PL, 644pts] ==

HQ 1 : Commander in Crisis Battlesuit(90), Burst cannon(10), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Airbursting fragmentation projector(10), Airbursting fragmentation projector (2nd)(15), DW-02 Advanced Burst Cannon(15), Emergency Dispensation (-1 CP), Promising Pupil (-1 CP), Relic : Vectored Manoeuvring Thrusters, Trait : Precision of the Hunter [150 pts] [8 PL]
HQ 2 : Ethereal(60), Invocations of the Ethereal : Sense of Stone, Wisdom of the Guides, Emergency Dispensation (-1 CP), Relic : The Humble Stave [60 pts] [3 PL]

TR 1 : 10 Strike Team(80), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [80 pts] [4 PL]

FA 1 : 4 Kroot Hounds(24) [24 pts] [1 PL]
FA 2 : 4 Kroot Hounds(24) [24 pts] [1 PL]

HS 1 : 3 Broadside Battlesuits(3x75), 3x Shield Drone(3x12)
1st Broadside Shas'ui : Velocity tracker(0),Heavy rail rifle(0), Twin Smart missile system(15),
2nd Broadside Shas'ui : Velocity tracker(0),Heavy rail rifle(0), Twin Smart missile system(15),
Broadside Shas'vre : Velocity tracker(0),Heavy rail rifle(0), Twin Smart missile system(15) [306 pts] [17 PL]

== Vanguard DETACHMENT : T'au Empire (-3 CP) [70PL, 1206pts] ==

HQ 3 : Commander in Crisis Battlesuit(90), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Plasma rifle(10), T'au flamer(5), Airbursting fragmentation projector(10), Thermoneutronic Projector(20), Promising Pupil (-1 CP), Relic : Solid-Image Projection Unit, Trait : Exemplar of the Mont'Ka [145 pts] [8 PL]
HQ 4 : Darkstrider(60) [60 pts] [3 PL]

EL 1 : 5 Crisis Battlesuits (5x30), 3x Shield Drone(3x12), 2x Marker Drone(2x10),
1st Crisis Shas'ui : Iridium Battlesuit(5), Shield Generator(5), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Plasma rifle(5), Plasma rifle (2nd)(10),
2nd Crisis Shas'ui : Shield Generator(5), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Plasma rifle(5), Plasma rifle (2nd)(10),
3rd Crisis Shas'ui : Shield Generator(5), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Plasma rifle(5), Plasma rifle (2nd)(10),
4th Crisis Shas'ui : Counterfire defence system(0), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Plasma rifle(5), Plasma rifle (2nd)(10),
Crisis Shas'vre : Velocity tracker(0), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Plasma rifle(5), Plasma rifle (2nd)(10) [351 pts] [21 PL]

EL 2 : 3 Crisis Battlesuits (3x30), 2x Shield Drone(2x12), 1x Marker Drone(10)
1st Crisis Shas'ui : Counterfire defence system(0), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Plasma rifle(5), Airbursting fragmentation projector(5),
2nd Crisis Shas'ui : Iridium Battlesuit(5), Shield Generator(5), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Plasma rifle(5), Airbursting fragmentation projector(5),
Crisis Shas'vre : Shield Generator(5), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Plasma rifle(5), Airbursting fragmentation projector(5) [199 pts] [11 PL]

EL 3 : 5 Crisis Battlesuits (5x30), 3x Shield Drone(3x12), 2x Marker Drone(2x10),
1st Crisis Shas'ui : Counterfire defence system, Cyclic ion blaster(10), Airbursting fragmentation projector(5), Airbursting fragmentation projector (2nd)(10),
2nd Crisis Shas'ui : Shield Generator(5), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Airbursting fragmentation projector(5), Airbursting fragmentation projector (2nd)(10),
3rd Crisis Shas'ui : Shield Generator(5), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Airbursting fragmentation projector(5), Airbursting fragmentation projector (2nd)(10),
4th Crisis Shas'ui : Velocity tracker(0), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Airbursting fragmentation projector(5), Airbursting fragmentation projector (2nd)(10),
Crisis Shas'vre Iridium Battlesuit(5), Shield Generator(5), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Airbursting fragmentation projector(5), Airbursting fragmentation projector (2nd)(10), Stimm Injectors(10) [361 pts] [22 PL]

FA 3 : 10 Pathfinder Team(90), Pathfinder Shas'ui(0) [90 pts] [5 PL]

== Supreme Command Squad DETACHMENT : T'au Empire (0 CP) [8PL, 150pts] ==

HQ 5 : Commander Shadowsun(150), 2 Dispersed Fusion Blaster, MV62 Command-link Drone(0), MV37 Advanced Guardian Drone(0), lord of kauyon[150 pts] [8 PL]

Luperion : Orks

Region : Occitanie A
Player : Luperion (Jérémy SOARES)
Team : As Reroll Ass
Faction : Ork
Army of Renown : Speed Freeks Speed Mob
Clan kultur : Evil Sunz
Total army points : 2000 [112 PL]
Total reinforcement points : 0
Total Command points : 12
Detachment : Outrider Detachment (-3CP), Outrider Detachment (-3CP), Speed Freeks Speed Mod Warlord (+3CP)
Pré battle Stragem : Big Boss(-1CP), Extra Gubbinz (-1CP)
Remaining Command point : 7
++ DETACHEMENT 1 : Outrider Detachment 0CP (-3CP/+3CP) (Orks) [48 PL, 905pts] + Army of Renown - Speed Freeks Speed Mob + Clan Kultur: Evil Sunz ++
HQ 1 : Warboss on Warbike [WARLORD][6 PL, 115pts] : Trait: 5. Kunnin but Brutal, Relic: Da Killa Klaw, Power Klaw
Fast Attack 1 : 5xNobz on Warbikes [10 PL, 195pts] : 1x Boss Nob on Warbike: Power Klaw, 3x Nob on Warbike: Power Klaw, 1x Nob on Warbike: Big Choppa
Fast Attack 2 : 2x Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies [12 PL, 220pts]
Fast Attack 3 : 3x Warbikers [4 PL, 85pts] : 1x Boss Nob: Power Klaw, 2x Warbiker: Choppa
Fast Attack 4 : 3x Warbikers [4 PL, 85pts] : 1x Boss Nob: Power Klaw, 2x Warbiker: Choppa
Fast Attack 5 : 3x Warbikers [4 PL, 85pts] : 1x Boss Nob: Power Klaw, 2x Warbiker: Choppa
Flyer 1 : Dakkajet [8 PL, 120pts], specialist mob (flyboyz) : 6x Supa Shoota

++ DETACHEMENT 2 : Outrider Detachment -3CP (Orks) [64 PL, -2CP, 1095pts] + Army of Renown - Speed Freeks Speed Mob + Clan Kultur: Evil Sunz ++
HQ 2 : Warboss on Warbike [6 PL, -2CP, 115pts]: Big Choppa, Relic: Headwoppa's Killchoppa, trait: Speed King (Speed Mob), Stratagem: Big Boss (-1CP), Stratagem: Extra Gubbinz (-1CP)
Fast Attack 6 : 5x DeffKoptas [16 PL, 250pts] : 5x DeffKoptas : KoptaRokkits
Fast Attack 7 : 5x DeffKoptas [16 PL, 250pts] : 5x DeffKoptas : KoptaRokkits
Fast Attack 8 : 5x DeffKoptas [16 PL, 250pts] : 5x DeffKoptas : KoptaRokkits
Flyer 2 : Wazbom Blastajet [10 PL, 230pts], specialist mob (flyboyz) : 2x Tellyport Mega-Blastas, Blastajet Force Field, 2x Supa Shoota

SergentBILKO : Aeldari - Harlequins

+ PLAYER : Sergent BILKO
+ PLAYER TEAM : As Reroll Ass
+ FACTION : Harlequins
+ COMMAND POINTS: 12 -1 = 11
+ KEYWORD FACTIONS : Harlequins, Asuryani, [Saedath] Light
+ Army Traits : Harlequins, Asuryani, [Saedath] Light
+ lord of Wars & Traits : Troop Master - [Codex] A foot in the future
+ Number of Units / KP : 15
+ To the Last : Skyweavers x5, Skyveawers x5, Voidweavers x3
+ Titan hunters : n/a
+ Brin git down : 11
+ Assassination : 7
+ Abhor the Witch : 0
+ No prisonners : 70
+ Pre game stratagems :
• Treasure of the Aeldari [-1CP]
+ WARLORD & TRAIT : QG 1 : Troop Master & Trait: A foot in the future

== DETACHMENT Batallion : Harlequins, Asuryani, [Saedath] Light (0 PC) [100PP, 2000pts] == Army Trait : Saedath Light – Luminus glow

QG 1 : Troop Master(75), Harlequin Kiss, Relic : Cegorath Rose, Trait: A foot in the future [85 pts] [4 PP] – LORD OF WAR
QG 2 : Troop Master (75), Fusion pistols, Energetic aeldari sword, [KEY ROLE] Veiled king, Supplementairy Relic (-1PC), Relic : Gorgeous Sword [105 pts] [5 PP]

Troops 1 : 4 Troops(52), 2 Neuro disruptors, 2 Fusion pistols, Arlequin kiss, Lead Player (13) [90 pts] [4 PP]
Troops 2 : 4 Troops(52), 2 Neuro disruptors, 2 Fusion pistols, Arlequin kiss, Lead Player (13) [90 pts] [4 PP]
Troops 3 : 4 Troops(52), 2 Neuro disruptors, 2 Fusion pistols, Arlequin kiss, Lead Player (13) [90 pts] [4 PP]
Troops 4 : 4 Troops(52), 2 Neuro disruptors, 2 Fusion pistols, Arlequin kiss, Lead Player (13) [90 pts] [4 PP]

Fast Attack 1 : 5 Skyweavers(90 + 3*45), 5 Disruptor Canons [250 pts] [12 PP]
Fast Attack 2 : 5 Skyweavers (90 + 3*45), 5 Disruptor Canons [250 pts] [12 PP]

HS 1 : 2 Voidweaver(90 + 1*90), 2 Prismatic Cannons [180 pts] [10 PP]
HS 2 : 3 Voidweaver(90 + 2*90), 3 Prismatic Cannons [270 pts] [15 PP]
HS 3 : 2 Voidweaver(90 + 1*90), 2 Prismatic Cannons [180 pts] [10 PP]

Transport 1 : Starweaver(80) [80 pts] [4 PP]
Transport 2 : Starweaver(80) [80 pts] [4 PP]
Transport 3 : Starweaver(80) [80 pts] [4 PP]
Transport 4 : Starweaver(80) [80 pts] [4 PP]

Manrro : Tyranids

Player : Rémi " Manrro" genievre
Team: As Reroll Ass
Factions used: Tyranids
Army Points: 1998
Reinforcement Points: 2
Number of Units / Killpoints: 11
Pre Game Stratagems: Alpha leader beast / Rarefied enhancements
Starting Command Points: 10
Army Trait: Léviathan - Crusher Stamped
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 27
To the Last Units: 2 Dimachaeron 1 Swarmlord
Titan Hunter: N/A
Bring it Down: 19
Assasination: 10
Abhor the Witch: 9
Warlord & Trait: Hive Tyrant - Rampaging beast - Strategic adaptation
== Tyranids - Léviathan - Crusher Stamped - Battalion = 0CP [108PL - 1998pts] ==

HQ: Hive Tyrant (155) [11PL, 215pts], Wings (30), Adrenal glands (5), Toxin sacs (5), 2 Monstrous scything talons (20), Progeny of the hive (-1 CP) - Adaptive physiology - Murderous Size: Monstrous scything talons, Bio artefact - biomorphic carapace, Psyker : Aggressive surge, Synaptic barrier, Warlord - Rampaging beast
HQ: Neurothrope (95) [5PL, 95pts], Additional Bio artefact - The Void Crown (-1CP), Psyker : Smite, Catalyst, Onslaught
HQ : Swarmlord (240) [14PL, 240pts], Psyker : Smite, The Horror, Paroxysm

TR: 3 Tyranid Warriors (51) [5 PL, 66pts], 6 scyting talons (0), Synaptic link - bioweapon bond (15)
TR: 3 Tyranid Warriors (51) [5PL, 66pts], 6 scyting talons (0), Synaptic link - bioweapon bond (15)
TR: 3 Tyranid Warriors (51) [4PL, 51pts], 6 scything talons (0)

FA: Dimachaeron (280) [14PL, 280 pts]
FA: Dimachaeron (280) [14PL, 280 pts]

HS: Scythed Hierodule (235) [12PL, 235 pts]
HS: Scythed Hierodule (235) [12PL, 235 pts]
HS: Scythed Hierodule (235) [12PL, 235 pts]

Total : 1998

benjy046 : Imperium - Adepta Sororitas

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++
+ PLAYER: Benjy046
+ TEAM: As Reroll ass
+ Order: Bloody Rose
+ RITES OF BATTLE: The Passion
+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 21
+ PRE GAME STRATAGEMS: saint in the making(1CP), Open the reliquaries (1CP)
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 12 -1 -1 = 10
+ Warlord & Trait: Canoness - [Order of the Bloody Rose] Incandescent Reprisal
+ Secondary Objectives Information:
+ No Prisoners: 78
+ To the Last Units: Celestine & Geminae Superia, Mortifiers, Celestian Sacresants
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+Bring it Down: :9
+ Assasination: 16
+ Abhor the Witch: 0
+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++

== Batalion DETACHMENT Bloody Rose Battalion: Adepta Sororitas (0 CP) [99PL, 1997pts] ==

HQ 1 : 3 Celestine & Geminae Superia(200), Celestine(0), 2x Geminae Superia(0) [200 pts] [10 LP]
HQ 2: Canoness(50), Blessed Blade, Inferno Pistol, Additional Relic (-1 CP), Relic: Iron Surplice of Saint Istaela, Trait: Incandescent Reprisal, Blessing - The Emperor's Grace( 20) [90 pts] [4 PL] - WARLORD
HQ 3: Palatine(45), Blessing - Word of the Emperor(40) [85 pts] [5 LP]
TR 1: 5 Battle Sister Squad(55), Sister Superior(0), Chainsword [55 pts] [3 LP]
TR 2: 5 Battle Sister Squad(55), Sister Superior(0), Chainsword [55 pts] [3 LP]
TR 3: 5 Battle Sister Squad(55), Ministorum Flamer, Sister Superior (0), Chainsword [60 pts] [3 LP]
TR 4: 5 Battle Sister Squad(55), Ministorum Flamer, Sister Superior (0), Chainsword [60 pts] [3 LP]
TR 5: 10 Sisters Novitiate(75), 9 Sister Novitiate, Novitiate Melee Weapons, Novitiate Superior(0) [75 pts] [4 LP]
EL 1: 10 Celestian Sacresants (80 + 516), 9 Anointed Halberd, Sacresant Superior (0), Spear of the Faithful(5) [165 pts] [6 LP]
EL 2: 10 Celestian Sacresants (80 + 516), 9 Anointed Halberd, Sacresant Superior (0), Spear of the Faithful(5) [165 pts] [6 LP]
EL 3: 5 Celestian Sacresants (80), 4 Anointed Halberd, Sacresant Superior (0), Spear of the Faithful(5) [85 pts] [3 LP]
EL 4: Dogmata(65), Hymns of Battle - Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude, Hymns of Battle - Litany of Enduring Faith, Relic: The Sigil Ecclesiasticus [65 pts] [4 PL]
EL 5: Hospitaller (50), Additional Relic (-1 CP), Relic: Book of Saint Lucius [50 pts] [3 LP]
EL 6: 8 Sister Repentia (56 + 414) [112 pts] [6 LP]
EL 7: 5 Sister Repentia (56 + 114) [70 pts] [6 LP]
FA 1: 5 Dominion Squad(70), 4 Artificer-crafted Storm Bolter, Dominion Superior(0) [90 pts] [5 LP]
FA 2: 5 Seraphim Squad(70), 4 Ministorum Hand Flamer, Seraphim Superior(0), Chainsword [90 pts] [4 LP]
HS 1: 3 Mortifier(60 + 2*60), 4 Penitent Flail, Anchorite Sarcophagus(5), 2 Penitents Flail [185 pts] [9 LP]
DT 1: Sororitas Rhino(80) [80 pts] [4 LP]
DT 2: Sororitas Rhino(80) [80 pts] [4 LP]
DT 3: Sororitas Rhino(80) [80 pts] [4 LP]

Krougmolotov : Aeldari - Drukhari

+ PLAYER : Krougmolotov
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 -1 -3 = 6
+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 18
+ To the Last Units : Wracks , Gorgones, Gorgones
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ Bring it Down: : 2
+ Assassination : 16
+ Abhor the Witch : 0
+ No Prisoners : 141
+ Warlord & Trait : Archon - Ancient Evil
+ Stratagem : -2CP : 2x Prizes from the Dark City, -1CP : 1x Alliance of Agony

== Batalion DETACHMENT Real Space : Drukhari (0 CP) [77PL, 1290pts]
== Chapter Tactic : Coven - Coven of Twelve - Butchers of Flesh, Cult of the Red Grief - The Speed of the Kill, Kabal of the Black Heart - Thirst for Power

HQ 1 : Master Archon (70+15) - Splinter Genius, Huskblade (5), Relic: Djin Blade, Warlord trait : Ancient Evil [90 pts] [5 PL] - WARLORD
HQ 2 : Master Succubus (80+15) - Adrenalight, Show Stealer, Prizes from the Dark City relic: The Blood Glaive, Alliance of Agony warlord trait : Quicksilver Fighter [95 pts] [5 PL]
HQ 3 : Master Haemonculus (70+20) - Alchemical Maestro, Prizes from the Dark City relic: The Animus Vitae, Alliance of Agony warlord trait : Twisted Animator [90 pts] [5 PL]

TR 1 : 5 Wyches(60), Hypex, Hekatrix(0), Agoniser(5) [65 pts] [3 PL]
TR 2 : 20 Wracks(40 + 15*8), 4 Ossefactor(5), Acothyst(0), Electrocorrosive whip(5) [185 pts] [12 PL]
TR 3 : 20 Wracks(40 + 15*8), 4 Ossefactor(5), Acothyst(0), Electrocorrosive whip(5) [185 pts] [12 PL]
TR 4 : 20 Wracks(40 + 15*8), 4 Ossefactor(5), Acothyst(0), Electrocorrosive whip(5) [185 pts] [12 PL]
TR 5 : 20 Wracks(40 + 15*8), 4 Ossefactor(5), Acothyst(0), Electrocorrosive whip(5) [185 pts] [12 PL]
TR 6 : 5 Kabalite Warriors(40), Sybarite(0) [40 pts] [3 PL]

HS 1 : Cronos(75), Spirit vortex(10), Spirit probe(5) [90 pts] [4 PL]
HS 2 : Cronos(75), Spirit probe(5) [80 pts] [4 PL]

== Batalion DETACHMENT : Drukhari (-3 CP) [44PL, 710pts]
== Chapter Tactic : Coven - Coven of Twelve - Butchers of Flesh

HQ 4 : Drazhar(145) [145 pts] [8 PL]
HQ 5 : Hémoncule(70) [70 pts] [4 PL]

TR 7 : 10 Wracks(40 + 5*8), 2 Ossefactor(5), Acothyst(0), Electrocorrosive whip(5) [95 pts] [6 PL]
TR 8 : 5 Wracks(40), Ossefactor(5), Acothyst(0), Electrocorrosive whip(5) [50 pts] [3 PL]
TR 9 : 5 Wracks(40), Ossefactor(5), Acothyst(0), Electrocorrosive whip(5) [50 pts] [3 PL]
TR 10 : 20 Wracks(40 + 15*8), 4 Ossefactor(5), Acothyst(0), Electrocorrosive whip(5) [185 pts] [12 PL]
TR 11 : 10 Wracks(40 + 5*8), 2 Ossefactor(5), Acothyst(0), Electrocorrosive whip(5), 10x Haemoxytes(2) [115 pts] [8 PL]

PcM : Aeldari - Craftworlds


+ JOUEUR : Pcm
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINT : 12 -1 -3 = 8
+ Number of units/ KP : 17
+ To the last: Eldrad Ulthran, Baharroth, Night Spinner
+ Titan Hunter : n/a
+ Bring it down : 12
+ Assassination: 10
+ Abhor the witch : 6
+ No prisoners : 47
+ Warlord and trait : Eldrad Ulthran - Fate Reader

== PATROL DETACHEMENT : Asuryani (0 PC) [47PP, 800pts] == CHAPTER TACTIC: Ulthwé - Foresight of the Damned

QG 1 : Eldrad Ulthran(145), Psychic Power: Doom, Psychic Power : Guide, Psychic Power: Will of Asuryan [145 pts] [8 PP] - WARLORD

TR 1 : 5 Rangers(65) [65 pts] [4 PP]

El 1 : Warlock Skyrunners 60), Relic (-1 PC), Trait (-1 PC), Relic : Sunstorm, Psychic Power: Embolden / Hoorify, Trait : Seer of the shifting vector [60 pts] [3 PP]

FA 1 : 5 Warp Spider (100), Warp Spider Exarch(0), Two Death Spinners & Powerblades, Surprise Assault [125 pts] [6 PP]
FA 2 : 5 Windrider (60 + 2*20), 5 Scatter Laser[125 pts] [8 PP]

HS 1 : Falcon(140) [140 pts] [9 PP]
HS 2 : Falcon(140) [140 pts] [9 PP]

== VANGUARD DETACHEMENT : Asuryani (-3 PC) [70PP, 1199pts] == CHAPTER TACTIC: Ulthwé - Foresight of the Damned

QG 2 : Baharroth(140) [140 pts] [7 PP]

EL 2 : 5 Howling Banshees(90), Howling Banshee Exarch(0), Mirror-swords, Piercing Strikes [105 pts] [5 PL]
EL 3 : 5 Striking Scorpion (85), Striking Scorpion Ewarch (0), Biting blade, Crushing Blows [105 pts] [5 PP]
EL 4 : Wraithlord (100), Bright Lance, Ghostglaive, Shuriken Catapult, Shuriken Catapult [135 pts] [8 PP]
EL 5 : Wraithlord (100), Bright Lance, Ghostglaive, Scatter Laser, Shuriken Catapult, Shuriken Catapult [140 pts] [8 PP]
EL 6 : 6 Dire avengers(60 + 1*12), Dire Avengers exarch(0), Double Avengers Shuriken Catapult, Stand Firm [82 pts] [7 PP]
EL 7 : 6 Dire avengers(60 + 1*12), Dire Avengers exarch(0), Double Avengers Shuriken Catapult,[72 pts] [6 PP]

HS 3 : NIght Spinner (140) [140 pts] [8 PP]
HS 4 : NIght Spinner (140) [140 pts] [8 PP]

Transport 1 : Wave Serpent (140) [140 pts] [8 PP]

Soultaker31 : T'au Empire


Team: Launagamers
Region; Occitanie A
Player : Frédéric FABIEN
Tabletoptournament profile : Soultaker31
Faction: T'au Empire, Enclave Farsight
Total army points – 1995
Total reinforcement points 0
Total Command points : 12
Detachment costs : Batalion (-3 CP +3CP warlord)
Remaining command point : 9
KP : 16
To the last : Crisis Battelsuit, Crisis Battlesuit, Crisis Bodyguard
Titan hunter : n/a
Bring it down : 16
Assassinate : 10
Abhort the witch : 0
No prisoners : 130
Warlord/Warlord trait : Commandeur Farsight [codex] Exempla of the Mont'ka
++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (T'au Empire) [109 PL, 9CP, 1,995pts]== Enclave Farsight ++
HQ 1 : Commandeur Farsight [7 PL, 130 pts] Warlord, Exemplar of the Mont’ka
HQ 2 : Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit [9 PL, 184 pts] target lock, high-output burst canon, T’au flamer [5 pts], THERMONEUTRONIC PROJECTOR [20 pts], Plasma rifle [10 pts], shield generator [10 pts], Promising pupil : Master of the hunt , Relic : Onager Gauntlet, 2X Shield drone : 2x Shield Generator[24 pts]
HQ3 : Cadre Fireblade [3 PL, 50 pts] , Promising Pupil : Exemplar of the Kauyon, Emergency Dispensation : PURETIDE ENGRAM NEUROCHIP
Troup 1 : 9x Breacher team Fire Warrior: 9x Pulse Blaster, 1x Sha'sui Pulse blaster [5 PL, 85pts]
Troup 2 : 9x Breacher team Fire Warrior: 9x Pulse Blaster, 1x Sha'sui Pulse blaster [5 PL, 85pts]
Troupe 3 : 9x Strike team Fire Warrior: 9x Pulse rifle, 1x Sha'sui Pulse rifle [4 PL, 85pts]
Elite 1 : Crisis Battlesuits [12 PL, 239 pts]
Crisis Shas’ui : Shield Generator [5 pts], Plasma rifle [5 pts], Plasma Rifle [10 pts] , Cyclic Ion Blaster [10 pts]
Crisis Shas’ui : Shield Generator [5 pts], Plasma rifle [5 pts], Plasma Rifle [10 pts] , Cyclic Ion Blaster [10 pts]
Crisis Shas’vre : Shield Generator [5 pts], Plasma rifle [5 pts], Plasma Rifle [10 pts] , Cyclic Ion Blaster [10 pts] , Irridium Exo-armor [5 pts]
2x Shield Drone : 2x Shield Generator [24 pts]
2 x Marker Drone [20 pts]
Elite 2 : Crisis Battlesuits [11 PL, 223 pts]
Crisis Shas’ui : T'au Flamer [5 pts], T'au Flamer [10 pts], Plasma Rifle [5 pts], Shield Generator [5pts]
Crisis Shas’ui : T'au Flamer [5 pts], T'au Flamer [10 pts], Plasma Rifle [5 pts], Shield Generator [5pts]
Crisis Shas’vre : T'au Flamer [5 pts], T'au Flamer [10 pts], T'au Flamer [15 pts] , Irridium Exo-armor [5 pts], Early warning override
4x Shield Drone : 4x Shield Generator [48 pts]
Elite 3 : Stealth Battlesuits [4 PL, 85pts] : Homing Beacon
2x Stealth Shas’ui w/ Burst Cannon: 2x Burst Cannon
1x Stealth Shas’vre : Fusion Blaster [5 pts]
No slots : Crisis Bodyguards [14 PL, 214 pts]
Crisis Bodyguard Shas’ui : Plasma Rifle [5 pts], Cyclic Ion Blaster [10 pts], Shield Generator [5 pts]
Crisis Bodyguard Shas’ui : Plasma Rifle [5 pts], Cyclic Ion Blaster [10 pts], Shield Generator [5 pts]
Crisis Bodyguard Shas’vre : Plasma Rifle [5 pts], Cyclic Ion Blaster [10 pts], Shield Generator [5 pts], Stimm Injectors
2x Shield Drone : 2x Shield Generator [24 pts]
2 x Marker Drone [20 pts]
FA 1 : 5x Vespid Stingwing, Ka 'Bri dan Vespid [3 PL, 60 pts],
FA 2 : 5x Vespid Stingwing, Ka 'Bri dan Vespid [3 PL, 60 pts]
HS 1 : Hammerhead Gunship [8 PL, 155 pts] , 2 Smart missile system [10 pts]
HS 2 : Hammerhead Gunship [8 PL, 155 pts] , 2 Smart missile system [10 pts]
Dedicated Transport 1 : Devilfish [6 PL, 95 pts]
Dedicated Transport 2 : Devilfish [6 PL, 95 pts]

Bubu : Tyranids


Player : Julien Tortue_Geniale LOPEZ
Factions used: Tyranids
Army Points: 1999
Reinforcement Points: 1
Number of Units / Killpoints: 11
Pre Game Stratagems: Alpha leader beast, Progeny of the hive
Starting Command Points: 10
Warlord & Trait: Hive Tyrant - Rampaging beast - Strategic adaptation
Army Trait: Léviathan - Crusher Stamped
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 36
To the Last Units: 3 Dimachaeron
Titan Hunter: N/A
Bring it Down: 19
Assasination: 7
Abhor the Witch: 6
== Tyranids - Léviathan - Crusher Stamped - Battalion = -2CP [109PL - 1999pts] ==

HQ: Hive Tyrant (155) [11PL, 215pts], Wings (30), Adrenal glands (5), Toxin sacs (5), 2 Monstrous scything talons (20), Progeny of the hive (-1 CP) - Adaptive physiology - Murderous Size: Monstrous scything talons, Bio artefact - biomorphic carapace, Psyker : Catalyst, Onslaught, Warlord - Rampaging beast, Alpha leader beast -1CP - Strategic adaptation
HQ : Swarmlord (240) [14PL, 240pts], Psyker : Aggressive surge, Synaptic barrier

TR: 3 Tyranid Warriors (51) [5 PL, 66pts], 6 scyting talons (0), Synaptic link - bioweapon bond (15)
TR: 3 Tyranid Warriors (51) [5PL, 66pts], 6 scyting talons (0), Synaptic link - bioweapon bond (15)
TR: 3 Tyranid Warriors (51) [4PL, 51pts], 6 scything talons (0)
TR: 3 Tyranid Warriors (51) [4PL, 51pts], 6 scything talons (0)

FA: Dimachaeron (280) [14PL, 280 pts]
FA: Dimachaeron (280) [14PL, 280 pts]
FA: Dimachaeron (280) [14PL, 280 pts]

HS: Scythed Hierodule (235) [12PL, 235 pts]
HS: Scythed Hierodule (235) [12PL, 235 pts]

kta : Imperium - Adeptus Custodes


+ STRATAGEM : the emperor's heroes(-1pc) / the emperor's heroes(-1pc) / Victor of the blood games(-1cp) / Open the vaults (-1cp) / Eternal Penitent (-1 CP)
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 -1= 8
+ Bring it down 0
+ Assassinat 10
== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : bataillon Adeptus Custodes (0 CP) ==
HQ 1 : Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator armour(115), castellan axe,Unstoppable Destroyer(10), Misericordia, Additional relic (-1 CP), Additional trait (-1 CP), Relic : Praetorian plate, Trait : Impregnable Mind [125 pts] [6 PL]
HQ 2 : Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike(160), Tip of the Spear(15), Salvo launcher(5), Misericordia, Additional trait (-1 CP), Victor of the blood games (-1 CP), Relic : Castellan's Mark, Trait : Superior Creation, Trait : lockwarden ([180 pts] [9 PL]
HQ 3 : Trajann Valoris(160), Warlord (+1CP),
-Warlord Traits : Master of Martial Strategy + Champion of the Imperium
[160 pts] [8 PP]
Troup 1 : 3 Custodian Guard(135), 2 Misericordia ,1 Praesidium Shield( 5),[140 pts] [7 PL]
Troup 2 : 3 Custodian Guard(135), 2 Misericordia ,1 Praesidium Shield( 5),[140 pts] [7 PL]
Troup 3 : 3 Custodian Guard(135), 2 Misericordia ,1 Praesidium Shield( 5),[140 pts] [7 PL]
Elite 1 : Allarus Custodians(60), Misericordia , castellan axe,[60 pts] [3 PL]
Elite 2 : Allarus Custodians(60), Misericordia , castellan axe,[60 pts] [3 PL]
Elite 3: Allarus Custodians(60), Misericordia, castellan axe, [60 pts] [3 PL]
EL4 : Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought (170) Eternal Penitent (-1 CP) [170]
EL5 : Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought (170) [170]
FA 1 : 3 Vertus Praetors(240), 3 Salvo launcher(15), 3 Misericordia [255 pts] [12 PL]
FA 2 : 3 Vertus Praetors(240), 3 Salvo launcher(15), 3 Misericordia [255 pts] [12 PL]
FA 3 : 5 witchseeker (70) + 1 witchseeker (14)[84 pts] [6 PL]

gabalho : Imperium - Grey Knights


+ PLAYER : Flavien "Gabalho" Bombail
+ ARMY MAIN FACTION : Grey Knights
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 -1 = 9
+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 12
+ To the Last Units : Interceptor Squad, Interceptor Squad, Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ Bring it Down: : 8
+ Assassination : 10
+ Abhor the Witch : 27
+ No Prisoners : 80
+ Army Trait : [Brotherhood] Prescient brethren
+ Warlord & Trait : Brotherhood Techmarine - [Codex] 3. Unyielding Anvil, [Prescient Brethren] Divination
+ Pre Game Stratagems: Exemplar of the Silvered Host (-1CP), Armory of titan (-1CP), Shield of Humanity (-1CP)

== Batalion DETACHMENT Bataillon : Grey Knights (0 CP) [106PL, 2000pts] ==

HQ 1 : Brotherhood Techmarine(80), Foretelling of Locus, Additional trait (-1 PC), Relic : Aetheric Conduit, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Psychic power : Warp shaping, Trait : Unyielding Anvil, Trait : Divination [110 pts] [6 PL] - WARLORD
HQ 2 : Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight(160), Servant of the Throne, Nemesis Daemon greathammer, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Dreadknight teleporter, Additional relic (-1 PC), Additional trait (-1 PC), Relic : Sigil of Exigence, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Psychic power : Gate of infinity, Psychic power : Empyric Amplification, Trait : Hammer of Righteousnous [240 pts] [11 PL]
HQ 3 : Brotherhood Librarian(105), A Noble Death, Storm bolter, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Psychic power : Gate of infinity, Psychic power : Sanctuary [130 pts] [7 PL]

TR 1 : 5 Strike Squad(110), 4 Nemesis force halberd, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Justicar(0), Nemesis force halberd [110 pts] [6 PL]
TR 2 : 5 Strike Squad(110), 4 Nemesis force halberd, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Justicar(0), Nemesis force halberd [110 pts] [6 PL]
TR 3 : 5 Strike Squad(110), 4 Nemesis force halberd, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Justicar(0), Nemesis force halberd [110 pts] [6 PL]

FA 1 : 10 Interceptor Squad(130 + 5*26), 9 Nemesis force halberd, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Interceptor Justicar(0), Nemesis force halberd [260 pts] [16 PL]
FA 2 : 10 Interceptor Squad(130 + 5*26), 9 Nemesis force halberd, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Interceptor Justicar(0), Nemesis force halberd [260 pts] [16 PL]
FA 3 : 5 Interceptor Squad(130), 4 Nemesis force halberd, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Interceptor Justicar(0), Nemesis force halberd [130 pts] [8 PL]

HS 1 : Nemesis Dreadknight(130), Nemesis greatsword, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition [185 pts] [8 PL]
HS 2 : Nemesis Dreadknight(130), Nemesis greatsword, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition [185 pts] [8 PL]
HS 3 : Nemesis Dreadknight(130), Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Dreadknight Fist, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition [170 pts] [8 PL]

Illaitanen : Imperium - Imperial Knights


Team: Launagamers
Region; Occitanie A
Player : Nicolas LLOVERA
Tabletoptournament profile : illaitanen
Faction: Imperial Knight, Freeblade Lance
Total army points – 2000
Total reinforcement points 0
Total Command points : 12
Detachment costs : Super Heavy (0 - Knight Lance)
Remaining command point : 9

KP : 5
To the last : Knight Castellan, [FW] Questoris Knight Magaera, [FW] Cerastus Knight Castigator
Titan hunter : 15
Bring it down : 10
Assassinate : 10
Abhort the witch : 0
No prisoners : 0
Warlord/Warlord trait : Knight Castellan - [Mechanicus] Cold éradication [Freeblade] Burden : Exiled in shame, [Freeblade] Quality : Legendary hero, [Freeblade] Quality : Sworn to a quest

Super Heavy Detachment 0CP (Knight Lance) [100 PL, 8CP, 2000pts]== Freeblade lance ++

LOW 1 : Knight Castellan [31 PL, 635 pts] Warlord, [Freeblade] Favoured Knight (-2 PC), Heirloom of the household (-1 PC), (Freeblade Lance) Legendary Knight.
Trait : [Mechanicus] Cold éradication
Relic 1 : Armour of the saited ion
Relic 2 : Cawl's Wrath
Weapons : Plasma Decimator, Titanic feet, 2x Twin Meltagun, Volcano Lance, 2x Twin siegebreaker cannon, 2x siegebreaker missile,
Quality 1 : Legendary hero // Quality 2 : Sworn to a quest
Burden : Exiled in shame

LOW 2 : Questoris Knight Magaera [25 PL, 500 pts], (Freeblade Lance) Legendary Knight, Empyreal Preysight, Ionic Flare shield.
Trait : [Freeblade Lance] Echoes from the Past : Random (Décision de l'arbitrage)
Relic : None
Weapons : Hekaton siege claw, Twin rad-cleanser, Phased plasma-fusil
Quality 1 : Legendary hero // Quality 2 : Sworn to a quest
Burden : Exiled in shame

LOW 3 : Cerastus Knight Castigator [23 PL, 460 pts], (Freeblade Lance) Legendary Knight.
Trait : None
Relic : Sanctuary
Weapons : Castigator bolt weapon, Tempest warblade, Titanic Feet.
Quality 1 : Peerless Warrior // Quality 2 : Sworn to a quest
Burden : Exiled in shame

LOW 4 : 2x Armiger Warglaives [14 PL, 270 pts], (Freeblade Lance)
> Warglaive 1
> Weapons : Thermal Spear, Reaper Chain-Cleaver, Heavy stubber.
> Quality : Mysterious guardian
> Burden 1 : Exiled in shame // Burden 2 : Haunted by failure
> Warglaive 2
> Weapons : Thermal Spear, Reaper Chain-Cleaver, Heavy stubber.
> Quality : Last of their line
> Burden 1 : Driven to slaughter // Burden 2 : Impetuous nature

LOW 5 : Armiger Warglaives [7 PL, 135 pts], (Freeblade Lance)
> Weapons : Thermal Spear, Reaper Chain-Cleaver, Heavy stubber.
> Quality : Indomitable
> Burden 1 : Obsessed with Vengeance // Burden 2 : Weary machine spirit

Onitsha : Imperium - Adeptus Custodes


+ PLAYER : Onitsha
+ FACTION : Adeptus Custodes
+ TEAM : La Waaagh de mon père !
+ COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 -1 -1 = 8
+ TOTAL : 2000
+ PP: 96
+ FACTIONS : Adeptus Custodes, Imperium, [Ost] Emperor Chosen
+ Warlord Trait : Trajann -- Valoris Master Of Martial Strategy + Champion Of The Imperium

== DETACHEMENT Bataillon : Adeptus Custodes, Imperium, [Ost] Emperor Chosen (0 PC) [96PP, 2000pts]

QG 1 : Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator armor(115), Untopable Destroyer, Castellan Axe, Misericordia, Open the Vault (-1 PC), Emperor Heroes (-1 PC), RELIC : Pretorian Plate, WARLORD TRAITS : Impreniable Mind [125 pts] [6 PP]
QG 2 : Shield-Captain on Motojet Dawneagle(160), Ceaseless Hunter, Salvo Launcher, Misericordia, Open the Vault (-1 PC), Emperor Heroes (-1 PC), RELIC : Castellan Mark, WARLORD TRAITS : Supperior Creation, WARLORD TRAITS : Peerless Warrior [185 pts] [9 PP]
QG 3 : Trajann Valoris(160) [160 pts] [8 PP] - WARLORD - WARLORD TRAITS : Master Of Martial Strategy - WARLORD TRAITS : Champion Of The Imperium

Troupe 1 : 3 Custodians Guards (135), 2 Praesidium Shields, 2 Sentinel Blade, 1 Misericordia [145 pts] [7 PP]
Troups 2 : 3 Custodians Guards (135), 2 Praesidium Shields, 2 Sentinel Blade, 1 Misericordia [145 pts] [7 PP]
Troups 3 : 3 Custodians Guards (135), 2 Praesidium Shields, 2 Sentinel Blade, 1 Misericordia [145 pts] [7 PP]
Troups 4 : 3 Custodians Guards (135), 3 Praesidium Shields, 3 Sentinel Blade [150 pts] [7 PP]

Elite 1 : Custodiens Allarus(60), Misericordia [60 pts] [3 PP]
Elite 2 : Custodiens Allarus(60), Misericordia [60 pts] [3 PP]
Elite 3 : Custodiens Allarus(60), Misericordia [60 pts] [3 PP]

Fast Attack 1 : 3 Praetors Vertus(240), 3 Salvo Launcher, 3 Misericordia [255 pts] [12 PP]
Fast Attack 2 : 3 Praetors Vertus(240), 3 Salvo Launcher, 3 Misericordia [255 pts] [12 PP]
Fast Attack 3 : 3 Praetors Vertus(240), 3 Salvo Launcher, 3 Misericordia [255 pts] [12 PP]

Ouro : Aeldari - Harlequins


+ TEAM : La Waaagh de mon père!
+ PLAYER : Ouro
+ ARMY MAIN FACTION : Harlequins
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 -1 = 9
+ Warlord & Trait : Troupe Master - [Dark] Player of the Dark
== Batalion DETACHMENT : Harlequins (0 CP) [97PL, 2000pts] == Chapter Tactic : Saedath Dark - Dark Deeds

HQ 1 : Troupe Master(75), Fusion pistol, Harlequin's kiss, Queen of Shards, Relic : Cegorach's rose, Trait : Player of the Dark , Favoured of the laughing god (-1 PC), Trait : A foot in the Future [115 pts] [5 PL] - WARLORD

HQ 2 : Shadowseer(100),Neuro disruptor, Mirror Architect, Psychic power : Webway Dance, Psychic power : Twilight Pathways, additional relic (-1PC) The eyes of the laughing god[130 pts] [6 PL]

TR 1 : 4 Troupe(52), 2 Neuro disruptor, 2 Fusion pistol, Harlequin's kiss, Harlequin's caress, 2 Harlequin's embrace, Lead player(13), Harlequin's blade [105 pts] [4 PL]
TR 2 : 4 Troupe(52), 2 Neuro disruptor, 2 Fusion pistol, Harlequin's kiss, Harlequin's caress, 2 Harlequin's embrace, Lead player(13), Harlequin's blade [105 pts] [4 PL]
TR 3 : 4 Troupe(52), 2 Neuro disruptor, 2 Fusion pistol, Harlequin's kiss, Harlequin's caress, 2 Harlequin's embrace, Lead player(13), Harlequin's blade [105 pts] [4 PL]
TR 4 : 4 Troupe(52), 2 Neuro disruptor, 2 Fusion pistol, Harlequin's kiss, Harlequin's caress, 2 Harlequin's embrace, Lead player(13), Harlequin's blade [105 pts] [4 PL]
TR 5 : 4 Troupe(52), 2 Neuro disruptor, 2 Fusion pistol, Harlequin's kiss, Harlequin's caress, 2 Harlequin's embrace, Lead player(13), Harlequin's blade [105 pts] [4 PL]

EL 1 : Death Jester(55), Harvester of Torment, Additional trait (-1 PC), Trait : Favour of Cegorach [70 pts] [4 PL]
EL 2 : Solitaire(110), prince of sins [130 pts] [7PL]

HS 1 : 3 Voidweaver(90 + 2*90), 3 Prismatic cannon [270 pts] [15 PL]
HS 2 : 3 Voidweaver(90 + 2*90), 3 Prismatic cannon [270 pts] [15 PL]
HS 3 : Voidweaver(90), Prismatic cannon [90 pts] [5 PL]

DT 1 : Starweaver(80) [80 pts] [4 PL]
DT 2 : Starweaver(80) [80 pts] [4 PL]
DT 3 : Starweaver(80) [80 pts] [4 PL]
DT 4 : Starweaver(80) [80 pts] [4 PL]
DT 5 : Starweaver(80) [80 pts] [4 PL]

Azio : Tyranids


+ Team : La waaagh de mon père
+ Région : Occitanie
+ PLAYER : Azio
+ ARMY FACTION : Tyranids


Alpha leader beast -1pc
Progeny of the hive -1 pc
Additional relic -1pc
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 -1 = 9

+ Warlord and Trait : Hive Tyrant = Strategic Adaptation

+ Army trait : Léviathan - Crusher Stampede


== Batalion DETACHMENT (0PC) : Léviathan - Crusher Stampede

HQ 1 : WARLORD Hive Tyrant with Wings(185), Adrenal glands (5pts), Toxin sacs (5pts), Montrous bonesword (20pts), 2 Devourer with brainleech worms (20pts), Adaptive Physiology Murderous Size. Psychic power : Catalyst, Psychic power : The Horror [235 pts] [11 PL]
Relic : Biomorphic carapace
Leviathan additional trait (-1 CP) : Strategic Adaptation
HQ 2 : Hive Tyrant with Wings(185), Adrenal glands (5pts), Toxin sacs (5pts), Montrous bonesword (20pts), 2 Devourer with brainleech worms (20pts) Adaptive Physiology (-1 CP), Murderous Size. Psychic power : Aggressive Surge, Psychic power : Synaptic Barrier [235 pts] [11 PL]
Additional Relic (-1CP) : Synaptic Hive Blades
HQ 3 : Swarmlord(240), Psychic power : Catalyst, Psychic power : Paroxysm [240 pts] [14 PL]

TR 1 : 3 Tyranid Warriors(51), 6 scyting talons, Bioweapon Bond [66 pts] [5 PL]
TR 2 : 3 Tyranid Warriors(51), 6 scyting talons, Bioweapon Bond [66 pts] [5 PL]
TR 3 : 3 Tyranid Warriors(51), 6 scyting talons, Bioweapon Bond [66 pts] [5 PL]
TR 4 : 3 Tyranid Warriors(51), 5 scyting talons, 1 Deathspitter (6pts) [57 pts] [4 PL]

HS 1 : Scythed Hierodule(235) [235 pts] [12 PL]
HS 2 : Scythed Hierodule(235) [235 pts] [12 PL]
HS 3 : Scythed Hierodule(235) [235 pts] [12 PL]

FL 1 : Harpy(155), 2 Heavy venom cannon [165 pts] [8 PL]
FL 2 : Harpy(155), 2 Heavy venom cannon [165 pts] [8 PL]

Diago : Orks


Player 1 : LulubombeculTeam: La Waaagh de mon père !
Factions used: Orks, Goff
Army Points: 1980
Reinforcement Points: 0
Number of Units / Killpoints: 21
Pre Game Stratagems: Big Boss (1CP), Extra relic x 1 (1CP)
Starting Command Points: 12 -1 -1 -3 = 7
Army Trait: Grim Resolve
Warlord & Trait: Beastboss on Squigosaur - Trait - Ork - 3. Bigkilla Boss

== Patrol Detachment Goff = -2CP (+2CP warlord). Goff : Orks (0 PC) [51PP, 935pts] ==

Hq1 Beastboss on Squigosaur(175), Free Relic : Beasthide Mantle, Trait : Bigkilla Boss [9 PL, 175 pts] -WARLORD
Hq2 Weirdboy with Fist of gork & Da Jump (70) - [4PL, 70pts]
Tp 1 : 10 Beast Snagga Boyz, Nob(0) [5 pl, 110 pts]
El 2 - 4 Kommandos + Boss Nob (60) Power claw (5) - [4PL, 65pts]
El1 - 4 Meganobz + 1 Boss Nob (150) 5 Power Klaw (0) 5 Kustom Flammer (50) - [12PL, 200pts]
Fa 1 - 1 Dragstas Shokk(85) [5 pl, 85 pts]
HS1 - 1 Mek Gunz with Kustom Mega Kanon - [3PL, 45pts]
HS2 - 1 Mek Gunz with kustom Mega Kanon - [3PL, 45pts]
Tr1 - Trukk - [4PL, 70pts]
Tr2 - Trukk - [4PL, 70pts]

== Outrider Detachement = -3CP ==

Hq3 Beastboss on Squigosaur(175), Relic (-1cp) : Headwoppas killchoppa, Trait (-1cp) : Brutal but Kunnin 9 PL, 175 pts]
El 3 - 4 Kommandos + Boss Nob (60) Power claw (5) - [4PL, 65pts]
El4 - 4 Meganobz + 1 Boss Nob (150) 5 Power Klaw (0) 5 Kustom Flammer (50) - [12PL, 200pts]
FA2 - 3 Squighog boyz (75) Squig Bomb (5) - [4PL, 80pts]
FA3 - 3 Squighog boyz (75) Squig Bomb (5) - [4PL, 80pts]
FA4 - 3 Squighog boyz (75) Squig Bomb (5) - [4PL, 80pts]
FA5 - 9 Stormboyz + Boss Nob (110) Power Klaw (10) - [6PL, 120pts]
FA6 - 9 Stormboyz + Boss Nob (110) Power Klaw (10) - [6PL, 120pts]
FA7 - 4 Stormboyz + Boss Nob (55) - [3PL, 55pts]
Tr3 - Trukk - [4PL, 70pts]

Lastjoke : Chaos - Thousand Sons


+ TEAM : La Waaagh de mon père !
+ PLAYER : Lastjoke
+ ARMY MAIN FACTION : Thousand Sons
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED : Thousand Sons
+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 9
+ To the Last Units : Magnus the Red, Scarab Occult terminators, Scarab Occult terminators
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ Bring it Down: : 3
+ Assassination : 10
+ Abhor the Witch : 19
+ No Prisoners : 100
+ Army Trait : Cult of Duplicity
+ Cabal Ritual : 14 points
+ Pregame stratagem : High Acolytes -1 CP Additional trait
+ Warlord & Trait : Magnus the Red - - Trait - 1. Arrogance of Eons, - Trait - 3. Undying Form, - Trait - 4. Lord of Forbidden Lore

== Supreme Command Squad DETACHMENT : Thousand Sons (0 CP) [23PL, 450pts] == Chapter Tactic : Thousand Sons

LOW 1 : Magnus the Red(450) Trait 1 : Arrogance of Eons, Trait 2 : Undying Form, Trait 3 : Lord of Forbidden Lore [450 pts] [23 PL] - WARLORD

== Batalion DETACHMENT : Thousand Sons (0 CP) [77PL, 1550pts] == Chapter Tactic : Cult of Duplicity

HQ 1 : Ahriman on Disc of Tzeentch(180), Psychic power 1 : Glamour of Tzeentch, Psychic power 2 : Weaver of Fates, Psychic power 3 : Presage [180 pts] [9 PL]
HQ 2 : Infernal Master(90), Pact 1 : Bladed Maelstrom, Pact 2 : Capering Imps, Additional trait (-1 CP), Trait : Master Misinformator, Relic : Umbralefic Crystal, Psychic power : Empyric Guidance [90 pts] [5 PL]

TR 1 : 5 Rubric Marines(105), Soulreaper cannon(10), Aspiring Sorcerer(0), Psychic power : Temporal Surge [115 pts] [6 PL]
TR 2 : 5 Rubric Marines(105), Soulreaper cannon(10), Aspiring Sorcerer(0), Psychic power : Temporal Surge [115 pts] [6 PL]
TR 3 : 5 Rubric Marines(105), Aspiring Sorcerer(0), Psychic power : Temporal Manipulation [105 pts] [6 PL]
TR 4 : 10 Tzaangors(70), Twistbray(0) [70 pts] [4 PL]

EL 1 : 10 Scarab Occult terminators(400), 2 Soulreaper cannon(2x5), 2 Hellfyre missile rack(2x10), Scarab Occult Sorcerer(0), Psychic power : Doombolt, Rites of Coalescence [445 pts] [21 PL]
EL 2 : 10 Scarab Occult terminators(400), 2 Soulreaper cannon(2x5), 2 Hellfyre missile rack(2x10), Scarab Occult Sorcerer(0), Psychic power : Doombolt [430 pts] [20 PL]

tyrius31 : T'au Empire


+ Team : La Waaagh de mon père
+ PLAYER : Tyrius31
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 = 10
+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 15
+ Warlord & Trait : Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit - [Codex] 1.Precision of the Hunter
== Batalion DETACHMENT : T'au Empire (0 CP) [120PL, 1999pts] == Chapter Tactic : T'au Sept - Coordinated Fire Arcs
HQ 1 : Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit(100), Shield Generator(10), High-Output Burst Canon(15), Burst cannon(10), T'au flamer(5), Thermoneutronic Projector(20), Sept T'au, Relic : Onager Gauntlet, Trait : Precision of the Hunter [160 pts] [8 PL] - WARLORD
HQ 2 : Éthéré(60), Sens of Stone, Wisdom of the Guides, Additional trait (-1 CP) Warlord traits: exemplar of the kaunyon; Additional relic (-1 CP) Sept T'au Relic : The Humble Stave, Hover drone(5) [65 pts] [4 PL]
HQ 3 : Longstrike(160), 2 Smart missile system(10) [170 pts] [9 PL]

TR 1 : 10 Kroot Carnivores(60) [60 pts] [3 PL]
TR 2 : 10 Kroot Carnivores(60) [60 pts] [3 PL]
TR 3 : 10 Strike Team(80), Sept T'au, Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [80 pts] [4 PL]
TR 4 : 10 Strike Team(80), Sept T'au, Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [80 pts] [4 PL]

EL 1 : 3 Crisis Battlesuits(90), Sept T'au, 1st Crisis Shas'ui(0), Iridium Battlesuit(5), Counterfire defence system, Burst cannon(5), Airbursting fragmentation projector(5), Airbursting fragmentation projector (2nd)(10), 2nd Crisis Shas'ui(0), Target lock, Burst cannon(5), Airbursting fragmentation projector(5), Airbursting fragmentation projector (2nd)(10), Crisis Shas'vre(0), Target lock, Burst cannon(5), Airbursting fragmentation projector(5), Airbursting fragmentation projector (2nd)(10), 2x Marker Drone(20) [175 pts] [10 PL]
EL 2 : 5 Crisis Battlesuits(150), Sept T'au, 1st Crisis Shas'ui(0), Iridium Battlesuit(5), Counterfire defence system, Cyclic ion blaster(10), Plasma rifle(5), Plasma rifle (2nd)(10), 2nd Crisis Shas'ui(0), Shield Generator(5), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Plasma rifle(5), Plasma rifle (2nd)(10), 3rd Crisis Shas'ui(30), Shield Generator(5), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Plasma rifle(5), Plasma rifle (2nd)(10), 4th Crisis Shas'ui(30), Shield Generator(5), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Plasma rifle(5), Plasma rifle (2nd)(10), Crisis Shas'vre(0), Target lock, Burst cannon(5), Plasma rifle(5), Plasma rifle (2nd)(10), DW-02 Advanced Burst Cannon(15), Shield Drone(12), 2x Marker Drone(20) [337 pts] [30 PL]

FA 1 : 10 Pathfinder Team(90), 3 Ion rifle(15), Sept T'au, Pathfinder Shas'ui(0) [105 pts] [5 PL]
FA 2 : 6 Vespid Stingwings(72), Vespid Stain Leader(0) [72 pts] [5 PL]
HS 1 : Hammerhead Gunship(145), 2 Smart missile system(10), Sept T'au [155 pts] [8 PL]

HS 2 : 3 Broadside Battlesuits(225), Sept T'au, 1st Broadside Shas'ui(75), Velocity tracker, Twin Smart missile system(15), 2nd Broadside Shas'ui(75), Velocity tracker, Twin Smart missile system(15), Broadside Shas'vre(0), Velocity tracker, Twin Smart missile system(15) [270 pts] [15 PL]

DT 1 : Devilfish(95), 2 Smart missile system(10), Sept T'au [105 pts] [6 PL]
DT 2 : Devilfish(95), 2 Smart missile system(10), Sept T'au [105 pts] [6 PL]

elpresidente : Chaos - Thousand Sons


+ PLAYER : Elpresidente
+ ARMY MAIN FACTION : Thousand Sons / Cult of Time
+STRAT PREGAME : Sorcerous arcana
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED : Thousand Sons / Cult of Time
+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 11
+ To the Last Units : Magnus the Red, Scarab Occult terminators, Scarab Occult terminators
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ Bring it Down: : 5
+ Assassination : 10
+ Abhor the Witch : 19
+ No Prisoners : 99
+ Cabal Ritual : 14 points
+ Warlord & Trait : Magnus the Red - - Trait - 1. Arrogance of Eons, - Trait - 3. Undying Form, - Trait - 4. Lord of Forbidden Lore

== Supreme Command Squad DETACHMENT : Thousand Sons (0 CP) [23PL, 450pts] == Chapter Tactic : Thousand Sons

LOW 1 : Magnus the Red(450), Psychic power : Tzeentch's Firestorm, Psychic power : 1 Glamour of Tzeentch, Psychic power : 1 Doombolt, Psychic power : 2 Temporal Manipulation, Psychic power : 2 Weaver of Fates, Psychic power : 2Baleful Devolution, Psychic power : 3 Cacodemonic Curse, Psychic power : 3 Pyric Flux, Psychic power : 3 Perplex, Psychic power : 1 Gaze of Hate, Psychic power : 1 Twist of Fate, Psychic power : 1 Dark Blessing, Psychic power : 2 Presage, Psychic power : 2 Swelled by the Warp, Psychic power : 2 Temporal Surge, Psychic power : 3 Empyric Guidance, Psychic power : 3 Psychic Stalk, Psychic power : 3 Desecration of Worlds [450 pts] [23 PL] - Trait - 1. Arrogance of Eons, - Trait - 3. Undying Form, - Trait - 4. Lord of Forbidden Lore- WARLORD

== Batalion DETACHMENT : Thousand Sons (0 CP) [82PL, 1537pts] == Chapter Tactic : Thousand Sons/ Cult of Time

HQ 1 : Infernal Master(90), Glimpse of Eternity, Malefic Maelstrom, Relic : Umbralefic Crystal, Psychic power : 1 Glamour of Tzeentch, Psychic power : Time Flux [90 pts] [5 PL]
HQ 2 : Exalted Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch(125), Additional relic (-1 CP), Cult of Time, Relic : Helm of the Daemon's Eye, Psychic power : Time Flux, Psychic power : 2 Presage, Psychic power : 2 Temporal Surge [125 pts] [7 PL]

TR 1 : 5 Rubric Marines(105), Soulreaper cannon(10), Cult of Time, Aspiring Sorcerer(0), Psychic power : 2 Temporal Manipulation, Psychic power : Time Flux [115 pts] [6 PL]
TR 2 : 5 Rubric Marines(105), Soulreaper cannon(10), Cult of Time, Aspiring Sorcerer(0), Psychic power : 2 Temporal Manipulation, Psychic power : Time Flux [115 pts] [6 PL]
TR 3 : 7 Rubric Marines(105 + 2*21), Soulreaper cannon(10), Cult of Time, Aspiring Sorcerer(0), Psychic power : Time Flux, Psychic power : 1 Dark Blessing [157 pts] [12 PL]
TR 4 : 10 Tzaangors(70), Twistbray(0) [70 pts] [4 PL]
TR 5 : 10 Tzaangors(70), Twistbray(0) [70 pts] [4 PL]

EL 1 : 10 Scarab Occult terminators(200 + 5*40), 2 Hellfyre missile rack(2*10), Cult of Time, Scarab Occult Sorcerer(0), Rites of Coalescence(15), Psychic power : 2 Weaver of Fates, Psychic power : Time Flux [435 pts] [21 PL]
EL 2 : 5 Scarab Occult terminators(200), Soulreaper cannon(5), Hellfyre missile rack(10), Cult of Time, Scarab Occult Sorcerer(0), Psychic power : 2 Weaver of Fates, Psychic power : Time Flux [215 pts] [10 PL]

HS 1 : Mutalith Vortex Beast(145), Cult of Time [145 pts] [7 PL]

legrosnain : Orks


+ PLAYER : legrosnain
+TEAM : les gobelins sauvages
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1(Big Boss), -1(Big Boss), -1( extra gunbizz),-2(patrol) = 7
+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 19
+ To the Last Units : Ghazghkull Thraka, Meganobz, Beastboss on Squigosaur
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ Bring it Down: : 6
+ Assassination : 16
+ Abhor the Witch : 6
+ No Prisoners : 121
+ Army Trait : Goff
+ Warlord & Trait : Ghazghkull Thraka :proper killy

== Supreme Command Squad DETACHMENT : Orks (0 CP) [15PL, 300pts] == Chapter Tactic : Goffs - No Mukkin' About

HQ 1 : Ghazghkull Thraka(300) [300 pts] [15 PL] - WARLORD and trait :proper killy

== Patrol DETACHMENT : Orks, Goff (0 CP) [61PL, 905pts] == Chapter Tactic : Goffs - No Mukkin' About

HQ 2 : Weirdboy(70), Goff, Psychic power : Psy Warpath, Psychic power : Psy Da Jump [70 pts] [4 PL]
HQ 3 : Beastboss on Squigosaur(175), Additional trait (-1 CP), Goff, Relic (free): Beasthide Mantle, Trait : Trait 'Ard as Nails [175 pts] [9 PL]

TR 1 : 10 Boyz(90), Goff, Boss Nob(0), Big choppa [95 pts] [5 PL]
TR 2 : 10 Boyz(90), Trukk Boyz, Boss Nob(0), Power Klaw [100 pts] [5 PL]

EL 1 : 6 Kommandos(60 + 1*12), Goff, Boss Nob(0), Power Klaw [77 pts] [8 PL]
EL 2 : 6 Kommandos(60 + 1*12), Goff, Boss Nob(0), Power Klaw [77 pts] [8 PL]

FA 1 : 4 Squibhog boyz(75 + 1*25), Bomb squig(5), Goff [105 pts] [8 PL]
FA 2 : 6 Stormboyz(55 + 1*11), Goff, Boss Nob(0) [66 pts] [6 PL]

DT 1 : Trukk(70) [70 pts] [4 PL]
DT 2 : Trukk(70) [70 pts] [4 PL]

== Patrol DETACHMENT Patrouille 2 : Orks, Goff (-2 CP) [48PL, 795pts] == Chapter Tactic : Goffs - No Mukkin' About

HQ 4 : Weirdboy(70), Goff, Psychic power : Psy Da Jump, Psychic power : Psy Fists of Gork [70 pts] [4 PL]
HQ 5 : Warboss(90), Kombi-skorcha, Power Klaw, Attack squig, Additional relic (-1 CP), Additional trait (-1 CP), Goff, Relic : Da Killa Klaw, Trait : Trait Brutal but Kunnin' [105 pts] [5 PL]

TR 3 : 10 Boyz(90), Goff, Boss Nob(0), Big choppa [95 pts] [5 PL]
TR 4 : 10 Gretchins(50) [50 pts] [2 PL]

EL 3 : 5 Kommandos(60), Goff, Boss Nob(0), Power Klaw [65 pts] [4 PL]
EL 4 : 5 Meganobz(90 + 2*30), 4 Kombi-skorcha(40),4 power klaw[0] Trukk Boyz, Boss Meganob(0), Kombi-skorcha(10), power klaw[0] [200 pts] [12 PL]

FA 3 : 4 Squibhog boyz(75 + 1*25), Bomb squig(5), Goff [105 pts] [8 PL]
FA 4 : 4 Squibhog boyz(75 + 1*25), Bomb squig(5), Goff [105 pts] [8 PL]

Azkern : T'au Empire


+ PLAYER : Azkern
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 = 10
+ PRE GAME STRATAGEM : Promising Pupil 1 CP; Emergency Dispensiation 1 CP
+ SUB-FACTION : Sept Farsight Enclaves
+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 15
+ To the Last Units : Broadside Battlesuits , Crisis Battlesuits ,
Crisis Battlesuits
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ Bring it Down: : 4
+ Assassination : 7
+ Abhor the Witch : 0
+ No Prisoners : 120
+ Warlord & Trait : Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit - [Farsight]
Master of the Killing Blow

== Batalion DETACHMENT : T'au Empire (0 CP) [103PL, 2000pts] ==
Chapter Tactic : Sept Farsight Enclaves

HQ 1 : Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit(100), High-output burst cannon(15), Fusion blaster(15), Plasma rifle(10), Plasma rifle (2nd)(15),
Novasurge Plasma Rifle(20), Relic : Solid-Image Projection Unit, Trait :
Master of the Killing Blow [175 pts] [8 PL] - WARLORD
HQ 2 : Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit(100), Shield Generator(10), High-output burst cannon(15) , Fusion blaster(15), T'au flamer(5), Thermoneutronic
Projector(20), Additional relic (-1 CP), Additional trait (-1 CP), Relic :
Onager Gauntlet, Trait : Precision of the Hunter [165 pts] [8 PL]

TR 1 : 10 Kroot Carnivores(60) [60 pts] [3 PL]
TR 2 : 10 Kroot Carnivores(60) [60 pts] [3 PL]
TR 3 : 10 Breacher Team(85), Breacher Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [85 pts] [5 PL]

EL 1 : 3 Crisis Battlesuits(3*30), 1st Crisis Shas'ui(0), Iridium
Battlesuit(5), Shield Generator(5), Plasma rifle(5), Plasma rifle (2nd)(10),
Missile pod(10), 2nd Crisis Shas'ui(0), Shield Generator(5), Plasma rifle(5),
Plasma rifle (2nd)(10), Missile pod(10), Crisis Shas'vre(0), Shield Generator(5),
Plasma rifle(5), Plasma rifle (2nd)(10), Missile pod(10) [185 pts] [9 PL]
EL 2 : 3 Crisis Battlesuits(3*30), 1st Crisis Shas'ui(0), Iridium
Battlesuit(5), Shield Generator(5), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Fusion blaster(10),
Plasma rifle(5), 2nd Crisis Shas'ui(0), Shield Generator(5), Cyclic ion
blaster(10), Fusion blaster(10), Plasma rifle(5), Crisis Shas'vre(0), Shield
Generator(5), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Fusion blaster(10), Plasma rifle(5) [185 pts]
[9 PL]
EL 3 : 3 Crisis Battlesuits(3*30), 1st Crisis Shas'ui(0), Iridium
Battlesuit(5), Shield Generator(5), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Fusion blaster(10),
Plasma rifle(5), 2nd Crisis Shas'ui(0), Shield Generator(5), Cyclic ion
blaster(10), Fusion blaster(10), Plasma rifle(5), Crisis Shas'vre(0), Shield
Generator(5), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Fusion blaster(10), Plasma rifle(5) [185 pts]
[9 PL]

FA 1 : 10 Pathfinder Team(90), 3 Rail rifle(3*5), Pathfinder Shas'ui(0)
[105 pts] [5 PL]
FA 2 : 10 Pathfinder Team(90), Semi-automatic grenade launcher(5), Pulse Accelerator
Drone(10), Grav-inhibitor Drone(10), Pathfinder Shas'ui(0) [115 pts]
[7 PL]

HS 1 : Broadside Battlesuits(75), 1st Broadside Shas'ui(75), Early
warning override(0), Twin Smart missile system(15), 2nd Broadside
Shas'ui(75), Early warning override(0), Twin Smart missile system(15),
Broadside Shas'vre(0), Early warning override(0), Twin Smart missile
system(15) [270 pts] [15 PL]
HS 2 : Broadside Battlesuits(75), Broadside Shas'vre(0), Velocity
tracker(0), Twin Smart missile system(15) [90 pts] [5 PL]
HS 3 : Broadside Battlesuits(75), Broadside Shas'vre(0), Velocity
tracker(0), Twin Smart missile system(15) [90 pts] [5 PL]

DT 1 : Devilfish(95), 2 Seeker missile(2*5), 2 Smart missile system(2*5) [115 pts] [6 PL]
DT 2 : Devilfish(95), 2 Seeker missile(2*5), 2 Smart missile system(2*5) [115 pts] [6 PL]

Petitlapinrose : Aeldari - Harlequins


+ PLAYER : Petitlapinrose
+ ARMY MAIN FACTION : Harlequins
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 = 10
+ PRE GAME STRAT; . Additional relic aeldari tresure ; Favoured of the Laughing God.
+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 17
+ To the Last Units : Troupe, Voidweaver, Voidweaver
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ Bring it Down: : 8
+ Assassination : 13
+ Abhor the Witch : 3
+ No Prisoners : 53
+ Warlord & Trait : Troupe Master - [Codex] A foot in the Future, [Light] Player of the Light

== Batalion DETACHMENT : Harlequins (0 CP) [102PL, 2000pts] == saedath light

HQ 1 : Troupe Master(75), Prince of Light, Fusion pistol, Harlequin's kiss, Favoured of the Laughing God, Harlequin's Kiss, Light, Relic : Cegorach's rose, Trait : A foot in the Future, Trait : Player of the Light [110 pts] [5 PL] - WARLORD
HQ 2 : Shadowseer(100), Mirror Architect, Additional relic (-1 PC), Light, Relic : Shadow Stone, Psychic power : Fog of Dreams, Psychic power : Shards of Light [125 pts] [6 PL]

TR 1 : 4 Troupe(52), 2 Fusion pistol, 2 Harlequin's kiss, Harlequin's caress, Light, Lead player(13), Neuro disruptor, Harlequin's kiss [100 pts] [4 PL]
TR 2 : 4 Troupe(52), Light, Lead player(13) [65 pts] [4 PL]
TR 3 : 4 Troupe(52), Light, Lead player(13) [65 pts] [4 PL]
TR 4 : 7 Troupe(52 + 3*13), Neuro disruptor, 2 Fusion pistol, 4 Harlequin's kiss, Harlequin's caress, Light, Lead player(13), Neuro disruptor, Harlequin's kiss [154 pts] [9 PL]
TR 5 : 11 Troupe(52 + 7*13), 3 Neuro disruptor, 4 Fusion pistol, 4 Harlequin's kiss, 2 Harlequin's caress, 2 Harlequin's embrace, Light, Lead player(13), Neuro disruptor, Harlequin's kiss [241 pts] [9 PL]

EL 1 : Death Jester(55), Lord of Crystal Bones, Light [75 pts] [4 PL]
EL 2 : Death Jester(55), Rift Ghoul, Light [75 pts] [4 PL]

FA 1 : 3 Skyweaver(90 + 1*45) [135 pts] [8 PL]
FA 2 : 3 Skyweaver(90 + 1*45), 3 Skyweaver haywire cannon, 3 Zephyrglaive, Light [165 pts] [8 PL]

HS 1 : 2 Voidweaver(90 + 1*90), 2 Prismatic cannon, Light [180 pts] [10 PL]
HS 2 : 2 Voidweaver(90 + 1*90), 2 Prismatic cannon, Light [180 pts] [10 PL]
HS 3 : Voidweaver(90), Prismatic cannon, Light [90 pts] [5 PL]

DT 1 : Starweaver(80), Light [80 pts] [4 PL]
DT 2 : Starweaver(80), Light [80 pts] [4 PL]
DT 3 : Starweaver(80), Light [80 pts] [4 PL]

Stormfox : Tyranids


+ PLAYER : Stormfox
+ ARMY MAIN FACTION : Tyranids Crusher Stampede
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -2 = 9
+PRE GAME STRATAGEM : Progeny of the hive (adaptatives Physiologies) - 1 CP
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED : Tyranids Crusher Stampede
+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 12
+ To the Last Units : Hive Guards, [FW] Dimachaeron, Swarmlord
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ Bring it Down: : 17
+ Assassination : 7
+ Abhor the Witch : 8
+ No Prisoners : 36
+ Warlord & Trait : BroodLord - Swarm Leader

== Patrol DETACHMENT : Tyranids (0 CP) [51PL, 921pts] ==

HQ 1 : BroodLord(125), Master of Shadows, Relic : Adaptive neural
lobe, Psychic power : Catalyst, Trait : Swarm Leader [140 pts] [8 PL]

TR 1 : 3 Tyranid Warriors(51), Bioweapon Bond [66 pts] [5 PL]

EL 1 : Maleceptor(170), Focal Essence, Psychic power : Synaptic
Barrier [185 pts] [10 PL]

FA 1 : Dimachaeron(280) [280 pts] [14 PL]

HS 1 : Mawloc(125) [125 pts] [7 PL]
HS 2 : Mawloc(125) [125 pts] [7 PL]

== Patrol DETACHMENT 2 : Tyranids (-2 CP) [58PL, 1076pts] ==

HQ 2 : Swarmlord(240), Psychic power : Aggressive Surge, Psychic power
: Infused Energies [240 pts] [14 PL]

TR 2 : 3 Tyranid Warriors(51), Bioweapon Bond [66 pts] [5 PL]

EL 2 : Haruspex(155), Adaptive Physiology (-1 CP), Murderous Size (Ravenous maw) [155
pts] [8 PL]
EL 3 : 6 Hive Guards(120 + 3*40), 6 Impaler cannon [300 pts] [14 PL]

HS 3 : Exocrine(155) [155 pts] [8 PL]
HS 4 : Tyrannofex(155), Acid spray [160 pts] [9 PL]

yolu2006 : Imperium - Adeptus Custodes


+ PLAYER : Yolu2006
+ ARMY MAIN FACTION : Adeptus Custodes
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 = 8
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED : Adeptus Custodes, Imperium, [Host] Emperor's Chosen
+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 13
+ To the Last Units : Vertus Praetors, Vertus Praetors, Vertus Praetors
+ PRE GAME STRAT 2x The emperor’s heroes(2x-1PC) / Victor of the blood game -1PC/ 2x Open the vaults (2x-1PC)
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ Bring it Down: : 0
+ Assassination : 13
+ Abhor the Witch : 0
+ No Prisoners : 89
+ Army Trait : Adeptus Custodes, Imperium, [Host] Emperor's Chosen
+ Warlord & Trait : Trajann Valoris - [Codex] 1. Master of Martial Strategy, [Codex] 2. Champion of the Imperium

== Batalion DETACHMENT Bataillon Emperor's Chosen : Adeptus Custodes, Imperium, [Host] Emperor's Chosen (0 CP) [98PL, 2000pts] == Chapter Tactic : Emperor's Chosen - Magna Imperator

HQ 1 : Trajann Valoris(160), Seigneur de Guerre (+1PC), Emperor's Chosen, Trait : Master of Martial Strategy, Trait : Champion of the Imperium [160 pts] [8 PL] - WARLORD
HQ 2 : Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator armour(115), Unstoppable Destroyer, Additional relic (-1 CP), Additional trait (-1 CP), Emperor's Chosen, Relic : Praetorian plate, Trait : Impregnable Mind [125 pts] [6 PL]
HQ 3 : Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike(160), Tip of the Spear, Misericordia, Additional trait (-1 CP), Victor of the blood games (-1 CP), Emperor's Chosen, Relic : Auric Aquilas, Trait : Superior Creation, Trait : Radiant Mantle [175 pts] [9 PL]

TR 1 : 3 Custodian Guard(135), 2 Praesidium Shield, 2 Sentinel blade, Misericordia, Emperor's Chosen [145 pts] [7 PL]
TR 2 : 3 Custodian Guard(135), 2 Praesidium Shield, 2 Sentinel blade, Misericordia, Emperor's Chosen [145 pts] [7 PL]
TR 3 : 5 Prosecutors(60), Superior Prosecutor(0) [60 pts] [3 PL]

EL 1 : Allarus Custodians(60), Castellan Axe, Misericordia, Emperor's Chosen [60 pts] [3 PL]
EL 2 : Allarus Custodians(60), Guardian spear, Misericordia, Emperor's Chosen [60 pts] [3 PL]
EL 3 : 2 Allarus Custodians(60 + 1*60), 2 Castellan Axe, 2 Misericordia, Emperor's Chosen [120 pts] [6 PL]
EL 4 : Vexilus Praetor(105), Vexilla Magnifica, Additional relic (-1 CP), Emperor's Chosen, Relic : Castellan's Mark [105 pts] [6 PL]

FA 1 : 3 Vertus Praetors(240), 3 Salvo launcher, 3 Misericordia, Emperor's Chosen [255 pts] [12 PL]
FA 2 : 3 Vertus Praetors(240), 3 Salvo launcher, 3 Misericordia, Emperor's Chosen [255 pts] [12 PL]
FA 3 : 4 Vertus Praetors(240 + 1*80), 3 Salvo launcher, 4 Misericordia, Emperor's Chosen [335 pts] [16 PL]