Army lists

Chicken : Tyranids

Team: CFVE / League 3
Player: Chicken
Factions used: Tyranids / Hive Fleet: Leviathan (Army of Renown - Crusher Stampede)
Army Points: 1998 / 116 PL
Reinforcement points: 2
Number of Units/ Killpoints: 10
TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 12 - 1 - 1 - 1 = 9
.Bounty of the Hive Fleet [-1CP]: 1 Extra Bio-artefact (Hyve tyrant with wings)
.Progeny of the hive [-1 CP]: Murderous Size (Hyve tyrant with wings)
.Alpha Leader-Beast [-1CP]: 1 Extra Leviathan Warlord Trait (Malanthrope)
Secondary Objectives information
No Prisoners:9
To the last Units: Dimachaeron(280),Barbed Hierodule(275), Hive Guards(250)
Titan Hunter: N/A
bring it Down: 11
Abhor the witch:6
== Batalion DETACHMENT Bataillon Leviathan : Tyranids (0 CP)==
HQ 1 : Malanthrope(150), Leviathan additional trait (-1 CP), Crusher Stampede, Relic : Adaptive neural lobe, Trait : Strategic Adaptation, Trait : Swarm Leader [150 pts] [8 PL] - WARLORD
HQ 2 : Hyve Tyrant with Wings(185), Adrenal glands, Montrous bonesword, Monstrous Rending claws, 1st additional relic (-1 CP), Adaptive Physiology (-1 CP), Murderous Size, Crusher Stampede, Léviathan, Relic : Synaptic Hive Blades, Psychic power : Aggressive Surge, Psychic power : Synaptic Barrier [210 pts] [11 PL]
HQ 3 : Swarmlord(240), Crusher Stampede, Psychic power : Catalyst, Psychic power : Onslaught [240 pts] [14 PL]

Troup 1 : 5 Tyranid Warriors(51 + 2*17), 5 Deathspitter, 5 Scything Talons, Synaptic Link:Bioweapon Bond, Crusher Stampede, Léviathan [130 pts] [9 PL]
Troup 2 : 5 Tyranid Warriors(51 + 2*17), 5 Deathspitter, 5 Scything Talons, Synaptic Link:Bioweapon Bond, Crusher Stampede, Léviathan [130 pts] [9 PL]
Troup 3 : 4 Tyranid Warriors(51 + 1*17), 8 Scything Talons, Synaptic Link:Bioweapon Bond, Crusher Stampede, Léviathan [83 pts] [9 PL]

Elite 1 : 5 Hive Guards(120 + 2*40), 5 Impaler cannon, Crusher Stampede, Léviathan [250 pts] [14 PL]
Elite 2 : 5 Hive Guards(120 + 2*40), 5 Impaler cannon, Crusher Stampede, Léviathan [250 pts] [14 PL]

FA 1 : Dimachaeron(280), Crusher Stampede, Léviathan [280 pts] [14 PL]

HS 1 : Barbed Hierodule(275), Crusher Stampede, Léviathan [275 pts] [14 PL]

++ Total: [116 PL, 9 CP, 1998 pts] ++

Fenrrisyyan : Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Deathwatch

Team : CFVE / League 3
Player : Fenrrisyyan
Factions used : DeathWatch - Army of Renown : Veteran of the Long Vigil
Army Points : 1996 / 116 PL
Reinforcement points : 4 points
Number of Units/ KILL POINTS : 8
TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12-1-1-1-1-1-1 = 6

Additional trait (-1 CP)

An incomparable watch (-1 CP)
Primaris Chaplain on Bike

Additional trait (-1 CP)
Watch Captain on Bike

Additional relic (-1 CP)
Watch Captain on Bike

Additional relic (-1 CP)

Honoured Veteran of the Watch (-1 CP)
Sergent Fortis Kill Team

Secondary Objectives information
No Prisoners : 14
To the last Units :

Indomitor Kill Team(0), Kill Team Specialism - Aquila [358 points]

Fortis Kill Team(0), Kill Team Specialism - Aquila [365 points]

Indomitor Kill Team(0), Kill Team Specialism - Malleus [378 points]

Titan Hunter: N/A
bring it Down : 0
Assasination : 10
Abhor the witch : 5


== BATALION DETACHMENT : Deathwatch (0 CP) [116PL, 1996pts] ==

HQ 1 : Librarian(90), Bolt pistol, Additional relic (-1 CP), Veteran of the Long Vigil, Additional trait (-1 CP), Relic : The Tome of Ectoclades, Psychic power : Premorphic Resonance, Psychic power : Fortified with contempt, Trait : Nowhere to Hide [95 pts] [5 PL]

HQ 2 : Watch Captain on bike(100), Storm Shield, Power axe Additional relic (-1 CP), Veteran of the Long Vigil, Additional trait (-1 CP), Relic : Dominus Aegis, Relic : Adamantine Mantle, Trait : Castellan of the Black Vault [110 pts] [6 PL]

HQ 3 : Primaris Chaplain on bike(125), Recitation of Focus, Canticle of Hate, Veteran of the Long Vigil, Additional trait (-1 CP), Relic : The Beacon Angelis, Trait : Paragon of their Chapter, Trait : Codex Expert, Upgrade Master of Sanctity(25), Trait : Wise Orator [150 pts] [8 PL] - WARLORD

Troup 1 : Fortis Kill Team(0), Kill Team Specialism - Aquila, Veteran of the Long Vigil, 4x Intercessor(20), 4 Auto-bolt rifle, 5x Outrider(50), Intercessor Sergeant(20), Auto-bolt rifle, Astartes Chainsword, Honoured Veteran of the Watch (-1 CP), Trait : The Ties that bind [365 pts] [16 PL]

Troup 2 : Indomitor Kill Team(0), Kill Team Specialism - Aquila, Veteran of the Long Vigil, 3x Aggressor(40), 6 Auto Boltstorm gauntlet, 3 Fragstorm grenade launcher, Inceptor(40), 5x Heavy Intercessor(28), 5 Hellstorm bolt rifle, Heavy Intercessor Sergeant(28), Hellstorm bolt rifle [358 pts] [20 PL]

Troup 3 : Indomitor Kill Team(0), Kill Team Specialism - Malleus, Veteran of the Long Vigil, 4x Eradicator(45), 5x Heavy Intercessor(28), 5 Hellstorm bolt rifle, Heavy Intercessor Sergeant(28), Hellstorm bolt rifle [378 pts] [25 PL]

Troup 4 : Proteus Kill Team(0), Kill Team Specialism - Dominatus, Veteran of the Long Vigil, 3x Veteran Biker(30), 3 Astartes Chainsword, Watch Sergeant(20), Deathwatch shotgun, 4x Deathwatch Veteran(20), 4 Deathwatch shotgun, 2x Vanguard Veteran with Jump pack(22), 2 Lightning Claws (Single), 2 Storm Shield [270 pts] [18 PL]

Troup 5 : Proteus Kill Team(0), Kill Team Specialism - Dominatus, Veteran of the Long Vigil, 3x Veteran Biker(30), 3 Astartes Chainsword, Watch Sergeant(20), Deathwatch shotgun, 4x Deathwatch Veteran(20), 4 Deathwatch shotgun, 2x Vanguard Veteran with Jump pack(22), 2 Lightning Claws (Single), 2 Storm Shield [270 pts] [18 PL]

CyrNag : Imperium - Grey Knights

+ ARMY MAIN FACTION : Grey Knights
+Faction : Grey Knights - Prescient Brethren
+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 12
+ To the Last Units : Interceptor Squad, Interceptor Squad, Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ No Prisoners : 8
+ Bring it Down: : 10
+ Assasination : 10
+ Abhor the Witch : 25
+ Warlord & Trait : Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight - [Codex] 2. Hammer of Righteousnous

== Batalion DETACHMENT : Grey Knights (0 CP) [102PL, 2000pts] ==

HQ 1 : Brotherhood Librarian(105), A Noble Death, Prescient brethren, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Psychic power : Gate of infinity, Psychic power : Sanctuary [125 pts] [7 PL]
HQ 2 : Brotherhood Champion(70), Foretelling of Locus, Additional trait (-1 PC), Prescient brethren, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Psychic power : Warp shaping, Trait : Divination [100 pts] [6 PL]
HQ 3 : Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight(160), Servant of the Throne, Nemesis Daemon greathammer, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Dreadknight teleporter, Prescient brethren, Relic : Sigil of Exigence, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Psychic power : Gate of infinity, Psychic power : Empyric Amplification, Trait : Hammer of Righteousnous [240 pts] [11 PL] - WARLORD

Troup 1 : 5 Strike Squad(110), Psycannon, Prescient brethren, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Justicar(0) [115 pts] [6 PL]
Troup 2 : 5 Strike Squad(110), Psycannon, Prescient brethren, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Justicar(0) [115 pts] [6 PL]
Troup 3 : 5 Strike Squad(110), Psycannon, Prescient brethren, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Justicar(0) [115 pts] [6 PL]

FA 1 : 10 Interceptor Squad(130 + 5*26), Prescient brethren, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Interceptor Justicar(0), Psychic power : Ethereal Castigation [260 pts] [16 PL]
FA 2 : 10 Interceptor Squad(130 + 5*26), Prescient brethren, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Interceptor Justicar(0), Psychic power : Ethereal Castigation [260 pts] [16 PL]

HS 1 : Nemesis Dreadknight(130), Nemesis greatsword, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Dreadknight teleporter, Prescient brethren, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition [195 pts] [8 PL]
HS 2 : Nemesis Dreadknight(130), Nemesis greatsword, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Dreadknight teleporter, Prescient brethren, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition [195 pts] [8 PL]
HS 3 : Nemesis Dreadknight(130), Nemesis greatsword, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Dreadknight teleporter, Prescient brethren, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition [195 pts] [8 PL]

Transport 1 : Rhino(80), Hunter-killer missile [85 pts] [4 PL]

Verratti : Imperium - Adepta Sororitas

Player: Verratti
Team: CFVE
Factions used : adepta sororitas
Army Points : 2000
power points: 97
Reinforcement points : 0
Number of Units / Killpoints : 20

Pre Game Stratagems : open the reliquaries[1 CP];saint in tbe making[1 CP]
Starting Command Points :12-1-1 = 10

Warlord & Trait : canoness: righteous rage
Army Trait : quick to anger
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners : 75(7+1):8
To the Last Units : Triumph of Saint Katherine,Zéphyrim squad, Célestian sacresants
Titan Hunter : N/A
Bring it Down : 8
Assasination : 16
Abhor the Witch : 0

== adepta sororitas ,bloody rose, Battalion = 0 CP , 97PL , 2000 Points ==

HQ1 : Canoness(50), blessed blade(10), Inferno pistol(5),blessing: rapturus blows(25) warlord Trait :righteous rage [90 pts] [4 PP]
HQ2 : Palatine(45),extra Trait(-1 PC): Fiery Example, extra relic(-1 PC): mina's wrath, blessing: word of the emperor(40) [85 pts] [5 PP]
HQ3 : Triumph of Saint Katherine (220) [220 pts] [11 PP]
TR1 : 5 battle sisters squad(55), Sister Superior(0) [55 pts] [3 PP]
TR2 : 5 battle sisters squad(55), Sister Superior(0) [55 pts] [3 PP]
TR3 : 5 battle sisters squad(55), Sister Superior(0) [55 pts] [3 PP]
TR4 : 5 battle sisters squad(55), Sister Superior(0) [55 pts] [3 PP]
TR5 : 5 battle sisters squad(55), Sister Superior(0) [55 pts] [3 PP]
EL1 : 10 Célestian sacresants(80 + 5*16), 9 anointed halberd(0),Celestian Superior(0), spear of the faithful(5),Inferno pistol(5)[170 pts] [6 PP]
EL2 : Dogmata(65), Relic : the sigil ecclesiasticus, hymns: war hymn, verse of holy piety, chorus of spiritual fortitude [65 pts] [4 PP][2 Pl] warlord
EL3 : Repentia Superior(40)[40 pts] [2 PP]
EL4 : 10 Sisters repentia (56 + 6*14) [140 pts] [6 PP]
EL5 : 10 Sisters repentia (56 + 6*14) [140 pts] [6 PP]
FA1 : 5 dominion squad(70), 4 artificier-crafted storm bolter (4*5), Dominion Superior(0) [90 pts] [5 PP]
FA2 : 5 dominion squad(70), 4 ministorum flamer (4*5), Dominion Superior(0),ministorum combi-flamer(10) [100 pts] [5 PP]
FA3 : 10 Zéphyrim squad(85 + 5*17), Zephyrim Superior(0),Zephyrim pennant(5) [175 pts] [8 PP]
HS1 : Exorcist(140),exorcist missile launcher(30) [170 pts] [8 PP]
Transport 1 : Sororitas Rhino (80) [80 pts] [4 PP]
Transport 2 : Sororitas Rhino(80) [80 pts] [4 PP]
Transport 3 : Sororitas Rhino(80) [80 pts] [4 PP]

Lorican : Imperium - Adeptus Custodes

+ PLAYER : Lorican
+ ARMY MAIN FACTION : Adeptus Custodes
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 +1 -1 -1 -1 = 8
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED : Adeptus Custodes
+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 12
+ Warlord & Trait : Trajann Valoris - [Codex] 1. Master of Martial Strategy, [Codex] 2. Champion of the Imperium
+ Pregame stratagème :
Additional Trait : Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike : Trait : Superior Creation, Vexilus Praetor in Allarus Terminator armour : Trait : Voice of the Emperor.
Additional Relic : Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator armour : Relic : Halo of the Torchbearer, Vexilus Praetor in Allarus Terminator armour : Relic : Praetorian plate.
Victor of the blood games : Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike : Trait : Peerless Warrior
+ Secondary objective
+ To the Last Units : Vertus Praetors, Vertus Praetors, Custodian Guard
+ No prisonner : 10
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ Bring it Down: : 0
+ Assasination : 13
+ Abhor the Witch : 0

== BATALION DETACHMENT - Adeptus Custodes : Emissaries Impératifs - (0 CP) [104PL, 2000pts] ==
HQ 1 : Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike(160), Tip of the Spear, Salvo launcher, Misericordia, Additional trait (-1 CP), Victor of the blood games (-1 CP), Relic : Auric Aquilas, Trait : Superior Creation, Trait : Peerless Warrior [180 pts] [9 PL]
HQ 2 : Trajann Valoris(160), Trait : Master of Martial Strategy, Trait : Champion of the Imperium [160 pts] [8 PL] - WARLORD(+1 CP)
HQ 3 : Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator armour(115), Unstoppable Destroyer, Castellan Axe, Misericordia, Additional relic (-1 CP), Relic : Halo of the Torchbearer [125 pts] [6 PL]

Troup 1 : 4 Custodian Guard(135 + 1*45), 2 Praesidium Shield, 2 Sentinel blade, 2 Misericordia [190 pts] [11 PL]
Troup 2 : 4 Custodian Guard(135 + 1*45), 4 Misericordia [180 pts] [11 PL]
Troup 3 : 4 Custodian Guard(135 + 1*45), 4 Misericordia [180 pts] [11 PL]

Elite 1 : 2 Allarus Custodians(60 + 1*60), 2 Castellan Axe, 2 Misericordia [120 pts] [6 PL]
Elite 2 : 2 Allarus Custodians(60 + 1*60), 2 Castellan Axe, 2 Misericordia [120 pts] [6 PL]
Elite 3 : 2 Allarus Custodians(60 + 1*60), 2 Castellan Axe, 2 Misericordia [120 pts] [6 PL]
Elite 4 : Vexilus Praetor in Allarus Terminator armour(115), Vexilla Magnifica, Additional relic (-1 CP), Additional trait (-1 CP), Relic : Praetorian plate, Trait : Voice of the Emperor [115 pts] [6 PL]

FA 1 : 3 Vertus Praetors(240), 3 Salvo launcher, 3 Misericordia [255 pts] [12 PL]
FA 2 : 3 Vertus Praetors(240), 3 Salvo launcher, 3 Misericordia [255 pts] [12 PL]

Scaleo8357 : T'au Empire

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TEAM : CFVE / Ligue 3
+ PLAYER : Scaleo8357
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 = 6
+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 15
+ To the Last Units : Broadside Battlesuits , Riptide Battlesuit, Riptide Battlesuit
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ Bring it Down: : 13
+ Assassination : 10
+ Abhor the Witch : 0
+ No Prisoners : 54
+ Warlord & Trait : Éthéré - [Codex] 4.Through Boldness, Victory

== Patrol DETACHMENT : T'au Empire (0 CP) [69PL, 1317pts] ==

HQ 1 : Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit(100), Shield Generator, burst cannon, Plasma rifle, Additional relic (-1 CP), Additional trait (-1 CP), Relic : Advanced Em Scrambler, Trait : Seeker of Perfection, shield drone(12), marker drone(10) [157 pts] [9 PL]
HQ 2 : Éthéré(60), Sens of Stone, Wisdom of the Guides, Relic : The Humble Stave, Trait : Through Boldness, Victory [60 pts] [3 PL] - WARLORD

TR 1 : 10 Strike Team(80), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [80 pts] [4 PL]
TR 2 : 10 Strike Team(80), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [80 pts] [4 PL]

EL 1 : Ghostkeel Battlesuit(160), Early warning override, Cyclic ion racker, Wide-Spectrum Scanners, 2x Stealth Drone(0) [180 pts] [10 PL]
EL 2 : 3 Stealth Battlesuits(75), Stealth Shas'vre(0), Fusion blaster [80 pts] [4 PL]

FA 1 : Tactical Drones, 5x MV7 Marker Drone(10) [50 pts] [2 PL]

HS 1 : Riptide Battlesuit(240), Early warning override, Counterfire defence system, Velocity tracker, 2 Smart missile system [250 pts] [13 PL]
HS 2 : Riptide Battlesuit(240), Early warning override, Counterfire defence system, Velocity tracker, Ion accelerator, 2 Smart missile system, Shielded Missile Drone(15) [275 pts] [14 PL]

DT 1 : Devilfish(95), 2 Smart missile system [105 pts] [6 PL]

== Patrol DETACHMENT : T'au Empire (-2 CP) [32PL, 627pts] ==

HQ 3 : Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit(100), Shield Generator, burst cannon, Plasma rifle, Additional relic (-1 CP), Additional trait (-1 CP), Relic : The Be'gel Hunter's Plate, Trait : Precision of the Hunter, shield drone(12), marker drone(10) [157 pts] [9 PL]

TR 3 : 10 Kroot Carnivores(60) [60 pts] [3 PL]

FA 2 : Tactical Drones, 5x MV7 Marker Drone(10) [50 pts] [2 PL]
FA 3 : Tactical Drones(0), 5x MV7 Marker Drone(10) [50 pts] [2 PL]

HS 3 : Broadside Battlesuits(75), 1st Broadside Shas'ui(75), Early warning override, 2 High-yield missile pod, Twin Smart missile system, 2nd Broadside Shas'ui(75), Early warning override, Twin Smart missile system, Broadside Shas'vre(0), Velocity tracker, Twin Smart missile system, 2x Marker Drone(10) [310 pts] [16 PL]

T1000 : Imperium - Adeptus Custodes


+ PLAYER : Taimine KRIFA Aka T1000
+ ARMY MAIN FACTION : Adeptus Custodes
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 = 9
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED : Adeptus Custodes, Emperor's Chosen
+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 13
+ To the Last Units : Vertus Praetors, Vertus Praetors, Vertus Praetors
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ Bring it Down: : 0
+ Assasination : 10
+ Abhor the Witch : 0
+ No Prisoners : (94) 10
+ STRATAGEM : 2x the emperor's heroes(-2pc) / Victor of the blood games(-1cp) / Open the vaults (-1cp)
+ Warlord & Trait : Trajann Valoris - [Codex] 1. Master of Martial Strategy, [Codex] 2. Champion of the Imperium
+ Ka'tah : Salvus, Rendax, Conservaï

== BATTALION DETACHMENT : Adeptus Custodes), Emperor's Chosen (0 CP) [96PL, 1999pts] ==

HQ 1 : Trajann Valoris(160) - WARLORD (+1PC), Trait : Master of Martial Strategy, Champion of the Imperium [160 pts] [8 PL]
HQ 2 : Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike(160), Tip of the Spear, Salvo launcher, Misericordia, Additional relic (-1 CP), Relic : Castellan's Mark, Additional trait (-1 CP), Trait : Superior Creation, Victor of the blood games (-1 CP), Trait : Radiant Mantle [180 pts] [9 PL]
HQ 3 : Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator armour(115), Unstoppable Destroyer, Castellan Axe, Misericordia, Free Relic : Praetorian plate, Additional trait (-1 CP), Trait : Impregnable Mind [125 pts] [6 PL]

Troup 1 : 3 Sagittarum Custodians(150), 3 Misericordia [159 pts] [7 PL]
Troup 2 : 3 Custodian Guard(135), Praesidium Shield, Sentinel blade, 2 Misericordia [140 pts] [7 PL]
Troup 3 : 3 Custodian Guard(135), Praesidium Shield, Sentinel blade, 2 Misericordia [140 pts] [7 PL]
Troup 4 : 5 Prosecutors(60), Superior Prosecutor(0) [60 pts] [3 PL]

Elite 1 : Allarus Custodians(60), Castellan Axe, Misericordia [60 pts] [3 PL]
Elite 2 : Allarus Custodians(60), Castellan Axe, Misericordia [60 pts] [3 PL]
Elite 3 : 3 Custodians Wardens(150), 3 Castellan Axe, 3 Misericordia [150 pts] [7 PL]

FA 1 : 3 Vertus Praetors(240), 3 Salvo launcher, 3 Misericordia [255 pts] [12 PL]
FA 2 : 3 Vertus Praetors(240), 3 Salvo launcher, 3 Misericordia [255 pts] [12 PL]
FA 3 : 3 Vertus Praetors(240), 3 Salvo launcher, 3 Misericordia [255 pts] [12 PL]

Korogoth : Tyranids


+ LEAGUE: League 3 PACA
+ JOUEUR: PALMA Sébastien
+ PLAYER: Korogoth
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 -1 = 9
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Tyranids, Léviathan - Army of Renown: Crusher Stampede
+ UNITS / KP : 13
+ PRE GAME STRATAGEMS: Progeny of the Hive(-1CP): HQ1, Alpha Leader-Beast(-1CP): HQ1, Bounty of the Hive Fleet(-1CP): HQ3

== DETACHEMENT Bataillon : Tyranids, Léviathan, Tyranids (0 PC) [110PL, 1999pts] ==

HQ1 : Hive Tyrant (155), Wings (30), Adrenal Glands (5), Monstrous Boneswords (20), Monstrous Rending Claws (0), Powers: Smite, Aggressive Surge, Synaptic Barrier, Relic: Synaptic Hive Blades, Adaptive Physiology(-1CP): Murderous Size, Trait: Rampaging Beast, Trait(-1CP): Strategic Adaptation [210 pts] [11 PL] - WARLORD
HQ2 : Swarmlord(240), Powers: Smite, Catalyst, Paroxysm [240 pts] [14 PL]
HQ3 : Neurothrope(95), Relic(-1CP) : Resonance barb, Powers: Smite, Onslaught [95 pts] [5 PL]

Troop1 : 3 Tyranid Warriors(51), 6x Scything Talons(0), Synaptic Link: Bioweapon Bond(15) [66 pts] [5 PL]
Troop2 : 3 Tyranid Warriors(51), 6x Scything Talons(0), Synaptic Link: Bioweapon Bond(15) [66 pts] [5 PL]
Troop3 : 3 Tyranid Warriors(51), 6x Scything Talons(0), Synaptic Link: Bioweapon Bond(15) [66 pts] [5 PL]
Troop4 : 3 Tyranid Warriors(51), 6x Scything Talons(0) [51 pts] [4 PL]

Elite1 : 6 Hive Guards(120 + 3*40), 6 Impaler Cannon(60) [300 pts] [14 PL]

FA1 : Dimachaeron(280) [280 pts] [14 PL]

HS1 : Exocrine(155) [155 pts] [8 PL]
HS2 : Tyrannofex(155), Acid Spray(5) [160 pts] [9 PL]

Flyer1 : Harpy(155), 2 Stranglethorn Cannon(0) [155 pts] [8 PL]
Flyer2 : Harpy(155), 2 Stranglethorn Cannon(0) [155 pts] [8 PL]

BomBaY : Aeldari - Drukhari


+ PLAYER : Romain ultra
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 -1 = 9
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED : Drukhari, Kabal of the Black Heart, Artists of the Flesh , Cult of strife
+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 20
+ To the Last Units : Grotesques, Grotesques, Drazhar
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ Bring it Down: : 8
+ Assasination : 13
+ Abhor the Witch : 0
+ No prisonners : 117 (14)
+ Warlord & Trait : Drazhar - Hatred Eternal
+ PRE GAME STRATAGEMS : Tolerated Ambition (Archon HQ1, additional trait), Tolerated Ambition (Succubus HQ4, additional trait), Prizes from the dark city (Succubus HQ4, additional relic)

== Patrol DETACHMENT: Drukhari (0 CP) [56PL, 990pts] == Kabal of the Black Heart - Obsession : Thirst for Power

HQ 1 : Archon(70), Huskblade, Additional trait (-1 CP) Randomly generated, Free Relic : The Djin blade, Splintered Genius(15) [90 pts] [5 PL]
HQ 2 : Drazhar(145), Trait : Hatred Eternal [145 pts] [8 PL] - WARLORD

Troup 1 : 5 Wracks(40), Acothyst(0) [40 pts] [3 PL]
Troup 2 : 5 Wracks(40), Acothyst(0) [40 pts] [3 PL]
Troup 3 : 5 Wracks(40), Acothyst(0) [40 pts] [3 PL]

Elite 1 : 5 Incubi(90), Klaivex(0), Demiklaives [90 pts] [4 PL]
Elite 2 : 5 Incubi(90), Klaivex(0), Demiklaives [90 pts] [4 PL]

HS 1 : Ravager(130) [130 pts] [8 PL]

Transport 1 : Raider(95), Dark lance [105 pts] [6 PL]
Transport 2 : Raider(95), Dark lance, Grisly trophies [110 pts] [6 PL]
Transport 3 : Raider(95), Dark lance, Grisly trophies [110 pts] [6 PL]

== Patrol DETACHMENT : Drukhari (0 CP) [45PL, 700pts] == Coven - Obsession - Artists of the Flesh (All-consuming)

HQ 3 : Haemonculus(70), Alchemical Maestro(20) [90 pts] [5 PL]

Troup 4 : 10 Wracks(40 + 5*8), Acothyst(0) [80 pts] [6 PL]
Troup 5 : 10 Wracks(40 + 5*8), Acothyst(0) [80 pts] [6 PL]
Troup 6 : 10 Wracks(40 + 5*8), Acothyst(0), 10x Haemoxytes(2) [100 pts] [8 PL]

Elite 3 : 5 Grotesques(105 + 2*35) [175 pts] [10 PL]
Elite 4 : 5 Grotesques(105 + 2*35) [175 pts] [10 PL]

== Patrol DETACHMENT Drukhari (0 CP) [16PL, 310pts] == Cult of Strife -The Spectacle of Murder

HQ 4 : Succubus(80), Adrenalight, Additional relic (-1 CP) The Tritych Whip, Additional trait (-1 CP) Competitive Edge (codex supplement Cult of strife, Show Stealer(15) [95 pts] [5 PL]

Troup 7 : 10 Wyches(60 + 5*12), Combat Drug : Adrenalight, Shardnet and Impaler, Hekatrix(0) [130 pts] [7 PL]

FA 1 : 5 Hellions(85), Random Combat drugs, Helliarch(0) [85 pts] [4 PL]

kostakis : Imperium - Adeptus Mechanicus


+ LEAGUE: League 3 - PACA poule B
+ PLAYER: Kostakis
+ ARMY MAIN FACTION : Adeptus Mechanicus
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1= 7
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED : Adeptus Mechanicus, Mars, Veteran Cohort
+ PRE BATTLE STRATAGEMS: Host Of The Intermediary (TR4:Ranger Alpha) (-1CP), Artefactotum (EL1:Ruststalker Princeps) (-1CP),
Mechanicus Locum (HQ2:Skitarii Marshal) (-1CP), Archeotech Specialists (HQ2:Skitarii Marshal) (-1CP) (HQ4:Tech-Priest Manipulus) (-1CP)

== Batalion DETACHMENT : Adeptus Mechanicus Mars Veteran Cohort (0 CP) Mars ==

HQ 1 : Skitarii Marshal(55), [55 pts] [3 PL] - WARLORD, Relic : Cantic Thrallnet, Trait : Calculate Without Diversion
HQ 2 : Skitarii Marshal(55), [55 pts] [3 PL] - Additional relic, Additional trait, Relic : Exemplar's Eternity, Trait : Programmed Retreat [55 pts] [3 PL]
HQ 3 : Tech-Priest Enginseer(55), Magi(30) [85 pts] [5 PL]
HQ 4 : Tech-Priest Manipulus(80), Logi(40) [120 pts] [6 PL] - Additional relic, Relic : Raiment of Technomartyr

Troup 1 : 5 Veteran Skitarii Vanguards(55), Vanguard Alpha [55 pts] [2 PL]
Troup 2 : 5 Veteran Skitarii Vanguards(55), Vanguard Alpha [55 pts] [2 PL]
Troup 3 : 19 Veteran Skitarii Rangers(55 + 14*11), Omnispex, Ranger Alpha [219 pts] [10 PL]
Troup 4 : 19 Veteran Skitarii Rangers(55 + 14*11), Omnispex, Ranger Alpha [219 pts] [10 PL] - Additional trait, Ranger Alpha, Trait : Firepoint Telemetry Cache

Elite 1 : 10 Sicarian Ruststalkers(95 + 5*19), 9 Transonic blades, Ruststalker Princeps, Transonic blades [190 pts] [8 PL] - Additional relic, Ruststalker Princeps, Relic : Temporcopia
Elite 2 : 8 Sicarian Ruststalkers(95 + 3*19), 7 Transonic blades, Ruststalker Princeps, Transonic blades [152 pts] [8 PL]
Elite 3 : 7 Sicarian Ruststalkers(95 + 2*19), 6 Transonic blades, Ruststalker Princeps, Transonic blades [133 pts] [8 PL]
Elite 4 : 6 Sicarian Infiltrators(95 + 1*19), 5 Flechette blaster, 5 Taser goad, Infiltrator Princeps, Flechette blaster, Taser goad [114 pts] [8 PL]

FA 1 : Ironstrider Ballistarii(75), Twin cognis lascannon [85 pts] [4 PL]
FA 2 : Ironstrider Ballistarii(75), Twin cognis lascannon [85 pts] [4 PL]
FA 3 : Ironstrider Ballistarii(75), Twin cognis lascannon [85 pts] [4 PL]

HS 1 : Skorpius Disintegrator(145) [145 pts] [8 PL]
HS 2 : Skorpius Disintegrator(145) [145 pts] [8 PL]

Ghorat : T'au Empire


+ PLAYER : Ghorat Michel Balsas
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 -1 -2 = 7
+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 13
+ To the Last Units : Crisis Battlesuits , Broadside Battlesuits , Broadside Battlesuits
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ Bring it Down: : 2
+ Assasination : 16
+ Abhor the Witch : 0
+ No Prisoners : 133 (15)
+ Army Trait : Sept T'au
+ Stratageme pre game : 2x Emergency Dispensation (-2pc, Commander in Enforcer Battlesuit, Éthéré) , Promising Pupil (-1pc, Commander in Enforcer Battlesuit)
+ Warlord & Trait : Commander in Crisis Battlesuit - [Codex] 6.Exemplar of the Mont'Ka

== Batalion DETACHMENT : T'au Empire, Set T'au (0 CP) [73PL, 1371pts] ==

HQ 1 : Commander in Crisis Battlesuit(90), Iridium Battlesuit, Burst cannon, Cyclic ion blaster, Plasma rifle, Missile pod, Novasurge Plasma Rifle, Sept T'au, FreeRelic : Solid-Image Projection Unit, Trait : Exemplar of the Mont'Ka [160 pts] [8 PL] - WARLORD
HQ 2 : Darkstrider(60) [60 pts] [3 PL]
HQ 3 : Longstrike(160), Seeker missile, 2 Smart missile system [175 pts] [9 PL]

Troup 1 : 10 Kroot Carnivores(60) [60 pts] [3 PL]
Troup 2 : 10 Kroot Carnivores(60) [60 pts] [3 PL]
Troup 3 : 10 Kroot Carnivores(60) [60 pts] [3 PL]

Elite 1 : 3 Crisis Battlesuits(90), Sept T'au, 1st Crisis Shas'ui(0), Early warning override, Cyclic ion blaster, Plasma rifle, T'au flamer, 2nd Crisis Shas'ui(0), Shield Generator, Cyclic ion blaster, Plasma rifle, T'au flamer, 3rd Crisis Shas'ui(30), Shield Generator, Cyclic ion blaster, Plasma rifle, T'au flamer, 4th Crisis Shas'ui(30), Shield Generator, Cyclic ion blaster, Plasma rifle, T'au flamer, Crisis Shas'vre(0), Shield Generator, Cyclic ion blaster, Plasma rifle, T'au flamer, Stimm Injectors, 6x Shield Drone(12), 4x Marker Drone(10) [392 pts] [24 PL]
Elite 2 : 2 Crisis Bodyguards(70), 1st Crisis Bodyguard Shas'ui(0), Shield Generator, Plasma rifle, T'au flamer, 4x Shield Drone(12), Crisis bodyguard Shas'vre(0), Shield Generator, Plasma rifle, T'au flamer [148 pts] [8 PL]

HS 1 : Broadside Battlesuits(75), Sept T'au, 1st Broadside Shas'ui(75), Advanced targeting system, 2 High-yield missile pod, Twin Smart missile system, Broadside Shas'vre(0), Advanced targeting system, 2 High-yield missile pod, Twin Smart missile system, Sept T'au, 3x Shield Drone(12) [256 pts] [12 PL]

== Patrol DETACHMENT : T'au Empire, Set T'au (-2 CP) [35PL, 628pts] ==

HQ 4 : Commander in Enforcer Battlesuit(110), Shield Generator, Cyclic ion blaster, Plasma rifle, T'au flamer, Thermoneutronic Projector, Additional relic (-1 CP), Additional trait (-1 CP), Sept T'au, Relic : Onager Gauntlet, Trait : Precision of the Hunter, 2x MV4 Shield Drone(12) [189 pts] [10 PL]
HQ 5 : Éthéré(60), Sens of Stone, Wisdom of the Guides, Additional relic (-1 CP), Sept T'au, Relic : The Humble Stave, Hover drone(5) [65 pts] [4 PL]

Troup 4 : 10 Kroot Carnivores(60) [60 pts] [3 PL]

HS 2 : Broadside Battlesuits(75), Sept T'au, 1st Broadside Shas'ui(75), Advanced targeting system, Twin Smart missile system, 2nd Broadside Shas'ui(75), Advanced targeting system, Twin Smart missile system, Broadside Shas'vre(0), Advanced targeting system, Twin Smart missile system, Sept T'au, Gun Drone(8), 3x Shield Drone(12) [314 pts] [18 PL]

susca06 : Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Dark Angels


+ LEAGUE: League 3 - PACA poule B
+ JOUEUR: Abagnale Francesco
+ PLAYER : "Suska" (t3:miniboys)
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 - 3 - 1 -1 -1 = 6
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED : Greenwing, Ravenwing
Warlord & Trait : Ravenwing Talonmaster (HQ4)- [Codex] Rites of War, Additional Trait (-1PC): [Ravenwing] Lightning fast reactions
+PRE BATTLE STRATAGEMS: HERO OF THE CHAPTER X1 (Ravenwing Talonmaster), RELICS OF THE CHAPTER X1 (Ravenwing Talonmaster), PARAGON OF THE CHAPTER X1 (Ravenwing Talonmaster)
== Vanguard DETACHMENT : Dark Angels, Vanguard detachement, Imperium (-3CP) ==
No Force Org Slot: 3 Company Veterans (60): 1 Astartes Chainsword, 1 Storm Shield (4), 2 astartes chainsword, Company veteran Sergeant, Astartes Chainsword, Storm Shield (4) [68pts] [8 PL]
HQ 1: Sammael [150pts] [8PL]
HQ2: Ravenwing Talonmaster [175pts] [9PL]
Elite 1 : 3 Deathwing Command Squad(70): 2 Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield (20), Deathwing Sergeant, Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield(10) [135pts] [10 PL]
Elite 2 : 3 Deathwing Command Squad(70): Lightning Claws (Pair), Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield(10), Deathwing Sergeant, Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield(10) [125pts] [10 PL]
Elite 3 : 3 Deathwing Command Squad(70): 2 Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield (20), Deathwing Sergeant, Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield(10) [135pts] [10 PL]
Elite 4 : 3 Company Veterans (60): 2 Astartes Chainsword, 2 Storm Shield (8), Company veteran Sergeant, Astartes Chainsword, Storm Shield (4) [72pts] [8 PL]

FA1: Land Speeder (60): Multi Melta (10) [70 pts] [3 PL]
FA2: Land Speeder Tornadoes (75): Assault Cannon(5) Multi Melta (10) [90 pts] [4 PL]

== Outrider DETACHMENT : Dark Angels, Ravenwing Outrider detachement, Imperium (0CP) ==
HQ 3 : Ravenwing Talonmaster(175): Warlord Trait (-1 CP) Brilliant Strategist, Free Relic: Arbritrer's Gaze [175 pts] [9 PL]
HQ 4 : Ravenwing Talonmaster(175): Additional Relic (-1CP): Havenfall Blade - WARLORD: Rites of War - Additional Warlord Trait (-1CP): Lightning-fast Reactions [175 pts] [9 PL]
FA 3 : 3 Ravenwing Attack Bike Squad(150): 3 Multi-melta(30) [180 pts] [6 PL]
FA 4: 3 Ravenwing Attack Bike Squad(150): 3 Multi-melta(30) [180 pts] [6 PL]
FA 5: 3 Ravenwing Bike Squad(90): 2 Astartes Chainsword, Sergent Ravenwing: Astartes Chainsword [90 pts] [5 PL]
FA 6: 3 Ravenwing Bike Squad(90): 2 Astartes Chainsword, Sergent Ravenwing: Astartes Chainsword [90 pts] [5 PL]
FA 7: 3 Ravenwing Bike Squad(90): 2 Astartes Chainsword, Sergent Ravenwing: Astartes Chainsword [90 pts] [5 PL]

io : Aeldari - Drukhari


+ PLAYER : Io "io__" Lionel Littardi
+ ARMY MAIN FACTION : Kabal of the Flayed Skull - Cult of the Red Grief
+ ARMY FACTION : Drukhari
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : (12 -1 -1 -2) = 8

+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 24
+ No Prisoners : 9
+ To the Last Units : Drazhar, Ravager, Ravager
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ Bring it Down: : 12
+ Assasination : 10
+ Abhor the Witch : 0
+ Warlord & Trait : Drazhar - Hatred Eternal

== Batalion DETACHMENT : Drukhari (0 CP) [96PL, 1648pts] == Chapter Tactic : Kabal of the Flayed Skull - Slay from the Skies

HQ 1 : Archon(70), Blast pistol, Huskblade, Kabal of the Flayed Skull [80 pts] [4 PL]
HQ 2 : Drazhar(145), Trait : Hatred Eternal [145 pts] [8 PL] - WARLORD

Troup 1 : 6 Kabalite Warriors(40 + 1*8), Shredder, Sybarite(0) [53 pts] [6 PL]
Troup 2 : 10 Kabalite Warriors(40 + 5*8), Splinter cannon, Sybarite(0) [90 pts] [6 PL]
Troup 3 : 5 Kabalite Warriors(40), Sybarite(0) [40 pts] [3 PL]
Troup 4 : 5 Kabalite Warriors(40), Sybarite(0) [40 pts] [3 PL]
Troup 5 : 5 Kabalite Warriors(40), Shredder, Sybarite(0) [45 pts] [3 PL]
Troup 6 : 5 Kabalite Warriors(40), Blaster, Sybarite(0) [50 pts] [3 PL]

Elite 1 : 5 Incubi(90), Klaivex(0) [90 pts] [4 PL]
Elite 2 : 5 Incubi(90), Klaivex(0) [90 pts] [4 PL]
Elite 3 : 5 Mandrakes(75), Nightfiend(0) [75 pts] [4 PL]
Elite 4 : 5 Mandrakes(75), Nightfiend(0) [75 pts] [4 PL]

HS 1 : Ravager(130) [130 pts] [8 PL]
HS 2 : Ravager(130) [130 pts] [8 PL]

Transport 1 : Raider(95), Dark lance, Splinter racks [115 pts] [6 PL]
Transport 2 : Raider(95), Dark lance, Shock prow, Grisly trophies [115 pts] [6 PL]
Transport 3 : Raider(95), Dark lance, Shock prow, Grisly trophies [115 pts] [6 PL]
Transport 4 : Venom(65), 2 Splinter cannon [85 pts] [5 PL]
Transport 5 : Venom(65), 2 Splinter cannon [85 pts] [5 PL]

== Patrol DETACHMENT : Drukhari (-2 CP) [16PL, 350pts] == Chapter Tactic : Cult of the Red Grief - The Speed of the Kill

HQ 3 : Succubus(80), Splinter pistol, Additional relic (-1 CP), Additional trait (-1 CP), Cult of the Red Grief, Relic : The Tritych Whip, Trait : Quicksilver Fighter [80 pts] [4 PL]

Troup 7 : 5 Wyches(60), Hekatrix(0), Blast pistol, Agoniser [70 pts] [3 PL]
Troup 8 : 5 Wyches(60), Hekatrix(0), Blast pistol, Agoniser [70 pts] [3 PL]

FA 1 : 3 Reavers(60), Arena Champion(0), Grav-talon [65 pts] [3 PL]
FA 2 : 3 Reavers(60), Arena Champion(0), Grav-talon [65 pts] [3 PL]


xl_ : Imperium - Adeptus Custodes


+ PLAYER : _xl_
+ ARMY MAIN FACTION : Adeptus Custodes
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 = 9
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED : Adeptus Custodes Shadowkeeper
+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 11
+ To the Last Units : Vertus Praetors, Vertus Praetors, Vertus Praetors
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ Bring it Down: : 0
+ Assasination : 10
+ Abhor the Witch : 0
+ No Prisoners : 95
+ Warlord & Trait : Trajann Valoris - [Codex] 1. Master of Martial Strategy, [Codex] 2. Champion of the Imperium

= Batalion DETACHMENT : Adeptus Custodes (0 CP) [97PL, 2000pts] == Chapter Tactic : Shadowkeepers - Wardens of the Dark Cells

HQ 1 : Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator armour(115), Unstoppable Destroyer, Castellan Axe, Misericordia, Additional relic (-1 CP), Additional trait (-1 CP), Relic : Praetorian plate, Trait : Impregnable Mind [125 pts] [6 PL]
HQ 2 : Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike(160), Tip of the Spear, Salvo launcher, Misericordia, Additional trait (-1 CP), Victor of the blood games (-1 CP), Relic : Stasis Oubliette, Trait : Superior Creation, Trait : Lockwarden [180 pts] [9 PL]
HQ 3 : Trajann Valoris(160), Seigneur de Guerre (+1PC), Trait : Master of Martial Strategy, Trait : Champion of the Imperium [160 pts] [8 PL] - WARLORD

Troup 1 : 3 Sagittarum Custodians(150) [150 pts] [7 PL]
Troup 2 : 3 Custodian Guard(135), 3 Misericordia [135 pts] [7 PL]
Troup 3 : 5 Prosecutors(60), Superior Prosecutor(0) [60 pts] [3 PL]

Elite 1 : 2 Allarus Custodians(60 + 1*60), 2 Castellan Axe, 2 Misericordia [120 pts] [6 PL]
Elite 2 : Allarus Custodians(60), Castellan Axe, Misericordia [60 pts] [3 PL]

FA 1 : 3 Vertus Praetors(240), 3 Salvo launcher, 3 Misericordia [255 pts] [12 PL]
FA 2 : 3 Vertus Praetors(240), 3 Salvo launcher, 3 Misericordia [255 pts] [12 PL]
FA 3 : 6 Vertus Praetors(240 + 3*80), 4 Salvo launcher, 6 Misericordia [500 pts] [24 PL]

Kaerbanog : Tyranids


Team: NWA de Cajou
League: League 3 - PACA
Joueur: Raphael Crouzat
Player : Kaerbanog
Factions used : Tyranids – Leviathan - Army of Renown : Crusher Stampede
Army Points : 2 000
Reinforcement points : 0
Number of Units / Killpoints : 10

Pre Game Stratagems : -3 CP : Alpha Leader Beast (-1 CP), Bounty of the Hive Fleet (-1 PC), Progeny of the Hive (-1 CP)
Starting Command Points : 9 (12-1-1-1)
Warlord & Trait : Tervigon [Swarm Leader],
Army Trait : Shielded by the Hive Mind, Hulkings Behemoths
Secondary Objectives Information
Assassination : 7
Bring it Down : 16
Titan Hunter : 0
No Prisoners : 45
To The last : Hive Guard Squad, Dimachaeron, Barbed Hierodule
Abhor The Witch : 6
== Crusher Stampede, Leviathan Batallion == Tyranids - Leviathan - [1999 pts] 0 CP ==
HQ 1 : [Warlord] Tervigon (190), Trait : Swarm Leader, Trait : Strategic Adaptation (-1 CP) – Psy : Smite, Onslaught – Synaptic Link Weaponised Gestation (15) – Relic : Adaptativ Neural Lobe [205] 12PP
HQ 2 : Hyve Tyrant with Wings(185), Adrenal glands(5), Toxin sac (5), Montrous bonesword(20), Relic : Synaptic Hive Blades (-1 CP), Psy : Smite, Catalyst, Paroxysm , Adaptative Physiologi : Murderous Size : Monstrous BoneSword (-1 CP) [215] 11PP
HQ 3 : Swarmlord(240), Psychic power : Synaptic Barrier, Agressive Surge [240 pts] 14 PP
Troup 1 : 3 Tyranid Warriors(51), Pair of Scything Talons x 6, Bioweapon Bond(15) [66 pts] 5 PP
Troup 2 : 3 Tyranid Warriors(51), Pair of Scything Talons x 6, Bioweapon Bond(15) [66 pts] 5 PP
Troup 3 : 3 Tyranid Warriors(51), 3 Scything Talons, 3 Rending claws(6), Bioweapon Bond (15) [72 pts] 5 PP
Elite 1 : 6* Hive Guard with Impaler Canon [300 pts] 14 PP
Fast Attack 1 : Dimachaeron [280 pts] 14 PP
Heavy Support 1 : Barbed Hierodule [275 pts] 14 PP
Heavy Support 2 : Mawloc [125 pts] 7 PP
Flying 1 : Harpy with stranglethorn canon [155 pts] 8 PP

Hiro : Orks


+ TEAM : NWA de Cajou
+ PLAYER : Hiro / Loïc Gaillard
+ ARMY FACTION USED : Orks -Evil Sunz – Army of Renown Speed Freaks Mob
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12-1+3-3-3=8
+ SEC INF : No Prisoners 30 ; Assassinate 7 ; To the last units FA 5 FA 6 FA 8 ; Grind them down 12 units

== Outrider Detachment : Orkq (-3CP) ==

HQ 1 : Warboss on Warbike (115), Power Klaw, Speed Mob Warlord (+3CP), Free Trait : Speed King [115 pts] [6 PL] – WARLORD
FA 1 : 2 Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy (110+1X110) [220 pts] [12 PL]
FA 2 : 3 Warbikers (75). 2 Choppa, Boss Nob (0), Choppa [75 pts] [4 PL]
FA 3 : 3 Warbikers (75). 2 Choppa, Boss Nob (0), Choppa [75 pts] [4 PL]
FA 4 : 3 Warbikers (75). 2 Choppa, Boss Nob (0), Choppa [75 pts] [4 PL]

== Outrider Detachment : Orkq (-3CP) ==

HQ 2 : Warboss on Warbike (115), Power Klaw, Aditionnal Trait (-1CP), Free relic : Da Killa Klaw, Trait : Brutal but Kunnin’ [115 pts] [6 PL]
FA 5 : 5 Deffkoptas (150+2x50) [250 pts] [16 PL]
FA 6 : 5 Deffkoptas (150+2x50), [250 pts] [16 PL]
FA 7 : Shokkjump Dragsta (85) [85 pts] [16 PL]
FA 8 : 3 Megatrakk Scrapjet (100+2x100) [300 pts] [15 PL]
Flyer 1 : Wazbom Blastajet (170), 2 Tellyport mega-blasta (20), Supa-shoota (10), Blastajet force filed (20) [220 pts] [10 PL]
Flyer 2 : Wazbom Blastajet (170), 2 Tellyport mega-blasta (20), Supa-shoota (10), Blastajet force filed (20) [220 pts] [10 PL]

kovalsky : Imperium - Grey Knights


+ TEAM : NWA de Cajou
+ PLAYER : Vanessa "Kovalsky" David
+ ARMY MAIN FACTION : Grey Knights
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 -1 = 9

+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 12
+ No Prisoners : 9 (78 Wounds)
+ To the Last Units : Interceptor Squad (10), Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight, Interceptor Squad (9)
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ Bring it Down: : 8
+ Assasination : 10
+ Abhor the Witch : 27

+ Army Trait : [Brotherhood] Prescient brethren
+ Warlord & Trait : Brotherhood Techmarine - [Prescient Brethren] Divination

== Batalion DETACHMENT : Grey Knights (0 CP) [108PL, 1999pts] == Chapter Tactic : Grey Knights - Masters of the Warp

HQ 1 : Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight(160), Servant of the Throne, Nemesis greatsword, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Dreadknight teleporter, Additional trait (-1 PC), Prescient brethren, Relic : Sigil of Exigence, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Psychic power : Gate of infinity, Psychic power : Empyric Amplification, Trait : Hammer of Righteousnous, Trait : Unyielding Anvil [245 pts] [11 PL]
HQ 2 : Kaldor Draigo(180), Psychic power : Gate of infinity, Psychic power : Sanctuary, Psychic power : Vortex of doom [180 pts] [9 PL]
HQ 3 : Brotherhood Techmarine(80), Foretelling of Locus, Additional relic (-1 PC), Additional trait (-1 PC), Prescient brethren, Relic : Aetheric Conduit, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Psychic power : Warp shaping, Trait : Divination [110 pts] [6 PL] - WARLORD

Troup 1 : 5 Strike Squad(110), 4 Nemesis force halberd, Prescient brethren, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Justicar(0), Nemesis force halberd, Psychic power : Hammerhand [110 pts] [6 PL]
Troup 2 : 5 Strike Squad(110), 4 Nemesis force halberd, Prescient brethren, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Justicar(0), Nemesis force halberd, Psychic power : Hammerhand [110 pts] [6 PL]
Troup 3 : 5 Strike Squad(110), 4 Nemesis force halberd, Prescient brethren, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Justicar(0), Nemesis force halberd, Psychic power : Hammerhand [110 pts] [6 PL]

FA 1 : 9 Interceptor Squad(130 + 4*26), 8 Nemesis force halberd, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Interceptor Justicar(0), Nemesis force halberd, Psychic power : Ethereal Castigation [234 pts] [16 PL]
FA 2 : 5 Interceptor Squad(130), 4 Nemesis force halberd, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Interceptor Justicar(0), Nemesis force halberd, Psychic power : Ethereal Castigation [130 pts] [8 PL]
FA 3 : 10 Interceptor Squad(130 + 5*26), 9 Nemesis force halberd, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition, Interceptor Justicar(0), Nemesis force halberd, Psychic power : Ethereal Castigation [260 pts] [16 PL]

HS 1 : Nemesis Dreadknight(130), Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition [170 pts] [8 PL]
HS 2 : Nemesis Dreadknight(130), Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition [170 pts] [8 PL]
HS 3 : Nemesis Dreadknight(130), Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Psychic power : Fatal Precognition [170 pts] [8 PL]


Neji06 : T'au Empire


+ PLAYER : Alexandre Schepp / Neji
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 12 -1 -1 -1 -1 -3 = 5
- Emergency Dispensation (Ethereal, commander Enforcer)
- Promising Pupil (Ethereal, commander Enforcer)

+ Number of Units / Killpoints : 13
+ No prisoners : 7 (76 wounds)
+ To the Last Units : Crisis Bodyguards , Riptide Battlesuit, Commander in Enforcer Battlesuit
+ Titan Hunter: : n/a
+ Bring it Down: : 6
+ Assasination : 10
+ Abhor the Witch : 0
+ Warlord & Trait : Commander in Crisis Battlesuit - [Bork'an] Seeker of Perfection

== Batalion DETACHMENT : T'au Empire (0 CP) [81PL, 1522pts] == Chapter Tactic : Bork'an - Superior Craftmanship

HQ 1 : Commander in Crisis Battlesuit(90), Shield Generator, Cyclic ion blaster, Cyclic ion blaster (2nd), Missile pod, Resonator Warheads, Sept Bork'An, Relic : Multi-Sensory Discouragement Array, Trait : Seeker of Perfection, MV7 Marker Drone(10) [180 pts] [10 PL] - WARLORD
HQ 2 : Éthéré(60), Sens of Stone, Wisdom of the Guides, Additional relic (-1 CP), Additional trait (-1 CP), Sept Bork'An, Relic : The Humble Stave, Trait : Exemplar of the Kauyon, MV7 Marker Drone(10), Hover drone(5) [75 pts] [5 PL]

Troup 1 : 10 Kroot Carnivores(60) [60 pts] [3 PL]
Troup 2 : 10 Strike Team(80), Sept Bork'An, Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [80 pts] [4 PL]
Troup 3 : 10 Strike Team(80), Sept Bork'An, Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [80 pts] [4 PL]

Elite 1 : Ghostkeel Battlesuit(160), Lance leurres, 2 Fusion blaster, 2x Stealth Drone(0) [185 pts] [9 PL]
Elite 2 : 2 Crisis Bodyguards(70), Sept Bork'An, 1st Crisis Bodyguard Shas'ui(0), Iridium Battlesuit, Shield Generator, Plasma rifle, Airbursting fragmentation projector, 2d Crisis Bodyguard Shas'ui(35), Shield Generator, Plasma rifle, Airbursting fragmentation projector, 3d Crisis Bodyguard Shas'ui(35), Shield Generator, Plasma rifle, Airbursting fragmentation projector, 4th Crisis Bodyguard Shas'ui(35), Shield Generator, Plasma rifle , Airbursting fragmentation projector, 6x Shield Drone(12), 4x Marker Drone(10), Crisis bodyguard Shas'vre(0), Shield Generator, Plasma rifle, Airbursting fragmentation projector [367 pts] [23 PL]

HS 1 : Hammerhead Gunship(145), 2 Smart missile system, Sept Bork'An [155 pts] [8 PL]
HS 2 : Riptide Battlesuit(240), Counterfire defence system, Velocity tracker, Target lock, Ion accelerator, 2 Smart missile system, Sept Bork'An, 2x Shielded Missile Drone(15) [290 pts] [15 PL]

== Outrider DETACHMENT : T'au Empire (-3 CP) [27PL, 477pts] == Chapter Tactic : Bork'an - Superior Craftmanship

HQ 3 : Commander in Enforcer Battlesuit(110), Shield Generator, Cyclic ion blaster, Cyclic ion blaster (2nd), T'au flamer, Thermoneutronic Projector, Additional relic (-1 CP), Additional trait (-1 CP), Sept Bork'An, Relic : Onager Gauntlet, Trait : Precision of the Hunter, MV7 Marker Drone(10) [185 pts] [10 PL]

FA 1 : 10 Pathfinder Team(90), 2 Rail rifle, Sept Bork'An, Grav-inhibitor Drone(10), Pathfinder Shas'ui(0) [110 pts] [6 PL]
FA 2 : 10 Pathfinder Team(90), 2 Rail rifle, Sept Bork'An, Grav-inhibitor Drone(10), Pathfinder Shas'ui(0) [110 pts] [6 PL]
FA 3 : 6 Vespid Stingwings(60 + 1*12), Vespid Stain Leader(0) [72 pts] [5 PL]
