Individual pairings between Adeptus Carnotensis and K.F.C

Sirdar vs Tombo

Sirdar Tombo
Result: 2 0
Score: 16 4
Goal average: 82 48
Army list of Sirdar

Chaos - Chaos Knights

Army list of Tombo

Chaos - Chaos Space Marines

Clenoshe vs arutha61

Clenoshe arutha61
Result: 0 2
Score: 5 15
Goal average: 68 95
Army list of Clenoshe


Army list of arutha61

Imperium - Adeptus Astartes

Slingua vs Kimchi

Slingua Kimchi
Result: 1 1
Score: 10 10
Goal average: 88 88
Army list of Slingua

Imperium - Imperial Knights

Army list of Kimchi

Tyranids vs Twiguy Twiguy
Result: 2 0
Score: 14 6
Goal average: 100 76
Army list of

Imperium - Astra Militarum

Army list of Twiguy

Chaos - Death Guard

Killme vs FlyNight

Killme FlyNight
Result: 2 0
Score: 12 8
Goal average: 88 77
Army list of Killme

Chaos - World Eaters

Army list of FlyNight


Ikaiah vs Ozzy

Ikaiah Ozzy
Result: 2 0
Score: 17 3
Goal average: 100 64
Army list of Ikaiah


Army list of Ozzy

Aeldari - Drukhari