Individual pairings between Lyonceau War Club and Delta 69 Reload

Batcha vs Bam

Batcha Bam
Result: 2 0
Score: 14 6
Goal average: 88 64
Army list of Batcha

Imperium - Adepta Sororitas

Army list of Bam


Aslimir vs Laf

Aslimir Laf
Result: 0 2
Score: 0 20
Goal average: 0 100
Army list of Aslimir

Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Blood Angels

Army list of Laf


exodes101 vs sk4r

exodes101 sk4r
Result: 1 1
Score: 10 10
Goal average: 88 86
Army list of exodes101

Chaos - Chaos Knights

Army list of sk4r


Sylvoster vs Vhalekiel

Sylvoster Vhalekiel
Result: 0 2
Score: 6 14
Goal average: 72 95
Army list of Sylvoster

Leagues of Votann

Army list of Vhalekiel

T'au Empire

Lydrolas vs Makouille

Lydrolas Makouille
Result: 0 2
Score: 0 20
Goal average: 43 100
Army list of Lydrolas

Imperium - Grey Knights

Army list of Makouille

Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Black Templars

Mistersmoooo vs Ass_D_As

Mistersmoooo Ass_D_As
Result: 1 1
Score: 10 10
Goal average: 84 83
Army list of Mistersmoooo

Aeldari - Craftworlds

Army list of Ass_D_As

Aeldari - Drukhari