Individual pairings between Beer & Bolt and Terminus des Prétentieux

Theplouch vs Gk_muzi

Theplouch Gk_muzi
Result: 0 2
Score: 1 19
Goal average: 47 96
Army list of Theplouch

Imperium - Adepta Sororitas

Army list of Gk_muzi

Tyranids - Genestealers Cult

DaffyDuckamaru vs Di4naO

DaffyDuckamaru Di4naO
Result: 2 0
Score: 16 4
Goal average: 81 49
Army list of DaffyDuckamaru

Chaos - Death Guard

Army list of Di4naO

Chaos - Daemons

aengil vs ajaxthehugedrunkengenius

aengil ajaxthehugedrunkengenius
Result: 2 0
Score: 20 0
Goal average: 91 36
Army list of aengil


Army list of ajaxthehugedrunkengenius

Imperium - Astra Militarum

Kane_BeerandBolt vs Bij0rn

Kane_BeerandBolt Bij0rn
Result: 0 2
Score: 8 12
Goal average: 65 80
Army list of Kane_BeerandBolt

Imperium - Adeptus Custodes

Army list of Bij0rn

Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Space Wolves

Pomier vs Thejocker34

Pomier Thejocker34
Result: 2 0
Score: 11 9
Goal average: 68 59
Army list of Pomier

Chaos - Thousand Sons

Army list of Thejocker34

Chaos - World Eaters

Dauvakyn vs TITUS6440

Dauvakyn TITUS6440
Result: 2 0
Score: 16 4
Goal average: 79 44
Army list of Dauvakyn


Army list of TITUS6440

Imperium - Grey Knights