Individual pairings between Manouchie L3 Provence and Pitous de la Garrigue L3 aller

Papy vs JogunXIII

Papy JogunXIII
Result: 0 2
Score: 2 18
Goal average: 47 90
Army list of Papy


Army list of JogunXIII


Roka vs Uzulth

Roka Uzulth
Result: 0 2
Score: 0 20
Goal average: 18 95
Army list of Roka

Chaos - Chaos Knights

Army list of Uzulth

Imperium - Adepta Sororitas

Flowolve vs Ptajino

Flowolve Ptajino
Result: 1 1
Score: 10 10
Goal average: 81 77
Army list of Flowolve

Leagues of Votann

Army list of Ptajino

Imperium - Astra Militarum

Rokugan vs Kersey

Rokugan Kersey
Result: 0 2
Score: 4 16
Goal average: 57 92
Army list of Rokugan


Army list of Kersey

Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Blood Angels

Azz vs arlekin

Azz arlekin
Result: 0 2
Score: 6 14
Goal average: 52 77
Army list of Azz

Chaos - Daemons

Army list of arlekin

Chaos - Death Guard

Megumin vs Koubik13520

Megumin Koubik13520
Result: 0 2
Score: 0 20
Goal average: 28 100
Army list of Megumin

Imperium - Grey Knights

Army list of Koubik13520

Chaos - Chaos Space Marines