Individual pairings between Legio Invicta and MSU D3 Retour V2

Dimetrodon vs yolu2006

Dimetrodon yolu2006
Result: 0 2
Score: 2 18
Goal average: 57 100
Army list of Dimetrodon

Imperium - Grey Knights

Army list of yolu2006

Imperium - Adeptus Custodes

Jivious vs Carch

Jivious Carch
Result: 2 0
Score: 16 4
Goal average: 95 60
Army list of Jivious


Army list of Carch

Imperium - Adepta Sororitas

Neokhaine vs Azio

Neokhaine Azio
Result: 0 2
Score: 8 12
Goal average: 51 65
Army list of Neokhaine

Imperium - Adepta Sororitas

Army list of Azio

Tyranids - Genestealers Cult

Pake vs legrosnain

Pake legrosnain
Result: 2 0
Score: 14 6
Goal average: 80 58
Army list of Pake


Army list of legrosnain

Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Deathwatch

Macaroni vs Sancho

Macaroni Sancho
Result: 0 2
Score: 8 12
Goal average: 68 79
Army list of Macaroni


Army list of Sancho


Para vs Hoopa

Para Hoopa
Result: 1 1
Score: 11 9
Goal average: 89 80
Army list of Para

Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Deathwatch

Army list of Hoopa

Imperium - Grey Knights

Mike_Hazelwood vs MiniVect

Mike_Hazelwood MiniVect
Result: 2 0
Score: 20 0
Goal average: 95 41
Army list of Mike_Hazelwood

Imperium - Adeptus Custodes

Army list of MiniVect

Aeldari - Drukhari

Asthenia vs Laguinche

Asthenia Laguinche
Result: 2 0
Score: 20 0
Goal average: 95 30
Army list of Asthenia

Chaos - Thousand Sons

Army list of Laguinche

Chaos - Death Guard