
You want to organize a tournament? Click here.

Name Registrations Interested Date
Durandal en guerre 2 - Warhammer 40K 2000 Points 16 / 16 24 Nov. 26, 2022
Warmistice 2022 30 / 36 35 Nov. 26, 2022
French Wargame Café Starwars Legion – n2 14 / 30 15 Nov. 26, 2022
Le petit déjeuner des ducs 38 / 40 46 Nov. 26, 2022
Namur En Force Chapitre VI 14 / 16 16 Nov. 20, 2022
Orchidoclastes Wargame Tournament #4 19 / 30 22 Nov. 19, 2022
Basses Alpes Wargame 2000 Points Format GT Nephilim 2022 10 / 12 10 Nov. 19, 2022
French Wargame Café - SDA - n2 - solo 700 points 28 / 30 36 Nov. 13, 2022
French Wargame Café AOS – n3 – solo 2000 points 26 / 32 37 Nov. 12, 2022
CSA DIABLES NOIRS 2 6 / 40 8 Oct. 30, 2022
French Wargame Café 40K – n4 – solo 2000 points 35 / 36 44 Oct. 30, 2022
The Art of Warp - 40K Solo 2000pts - 1ère Ed. 24 / 24 37 Oct. 29, 2022